Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Rachel Maddow reveals that after FOX News and the Republican party are finished trashing ACORN they have another target in mind.

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Here is the very informative study put together by Peter Dreier PH.D, who Rachel just interviewed, and his partner Christopher R. Martin PH.D. (It is in PDF form.)

Dr. Dreier's point is very important that if the progressives do not stand up for ACORN and other organizations like them, they will start losing the elections as fewer Democrats are registered for future elections.

The Republicans are very smart when it comes to smearing organizations that make it hard for them to win elections. Not all Republicans are as ignorant as Sarah Palin.


  1. Anonymous5:06 AM

    You know, I'd pretty much turned off my TV in the last four years and get my entertainment and news from alternate sources. I watched Rachel Maddow first via this blog and boy am I impressed. Finally someone with some guts. I'm married with two kids but have a girl crush on her intellect, confidence and authority. Hope she continues on although I wish she'd tackle some other issues......I'm gonna email herand ask her to do a community service report on not flying on airplanes leaking amniotic fluid. Maybe have some obs and midwives on, maybe try to speak with CBJ. lol like that would happen!!

  2. Bayan5:24 AM

    Yeah...the Repubs know how to smear. I see signs of pushback though: Rep. Grayson's brilliant move to include defense contractors in the Defund ACORN Act, Maddow's coverage, and now I just read that CREW has filed a complaint against David Vitter for soliciting prostitution -
    Thank you CREW!

  3. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Go Dr. Dreier. Go Dr. Martin. We need more smart people standing up to these rightwing media smears. Thanks for posting the link to their new study!

  4. crystalwolf aka caligrl10:41 AM

    AmSpect! We know what lyin' piece of shit writes there! Acon! Smear! Fear! Libril! they are idiots, I'm so sick of them.....
    We can thank Murdoch for a lot of it + palin, who lit the fire under these idiots during the campaign.


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