Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Students that were not allowed to listen to Barack Obama's speech yesterday are being bussed in to hear George W. Bush speak.

The Arlington Independent School District, which passed on airing President Barack Obama's live classroom address, has announced that some students will be bussed off campus to hear a message from former President George W. Bush on Sept. 21.

Dwight McKissic Sr., the senior pastor of Arlington's Cornerstone Baptist Church, said he's concerned about the district's decision to not broadcast Obama's message while transporting students to hear a message from Bush.

"I do not understand the duplicity in this situation," McKissic said in a news release from the church. "I believe the students and the public deserve and need to have these differences explained."

Just when I think I have seen hypocrisy at its worst, I discover that it seeks a whole new low.

So the children of this school district are forbidden to see a smart, courageous current President speak, but are encouraged and enabled to witness the sophomoric speech given by one of the worst President's, if not THE worst President, of the twenty first century?

Racism and ignorance are robbing the children of Arlington Independent School District of their rights to a good education.


  1. Anonymous6:49 AM


  2. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Virginia is a very racist state. I worked there this summer. I saw it first hand.

  3. ginny7:15 AM

    Wouldn't it be great if Laura snuck in a "As President Obama said in his address to students yesterday..."? If she did, I'd gain an enormous amount of respect for her.

  4. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Arlington, Texas

  5. Anonymous7:20 AM

    oh, no, anon 6:56, this is not Arlington VA. This is Arlington, Texas. MY HOME TOWN. *weeps bitter tears*

    Pat in Texas

  6. majii7:22 AM

    Thanks to Pastor McKissic for having the courage to ask for an explanation from these hypocrites. I hope his press release is noticed by the MSM.

  7. I'm always frustrated by people who say things like that. "I do not understand the duplicity." The people doing this don't understand the word duplicity. What people need to be saying is "Why is the school district run by lying hypocrites?" No point in beating around the bush.

  8. Arlington Independent School District is in TX

  9. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Arlington TX, not VA.

  10. Anonymous7:42 AM

    I think that the difference is that parental permission was required for the Bush deal and parents complained about the Obama speech, therefore they can easily claim that they were only following the direction of the parents.

    It was nice to see that the school did offer an excused absence to those with parental notes stating that the children would be out of school to watch the speech being offered at other places.

    This whole situation is not surprising in the least. I have have had numerous discussions with people who felt that this speech by Obama was done by force (as in he did not give the schools a choice) while previous presidents did offer the teachers a choice whether or not to air their speeches. When that is proven to be a lie, they turn their complaints to the fact that we didn't know what Obama's speech was going to be about. When that is shown to be a lie, and it was shown that there was no "pre-approval" of past presidential speeches to school children (and Presidents have been speaking to school children since March 10, 1955 when Dwight D. Eisenhower spoke to Students Attending the International School of Nuclear Science and Engineering, at the Argonne National Laboratory..which is far back as I can find definitive proof of a speech) and that President Obama's speech was being made available for 'preview' the day before the planned speech.

    So when those lies fall, the next complaint falls into the category of "well he was trying to indoctrinate the kids with his lesson plan that was being forced onto the teachers and the students". That again was proven to be a lie, since it was a suggested study/lesson plan that would encourage the children to think about their education, their future, and their own responsibility for their education, as well as making them use critical thinking skills, none of which are bad things. Then we turn to the statements that President Obama changed everything based on complaints and he would have been much worse if he had not been forced to change things because of the complaints.

    My point? These people will complain about anything and everything that has to do with President Obama. They will use whatever excuse they can to disparage and denounce his idea's and ideals because they just plain don't like him, his politics and his winning the office of president.

    You cannot change the minds of people who are unwilling to be reasonable or thoughtful, or even listen to something different than what they have set in stone in their brains. They will simply stick their fingers in their ears and scream...LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA until you stop speaking to them altogether or give up on trying to have a rational discussion with them.

