Wednesday, September 23, 2009

More on Sarah's CLSA speech.

Her 90-minute address, which was closed to the media, was heard by 1,100 people, according to CLSA head of communications Simone Wheeler.

Ninety minutes of Sarah Palin speaking? Oh those poor people! Even I have never had to listen to her speak for a whole hour and a half.

Those who attended her speech said she did well, though some could be seen leaving early on. A few of those people said they were heading to other forum offerings. Most people declined to speak with the media about the speech.

She "did very well", but "people could be seen leaving early"? That does not exactly sound like a ringing endorsement.

"I can't say I was actually impressed," said Mel Goode, a business developer from New York who lives in Hong Kong. "She speaks well -- a broad spectrum of what her beliefs are, family views.

"She didn't get (into) anything too harsh ... just kept it, five children, my husband's here, we believe in what Asia's doing, America has a way to go to get itself back together, Reaganism."

Wait, her husband was there? Are there any pictures of him? Oh, that is right. No pictures allowed. Convenient.

One area she touched on was human rights, calling on Beijing to be more attentive to the issue in Tibet and countries such as Myanmar and North Korea, he added.

Somebody should have got her opinion about "human rights" while our native population was starving last winter and our elderly were dying from lack of care.

Rajesh Kothari, a fund manager, noted that Palin's "address was more geared towards politics and very focused on China."

"She did speak about the political implications of China's rise on Asia and the region, and China with America," he said. "I was quite impressed by her knowledge. It seemed like she did her homework now, this time around."

"I was quite impressed with her knowledge"? You know what that means don't you? Sarah has a new speechwriter. "It seemed like she did her homework". Well that cinches it, Sarah DOES NOT DO HOMEWORK!

Palin also spoke about Alaska, the need for less government and fewer regulations, fiscal responsibility and "how the U.S. and Asia can be better partners on the global stage," said Jasbeena Layman, a fund manager in the United States.

"I think she is very well spoken," she said.

Okay so just like we all suspected, somebody wrote her an informative, well polished speech, and she managed to deliver it adequately. No surprises there.

Chad Tendler, who works in the financial industry, said Palin's speech tried "to tick a lot of boxes," touching on domestic and foreign policy, as well as issues that resonate with investors. He said she spoke about the U.S. relationship with China and recent issues, such as a tariff dispute between the two nations involving the sale of tires.

He said her speech was "very well scripted," but a question-and-answer session afterward "brought out a bit more color about her as a person" and reminded everyone of "the candidate who we all saw campaigning for vice president."

She talked about her family, her interests and even Alaskan moose, he said.

So in other words the questions focused on her personality and not her knowledge base. Less chance of anybody asking her a question which would result in the stammering response we all saw in the Katie Couris interviews.

"She said on her way to the airport in Anchorage, there was a moose in the town," he said.

"As she arrived in Hong Kong, coming in from the airport, she was surprised -- not surprised -- but, very different from the rural setting to an urban setting."

Yep don't forget to mention moose Sarah so these people remember how exotic you are. And of course you are "surprised", who knew that the Chinese restaurant industry could support this many people?

I simply cannot believe these people believe that Sarah did anything more than serve as a spokesmodel for the neo-cons. If they believe her speech contained any of her real thoughts they need to do a quick Google search of her resignation speech. Now THAT was a Sarah Palin speech!

Update: Bree Palin has a good close up picture of Sarah. Time to get out the glasses kids and do some plastic surgery scrutiny. Did she, or didn't she?

Update2: here is some Twitter feed of Sarah's speech. Here is my favorite part:

"palin ties her lineage to asia by saying todd is part eskimo"

How is THAT for trying to desperately connect to your audience? (H/T to Greasy Gopher Guts)


  1. Anonymous5:59 AM

    you know when quitty pants said she was leaving Alaska as Governor in order to HELP Alaska?

    I bet her coniving plot is to become Pres one day and then do everything in her power to Drill and Drill some more.. screw polar bears, screw global warming

    In her eyes, helping Alaska is flooding them with $$

  2. Well it's a good thing there were no media there, because she would have had to say things SO much more differently...(?)

  3. ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck6:10 AM

    welcome to corporate sponsored pseudo-politicians going one step beyond their audacity to date. murdock bought and paid for palin IMHO and that discounts everything she says from here on out.

