Sunday, September 13, 2009

You know maybe I was little too rough on the Teabaggers and their 9-12 protest. Maybe they are rational people just trying to get their message out.

I'll tell you what, here is a video of the Washington D.C. rally as broadcast by CNN, you judge for yourself.

So what do you think? American patriots trying to get their message out to the public at large, or bat-shit crazy morons with no idea exactly WHAT they are doing?

I hope that somebody took that poor reporter out after that broadcast and bought her a frosty adult beverage, because she earned it.


  1. Me First Me First:

    Bat shit crazy IGNORANT morons!!!

    Do we get a prize???

  2. These sorry ignoramuses are about one thing only: that ni@@er in the White House.......the one who isn't polishing the silver or vacuuming the carpets.

  3. well after watching it live I needed an adult beverage, really horrible...she looked almost scared of the"mob"...what kind of people feel good about joining a mob...the history of that word alone is was last used to decribe lynching mobs of the 20's..shame on CNN and any media that covered them as patriots...and yet millions of us marched for peace and against an illegal war- and cnn never showed it...that poor reporter actually looked scared....mere thousands and they tried to say it was 1.2 million- they are beyond ignorant and stupid, and rabid...they are racist.

    their main problem is that they don't like WHO is president...they wish he would go back to's embarrassing and disgusting..
    I hope and pray that it was not shown abroad...

  4. Notice Quittypants' photograph bouncing up and down behind the corrospondents head, early in the video.

    Oh Brother!

  5. Lo siento!


    I think I'm catching their stoopidflu!

  6. That's it. I'm investing every cent I have in a straightjacket factory. Because Crazy is the new Normal.

  7. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Michelle Malkin's blog is still posting the erroneous amount of 1.2 million in bold headlines with a correction that admits it was only 60,000 to 70,000 and a taunt that claims "The Left, of course, has seized on the error to discredit the undeniably massive turnout today."

    They lie. When faced with the truth they deny. When faced with the evidence they continue to lie to themselves and leap to a self-induced breach with reality.

    Documentation of the above conditions has often been required when declaring people clinically insane....looks like we got mass hysteria and mass insanity playing out on a grand scale, and it is well-documented.

  8. Sorry I didn't check to see if this is a no profanity site. The rightwing has devolved into... There are no words.

  9. Bayan3:40 PM

    Someone on Wonkette refers to these unhinged teabaggers as the "Tea Klux Klan".

  10. Utah Savage said...
    What a clusterfuck!


    So, 1.2 mil or 60K? Which is it michelle malkinator? Only a margin of error by a factor of 20x over stating the true low number of freaks that are interfering with progressing the country.

    If they dont like it, LEAVE MY COUNTRY NOW!

  11. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Pictures on Wonkette are great! There is plenty of room for them sit all over the place. They also brought alot chairs. Overweight people can't walk very far without resting. A lot of Bubba's in the crowd.

    I really believe this is overwhelming racism. Just think if we had a women in the white house, such as Hillary. Every decision would be checked for hormonal balance. Whoops, she is post menepausal(sp) I think. Then they would have said that is suffering from hysteria.

    WORST case scenario is if black woman were in the white house. (Michelle B.) She better not show an real smarts, they will really go after her.

    I hate it when they do this to the mall. It takes several days, and tons of money to clean up. But hey, it's only money.

  12. I think it's considered appropriate to call it a "clusterf*ck" - does that work?

  13. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Remember that kid in kindergarten who didn't get his way, so he lay down on the floor, kicking and screaming, pounding his fists. Of course, no one could touch him, he ruined the rest of the day for all the other students and drove the teacher crazy. We all wondered what happened to that kid. Thanks for showing us where he, and all of those like him, end up, screaming, fist pounding, tantrum throwing little kids. They lost, and they can't get over it. Grow up doesn't begin to say it.

  14. Anonymous4:06 PM

    First they had Joe the Plumber.

    Now they got, Joe the Dumber.

  15. Rational and well behaved people do not make good news. The tiny minority of fringe crazies make good news coverage and with five 24-hour news networks with space to fill, well, they fill it with titillating images of the few crazies that are protesting our President.

    I personally don't want to hear about Paris Hilton or Lindsay Lohan being good girls, I want to read about their antics.

    We've been spoonfed sensationalist journalism for many a year now and we're all addicted. I see this as the state of our nation both in politics and human interest or celebrity stories.

    Plenty of commenters on different websites are chomping at the bit for Levi Johnston to, well, show his "johnson".