    The school districts I am sure were under a great deal of pressure from parents who are just like I described above and it is not surprising that many of them caved. While I wish that they had simply given kids the choice of "opting out" and going to the library or something and still went ahead and showed the Presidents Speech, but it is easier to cave in than stand your ground on principle sometimes.

    I say let these people scream and protest this event. Let them be as loud as can be. Ignore it for now. They cannot sustain this pitch for the next 3 & 1/2 years and there are going to be bigger battles we need to worry about, where our voices are going to need to be louder than theirs. Besides, they are simply proving themselves to be lunatics and there is nothing wrong with letting the whole world see exactly who this "lunatic fringe" really is, because they will be less likely to get traction on any issue once the more rational folks see that this lunacy is going to happen no matter what the issue.


  11. Bayan7:42 AM

    Let's hope Bush hasn't been drinking on that day...a band should play a concert outside the venue and play anti-war songs to protest Bush's illegal, immoral war in Iraq.

  12. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Arlington, TX.
    Suburb of Dallas. Six Flags Over Texas amusement park. New Dallas Cowboys stadium.


  13. YeeHaw! Welcome to Texas!

    Gov. Perry, with his secessionist beliefs, was mentioned in the latest article written by the Southern Poverty Law Center. (The paper version has his picture and is easier to read,) but here is the link to the online story:

    The SPLC researches hate groups, educates and publishes about them, and represents victims in lawsuits against them.

  14. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Thanks for the correction re: Texas, not VA. Sorry about that--not enough caffeine.

    I'll rephrase:
    Texas is a very racist state.We have the proof in this very action re: Bush's speech versus Obama's.

    Virginia is also a racist state. I saw it firsthand this summer.

  15. Anonymous8:42 AM

    My home state is OK, spent 25 years in TX. Most friends & family still live in those two states. I'm appalled at the bigotry and hate expressed by those people. I agree w/ EyeOnYou at 7:42 a.m. - the world is going to come to the conclusion that they're all lunatic fringe. Sharo in FL

  16. Laura9:10 AM

    This is very sad. It makes me worried for our country.

    OT, but is anyone else getting the ad for 'Established Men Sugar Daddy Dating'? This is very weird and icky.

  17. Anonymous9:12 AM

    We need to come together and viciously fight these forces of evil, not snipe at each other over which state is "racist." Talk about sophomoric...

    These zealots are very, very dangerous. I just started reading GodsOwnParty blog, formerly Theopalinism. It makes my blood run cold, to use an outworn phrase.

    We cannot afford to be anything other than united in the cause, and inclusive of everyone.


    From Virginia: Where things are happening on the Palin takedown front you couldn't even imagine...

  18. Anonymous9:15 AM

    The words Obama speaks have to pass by the tonsils and we know the tonsils are storage units for bad stuff. I don't want my kids getting diseased from his speech. And he's a black.

  19. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Texas...enough said.

  20. I notice the use of the word "snuck" above.
    It's the sort of thing Palin would say. The proper past tense is sneaked.

    sneak (verb) Its origins are shrouded in mystery ... From the beginning, and still in standard British English, the past tense and past participle forms are sneaked. Just as mysteriously, in a little more than a century, a new past tense form, snuck, has crept and then rushed out of dialectal use in America, first into the areas of use that lexicographers label jocular or uneducated, and more recently, has reached the point where it is a virtual rival of sneaked in many parts of the English-speaking world. But not in Britain, where it is unmistakably taken to be a jocular or non-standard form.

  21. I was reading a facinating blog about a woman that left a quiver lifestyle.. think duggars and their 70 kids

    but she was writing about how she felt when Bill Clinton was pres...and how she was brainwashed into thinking these things because of her church
    Sounds alot like the mind set of Obama haters..
    doesn't it?

    here it is
    I still didn’t know what the bible said about birth control ~ but I got sort of a hint (I thought) when, shortly after Chassé was born, Bill Clinton was elected president of the United States. We were facing four years of our nation being ruled over by a godless liberal womanizer and his “Jezebel” wife who had a wicked plan to create a national health care system which would make ours a socialist country ~ and on top of that, “Bubba” was most likely the Anti-Christ.