  4. A speech is no way to judge someone's knowledge. That is the stupidest comment I've heard lately. So if I can recite a Robert Frost's Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening (I think that's the right title), that means I know all about the guy whose house is in the village (though!)? Please. Man, people are so dumb. Which is scary because that's what Palin's new, neocon handlers are counting on.

  5. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Well, I cannot bear Sarah Palin, but from what I've read, most people who attended were very impressed with her and felt she was positioning herself well for a possible presidential run in 2012. Even people who said they would never vote for her indicated that did well.

    So, Gryphen, I put this out to you: it's time to **** or get off the pot regarding what you know about babygate. Put her back in the tabloids instead of Bloomberg etc. I fear that the more credible Sarah becomes through these highly staged performances, the less credible you and your information will be. You need to show your cards, now or never. Please put this woman to rest before she reinvents herself as a major force.

  6. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Well the MSM is giving her positive reviews for the speech.

    Way to go Alaskans for keeping your mouths shut and letting this woman loose on the rest of us.

    Thanks a lot, she is not done, she is going to rub it in your faces when she runs for pres all because you all were just too afraid to stop her.

    Makes me sick

  7. Anonymous6:55 AM

    I read a NYT article that had someone named Coulter (not Ann, surprisingly) singing the praises of Palin and her speech and I am pretty sure he is one of her tools, think he was quoted at her quit-b-que as well (I remember his name for obvious reason).

  8. kassie7:02 AM

    Stop by Bree Palin to see Tweets of the speech. As the Tweeter aptly put " I wonder how many of us here are US citizens?"

  9. Anonymous7:19 AM

    If the speech was so positive, why is HuffPo reporting that two Americans walked out? Other report that the audience sat there fingering their Blackberries?

    For a closed-to-the-press event, they gave copies of the speech to Bloomberg? Please don't throw me in the Briar Patch! A little too much hype.

    Catty Comments: Not one wrinkle in that face. Tight, smooth, beautifully made up. Even while speaking, not a wrinkle. That is some good botox and makeup.

    That jacket is pathetic. It is wrinkled. It is so not stylish. Didn't they do pressing at the hotel? Was it in the bottom of the plastic bag filled with campaign clothes?

  10. I know it's all too easy to get upset by her, but please do not worry about any good reviews she's getting for this speech. I seem to remember the MSM pretty much showering her with adoration after her convention speech (she is able to deliver a speech VERY well when given a good speech - i.e., not self-written). But once she gets in front of a credible journalist for an unscripted interview.... Take away the speech or the script and Sarah is LOST.

  11. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Was Sarah required to produce a urine test after the speech?

  12. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Yep, definitely spent the last six weeks recovering from "work". They got rid of the turkey neck and the deep groves she was developing bracketing her mouth. Probably cheekbone implants and of course eye work. She looks nouveau young, but something has also been lost. Whoever did it was good--Murdock obviously got her the best.

    She has some seriously dangerous people behind her now, grooming her and controlling her. She has become a puppet of the neocons. Who knows, they may even have her on medication--make her easier to control. I swear she had to have been medicated these last six weeks or she'd never have kept her mouth shut in the face of the provocation she's had.

    If they only allow her to speak on script and someone else writes what she says--or releases as op eds--she is going to be seriously formidable. These people are a huge, huge threat to our country. Please, someone pull the plug on her before it's too late.

  13. Anonymous7:45 AM

    speechwriter went a little over board.

    “Maybe you’re hoping to hear me discuss the derivations of the formula for effective rate of protection, followed by a brief discussion of the monetary approach to the balance of payments,” she said. “If time allows, a quick summary of factor price equalization. Maybe some thoughts on quantitative easing, but that’s for next time. Because I have spent my life closer to Main Street. That’s what I want to talk about is that view from Main Street,” she said"

  14. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Scarah bashes American and then thinks we would vote for her as Potus???? She doesn't know jack about Main Street, America! All she wants is the money. She is absolutely sickening.

  15. Anonymous7:59 AM

    This quote is my favorite:
    “Personally, I’ve always been really interested in the ideas too about the land bridge. Ideas that maybe so long ago, had allowed Alaska to be physically connected to this part of our world so many years ago. My husband and my children, they’re part [unintelligible] Eskimo, Alaskan natives. They’re our first people, and the connection that may have brought ancestors from here to there is fascinating to me. Making our world seem a little bit smaller, more united, to consider that connection that allowed sharing of peoples and bloodlines and wildlife and flora and fauna, that connection to me is quite fascinating.

