Tuesday, September 08, 2009

A Rabbi speaks out about Sarah Palin's righteous ignorance concerning AP photo.

The self-appointed leader of the lowly opposition, a person whose greatest single summer feat was to walk away from the job the people of Alaska elected her to do, a twitchy woman who challenged President Obama to an arm wrestling match earlier year, has now gathered her credentials to speak on the moral complexities of war, media, responsibility, and family grief.

Sarah Palin called the Associated Press's decision to release a battlefield photo of a dying Marine over the family's objection "an evil thing to do." Lacking a podium, a network, or a job, she again relied on her Facebook page to make this sermonic declaration. Palin, who widely distributed photographs of herself hunched above a bloody moose she had just slaughtered during her 2008 vice-presidential campaign, called the photograph “a sacred image.” (The only implied comparison here has to do with the ex-gov's under-enlightened photographic sensitivity).

I do believe that Rabbi Ben Kamin does a wonderful job of summing up Palin's hypocrisy and pretend indignation.

I especially enjoyed this sentence.

"Our thoughts and prayers are with the Bernard family.” That’s funny. Wonder how many Facebook friends clicked the thumbs-up, “I like this!”

(Please read the rest of Rabbi Kamin's article by clicking the title. Hat tip to Geoffrey Dunn who sent me this link via e-mail.)


  1. Excellent post from Rabbi Kamin--he called $P on walking away from the job she was elected to perform, and using her bully Facebook pulpit to squeal, "Look at me! Look at me!1!"

  2. Anonymous5:55 AM

    Wow. That's one of the best demolition jobs I've ever seen. Midnight

  3. crystalwolf aka caligrl5:56 AM

    The christian right wants to censor...period. Yes queen quitter can flaunt a bloody pic of her and Piper with a dead moose, and she can talk about holding a dead moose eyeballs that her father picked out....
    The woman who took these pics was making kind of a photo Diary of Joshua Bernard. Unfortunately it ended tragically, but showed the horror of war, bravery and compassion of the others trying to save his life.
    The AP waited until after the funeral to show the pics and showed them to the parents. I have read one version where the father says ok and other versions about publishing the picture calling it a "immoral act" (???) and 1000 Afghan people not worth 1 Marine.
    I am clearly not able to wrap my head around the "christian" way of thinking. I don't like to see death pics of animals, humans no matter if they are Americans or Afghans or whatever race! But war is war. It is horrific,ugly & senseless IMO.
    Queen quitter proclaims "we eat therefore we hunt" (crunchwrap supreme at tacobell) so pics of dead moose are a fact of life.
    I really think the whole episode has been blown way out of line, and queen quitter is using this opportunity so people will forget Vanity Fair comes out today and how she called her son/grandson a retard and wanted to show Levi the gun in her bedroom.
    Also President Obama speech is today. She always comes out with something to try to derail his speeches. Its the vindictive immaturity that she has.

  4. Anonymous6:06 AM

    Oh_my_god. These are the funniest commentaries I've ever seen on this whole lunacy.

  5. Anonymous6:08 AM

    Sorry - I was trying to comment on the cartoons. My bad.

  6. Anonymous6:13 AM

    OT....what in the world has happened to "Audrey" over at PalinDeception? I am hoping nothing is seriously wrong.

    Gryphen? Do you know anything?

    Well, in any event, we "Truthers" carry on, with or without "Audrey"'s blog.

  7. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Additionally OT--

    Someone at Palingates has speculated that the name "Trig" comes from Trisomy 21, AKA Trisomy G, hence Tri-G. I never heard it referred to that way, so I googled, and, sure enough, Trisomy G is another way of stating Down Syndrome.

    I totally see Sarah Palin naming him after his medical condition rather than as a family name of Norse origin. Ha!!

    And, if it's true that baby #1's original name was really Tripp, how clever of her to do the play on words and the play on the Trisomy G thing. And I completely agree then, that the "Van" part in his name has nothing to do with liking Van Halen, and everything to do with an inside joke about Desperate Housewives and the fake preg Bree storyline.

    I really think Sarah thinks we are all so dumb nobody would ever know what she did (either the fake pregancy or the clever name choices).

    And back on topic, I agree with the Rabbi, in that nobody else, even if they disagreed with the AP's decision, had the temerity to spout off with such venom and such false indignation, in an effort to appear to have "Presidential" qualities.

    She is sooooooooo hypocritical!!
    She is SUCH a Sarah Palin!

  8. Sick on the couch yesterday... watching an old Apprentice episode...this from the Donald, "A quitter will never be successful! Nothing worse than a quitter!"