    Even if he wasn’t the Anti-Christ ~ just the fact that such a man was in the Oval Office was proof positive that America was obviously under the judgment of an Almighty God whose patience and longsuffering with the unrepentant baby killers and sodomites who were overrunning our nation was quickly running out. Surely ~ we were living in the End Times. Jesus had issued a warning, saying ~ “Woe to those who are with child and to those who give suck in those days!” and Paul recommended that anyone living in the Last Days should avoid having babies. (I don’t remember chapter and verse for that one ~ and I’m too lazy right now to find a bible and look it up ~ so just trust me, he really did say that. LOL)

    Now I wasn’t at all convinced about the “Last Days” paranoia ~ but I will admit that Bill and Hillary in the White House had me pretty concerned. We’d been listening to so much right-wing talk radio ~ plus we were hearing it from the pulpit and among the homeschool community. There really was no telling what sort of wild ride our country was in for with “Billary” taking up the reins of government.

    I wouldn’t have admitted it, but in the back of my head there was a nagging fear ~ feelings of insecurity and vulnerability ~ if persecution broke out against the Christians, how could Warren and I protect our children? If it really came down to some sort of End-Times “all hell breaking loose” scenario ~ Warren couldn’t exactly defend us ~ and I certainly wouldn’t be much help either. It’d be hard enough trying to make some kind of escape with the three children we already had ~ the more children, the slimer our chances of survival.

  22. I came up with a way to reassure myself and keep from crying too much about this ignorant attitude toward President Obama ... in 8 years when we elect our first Hispanic President (maybe a woman too!) and he/she addresses the ninos in espanol .... see the fur fly!

  23. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Will they bus the students when Bush & Cheney face justice for their crimes against humanity?

  24. We really do need to move the fence at the southern border of Texas to the northern border.

  25. Here is a photo featuring Glenn-"Lying-sack-of-dog-sh**"-Beck that will probably resemble the gathering to hear Bush speak:

  26. Anonymous10:58 AM

    I guess that would mean that school district has principles different than the visions of the founding fathers of our government. This nation was founded on liberal principles, within the Bill of Rights and the US Constitution. The United States is the first nation built upon such principles to protect each breathing human being against aristocracy which has once again become empowered.

    President Obama was placed in that office by the people to undue the damage done to individuals caused by the previous administration. I reserve my right to hold to my principles as he sweeps it out. God is in control and God does not live in the dark. If parents want to keep their kids home from school to teach themselves, they have that right. But not to infringe upon others. That is why separation of church and state is very important. Without choice, there can be no free will. Does that district receive federal monies? Does the US Dept. of Education secretary report to the President? Top boss? So, censorship of the President in America, in the home of the free? Would that also be teaching children to disrespect an adult or authority figure as well as intolerance towards another human being? Tylenol...

  27. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Bones AK @10:35 AM

    Only after We move the Western border of Canada to the Bering Sea....


  28. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Gee, I guess Arlington's parents want racism to be taught in schools, not just at home. I read the article. Someone at CNN should reference it. Why can't they just admit the real reason?

    Yes, Johnny. It is okay to respect a white former president, who should be in jail for war crimes and killed thousands of our kids to make himself and his buddys rich, but God forbid if you listen to that black fella telling you to stay in school. He can't do that, not to my child.

    Who is more harmful to our children? Don't we still have our sons and daughters (recent students) over in his illegal war?

    When we even questioned Iraq, we were unpatriotic, but they are questioning a positive education speech from the leader of our country. (Whether they like it or not)

    Politics? Don't we force our kids to learn politics in school. Gee, I remember having to memorize president's speaches.
    Who's unpatriotic now? And they can't even tell us the real reason why.

    Where were they when we needed them to question the former president's motives? What is wrong with those people? No wonder they don't value education. They obviously aren't educated.

  29. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Sheesh, I hope GEEDUBYA brings in his troops - Laura and Barney Bush precisely, to throw a little
    water on the situation.