    Was Todd wearing a Mao jacket too to honor this heritage connection?

    Thanks Gryphen!

  16. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Oh, please. We already know she can read a speech. The media showered her with praise after her RNC speech, only to find out later that she was fraud, when she got off her script. She sticks to a script, and ducks the "gotcha" questions. According to the people who were in attendence, she only took pre-approved questions. One invester who attended the speech said her speech was boring, and that she mostly just talked about Alaska, and bashed Barack Obama, yet didn't offer any solutions of her own. Same old Sarah Palin.

  17. This exposes the chink in her armor and will always be her greatest flaw:

    "He said her speech was "very well scripted," but a question-and-answer session afterward "brought out a bit more color about her as a person" and reminded everyone of "the candidate who we all saw campaigning for vice president."

  18. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Hari Sevugan, a spokesman for the Democratic National Committee, told AP before the speech: "We're curious as to what she's willing to say in private but not in public.

    "Are there other countries that she can see from her window that she doesn't want us to know about?"

  19. If this was all about the $$$$, SP wouldn't be speaking in Hong Kong and parroting neocon talking points. If it were only about the $$$$, she would do a reality show or tv commercials (huge money, and I am confident she would be hired for these things). Nope, this is about trying to present the twit as a viable political candidate who will never have to answer questions, face reporters or do any pressers. I do believe, however, that afer 8 years of Bush, at least 80% of Americans won't buy it (even moderate Republicans and Independents will recoil in horror). She and her followers will be a frustrating and annoying distraction, but that is all. To me, she is a cartoon - she deserves to be ridiculed, and laughing takes away any anger and disgust I have toward this ignorant fraud.

  20. Basheert8:35 AM

    Hubs has reported that when asking individuals actually IN mainland China, no one knows who she is. Media spin not reaching anyone other than attendees in Hong Kong AND the U.S.

    She's getting too much credit for this - local opinion is that she was "boring".

    She has some nerve - speaking for our country AND scolding China. She is NOT a U.S. spokesperson.

  21. Basheert8:36 AM

    I'd go with botox, and collagen. New hair extensions. May have had some work done on her neck wattle.

  22. Collagen to the lips, at least, I would say.

  23. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Gosh, Gryphen, the extremely hostile N.Y. Times article somehow slipped passed you:

    Palin Speaks to Investors in Hong Kong
    By Mark McDonald
    New York Times
    Published: September 23,2009

    Sarah Palin in what was billed as her first speech overseas, spoke
    on Wednesday to Asian bankers, investors and fund managers.
    A number of people who heard the speech in a packed hotel ballroom, which was closed to the media, said Mrs. Palin spoke from notes for 90 minutes and that she was articulate, well-prepared and even compelling.

    “The speech was wide-ranging, very balanced, and she beat all expectations,” said Doug A. Coulter, head of private equity in the Asia-Pacific region for LGT Capital Partners.

    “She didn’t sound at all like a far-right-wing conservative. She seemed to be positioning herself as a libertarian or a small-c conservative,” he said, adding that she mentioned both Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher.

    Mrs. Palin said she was speaking as “someone from Main Street U.S.A.,” and she touched on her concerns about oversized federal bailouts and the unsustainable American government deficit. She did not repeat her attack from last month that the Obama administration’s health care proposals would create a “death panel” that would allow federal bureaucrats to decide who is “worthy of health care.”

    Cameron Sinclair, another speaker at the event, said Mrs. Palin emphasized the need for a grassroots rebirth of the Republican Party driven by party leaders outside Washington.

    A number of attendees thought Mrs. Palin, the former vice presidential candidate, was using the speech to begin to broaden her foreign policy credentials before making a run for the presidency in 2012.

    “She’s definitely a serious future presidential candidate, and I understand why she plays so well in middle America,” said Mr. Coulter, a Canadian.

    Mrs. Palin was faulted during the campaign last year for her lack of foreign policy experience and expertise. As the governor of Alaska, she said in her own defense, she had a unique insight because “you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska” — a remark that was widely lampooned.

