Wednesday, September 30, 2009

It looks like Sarah Palin's ghostwriter is just as "honesty impaired" as the Ex-Governor herself.

For all the attention paid to Palin's faith during the campaign, we don't remember her volunteering much on the subject. But as a co-author, she has chosen an editor with World Magazine, a Christian publication that offers a conservative take on issues and events.

Lynn Vincent has written about prayer in schools, gay marriage and, mostly, abortion for World. She is also co-author of the book “Donkey Cons: Sex, Crime and Corruption in the Democratic Party,” which the ad copy on promises will reveal:

• How corrupt Democrats in Congress outnumber corrupt Republicans by as much as three to one.

• How Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, and John F. Kennedy were elected with the help of the Mob.

• What two eyewitnesses said about JFK's obsession with hookers.

• How union operatives take from working families to deliver millions of dollars to Democrats.

• How Democrats in the 1990's covered up a conspiracy one expert called "the largest incidence of obstruction of justice in American history."

• Why Democrats ignore crime victims and take the side of rapists, robbers, and cop-killers-then stump for the right of felons to vote!

And as many of the visitors to this site are already aware, the co-author of the above book is an especially disgusting piece of excrement whose name I will not type as I do not want to get a bunch of "ick" all over my keyboard. Just the fact that this Lynn Vincent would co-author a book with this sad excuse for a human being tells us a great deal about her character, and her respect for the truth.

I certainly hope that Barnes & Noble have cleared off a shelf or two in their Fiction section for this Palin fairy tale.

But have no fear my fellow truth seekers, I know for an absolute certainty that there are a number of GOOD authors writing their own Palin books that will reveal a little thing called "facts", which will certainly refute just about EVERYTHING in her book. And there is another surprise book coming that I am not sure Sarah even knows about yet.

Sarah believes she can bury the truth forever, but she is sadly mistaken. Just ask Audrey and Bree Palin.


  1. Anonymous5:30 AM

    quite an interesting comment I never paid too close attention to before

    "[Sarah Palin] is a diva. She takes no advice from anyone. She does not have any relationships of trust with any of us, her family or anyone else."

    The not having a trusting relationship with even her own family.. Someone observed that

    Who could her family be? Can't be referring to her kids.. Todd? She doesn't even trust her own family?

    I wonder what kindof scene/s that person saw in order to conclude that. Were they always seeing her blowing people off?

    Todd trying to have a conversation with her and she walking away?

    If she can't even trust her family.. how messed up in the brain can she be. She can't even have "relationships" with people.. Trust is a basis for meaningful connections.. just a basic social skill.

    She uses people and is being used. She's gotta blow soon... the facade has to crack.

  2. I did take a moment to look up the donkey book in Amazon and wow Sales Rank: #39,639 in Books.

    Sure is popular.

    To contrast--- Max's new book "Republican Gomorrah" Sales Rank: #103 in Books

  3. Anonymous5:45 AM

    Well, I took the bait and clicked on the "book" link and now I have ick all over my screen. That pretty much says everything about Sarah's ghostwriter. Not that I was going to buy her book anyway. I wouldn't give that woman one thin dime of my money. Those who do = suckers.

  4. Anonymous5:59 AM

    When will the "surprise book" be coming out... the one we are all waiting for?

  5. We knew Sarah could only pick someone with no moral compass to write her book; anyone with any inherent sense of honor and honesty would have thrown up their hands and walked out after one day.

    And Anon at 5:30, the same quote leapt out at me! I'd heard it before, but after all these months for some reason it resonates more. Perhaps because it takes some months of close observation to appreciate how begin to realize just how sick Our Sarah is.

  6. This one will be on the sale table at you local flea market very soon.

  7. Laura6:37 AM

    Surprise book? I love surprises! Can you give us a hint about when?

  8. Anonymous6:41 AM

  9. I just checked Wikipedia. Just when you think it couldn't get any worse, Sarah's ghostwriter is pallin' around with a white supremacist coauthor. Eww.

  10. Anonymous7:30 AM

    what the hell would you know about the truth ?

  11. shes more speeches...get the book out before the indictments hit, IMHO!

