Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Somedays I am just extra proud to be a Democrat. Today is one of those days.

When you visit the link just click the play option on the video and watch how differently the Republicans, the Democrats, and the Independents respond to what is shown.

(I would like to give a hat tip to Ben for sending me this very informative and uplifting link. Thanks Ben.)


  1. We went to Alaska about 2 months ago and I wrote 2 posts on it already and shall write more posts on Alaska in the future, but they are travel posts. But since we did stop in Wasilla, I think I’ll write about your exgov next time. I thought that most Alaskans were as Red as Georgians so I am very pleased to have found your blog. I really enjoy the posts I have read so far, they are quite humorous and right on. I’ll come back for more.

  2. Very interesting and a very inspiring video.

  3. Suchanut7:17 PM

    Awesome video, Gryph. Thanks for posting it.

  4. FEDUP!!!8:01 PM

    AWESOME VIDEO! I loved it and was very inspired by it - and proud of the granpa!

    Can't believe how the Rethugs's opinion dived!

  5. Thanks for linking that for us, appreciate it

  6. mommom9:44 PM

    one of the comments """ Homosexuallity is an an OBAMANATION in GODS eyes!!!!!! ""

    I guess the Republicans think thats how it is spelled??

  7. Gasman9:45 PM

    I am damn proud to be a bloody knuckle liberal to my core. I have come to the realization that if you scan the breadth of American history, you would be hard pressed to find any big issue in our past in which conservatives were on the right side of history. I did not say "Republican," but rather conservative, for that title has shifted parties throughout our history. Conservatives have consistently been wrong on all the major issues of our past. Why should we expect them to be anything but wrong on the big issues that confront us today?

    One statistic that I found heartening: the Republican respondents who found the video "Disturbing" was 24%, while those who responded with "Happiness," registered at 20%. Statistically, that is pretty close, especially for those who self identify as Republicans. There is hope.

  8. Anonymous11:17 PM

    Can someone please explain to me why the conservatives think gays will destroy American marriages and families. I don't get the connection and I'm not about to explore their websites as an exploding head would be too much mess to clean up.
    My gay neighbors are the best neighbors anyone could ask for. They are friendly and considerate. They don't throw noisy, wild parties. I detect no drug or alchohol abuse. They bring me homemade cookies and helped shovel my driveway last winter. They have absolutely no impact on my marriage and are my kids favorite neighbors. (it's the cookies) I think they make wonderful role models for my kids because they are active in community service and charity fundraisers. So how are they ruining my kids or marriage? We feel they enhance our lives by their wonderful personalities and character. I'm totally perplexed.

  9. I loved this video...thanks for posting it. As parents we have a vision of how we want out kids to grow up, and if any of my sons were gay, this is what I would want for them.

    OT...did you see this posted on vanityfair.com??? Bombshell! I think Levi is talking about the Tripp pregnancy, but I am sure he is talking about Trig:

    "Sarah told me she had a great idea: we would keep it a secret—nobody would know that Bristol was pregnant. She told me that once Bristol had the baby she and Todd would adopt him. That way, she said, Bristol and I didn’t have to worry about anything. Sarah kept mentioning this plan. She was nagging—she wouldn’t give up. She would say, “So, are you gonna let me adopt him?” We both kept telling her we were definitely not going to let her adopt the baby. I think Sarah wanted to make Bristol look good, and she didn’t want people to know that her 17-year-old daughter was going to have a kid."

    This is pretty damaging stuff!

  10. After my mother died, one of her neighbors came to see me. He had been a proud, NY City cop, tough, but fair. His wife had died and he lived alone visiting his 3 sons when he could.He met me on the sidewalk and would not come in for coffee.
    He told me about them and told me the youngest had twin boys and lived in the DC area.
    He then said Ed and his partner... and stopped and looked at my reaction.
    I said how old are the boys and Joe and I had friends in the DC area raising a son also.
    He had tears in his eyes and said, most people change the conversation after I say that. They are my only grandchildren and I love them so much. If Ed hadn't of met John, I would have had NO grandchilren at all.
    This man took me to father daughter dances after my dad died. He did a lot for my family.
    I could not believe that an 80 year old man had to be so secretive about his beloved grandchildren.
    We ended up having coffee and looking at old pictures of his children and me growing up.
    The next day he showed me pictures of his son, John and the twins.
    What a terrible world we live in, where love and happiness are not acceptable because some people think that it is wrong.
    The video is wonderful and I give so much credit to the family involved.
    I too am proud to be a liberal Democrat and the older I get, the more accepting I am.
    Who am I to judge?

  11. Anonymous5:43 AM

    Thanks for sharing that video, Gryphen. All children need loving parents.

    OT --- I saw comments about Beck and Hannity attacking Van Jones, the Special Adviser for Green Jobs to President Obama, on Tuesday. Van Jones was the co-founder of Color of Change, but he has not been involved with that organization for four years. Beck talked about googling the guy's name; guess Faux did just that.

  12. johnie2xs7:05 AM

    The Rethuglicans remind me of the inherent selfishness of a two year old, who thinks when their eyes are shut the world stops and waits for them to awaken.

    Two year olds have an excuse, Rethugs do not.


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