    Accompanying Mrs. Palin to Hong Kong was Randy Scheunemann, the
    former foreign policy advisor to John McCain, who lost the 2008 election to President Obama.

    *(One Paragraph deleted here on names of former invited speakers.)

    Mrs. Palin’s speech took place at the Grand Hyatt on the Victoria Harbor waterfront and amid the soaring towers of corporate giants like AIG, HSBC and the Bank of China. Some attendees saw Hong Kong as an auspicious place for her first major international appearance.
    Melvin Goodé, a regional marketing consultant, thought Mrs. Palin chose Hong Kong because, he said, it was “a place where things happen and where freedom can be expanded upon.”

    “It’s not Beijing or Shanghai,” said Mr. Goodé . “She also mentioned Tibet, Burma and North Korea in the same breath as places where China should be more sensitive and careful about how people are treated. She said it on a human-rights level.”

    Mr. Goodé, an African-American who said he did some campaign polling for President Obama, said Mrs. Palin mentioned President Obama three times on Wednesday.

    “And there was nothing derogatory in it, no sleight of hand, and believe me, I was listening for that,” he said, adding that Mrs. Palin referred to Mr. Obama as “our president,” with the emphasis on “our.”

    Mr. Goodé, a New Yorker who said he would never vote for Mrs. Palin, said she acquitted herself well.

    “They really prepared her well,” he said. “She was articulate and she held her own. I give her credit. They’ve tried to categorize her as not being bright. She’s bright.”

  24. Here is the true snark:

  25. Anonymous9:01 AM

    The Bering Land Bridge was a trade route for people who lived in the area. Many people crossed and re-crossed. It is widely thought that the present day Indigenous in Alaska all came from Asia because of the land bridge.

    In reality, no one knows if their ancestors crossed the Bering Land Bridge and stayed here.

    Think about it. Does it mean that since your part Inupiat, that your ancestors crossed the Bering Land Bridge to this side. Ah, it was a trade route.

    The Bering Land Bridge was a trade route.

    The thing is, many over on the other side of the land bridge (Siberia/Russia) don't feel their sole ancestoral existence depended on the land bridge. $arah clearly feels her husbands Alaska Native bloodline is from someone crossing that land bridge and pro-creating on this side.

    IT WAS A TRADE ROUTE. People went back and forth. Think about it.

    A quote from the WSJ:

    "She also spoke about how Alaska once shared a land bridge with Asia. And she noted that her husband's Eskimo ancestors crossed that bridge. "To consider that connection that allowed sharing of peoples and bloodlines and wildlife and flora and fauna, that connection to me is quite fascinating," she said...."

    We are in America, were it is common and quite trendy to dismiss bloodlines of the our First Peoples. Although her spoken words of Todd's bloodline doesn't explicitely state it only came from the other side of the land bridge... I just want readers to know that thinking of that land bridge as a TRADE ROUTE would be respectful.

  26. Anonymous9:03 AM

    I was waiting for the spin on this blog like a kid on Christmas morning: home in on the pans and completely whiff on the New York Times--which finally realizes if you don't call it like it is rather than how you want it to be you wind up like the Rocky Mountain News or Life Magazine no matter how big and irreplaceable you think you are.

    Bad day at Black Rock, huh?

    An Obama supporter, named, says Palin treated Obama respectfully and
    that she was bright.

    Could it get any worse? There still is Levi's credibility enhancing Playgirl spread to wait for and what will surely be the thinnest tell all in the history of American publishing.

    I tried to warn you about the value of preparation but I suppose you have to learn the hard way.

  27. Anonymous9:25 AM

    A must read from the Asia Sentinel. Apparently they were not overly impressed:

  28. FEDUP!!!9:25 AM

    The speech was written by someone (though, IMHO, she took the liberty to re-write part of it - the part that had to do with Alaska, and with Toad and her kids... - probably on the flight over to Hong Kong)

    A tape of her speech was given to Bloomberg? So, who recorded her, and by what authority? Just wondering, since they were adamant that no reporters were allowed into the venue.

    Interesting discrepancy between the times given - 75 vs 90 minutes, and also widely varying opinions of her speech - from boring (so bad quite a few left early on to go to other venues) to excellent...