    We need bigger stories, more salacious stories, more blood and gore to keep our interest these days.

  16. Anonymous4:24 PM

    If you would like some good news for a change, I recommend a story at Daily Kos, Spain Will Prosecute Bushies. The six Bush administration officials are: Alberto Gonzales, John Yoo, Dougleas Feith, William Haynes II, Jay Bybee, David Addington. Spanish law goes by the concept of "universal jurisdiction" which means that any crime anywhere in the world can be prosecuted by Spanish courts under Spanish Law.

    Daily Kos adds "If I were a Bushie I wouldn't be taking that cruise in the Mediterranean this year, or this century for that matter."

    My thoughts: 1. You gotta catch 'em first
    2. They are doing this so Madrid will be awarded the Olympics in 2016.
    3. Do they offer a reward like "Wanted, Dead or Alive" or can we call Dog, the Bounty Hunter?

  17. anon 4:00
    "Bubbas" in the house! :D

    yeah and the poor mall
    Cleanup will be hoards of soda pop cans and plastic wrappers of processed foods
    Surely they didn't venture to their nation's capitol and experience a little cultural fare

    nope chairs cause can't walk without blowing a gasket and wrapped processed junk cause they will starve to death going a few hours without grubbing

    then doing nothing but spitting incoherent angry rants..

    they are the ones sucking the healthcare system dry
    and their poor kids that either have diabetes or obesity..
    and they are worried about "death panels" ?

  18. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Bat-shit crazy morons with no idea exactly WHAT they are doing.

  19. Anonymous5:27 PM

    I think after all these years I am finally starting to come to grips with the fact that 30% of this country is stupid. unfortunately that's too many people but it's just the way it is.

  20. Aussie Blue Sky5:40 PM

    If it's any consolation, the rally made the news services here, represented as "tens of thousands of protesters protesting against the sort of health care we enjoy". No objectionable signs were shown. I can't imagine that the situation would have been much different elsewhere. An unreasonable rabble with no point to make is hardly newsworthy.

    I've noticed that a lot of the rabble supporters were miffed that the occasion didn't headline the news - even on faux (where someone complained it rated fourth).

  21. Anonymous5:44 PM

    These people are a tiny fraction of America and need to be treated like the extremists they are. They are not unlike the extremist muslims who flew planes into the World Trade Towers. Only their religion is the right religion, they come to public events armed, they will use violence if you do not agree with their position, they are not open minded, they do not want to learn, they are not capable of feeling empathy. They want to destroy this democracy, they are hell bent on showing everyone that government does not work and they want to reduce the size of government "fit into a bathtub". They support a Bush type govt because Bushs' policies nearly drove the country out of business. They are indoctrinated. They are not normal human beings. They are dangerous and we need to stop giving them airtime.

  22. Michelle Malkin is a real nutcase. She is another one who spits out nasty stuff nonstop. Why hate ALL liberals? It's so dramatic. Dors she honestly believe that ALL liberals, every single one lie?? If anyone is in denial it is her and those in her group. 300 million people live in this country. They had 65000 people there. Good for them but it's hardly a revolution. They have a right to their views but the problem is they are mad about everything. They have no idea how nuts they come across? I mean what are they protesting. If you asked 20 people there what would like to make things better, you wouldn't hear one real answer. It's because they have no interest in making our country better for ALL Americans. They don't care about others. They have no real agenda other than smaller government, low taxes and freedoms. It's all bullshit though because what they want is a theocracy and for everyone to be like them. So much for freedom.

    Feel very sorry for these people while knowing they are dangerous. Because these are people who are filled with rage, anger and hate. They can't be very happy.

  23. Anonymous6:34 PM

    anon 5:44, add the facts that they prefer to educate their kids themselves (think madrasah), they get their news only from Fox, and their leaders purposely keep them ignorant as a means of keeping control over them. Easier to dumb things dowwn, and you can't have people thinking for themselves. They also respond well to focus-grouped words or simple slogans, like "death panels." And, yes, they are very dangerous.

  24. crystalwolf aka caligrl6:44 PM

    basheert said...

    I think it's considered appropriate to call it a "clusterf*ck" - does that work?
    Situation Normal all Fu*ked Up! Teabaggers INc.
    Dumb f*ck idiots! And Queen Quitter!

  25. Anonymous7:28 PM

    OT - Gryphen check out Geoffrey Dunn on Huffington Post.