    United we Stand America. Wishful thinking or could this backfire on Winky? stay tuned.

    Alaskan Sisu

  30. "if not THE worst President, of the twentieth century..."

    I hate to pick nits, Gryph, but W wasn't a 20th Century president. He was inaugurated 20 days into the 21st Century. He certainly qualifies as the worst president of the 21st Century, but I rate him as the worst American president of ANY century.

  31. Bayan--great picture. I think it was taken on the steps of the Capitol building in Austin, Texas, right before the secessionist party held their recent rally. (snark)

  32. When you are right, you are right Phil.

    I corrected it, thanks.

  33. Anon at 9:12 said:

    "From Virginia: Where things are happening on the Palin takedown front you couldn't even imagine..."

    Oh do tell! Believe me when I say that your next door neighbor is closely watching the race between McDonnell and Deeds. I considered heading down there just to help the Deeds campaign. Oh and I was so delighted, tickled even, to hear Deeds go after McDonnell on that thesis paper...hahahahaha!

    Susan in MD

  34. Anonymous11:57 AM

    They put Bush together with the Dallas Cowboys.

    Dubya is gonna tell those kids to work hard, and that even if they can't all be star NFL players, they should at least try.

    How much you wanna bet there are US Armed Forces recruiters and various military subcontractors invited to hand out literature or even do workshops?

  35. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Look at the demographics on the District.

    Anglo 33%
    Hispanic 36%
    African American 24%
    Asian 7%

    Parental permission slips are required. I bet the kids have to pay to go see him and the "entourage".

    I hope someone checks whether the demographics for the kids who get on the bus will reflect the whole district or not?

  36. "I still didn’t know what the bible said about birth control.."

    First, the Bible never mentions birth control. It wasn't even invented until the 1950's or 60's.

    Second, when the Bible was written, the world wasn't very populated. People needed children to survive. They also needed children for the species of human beings to survive. So I wouldn't go by the Bible in that respect. And now, we have an over-populated world. There are too many people who are bleeding the earths resources.
    Don't misunderstand me. If you want children, go for it. Just make sure you'll be able to provide them with unconditional love and basic survival needs. And sometimes, that's not even enough.

  37. Well everyone give a nod of respect to the pastor of the Baptist Church that brought this to light and spoke out about it publicly!

    It is because of people like this that I know this hateful venom will not conquer America. Hate, racism and prejudice appear powerful, but in the end they wither when exposed to the light, and a generation raised with lies will turn on those parents one day. In fact, I will go so far as to say that I think these lunatic haters are sowing the seeds of the next 60s style counter-culture revolution, when their children get a chance to see the wider world and rebel against these insane attempts to indoctrinate them.

  38. Anonymous3:03 PM

    This just makes me sick...
    This country will never come together..
    All boils down to a Black President..
    These hippocrits all deserve one another..

  39. mary and others.. i hope you know i was quoting from that blog! not my words!

    it was interesting how she being stuck in some pervy religion was being fed that bill clinton was the anti christ... socialism.. all the stuff we are hearing about pres. obama

  40. Anonymous4:36 PM

    OK, guys, Texas-bashing is fun but it's really not the point, anymore than Wasilla-bashing is. There are good folks everywhere, and our job is to make sure they have a voice.
    Pat in Texas (where else?)

  41. the blog post anne was referencing. I read it, and its a great read. This is a woman who was a homeschooling Psalm 31 wife and mother who practised "a quiverfull". She left her beliefs behind after finally realizing it was abusive and isolating...especially for her children. She is funny too...and so open and honest. She feels terribly betrayed by her evangelical faith.

  42. yukonark10:24 PM

    When the Baptists call you on separation of church and state and double standards, you are in BIG trouble!

  43. Anonymous4:23 PM

    I haven't seen this posted elsewhere, but the Arlington, TX ISD Superintendant has cancelled the trip of the fifth graders to the Super Bowl information session, which features George and Laura Bush among other members of the committee.
    Here's the information:


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