    Now to the subject of Ms Palin's shell game. Here is a comment on Palingates, by someone calling themself Eileen:

    Jeez, I click on a off day link and there is bonanzaa...Happy Labor Day everyone. Maybe this Babygate is finally having its birth-the labor pains are starting.
    The kitten photo almost had me not clicking...evil kitten indeed. The last thought about Trig's name being born out of a abbreviation of Tri-G or Trisomy G for the little guy's state of being is the topper. Just like Todd's license plate.
    Congrats-this is more bizarre than anything. Re-naming and trading babies back and forth to the real mommie-bear and then Triggy bear in laws family. What a mixed up family tree. When will Delivery of this story be?
    This team is incredible. Is Audrey okay?
    We will all have to have a Wasilla Get-Together once birth of the truth happens. We can do a cleansing ceremony for the town, proper baby shower, and a Will the Real Parents of Trig Please Stand Up game show.Someone post of photo of Keith. We can have a tour of Sarah's favorite haunts.
    As we say here-Only in Alaska. We do it different than Outside. Ha! Wonder if Alaska magazine would have backbone to put the final details in their mag once truth is known. That will rock the cruise ship visiting Palinistas.
    My kids are going to be taken out of school this morning...But, to guarantee they won't miss hearing Pres. Obama's Education Speech. Reverse Political Psychology in Palin Country. I guess it is "opposite day" in school today.

    08 September 2009 12:26

    Cryptic stuff...si?
    a picture of Keith? a proper baby shower? unlike the one thrown already? and only one baby shower? What is the import of her capitalization, if any? Would love other readers' thoughts on this.

  9. Anonymous6:40 AM

    I just want to know if Sarah has taught Piper, Willow and Bristol how to shoot and gut moose and caribou.

    Is this proud tradition of the Heath family being passed down? I doubt it.

    I bet the only food hunting and gathering they do is at fast food outlets.

    Sarah entire facade is fake and her facebok comments are idiotic.

    I want to see a picture of Sarah actually shooting an animal and actually gutting it... bet they don't exist.

  10. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Thanks, Gryphen, for sharing that article from Rabbi Kamin. I think most folks believe SP used FB and that story for political gain.

    SP's comments were to censure AP using shame with key words like evil and selfish to manipulate people against the media. And the media happens to be one of those seven mountains her religious group wants to take over. Out of sight, out of mind, back to the Dark Ages.

    Don't forget about that turkey slaughter during her turkey pardon photo-op. Wasn't that the first time the governor pardoned a turkey, to upstage the President? I read somewhere that some religious groups use videos of violence for the purpose of desensitizing their young spiritual warfare warriors. Maybe she was sending a message to someone to keep their mouth shut!

    The AP said they sent some folks to speak with the young man's family. But they do not ask anyone for permission to use any photo, i.e., free press.

    Thanks, again, Gryphen!

  11. crystalwolf aka caligirl,

    Most excellent post! You hit it right on the head. (too bad we can't do that to Scarah!)

    And your point about Palin trying to take away from the VF article makes a lot of sense. This way, she doesn't do her public feuding with Levi.

    It's such a sad, tragic story all the way around. The Bernard Kid had to lose his life from a useless war. The Bernard Family loses a son, brother, nephew. And Palin tries to capitalize on all the tragedy. But it will open up more people's eyes to the horrors of war. Maybe it will kick start something that has been building up for a while now. (for the better).

  12. Anonymous6:52 AM

    The e-bay auction is today. Dinner with fundraiser Palin and help the wounded soldiers. She is instructing Obama to send more support to Afghanistan. She won the health care debate, she can go on to rally the fight in Afghanistan.

    She can forget about anything Levi because her son is a soldier and she is automatically credible with the military and their families.

    It is a simple plan and she can win. Whatever the deal, the focus on Levi helps her to look sane now.

  13. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Anon 6:23, I like your explanation of that strange name. The Norwegian spelling would be Tryg as in Trygve Lie, first Secretary General of UN. They do not spell it Trigve.

    We were handed one tempting clue what an anon poster wrote that first a baby was Tripp, then he was called Trig. Urban dictionary has really loaded definitions for Tripp, one being 3 as in a guy writing his name Henry Jones III. Other definitions include a drug reference, a weird Star Trek reference, and the act of having sex while drunk.

    While Levi reported that Sarah asked to adopt a baby that Levi and Bristol were expecting, we never learned it that was a reference to the DS baby or the baby that Bristol was expecting during the convention.