  12. Anonymous7:35 AM

    I've been thinking about that quote, that Sarah couldn't trust people in her own family. Let's make a list:
    Todd: At one time he was trusted; he sat at a table in Sarah's office making threatening phone calls trying to get Wooten fired. Maybe during one of his long absences from home (fishing) he found some temporary companionship?? Just guessing.
    Bristol: I can just hear the imagined conversation: "After all that I did for you, covering up that messy business, adopting the kid, you turn around and do what again????"
    Chuck Heath: Another imagined conversation: "I tell you that we're flying back to Alaska in the middle of the night and you tell the press what?????"
    Track: An imagined conversation: "I told you that I would be aiming for a higher office, and that you were supposed to stay out of trouble. Now, you're gonna go to Iraq so I can talk about the brave soldiers."
    Willow: An imagined conversation: "I take you along on one charitable walk for disabled kids, I bought you a sweet little outfit and you chose to wear what????"
    Piper: Hasn't disappointed Sarah yet, but in order to keep her in line, she takes Piper with her everywhere she goes. Piper was the only one that Sarah could find when she needed to pray.
    Levi: He's not family, or is he? Can't trust him, his attractive intelligent sister nor his mom.

  13. phoebes-in-santa fe7:37 AM

    Well, at least Vincent called it the "Democratic" Party instead of the "Democrat" Party as most rabid right-wingers do....

  14. Anonymous7:49 AM

    You got to read this. This is an author who dumped Sarah Palin.

  15. Palin lectures not one wants to book her...NYPost

    Thanks for all your hard work...Alaska bloggers are an inspiration!

  16. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Yeah only the dems are soooo evil and corrupt. Franklin cover-up anyone?? Google it if you don' know. But I'm sure most of you do - except the trolls and lurkers.

  17. SoCalWolfGal9:23 AM

    Thanks Anonymous@7:49 am for the link to Amanda Coyne article. Now that was one smart and truthful lady. And poor Sarah, the big lecture buyers are on to you too: "big lecture buyers in the US are paralyzed with fear about booking her, basically because they think she is a blithering idiot"! Boy, I bet the Chinese feel silly that they forked out big bucks for the Word Salad Queen. Hope you spend your money wisely $P, I think your ship has a massive hole in it.

  18. Anonymous10:11 AM

    I actually love that Buttercup's book will be in print FIRST. It will all be in black and white for the rest of us to fact check.

    She ignored the cardinal rule of negotiating with a car salesman. When stuck at an impass on price between the customer and the salesman...."He who speaks first loses"

    She will be on the record and all who know the truth will come out with the FACTS.

    Bring it on Sarah! Books that are in the works will be able to correct all of your lies.

  19. Reepicheep10:30 AM

    I said "Thanks, but no thanks to 'Going Rogue.'"

  20. Dr. Who12:23 PM

    The disgusting piece of crap person that Lynn Vincent co-authored a book with hates blacks and Jews. He sat next to someone at the Washington Times who reported his ranting against these groups as well as other ethnic groups. I thought Christians were supposed to love all people? Aren't we all God's children?

    What does that say about Sarah Palin? And this jerk of a man is also the one Sarah apparently goes to when she wants a blogger or other person threatened. This disgusting human being makes up things about people that are complete lies - calling them perverts or pedophiles when there is no evidence of this. Gryphen was not the only one - there have been more. Andrew Sullivan talks about this.

    There is something telling about a man who accuses other men of being perverted or a pedophile with no evidence or history. It makes one wonder what his own deviant thoughts include.

    This is who Lynn Vincent, Sarah's ghostwriter and Sarah talk to, pall around with. Horrible people without morals who pretend they are above everyone else because of their morals. Complete frauds. And what Gryphen wrote about Lynn's books? That is just garbage and lies. I don't like garbage and lies coming from the right or the left. I would never be on this site if I thought the things about Sarah were untrue. I have seen hard factual evidence of her lies, her use and abuse of others without regard for them as human beings, her narcissism, her terrible treatment of her family.

    I'd like to know what mystery book is too. No hint??

    Please don't support her book by buying it. Just my two cents.

  21. One thing you can't accuse a Conservative of is being honest.

    Let me guess what's in her book, some boring stuff about her childhood, playing basket ball, hunting, etc. She took on the good old boys and fought corruption. She took on big oil. Everything changed when she was tapped and Democrat (her slur) political operatives began descending on AK, including Troopergate not her fault. MSM was out to destroy her and never corrected their lies, they even went after her family. Nothing is her fault. MSM gave Obama a pass on everything and made sure he got elected. Nothing is her fault. After the election the Obama administration was still out to take her down, with frivolous ethics complaints that cost her and the state millions. Nothing is her fault. Obama is doing everything wrong and bad for America, he will destroy this country only I have the answer. And she never did anything wrong, blah, blah, blah.