    "A Culture of Corruption: The Ghost of Sarah Palin Still Haunts Alaska.

    Reesie in VA

  26. I can't imagine these peoples day to day lives. Filled with so much hate, they probably can't get anything done except watch Faux news all day and grind their teeth in anger. These people are so ignorant they can't even see the Becks and Limbaughs using them. Do they even know what Healthcare reform is and that they are the ones who will benefit from it?

  27. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Why didn't any black males attend the event?

    Cause they didn't want to be mistaken for Obama cause those losers think all blacks look alike.

  28. crystalwolf aka caligrl8:39 PM

    Shannyn coined the phrase "GUANO CRAZY" on KO the other night...
    instead of the usual... Batsh!t crazy.
    I'm going to start using Shannyn's reference from now on... :)
    So cool on National news too :)

  29. annonymous 5:44, They are dangerous and we need to stop giving them airtime.

    I agree with everything you said. We lend them too much credence by giving them so much attention. Part of the reason is some of it is so funny. That is one reason Beck gets high ratings.

  30. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Wow, Gryphen, I missed that. Thanks.

    Next week will be interesting, that guy said he's not going to apology again. He did to the President, and the President accepted. He doesn't think he should apologize on the house floor, to his peers, me.

    Well, he dis the Office of the Presidency, the elected President of the United States, in front of the world, in the middle of a speech. What next time, tomatoes? And, it wasn't at all as he accused; they had to go back and reword the language to suit. I hope they didn't mess it up. I'm sure he's happy with those monies coming in for that upcoming election.

    Fact is, they all should be sitting down around the table working out the best, greatest American group insurance plan for the American workforce. Because the people have asked that their rights to health be met. Everyone is within a minute of being here the next, no doubt. A great number of Americans cannot afford full coverage medical costs. God gave the increase of knowledge to fix a bone, but the cost for the service either burdensome or can't be met by the average American. Trees are for climbing.

    The insurance companies have made billions off of their products, those group health insurance policies. The government should do quite well if only the people would insist that the lawmakers prove the best plan for each individual American. What each individual would want for themselves if they became unemployed and without coverage at all facing an illness. I have been there, twice. And the federal law should guarantee that no one have any authority or right to dictate over another human being's right to health care or jeopardize anyone's right to privacy, it should be treasonous. Close the loopholes so monies cannot be used for something else. People who do not want to participate in a government plan can apply their premiums and loyalty somewhere else. Corporations should benefit from a healthy workforce. And a healthy workforce promotes a healthy nation. Clean air, clean food, clean water, clean energy, clean bill of health.

    Some of folks in the streets had valid points, from what I could tell amongst all the shouting. I think their angry was displaced.

  31. mommom2:44 AM

    It needs to be pointed out to them that they had attendance of 65,000

    The Gay rights march on Washington a few months back was 500,000

    The "million man" march of black man a few years back was not 1 million,but was over 400,000

    All of the antiwar protests against the Iraq war numbered in the hundreds of thousands.The one in January of 2007 was estimated at between 400,ooo and 500,000

    So liberals,african americans,and gay citizens all have a larger voice than conservative teabagging scum.

  32. Anonymous3:32 AM

    Oh, my...I do believe there are a number of villages in this country that are missing their idiots.

  33. FEDUP!!!4:06 AM

    Here is a devastating final report on the gw years... I bet those teabaggers will never read it, and if they did, they would deny it...:

    Closing The Book On The Bush Legacy

  34. Anonymous6:08 AM


    The Texas teabaggers have their wish!

    "Texas, Wharton County GOP chairwoman Debra Medina announced her campaign Saturday for the Republican nomination for governor."

    "Medina, a top volunteer in Rep. Ron Paul's presidential campaign, joins powerhouse Republicans Rick Perry and Kay Bailey Hutchison as candidates in the March primary."

    Now we'll get to see just how committed the repubs (teabaggers) are, or if it's just really hatred racism against Obama.

