Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Washington Wire has excerpts from the speech.

Here are a few tidbits. Ask yourself if ANY of this sounds like the REAL Sarah Palin.

You can call me a common-sense conservative. My approach to the issues facing my country and the world, issues that we’ll discuss today, are rooted in this common-sense conservatism… Common sense conservatism deals with the reality of the world as it is. Complicated and beautiful, tragic and hopeful, we believe in the rights and the responsibilities and the inherent dignity of the individual.

The use of the term "common sense" is an obvious indication that Palin did NOT write this. Sarah has never exhibited any common sense as far as I can tell.

Now even Milton Friedman, he recognized that the free market is truly free when there is a level playing field for all participants, and good financial regulations aim to provide the transparency that we need to ensure the level playing field does exist, but we need not, we need to make sure that this regulatory reform that we’re talking about is aimed at the problems on Wall Street and won’t attack Main Street.

I would bet my house that if asked for ONE quote from Milton Friedman that Palin would simply stand there working her mouth as she desperately attempted to decide if he was the guy who invented the board games Battlefield and Candyland or not.

But if you want to read the funniest take the Palin's speech you need to head on over to Wonkette, who knocks this one out of the ballpark. Here is just one example of the comic goodness:

“And we have a special place in our hearts in Alaska for the Pacific Rim… Personally, I’ve always been really interested in the ideas, too, about the land bridge. Ideas that maybe so long ago, had allowed Alaska to be physically connected to this part of our world so many years ago.” Indeed, the land bridge from Alaska to Hong Kong. This is a geological thing she thinks about constantly. Why did Jesus destroy this friendly friendship bridge with the Oriental bankers?

Very funny! You can click the Wonkette link to read more. (And to read ALL of the Washington Wire excerpts just click the title of this post.)

Update: I managed to find a little piece of video on YouTube. The speech really cannot be truly judged until you hear Sarah deliver it. Enjoy!


  1. Just for fun, I researched when Alaska was connected to Asia.

    I'm sorry to tell Sarah Palin that this happened more then 13,000 years ago.
    Does not her religion believe in the young earth theory, that the earth is only 6-10,000 years old? OOPS!
    This is a women who said she believed that humans lived when dinosaurs did. I wonder what she will say to her religious friends about this.
    If this speech was so well written and given, then why didn't she want the media to be there? If it were Presidential running material, then why not have the press there?

  2. Anonymous11:29 AM

    She believes in a level playing field? Pfft. Try telling that to the people who bid on her stupid auction. Sarah is actually becoming a parody of herself. Is that even possible?

  3. nswfm CA11:38 AM

    You can call me a common-sense conservative.

    Nope, I'm going to call you a stinking pile of manure. That will hopefully self-combust soon.

  4. Palin wouldn't know Common Sense if it stood up and bitch slapped her!

    "You can call me a common-sense conservative. My approach to the issues facing my country and the world, issues that we’ll discuss today, are rooted in this common-sense conservatism… Common sense conservatism deals with the reality of the world as it is. Complicated and beautiful, tragic and hopeful, we believe in the rights and the responsibilities and the inherent dignity of the individual."

    Where is 'common sense' in Abstinence only for teens, global warming that she denies exists, quitting every job you've ever held, blaming the government under Obama for the current economic situation, de-regulation which allowed the big Corporations to self police (that one is really funny), bringing loaded weapons to Town Hall meetings where you are supposed to be discussing reform, the list is never ending. Palin makes me cringe, I just want to take her and shake some sense into her, although we know it won't do any good. I am not a violent person, never have been, never will be. But I'd love to open up a can of whoop ass on her.
    Who the hell does she think she is?
    There was another article on another blog that said after the speech given by Palin, there were a few questions asked. They said the answers to the questions were what was missing from the speech. Something like........knowing what the eff her own speech was about. Apparently, a few people walked out during it.

  5. Gryphon, you're an idiot if you don't think Sarah Palin knows those board games were invented by Milton Bradley. You know, Milton Bradley who plays for the Chicago Cubs...

  6. Anonymous12:21 PM

    OMG, look at the picture of Sarah. Can you say "trout pout."

    Yes, she has the dreaded Meg Ryan, Melanie Griffith trout pout, which is caused by too much injectable fillers in the lips. Her face is also all puffed, which means she has had perlane, restylane or other injectable filler to fill out the hollows on her face. This is especially necessary for a skinny (remember she has tight abs) middle-aged woman such as Sarah. Remember the old saying that at a certain age you have to choose between you face and your ass. Well, that was before injectable fillers. I know, I live in Los Angeles.