    I cannot believe she had that garish, wrinkled, pink jacket on. Was in line of her wardrobe before-RNC. I guess no fashion-advisor came with her, only Toad, who is no housewife (WTF was that all about?)

  29. Anonymous9:38 AM

    I loved her comment--"I have a husband. I could use a wife."

    I bet Todd could use a wife, too.

    Sarah is not Queen Esther, but Lilith.

  30. Were copies of Private Citizen Palin's speech actually handed out?

    Much as I want to believe that the reason the speech was "closed" to the press was because Private Citizen Palin would be free to lie her proverbial ass off, I think there's a more practical reason why she insisted on a closed forum.

    If Private Citizen Palin is hawking her talents as a speaker for hire, then she needs to control the release of her one good, ghostwritten speech. If the text of her speech was broadly available, there would be no need to pay for her recital-----On the other hand, American politicians have been giving the same verbatim "stump speech" without any who knows.

    I do want to say, though, after hearing Annie B. Good's recital of "her" poem about stopping by the woods on a snowy evening, that I think she is without doubt one of the finest poets of our age.....HA HA HA! I kill me.

  31. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Anonymous @ 7:19

    I have seen people who detested communists walk out of "Dr. Zvivago".
    Rascists unable to sit through "Mississippi Burning" or "Guess Who is Coming to Dinner?"; Jews walk out of Gibson's "Passion" and those who
    with a long seething history of hatred for the Japanese unable to watch
    "Teahouse of the August Moon."

    Clearly, though, you're onto something, here: maybe it was a crime of fashion the disgruntled found too much to take.

  32. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Anonymous @ 6:30

    This is one arrogant lot. They are a political opponent's dream because they do not see the wisdom of respecting your enemy.

    Laugh at a seemingly comical candidate and what do you get? Jessie Ventura as Minnesota's governor.

  33. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Sarah is much like BushII in the brains department but that's not a problem. A Repub president need only look good and be able to follow orders. And no, there was no facelift obviously even though some want to wish it there.

    When Sarah runs for president the Repubs will have to assign her an appropriate VP who has the ability to lead. That is the position that requires the brains, the president requires the good looks to be elected. Isn't it pretty obvious that is what your political system has become?

    Sarah Q.

  34. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Gryphen, what is going on with your information? Did your sources turn out to be bogus? We're on your side, don't worry, but we need to counter Sarah's good press. I don't think I could bear it if she got away with anything/everything.

  35. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Wonkette has what is quite possibly the funniest take - and quotes - on this speech that I've seen today. Apparently the quotes they used were from the WSJ site. Those quotes have sense been pulled, as the WSJ doesn't want to embarrass the GOP spokesmodel too much. And we know that her own words can be used against her....

  36. Anonymous10:26 AM

    As Chip would say, "Seeeee, I told ya."

    Backed by big money with a speech writer, she will be a puppet for the man behind the curtain. Never underestimate the barracuda. She's not smart; but she has really great social skills.

    Re-branding is now in the works. Levi said she only went to church maybe 5 times a year; she bowed out of that values summit; and her speech would indicate she is not a religious fundamental extremist. That's one hurdle.

    She appointed one of her cronies over the office responsible for birth certificates. Her church has control over the local hospital. Her cronies are attacking bloggers, one at a time. Even the Wasilla mayor said a threatening remark indicating folks should keep their mouths shut. And Levi continues to drop bread crumbs. A commenter over at palingates said there was a signed agreement with money, he will never tell.

    Considering her entire work history, it is shocking she was paid such a large sum to travel to another country to give a speech dissing our President.

  37. Anonymous10:27 AM

    I have finally figured this thing out. Sarah says closed to the press to insure maximum coverage. It was a tease. Her pretty pink shiny lips are a tease. So was the rumpled jacket; I just got out of bed, wink wink.

    Now that we know who is managing her (Randy S. from the McCain campaign, don't make me try to spell his name) we know that he was quite taken with her and is trying out the stuff that the McCain people would not let him do. He was the speech writer.

    Why blow off the Republican Women and the GOP? It's the money, it's always the money (and influence). Not the six figure speaking fee; that's just icing on the cake. Randy is positioning her to appeal to the money bags guys. Think back to GWBush. You knew he was going to be the candidate when his father's rich friends financed him, backed him and supported him. McCain didn't attract that crowd. Randy is courting them for Sarah. She is the bait, the eye candy, the magnet and this time he hopes to do a better job of running things. Remember, he is a bit of an international player, having worked for the government of Georgia, the former Russian territory, not the home of the Atlanta Braves.