  35. I couldn't post over the weekend, and I really want to get my two cents in on the thread we have been dicussing of race. I really don't think it is all about race and I am afraid that if we continue to focus attention to that in the MSM and/or on our blogs, we will perpetuate race as an issue. I am not denying that for some it may be about race (I mean I have a brother-in-law who cannot refer to ANY ETHNIC person, black, Italian, German, whatever, without calling them a slang insulting term)but I think it is more about INTELLECT! For the teabaggers or whatever you want to call this group (goobers?) the sign you posted Gryphen "Thanks Fox News for keeping us infromed" does say it all. They are stupid and are afraid of anyone who is not as stupid as they are. George W. Bush was! I mean let's face it. But President Obama is not and they are afraid of that. And they are being extremely vocal with that fear, because that is all they can do. They can't write op eds, they can only act out and act stupid! President Bill Clinton had charm; President Obama has charisma. He has that mysterious air about him that sets him a little apart from everyone. And yet at the same time, he reaches out with rhetoric and asks all of us to THINK. These people do not want to think, and by no means do they want their children to be encouraged to do so. If we don't acknowledge the fear of intelligent thought and actions as an issue, we will have the conservatives in power again, and there will be no advancements not only in health care, but in Science, the Arts, or Education! Where did everyone go who elected Barack Obama as President? We have to find our voice and drown STUPID out!

  36. Anonymous6:49 AM

    anon 9:29, I think the reason Wilson has to make a public apology is because he also disrespected both branches of Congress by his bad manners. And, the democrats, not exercising very much power these days want to further humiliate him publicly. The apology to Obama was private, so we never saw him.

    I do enjoy politicians who apologize, because they never do. "Mistakes were made." "I let down my family and my god." But, they never admit to anything, ever.

    I agree, the Dems should put more effort into Health Care than this guy. Here's how to make him apologize: Give him the choice between public apology or vote for Health Care. Let him squirm.

  37. I'll go with batshit crazy morons.
    Or as the rethugs spell it, morans.

  38. Daisydem: Can I take a bit of issue with what you have said.

    There are many people who are not shining stars intellectually. This is where knowledge and learning come into play. (Of course I.Q. helps). It is easy to boost an intellect by just reading and learning. So while you are correct with some of these individuals, you are very wrong with many of the others.

    These people have had to sit on their racism for years because calling someone a ni22er in public was frowned upon. Now it's promoted by the opposing party.

    Honestly, just the fact that the Republican party chooses to gin them up and use them, using HATE should tell you that.

    I could get angry, (and did during the GWB Monarchy) but I didn't turn into a racist.

    Racism is a peculiar thing. The proof was not just what was said, but WHO was saying it. Many of the people who were screaming, are receiving GOVERNMENT benefits. OK so if they are getting their health care, and their Early Bird Specials, Fire/Police Service, pay State Taxes...(etc etc etc) WHAT are they complaining about?

    There are lots of things I'd like to change - and I'm sure I speak for many of you. But do I become a racist when someone rings a bell like Pavlov's dog?

    It has to be inside you. If you are not a hater, you won't scream ni@@er in a crowd.

  39. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Right Wingers Marching in DC Is Big News -- But the Same Old Faces Are Pulling the Strings:

    Glenn Beck will tell you that this weekend's march of right-wing activists on Washington was six months in the making.
    Don't believe a word of it. Try 40 years.
    As disgruntled white taxpayers joined conspiracy theorists, gun enthusiasts, state-sovereignty activists and outright racists on Pennsylvania Avenue, the long-time leaders of the American right, whose pedigrees go back to the 1964 presidential campaign of Sen. Barry Goldwater, R-Ariz., no doubt witnessed a day they thought might never come.
    Never before has the right taken to the streets in such numbers. (Estimates range between 50,000 and 100,000 attending the post-mach rally at the U.S. Capitol building.) Marching has long been the province of the left, most notably in the civil rights movement. But the election of the nation's first African-American president, a moderate liberal, in a time of economic crisis, yielded right-wing leaders the gold of backlash.
    While the foot-soldiers of the Tea Party movement give it a more secular appearance than its recent predecessors, the movement is the right's replacement for a religious right that has weakened since 2004, when it helped win a second term for George W. Bush. The tactics, however, are the same: just as the religious right subverts the Christian faith in the service of its authoritarian, business-friendly goals, so, too, does the Tea Party movement subvert the American civic religion -- that faith characterized by love of country, invocation of the Founders and veneration of the Constitution.

    This article is an excellent read!


  40. Anonymous8:09 AM

    One thing I think is important to point out is that this rally had no clear message except we love Glenn Beck/Fox News. The protesters carried signs showing their hate for everything from the current administration to the media, the health care debate to czars, and everything in between.
    I have photos of signs that show all manner of disgust . Some are worse than others. One person was carrying around a doll dressed up like that statue of liberty that had been nailed to a cross. There was a kid maybe 11 to 13 years old walking around with a t-shirt that reads: The Cure for Obama Communism ~ Is a New Era of McCarthyism.