    Looks like she has had laser work on her face as well, and possibly a neck left for her turkey neck, although I would need to see more pictures to decide about the neck lift.

    But she has definitely had major injectable fillers. And, of course, those eye creases have been shot up with Botox.

    Wonder how the Wonder Woman has time to take care of her infant special needs child, what, in between plastic surgery appointments, as well as the need to memorize the speech the speechwriters wrote for her. Oh, I forgot, that's what Bristol is for.

  7. Anonymous1:00 PM

    In this bizarre game--and yes, a hoax that will be foisted upon the ignorance of some and the smugness of others--it matters not one whit whether this speech or any others "sound like Palin" or not. Palin is bought and paid for. Whomever are the puppet masters, they have a dummy that will be groomed like any other animal--dog, horse,--that competes in any show circuit for the prize. Make no mistake, this dummy is headed for the White House. Do not dismiss this as ludicrous and think that could never happen. It is already in the works.

    If there is any damaging evidence that is verifiable that compromises this dullard Palin, it needs to come to the surface as soon as possible. The window of opportunity will not remain open very long and when it closes, Palin wins and will never need to look back. Her "sponsors" and puppet masters will win what they want. Power. Obama will be a single term president and the dreams will die as the new president of the United/Divided States is sworn in and takes the oath of office in 2012.

    President Sarah Louise Palin.

    Laugh all you want to now, but do not do nothing to stop this from becoming a reality. The reality will be a shared nightmare--and it could very well have been prevented.


  8. Anonymous1:05 PM

    to all you Palin haters this goes beyond her being an idiot, again. Scheunemann is a hack lobbyist who is a pimp for dark forces in the USA. same dark forces that got us into Iraq

    Do Your Job: Stop Ignoring Scheunemann's Past

  9. Gasman1:16 PM

    We're to believe that not only does Sarah Palin know who Milton Friedman is, but that she has acutally read anything that he has written, AND understands it?

  10. When $P claims that Alaska is the "air capital" of the world, it seems increasingly doubtful if she's ever been stuck at O'Hare/Chicago or hiked through Hartsdale/Atlanta. Not to mention Miami or LAX or Kennedy/NYC.

    Picking nits, though, compared with the fact that Randy Scheuneman is advising $P: Bree Palin has posted some links to Randy's hair-raising antics in the past.

    And I'll ring in: Botox and/or Restylane at the very least! And $P's wattles have been tightened.

  11. Anonymous1:38 PM

    The quote from the speech that you posted sure seems to me as classic Palin wordsmithing. And, the ridiculous punctuation used sure looks like her brilliant literary genius at work once again, also, too.

  12. Did the word salad come with eggroll?

  13. ManxMamma1:48 PM

    I'd say that the cadence of the speech is pure Palin -- a mark of a professional speech writer. But what might be consider the 'bones' of the speech are subjects way beyond her grasp.

  14. Anonymous2:15 PM

    (1)I would like to see the speech as written/loaded into the teleprompter compared to what Palin actually said. If she went off on her own, ignoring what was on the teleprompter, that tells me she hasn't been completely reprogrammed. If she read verbatim from the teleprompter, then the speechwriter is a genius, in that s/he captured the style of candidate Palin's wordsalad, but grammar-itized it sufficiently to make it seem that Palin has studied up, improved and will only get better. Too 'brainy' a speech from her at this point would have backfired. (2) If she is on drugs, specifically bipolar drugs, and was started on them only after quitting her day job, this could be an early test of the dosage, her willingness to stick to a med. regime, etc. The people at the conference wouldn't be looking for the changes in cadence, rapidity of speech, hand gestures, eye contact, bouncing around the mike, that we are used to and would have noticed. If she really is bipolar, and her mania is really controlled, someone may have to force the pills down her cosmetically altered throat, because manics tend to really love their high energy selves and miss them to the point of going off meds. Not that I'd ever go off mine, but we do tend to recognize our own.

  15. The guy who was the second (last) one interviewed on that short video seemed to be saying one thing, and the expression on his face saying something totally opposite: "...she had a very positive message for people about America's ability to heal itself, but by using an alternative path which is the path created by Ronald Reagan, and for some people that is an attractive option..."