  38. Anonymous10:33 AM

    I wonder if she criticized our President during her reading of the speech to the Chinese Communists?

  39. "Okay so just like we all suspected, somebody wrote her an informative, well polished speech, and she managed to deliver it adequately. No surprises there."

    Another article somewhere said that her speech will be released to the press soon. No date was given.
    Remember, they said her speech at the RNC was great, I thought it was hateful, disgusting, pathetic and showed Palin's true colors. I guess it all depends on perspective.

    Gryphen, you have to give your sources a kick. NOW is the time to counter her flaming ego with the truth. If you all wait too long, nobody (other than us, your believers and friends) will believe the truth. I know you probably have many different people to deal with which makes it more difficult, but all of your work will be done for nil. Please do something! We are all behind you 100%!

  40. Anonymous12:12 PM

    "Common Sense Conservatism"
    THE newtag line of neoconjobs.
    Come out with your story of STFU. The women is being branded by the dark forces of neoconservatism and because the media is impotent Gryphen you need to shit or get off the pot on "your story"

  41. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Dog, some of your people are so unsophisticated Gryphen. Her jacket was linen and it's supposed to look the way it did. Your people need to stick to doing what they know how to do.

    Sarah Q.

  42. I totally agree with the true fact that these bailouts did nothing good for anyone. They just helped the rich get their “Bonuses” and in stack of million dollars at a time. That’s where the money went. It didn’t help the “little people” the citizens of the US keep afloat.

  43. Guys...lets face it. She did ok at her speaking event. Just ok. I don't think she dazzled anyone, as those folks aren't easily impressed. They don't give a damn, as long as they continue to make lots of money.

    The reality for me, as an outsider, is that if she does try to run in 2012 or even in 2016, her own party will eat her alive. If they don't, lets not forget those 9 million votes that President Obama got. No matter what she matter what she does, the majority of those voters, will never vote for her.

    She does not have what it takes. I think most rational people know this, but I understand the fear. Perhaps its not fear really. Perhaps its more in line with what I feel. She just has not earned all the accolades, that some on the right give her. She finishes nothing...and no matter what the palinbots say, she really and truly is not that bright. Its frustrating to see such a person...a person with no real sense of humanity or decency, get so far in life. I am being honest here. the trolls who pop by every time there is some news about can have her. Every dog has its day, and one day, Palin will be seen by all, to be just what, and who she really is. It always happens....and I am really patient.

    Basheert...where have you been? I have missed you.


  44. Anonymous3:17 PM

    She does not represent my MAIN street. She should ask permission before she says she represents anybody!

  45. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Is this really the big rollout, Palin 2.0? What a disappointment. That's the best change Murdoch can buy? She was just the same. Boring. Flat. Weird looking, like Michele Bachmann.

  46. crystalwolf aka caligrl4:15 PM

    I don't know if Randy S was the speech writer...unless he writes at 8th grade level. the readability was 44 lower than grifter's usual...53!
    Maybe RAM? The person who wrote the cap and tax and the more recent fB note that everyone said she didn't write, did not write this speech.
    I think she had her eyes done, botox, she can barely crack a smile, and lip enhancement. She looks weird. She was pretty (outside)and now she looks fake and like a bobble head. I just saw a pic of Madonna at the vid awards and didn't even recognize her. Sometimes plastic surgery/work is not good.
    I don't like her new look,she looks like a chipmunk and it also looks like she's wearing a wig.

  47. Hold on! According to Lawrence O'Donnel (sub for KO), at least one person said "She frightens me," and Americans in attendence walked out.

    She's an idiot. That's it.

    Some people here keep saying Gryphen needs to tell-all now. I don't know about that. You can't let anyone pressure you Gryph, from either side. PLEASE BE CAREFUL!!!

    Obama WON in large part because of her. If our country is so f**king stupid that we forget this and elect her in 2012, then we'd deserve what we'd get.

  48. Anonymous8:58 PM

    We won't be electing her. We will be electing the power behind her. She is just an empty shell.