    The other question is: Did Sarah & Todd legally adopt or just kind of borrow the DS baby. They would take better care of him, and he would help Sarah politically until Bristol went and really messed things up for Sarah. No wonder Gryphen reports that they fight.

    At least we know who is taking care of both little boys now. Wonder if they both call her "Mommy."

  14. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Did somebody say Auction and Dinner with Sarah?? We must get together, raise the bid and send an Alaska blogger to have dinner with Sarah. Wonder if it will be Charles Heath's moose stew or Taco Bell's wrap?

    PS If you can't go, Gryphen, how about David Letterman?

  15. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Tri-G, that is horrendous; abusive, in fact.

    I thought it was extremely distasteful for that Dumbo Halloween costume. But hearing that she refers to Trig as being retarded broke my heart. Where are the child advocates?

    If you tell a child he's "stupid," he only has to meet your expectations. I never allowed my children to use that word or any other derogatory word, period.

  16. I loved the Rabbis story and I hope you all leave him a note of support and thanks. The palinkookienuts are already there- one strange inarticulate told the rabbi he was evil and "hated good for the sake of good." why do her supporters think think she is "all that is good." I have seen them describe her that way and I don't get it!! She isn't a good and kind person by my definition!

    Let's hope this week somehow someway babygate can be brought into the light. Please please please!!!!!! That womans post at Palingates is strange?! Keith Johnston?? I just want the truth to come out and for Sarah to be exposed for the pathologic liar and manipulator she is.

    She is trying (also to) to take the media attention away from President Obama the next few days! God she is a witch! Can't stand her-she has the nerve to call others evil after some of what she has done? HYPOCRITE!!

  17. Anonymous8:00 AM

    A big thumbs-up to Rabbi Kamin for deconstructing Palin's self-righteously opportunistic FB post. Perhaps Sarah Palin only attended the classes on reporting basketball scores and reading from the teleprompter and skipped the serious journalism classes.

  18. Anonymous8:03 AM

    This is the same Palin that figured posting a video of a Alaska Native Elder receiving a fish, on her state web page, was proof that rural folks are getting some fish...

    While governor, she ignored the slow starvation of grieving rural Alaskans...

    Now she has a issue with the AP and what they did? Rightly so, the AP was wrong, but to see Palin come out against it, is so TP (tacky Palin)..

  19. Anonymous8:05 AM

    "she won the healthcare debate" --LOL. I wasn't aware she had entered a debate. Last I knew, she dropped a lie bomb from the cowardly refuge of her high school-esque "PR" facebook page, and then ran for cover when proven wrong on every count.

    Resurfacing only to lie again, from the cowardly cover of the written word on FB, because we all know she couldn't even lie convincingly about any topic.

    "Fungibles..." "I read them all..." "In what respect, Cherlie?"

    LOL. Oh, yeah, she's a real winner.

  20. Yeah, but Kamin is a rather scary guy in the first place....

    Sarah palin-Tonya Harding 2012

  21. Ummmm...the not so funny thing about war is that folks get hurt and die....

  22. Anonymous8:54 AM

    @6:52, the only thing Palin has "won" is the title of QUITTER TWITTER QUEEN. I know many in the military who cannot stand her.

  23. E-Bay Espionage?8:56 AM

    Whoever wins the e-Bay Palin dinner bid will have a secret recording and filming device in order to preserve the whole encounter for posterity?

  24. Anonymous9:02 AM

    I love that the rabbi called Palin a "twitchy woman" in this essay. Sums up everything about Sarah P. perfectly.

  25. Anonymous9:22 AM

    WHy does she have a problem with reality anyway? Gee, Bush wouldn't let the MSM show real pictures of soldier's suffering. WHY was that?

    Oh, right. Because it's harder to sell your illegal war when people see the costs.

    I work with and around the military. I walk by the memorials. I see the people coming home all ravaged.

    If you don't live near a post, you probably never see this stuff.

    Palin wants us to never see the cost, because it slows down her ability to progress us to WWIII.

    Lies, lies, and more lies from the Moose/Third Runner Up in Miss AK beauty contest.

  26. OT, but following up on comments above, if Trig's father were Keith Johnston, that would explain Mercede's "baby brother" remark on Facefook. Disgusting, I know, unless Sarah really was pregnant... In that case, I vote for Sarah seducing Levi! (The "Me and Mrs. Palin" title made me think of that one). Kidding, sort of...