    His facial expression and eye-wondering inability to focus on the interviewer seemed to be saying, "...not for us investors! Follow Reagonomics at your peril!!"

    Of course, I could be just projecting... :D

  16. Anonymous3:00 PM

    I agree with you Mrs. TBB, but you have only named the busiest terminals in the United States. For world wide air capitols, London Heathrow handles the largest volume of international travellers. Tokyo's Narita is huge and equally busy. Once at Charles DeGaulle Airport, in Paris, we missed our stop on the airport bus, and it took more than a half an hour to cirlce the airport in order for us to get off at the right terminal. And, Sarah had just arrived at one huge SE Asian air terminal in Hong Kong and still had the nerve to think of Alaska as the connection point of the world, give me a break!

  17. SoCalWolfGal3:04 PM

    Of course none of this sounds like Sarah Palin. Okay, okay, so Murdoch can buy her the best speech writers on earth, but at some point, she has got to get in front of real journalists asking real questions. And I don't care how much money he spends, I just don't think she has the brain power to understand even the most basic subjects she should be knowledgeable about, i.e., the Bush Doctrine, Supreme Court rulings she has disagreed with; and of course the trick question: what newspapers do you read? Pitiful.

  18. Here are some comments from the WSJ article at

    For some people, it doesn't matter what she says, they love her to death:
     2:40 pm September 23, 2009
     GO SARA wrote:
     2:46 pm September 23, 2009
     GO SARA wrote:

    See--this woman believes that SP brought Trig and the "Orientals babysat Trigg" (sic) Lol

    Then, others (Murdoch, Malek, etc) are using her and spreading propaganda about her:
     2:36 pm September 23, 2009
     Malek wrote:
    Excellent speech by Palin. The mooks yapping about “speech writers” seriously think that Obama writes his own speeches? Palin has shown to have an good grasp on reality. Her haters cling to SNL lines and Olbermann hysteria for lack of arguments.

  19. Anonymous3:53 PM

    I'm sorry, but that speech just sounded so tired and boring from the excerpt above. Her same ole same ole. Palin is one tired old same ole gal. If this is the result of her polishing and studying, Mitt and Mike are drinking champagne.

  20. Basheert3:56 PM

    Oh Gryphen: You have email - hubs in China and has a bit of the "local" perspective on "who the hell is she?" among the mainland Chinese.

    "THE ORIENTALS" - oh wow - class all the way.

    Many people walked out - both American and Chinese. She is an equal opportunity offender.

    BTW when did this skank 'ho start speaking OFFICIALLY as a REPRESENTATIVE of the United States Government?

  21. Basheert3:57 PM

    OMG WAY to much Plastic surgery. She has the bee sting lips (collagen) - the wattle is gone....

    Now if they can figure out how to do both a brain AND a personality transplant, she's got it made.

  22. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Okay, I know this is OT but just had to share

    I'm watching a new show called Modern Family. Younger sister just asked Mom "if my sister gets pregnant would you pretend that she had mono for five months and then tell everyone the baby was yours??

    MSM making a move?

  23. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Stupid Palin-bots think this "speech" is some kind of comeback for her. She read a script, and had pre-approved questions, for crying out loud. She can't hide from the "gotcha" media forever. Someday, someone will come along and challenge her on her B.S. Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney probably can't wait until the primaries. She hasn't seen nothing, yet.

  24. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Sickening witch. Nothing short of a brain transplant would help her. President???? Hell No! There are still too many intelligent people in the US. We will NOT let that happen. Scarah and her pathetic followers are completely delusional! She can't even take care of her family, her city, nor her state!
    Kallie in Texas

  25. phoebes-in-santa fe6:59 PM

    LisanTX@3.56p - those comments you posted from the WSJ site were really scary. I followed your link and was shocked at the illiterate comments by her supporters. The one you copied in your post here, saying Palin proves "you don't have to be smart or finish stuff to be pressident" really is shocking. People really believe that...

    There's a commenter on Daily Beast - can't remember the name - who writes in on any Sarah Palin post. She just keeps repeating the same mindless cant of "liberals are scared of Sarah", and "Sarah has great sex and liberals are jealous" and other really weird stuff. It's almost like she's a stalker....

  26. honestyinGov7:03 PM

    This is totally OT... but you will love it.
    Swe123 has just posted this on the Mudflats thread.******* There is a new Show on TV tonight called " Modern Family".( on ABC)

    In the episode a younger sister asks the Mom " if my sister gets pregnant would you pretend she had mono for 5 months and then tell everyone the baby was your's?"( Whooops!)