  49. Anonymous11:23 PM


    You're missing the point. As long as we have Palin-junkies on the left who
    make her out to be one-part rainman and the other Ellie Mae Clampert, it's not going to be hard to exceed expectations.

    Put the shoe on the other foot: someone should have told President Obama that the world is in a mess but we've got to take one small step at a time and not try to fix the economy, clean up health care, deal with Afghanistan, pull out of Iraq, and disarm the world's Nuclear arsenal before "24" returns.

    The uber-President image should have trashed before the Iowa Caucus. NOW because the bar was raised so high, (i.e., unemployment will never exceed 8%) he suddenly looks like he has a glass jaw.

    There's no more presumption of super-human diplomatic powers.

    So as long as we have appropriately named posters like "Verbose" refusing to acknowledge that one person saying "she frightens me" is
    all the proof you need to dismiss her, we can expect more of the same.

    "She's an idiot. That's it".

    That may make a great bumper sticker but as a soundbite and a way to cut off the head of the snake it's a pretty lame approximation of pre-school sandbox conflict resolution.

  50. Anonymous11:27 PM

    A chipmunk and a wig, huh?

    Well, I guess that settles the matter. Throw out the substance of the CSLA response and seal the deal on style points.

    In hindsight you could have been much more scathing in your attack. you could have said she looked like a ferret wearing a fur made out of a squirrel.

  51. Anonymous11:44 PM

    Gryphen, here's a really radical idea: Why don't you go dark for about 24 hours and respond (disagree if that's the case) with the POINTS she rasied?

    If you have a problem with her saying the security of Japan is vital to the
    security of the Pacific rim, how about smacking her down on that?

    Similarly, if you think it's reasonable for China to have 1,000 ICBM's pointing at Taiwan,make the case for it.

    Let's try some substance instead of 10th-grade, (failing) mock congress
    oneliners--or is that beyond your pay grade?

    And perhaps while you're at it, you can explain this curious reference to Jean Favreau, Obama's speechwriter, which was written in the Guardian
    prior to the inauguration:

    "Favreau then went away and spent weeks on research. His team interviewed historians and speech writers, studied periods of crisis, and listened to past inaugural orations. When ready, he took up residence in Starbucks in Washington and wrote the first draft. The end result will be uttered on the steps of the Capitol."

    Perhaps you can explain how there is another interpretation to this other than Favreau and an unidentified number of assistants wrote Obama's inauguration speech.

  52. Sarah Palin 2.0 = A Myth6:16 AM

    @11:44 - Here's a radical idea: You are trying soooo hard to convince us that there is a Palin 2.0. There isn't. You are wrong.

    (And why are you telling Gryphen to go dark?)

    We know who wrote her speech. We've heard her robotic delivery. She is a joke. This speech was the "BIG CHANGE" from her "IMPORTANT HANDLERS" that you promised us? She sounded WORSE than before: like a robot. She quit being a governor for this Stepford presentation?

    No one needs to go through her speech and address any points. No one cares. It's recycled Randy S. circa 2008 plus Kim D. plus one more.

    And Palin even got some very bad reviews in print. You should be crying in your coffee over those.

    Why do you keep trying to sell us that Sarah is so important and so much better than she really is? You need to review "The Emperor's New Clothes."

    I guess you must be working with Lynn Vincent and you are trying hard to sell her pathetic Palin book. But we aren't buying what you're selling; the proof is here and we can see it with our own eyes.

  53. @anon who responded to me so respectfully....I do hear what you are saying. Palin running for any office has no real bearing on me as a Canadian. At least ...not yet. Who knows what the future holds, and living on the same continent as Americans forces me to pay attention. Again...just being honest.

    I am not clear from your post, exactly where you stand. When you say "held up" by the left, it threw me off. I don't think the left holds her up as anything really. However, there is a level of fear attached to any run for power that Palin attempts. I am sure it has to do with the fact that GW Bush was elected not once...but twice. The man is a buffoon...truly. Its obvious he was a figure head...and not the "decider" he purported to be. Money and backing can do a whole lot, so there is fear that money and backing will assist Palin.

    I do believe however, that my American friends have awoken. Perhaps for the first time in years, they are taking a good look at what has happened and continues to happen in your country. I have faith, that those good people will be on guard against an administration that has anyone named Palin near it. Call me naive..but I prefer to think I am hopeful..and confident.