  22. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Dr. Who @12:23, ITA. I will not be buying her book and not only that, I will be turning it around in every bookstore I enter. It is a small form of protest, but I will be doing it across the country (I travel a lot). I have always done it with Ann Coulter books, too.

  23. How many old-growth trees will die to feed Sarah Palin's greed for $$$$$?

    It's said that the electronic version of the book will be delayed, so that the tree-death-panel hardbound book can get out to sellers before Christmas.

    Personally, I think the electronic version will be the CORRECTED version, where the fact-checkers have debunked all of Palin's fantasies and the last 100 pages of the electronic version will be a bibliography for all the debunking footnotes.

  24. Read the part about grueling interviews with hostile hosts and Glenn Beck.

    This opinion is from The Wall Street Journal. Read the part about SP contacting Glenn Beck

    OPINION: JOHN FUND ON THE TRAIL SEPTEMBER 29, 2009, 12:37 P.M. ET Sarah Palin, a Soon-to-Be Publishing Phenom

    Sarah Palin may no longer be governor of Alaska, but she's certainly destined to become a best-selling author. HarperCollins, her publisher, has announced the print-run of her memoir will be a staggering 1.5 million copies -- equal to the print-run of Senator Ted Kennedy's posthumous autobiography published this month. Publishing sources tell me that such a giant run is only ordered up when there is clear evidence from booksellers and surveys of massive interest in a book.

    The book, which will be published on November 17, was a crash project. Ms. Palin actually moved temporarily to San Diego after she resigned the governorship in July so she could be close to her collaborator, Lynn Vincent. I bumped into Ms. Vincent, a former editor at the Christian-oriented World magazine, in New York a few weeks ago, where she had parked herself in a hotel close to the offices of HarperCollins while working on the book's final edits.

    Ms. Vincent didn't reveal any details about the book, but did acknowledge it will describe Ms. Palin's frustration over her treatment by the staffers she inherited from the McCain campaign after her surprise pick as the GOP vice presidential nominee last year. Ms. Palin was booked on grueling interviews with hostile reporters while talk-show hosts such as Glenn Beck couldn't even get through to her aides. Mr. Beck tells me he was stunned when he picked up the phone one day just before the election to discover Sarah Palin was on the other end of the line. "She explained that she had been blocked from reaching her audience, so she was now 'going rogue' and booking her own interviews," Mr. Beck told me. "I was thrilled she had burst out of the cage they'd built for her and we were finally talking."

    That incident was the only time Ms. Palin declared her independence from her keepers, and it's fitting that the title of her upcoming book will be "Going Rogue: An American Life."

    Copyright 2009 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved

  25. "And as many of the visitors to this site are already aware, the co-author of the above book is an especially disgusting piece of excrement whose name I will not type as I do not want to get a bunch of "ick" all over my keyboard. Just the fact that this Lynn Vincent would co-author a book with this sad excuse for a human being tells us a great deal about her character, and her respect for the truth."

    More info and updates on that sick extremist conservative co-writer here:

    "If you’re going out shopping for a ghostwriter, how hard is it to find reputable people without extremist views and associations?

    There are thousands of people who could have done this job. Sarah Palin picked one who is an extreme anti-abortion creationist, associated with an open white supremacist.

    Bad judgment doesn’t even begin to describe this."

  26. Anonymous5:27 AM

    More on Ms. Vincent.

    Most of her books have been published by Thomas Nelson. . .which not coincidentally also published Michael Savage and. . . .drum roll, for a time (up until 2004) owned World Nut Daily.

  27. Anonymous7:34 AM

    didn't palin, herself, side with the rapist when she made victims buy their own rape kits? she is trash! and I hope she doesn't make one red cent! when is her 15 minutes of fame up?

  28. CrabbyPatty11:12 AM

    Wonder if Palin's book will include a picture of that amazing pipeline that she built? Or any pictures of their home - the one that has the same windows, other construction materials as the Wasilla Sports Center? Also, I guess that Rogue isn't gonna be one of Oprah's bookclub selections? Bwaahhh.......

    Maybe if she does start up her own cosmetic's line - Pitbull Lipstick? - she can include a free tube with every book.


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