    Are the TV writers watching your blog Gryph..? Try to record the show... or find a copy.

  27. snowlady7:52 PM

    Let Murdoch or whomever spend their money promoting SP. It is money down the drain and I can't think of anyone I would rather see throw money away on a lost cause. Sooner or later she will have to face the "gotcha media" or her dirty past will catch up with her and her Presidential hopes will be history. Then Murdoch can decide whether his little hobby was a waste of money or not. It's not costing me a dime.

  28. This is what I was afraid of.
    Murdock and and the neo con cabal has dressed Pailin up, gave her a pretty speech to read, no media and no press. Anybody can say how well the speech went, and let the best parts slip out to the public.
    Remember when any Democrat went abroad and said ant criticism of bush? They were vilified by the conservatives. I guess palin is a conservative .. hero?

  29. Anonymous1:49 AM

    To be honest and fair, it is being stated (although there is no verification either way) that she did not read this speech from a teleprompter but from note cards.

    Having said that, she can read a speech well. There is no denying that fact. She did it at the RNC and she is quite capable of doing a fine job or reading prepared remarks. No doubt this speech was practiced endlessly for her to be able to read it like she did just from notes.

    Now having said that, her fans can promote this all they want. Reporters and journalists can say she did a good job and there is no reason to deny she read the speech as well as Sarah can read a speech written by others well.

    What she cannot do however is talk to reporters and members of the media because then her lack of knowledge and her inability to discuss anything would come shining through. She will never be able to handle questions, let alone follow up questions.

    I think that she will be able to make a lot of money doing this type of thing and be wildly popular amongst those who love her.

    I also think it will be an epic failure on her part should she attempt to do a sit down interview with anyone with any knowledge and try to explain her positions or answer questions regarding any speech she has given or on any of her facebook notes.

    She will happily rely on those people like her current speech writers to do the work that she cannot do and she will then go out and pretend like she has a clue as to what she is talking about while reading a speech someone else wrote for her.

    I know that many think that President Obama relies on speech writers and I am sure that he does, but from what we learned during the campaign is that he works closely with them and he also has a depth of knowledge on the issues that Sarah is not capable of obtaining. President Obama can sit down and have an engaging and an informative discussion on a wide variety of topics, showing his knowledge and understanding of the issues, while Sarah will avoid that at all costs because she is terrified she will be found to be a total and complete fraud!


  30. Is it just me or I thought President Palin stopped politrix??

  31. I love her independence, her strength and her femininity...she is a strong and passionate women and a good mother and wife. I like Palin, she is a true trooper and lover of our country and would lead us into total freedom and justice…

  32. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Congressman Howard Berman, the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee:

    Palin’s Comment on U.S.-China Relations is Flat Wrong

    Washington, DC – In response to a speech by former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin in Hong Kong, Congressman Howard L. Berman (D-CA), chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, today issued the following statement:

    “In remarks before business leaders in Hong Kong, former Governor Palin urged China to ‘rise responsibly.’ As she continues on the lecture circuit, Ms. Palin would do well to take her own advice." Thursday, September 24, 2009
    Full statement:

    CEE4PEE counters his statement

  33. Sarah, keep hiding3:43 PM

    I wish Palin was independent. She talks like a pirate and a parrot all at once.

    There is no indication that she is a good mother.

    Joan Crawford had children that she use as props but she could act. Her films will last. Palin is going into sit-com spoofery to stay a float until the book sale scam goes into motion.

    Palin has to hide. I will love it if she keeps that up, being dark and undisclosed will keep sending the message that she is evil and she is duping dimbats only. When she is on the book tour it will be more obvious that she is too cowardly to confront unscripted forums. It will be more of the WSJ fake journalism nonsense.

  34. Gasman10:54 PM

    The Palinista quotes "LIEBRALS AND OTHER 'AMERICANS'," "BABYSAT TRIGG GOODLY," "THE CHINA PEOPLE," and "THATYOU DONT HAVE TO BE SMART OR FINISH STUFF TO BE PRESSIDENT OR TO MAKE AMERRICA WIN" pretty much encapsulates the intellect of those folks that want Sarah Palin to run for ANY elected office.

    We sure as hell dodged a bullet last November, didn't we?


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