    Should your countrymen elect her to more than dog catcher...well then the ridicule of the world would be deserved. It truly is a horrifying thought though, because the people who would back her...hide behind her in order to control things....would have to by design, be ugly and dangerous people indeed.


  54. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Regarding Todd and his Native American heritage, I think that this is an interesting perspective.

  55. Is it just me or I thought President Palin stopped politrix??

  56. I love her independence, her strength and her femininity...she is a strong and passionate women and a good mother and wife. I like Palin, she is a true trooper and lover of our country and would lead us into total freedom and justice…

  57. crystalwolf aka caligrl6:28 PM

    lord grays: and your point is?
    She is a grifter, liar, unethical, phony,bully and only cares about herself! You are deluding yourself if you think she cares about Americkia or anyone like you!
    And trooper? Palin just did a "speech" in a country Where this happens!
    *warning graphic pics*

    Yeah, she cares only about herself. No one else.
    Get over your obsession of a phony! Fake Bitch!

  58. crystalwolf aka caligrl6:35 PM

    Sorry to everyone!
    Responded to Lord Grays a *SPAMMER*
    was a graphic story and images of just what goes on in the country ms. pro life went to give a speech for MONEY!
    Gryphen this person is spamming all the thread pertaining to the grifter...FYI

  59. Anonymous6:44 PM

    constant gina is a spammer, too, Gryphen. Check the links to her name.

  60. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Sarah Palin 2.0.

    I'm offering Gryphen or any of you a chance to saw the legs off of Palin by
    rebutting her assertions in China rather than obsess about her blouse,
    or ruminate about where the scars might be from her surgery.

    You see that's the way it works in the real world. Someone says "Obama
    is not an American citizen by birth." bringing in Tony Rezko is immaterial. You roll up your sleeves, "go dark" meaning you bury yourself in archives, forget about trivialities, and come out with a case that is rock solid to prove the person who fired off the unsubstantiated accusation cannot be taken seriously because he or she can't back up his claims with anything near a fact.

    Pick your spot:

    Cosmetic surgery.

    A conspiracy with Levi.

    Whatever. But try building a case rather than turning the issues into some sort of stream-of-consciousness narrative that is nothing more than speculation.

    This character from the Independent claims Palin was a train wreck. Get something more than his word for it.

    It's called corroboration.

    Today two people walked out of my doctor's office because he didn't like his new policy on billpaying.

    Should I hit him with malpractice like those guys suggested.

    That's probably what would happen here, but "here' isn't really representative of most of reality.

  61. Anonymous7:14 PM


    We disagree on one point. Bush was a fighter pilot and a dumb fighter pilot is an oxymoron.

    Nepotism didn't put Bush in the cockpit of a "Dagger".

    That doesn't rule out his capacity to perform the duties of the president. It's a different skill set but the perception of Bush as a zero was, in part, why he picked off Kerry.

    If there's one fast track to a hole in the ground politically it's underestimating the opposition.

    Calm deliberation, if engaged in, should include President Clinton's cautionary observation about Palin: "she has formidable political instincts."

    He didn't say she was a whiz at economics, leadership, or statesmanship: he suggested she had a rare ability to zig when the world--when the predictable move would be to zag.

    Independent of I.Q. or the ability to speak with a silver tongue, Oscar Wilde had it right: common sense is instinct and enough of it is genius.

    If common instinct is equivalent to instinct, instinct is the equal of common sense. Like it or not, believe it or not, Clinton picked up the scent in her and this made her, in his eyes a POTENTIAL partisan threat at the highest levels--and she's proving him right. She stopped the
    mo' behind the health plan dead in its tracks with a purposeful, impeccably timed soundbite. She just happened to resurface in China after the President made a potentially serious miscalculation in trade relations with China. When she was there she took the opportunity to play "good cop" to the president's "bad cop".

    One of the perks of this move is that by doing so she sided with the steelworkers union which felt jobbed by the president.

    Consider two things: someone is advising her on these things and she has the "instincts" to know if the course will work for her or against her.

    But people should know full well: hatred muddles thinking and often causes us to space out on a critical variable that we have got to know about the situation.

    Consider Palin malevolent.
    Believe her to be amoral.
    But think of her as stupid at great risk.

  62. Anonymous8:14 PM

    @6:57 - Bumpit Love!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.