  27. eeps I never thought twice about the "Dumbo" costume but now it gives me the shivers
    Yikes.. think that woman hand picked it out herself saying "Oh , this one is perfect for him! My little "dumbo""
    I bet her kids were like what about Spongebob, Winnie the Poo, A pumpkin..
    nope the witchy lady probably went running towards the Dumbo costume grinning ear to ear

  28. nswfm CA9:42 AM


    4) Sarah Palin
    Her train wreck interviews with NBC's Katie Couric were watched and re-watched millions of times on the internet, cementing the Republican vice-presidential candidate's reputation as a politician out of her depth. Palin's uncomfortable relationship with the web continues; she has threatened to sue bloggers who republish rumours about the state of her marriage.

    Thank you, Gryphen!

  29. and.. AP is a pretty big news source
    When I worked in the newsroom for an online company they were our main source (and Reuters)
    Let that woman screw over all main stream media.. one day if she desires to run for any type of office.. the only media that will shine her in a positive stance is FOX
    Great way to grow your "base" lady.. I feel it shriveling

  30. nswfm CA10:09 AM

    I saw that photo and didn't really look at it that closely, but went to the AP site to look at the slide show after reading your post.

    We see more graphic stuff on TV.

    Arnold Schwarzenegger, our current Gov, was in a film where the big topic was about the “body count” in the mid 1980s. He also was the one who wanted his very own HumVee—which led to the Hummers from GM which have turned into a non-starter for their gas-guzzling ways.

    We get the sanitized version of war in the US. When I’ve traveled in Australia (and other allied countries), the news about the crap we in the US do is a little more realistic than the cleaned up propaganda we get here.

    You should see what happens in Israel that our tax dollars are paying for e.g. settlements, etc.

  31. honestyinGov10:45 AM

    Thanks for the link to that post. If you go back there to read the comments there is a ' late ' post comment from someone you know and a regular 'journalist at the C4P'. I had to type THAT because it is so funny. He thinks $arah is a " Professional Journalist " If you comment about this revelation... it would be MUCH funnier than my remark. His whole comments posted below.Who who the Conservative Wing-Nuts read the " Lefty-Papers". I thought they stuck to FaceBook.

    Josh Painter says:
    As a Blue Star mom with her eldest son serving in a Stryker Brigade in Iraq, Sarah Palin has every right to speak out on the AP photo. And as a trained journalist, she is familiar with the Society of Professional Journalists' Code of Ethics.

    A major subsection of the Code is to 'Minimize Harm':
    Journalists are bound to: 'Show compassion for those who may be affected adversely by news coverage,' '[b]e sensitive when seeking or using interviews or photographs of those affected by tragedy or grief..."

    As far as opportunism goes, anti-war leftists are hypocritical to condemn former Gov. Palin for being opportunistic on the issue while they support the AP for publishing the photo because it believe it furthers their political agenda.

    But then, hypocrisy is a prerequisite for leftism.

    - JP
    September 8, 12:39 AM

  32. Thank you Gryphen. I think it is important for leaders of religions other than Christianity to speak out against the effcts the wingnut sects of Christianity have on our society, civil freedoms, and the media. After all this is their country too and we are suppose to have seperation of state and church. If Chrisitan leaders spoke out against the craziness they would be targeted for destruction.

  33. Anonymous11:35 AM

    I would be the last person to defend Sarah Palin. Hell, when I click on her ad, I have fun sticking the arrow right on her nose. But, the reason that Trig was in that costume was that it was Halloween, and Piper was in some kind of white princess outfit, too. I think that the elephant was supposed to be the GOP symbol. After all, Sarah made an ass of herself when someone gave her a red, white and blue donkey scarf (Democrat's symbol) and she wore it without realizing what she was wearing. If she was subconsciously saying, "My kid is a Dumbo," that more is the pity for her; he is part of her family for the rest their lives.

    For our friends in Alaska who see Bristol pushing the two babies in the stroller, please take note next time you see them: Is Trig wearing his little glasses? Isn't he supposed to have hearing aids or am I mistaken? Does it look like he is getting any kind of therapy?

    If Sarah was off writing her book for the last month in her secret undisclosed location, where was Trig? A month of neglect is worse than an elephant costume.

  34. Anonymous12:46 PM

    I'm really hoping that a lesbian will win the eBay dinner auction. Youbetcha *wink, wink*

  35. Irishgirl1:40 PM

    A black democratic lesbian!!

  36. About Josh Painter -- can anyone say "projection"? (smirk)

    Being wrong and never admitting it is a prerequisite for rightism...


    Anonymous @ 11:35 AM, you're being too kind, commenting on the Halloween costume for Tri last year.

    From what we've learned of her this past year, that's typical of Sarah Palin, to have a private joke in a very public appearance or speech -- in this case she made her poor (adopted) son the butt of her private joke.


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