    Here are some of the sign slogans:

    “Abort Obama Not Babies”
    “A picture this time (with a photo of a gun) : Don’t make me come back”
    “AK47’s Today’s Pitchfork”
    “Fascists are now in control, they are like a cancer slowly killing America Wake up”
    “The Zoo has an African Lion & the White House has a Lyin’ African!’
    “God gave ‘we the people’ America
    Our corrupt elected are destroying it
    Faith & Prayer
    ‘In God We trust’
    To Save the USA
    Take Action Now & Get involved”

    “Government is not Santa Claus and I am not his stinking elf”
    “Freedom a stimulus we can afford”
    “Gov’s Goal is Sole Control”

    “Internations Bankers should be hanged
    Also hang all lawyers in the USA in the city square
    Hang all of Congressman”

    “He doesn’t like America or special Olympic kids”

    “Hitler gave good speeches too”
    “Impeach the Muslim Marxist”
    “Jesus is our King”
    “Journalists and Socialists~ No difference”
    “Kennedy Care sinks like a Kennedy Car”
    “Hey McCain stay across the Isle”
    “We came unArmed…This Time”
    “Revolution: Montana: Armed and Ready”
    “No More
    S ocialism
    H uge Deficits
    I ncome Redistribution
    T ax Increases”

    “Obama Bin Lyin’
    Impeach NOW”

    “Obamacare: Sick? Call 1800Suicide for your painkiller”
    “Where’s the Birth Certificate”
    “The Obamas sat in $#!T for 20 years Now Expect us to believe that they don’t stink!”
    “Seniors vote out Democrats in 2010 or they will deny us care!”

    “Stop this Unconstitutional fascist dictatorship”


  41. The pictures at the link show that those sitting around Joe Wilson were NOT surprised when he screamed in the House. Good article by Glenn Smith:

    "Why aren't Wilson's Republican colleagues startled? Not one has turned to see what the outburst, coming from right next to them, is all about. This is, at the very least, quite odd. One thing that might account for the stoic response from those around Wilson is that they knew it was coming."

  42. Anonymous10:22 AM

    I just came from a meeting with a Canadian client, who has offered to help me move to Canada. I need to get away from the wingnuts, guns, and insanity of this country.

    This is all about racism, Daisy. Sorry, but racism is a tool of the elite, used to maintain and gain power and control. The elites direct the rage of the white poverty class toward the "other" as a way of distracting them from the real source of their anger, and as a way of minimizing those competing for elite jobs, positions, etc. This has been going on throughout history.

    Racism is the same as misogyny, bigotry, etc. It's all a function of the patriarchal power structure.

    Racism is NOT about race or even hate. It is a tool. It becomes about hate when the poverty stricken or resentful are told to direct their rage at the "other" who is "threatening" their life style.

    SO, the teabaggers are full of hate. This is about hate. It's about their hate for a black man who is liberal. And yes, in certain segments of this country, many people believe black people are inferior.

    Furthermore, Joe Wilson is an established racist, and aristocratic white boy from SC who thought slavery was a good institution. Yes, he said that.

    sorry to come down on you like this, as I'm sure you meant well...but if you don't live in the south, and you haven't seen the effigies of Obama hanging in people's yards, etc, then you really can't assume you know whether this is racist or not.

    I could tell you stories about the overtly racist and hate filled election material the republicans had on their STATE run websites that would make your skin crawl.

    Just go to a local SC paper and you'll read enough to give you an idea of what this is all about.

  43. ...and most of the signs were either misspelled or held upside down.

    Perhaps that is how they were taught to read?

    Pathetic twisted people. When the Civil Rights movement was in its heyday, we have HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of AMERICANS marching in the streets. If you look at these people - these were the ones who hid because it was no longer legal to drag a black man behind their car and make him use a different drinking fountain, a different bathroom and different entrances to movie theaters. That was THEIR day and THEIR rules.

    Well folks, they're back.

    The ignorant have combined with the outsourced mentally ill, the Social Security Potluck, The Medicare Mamas, and the Rabid Racists. All in one big, ugly group.

    The South honestly believes they can get their slaves back. They really don't like having to share society with people who are "different" They just cannot tolerate a black man as President.

    No, I'm not race baiting. THEY are. I'm simply calling them out for their hatred, and I believe they hate because they are ignorant and being used by a bunch of Repuke supporting lobbyists.

  44. Here is the story of the FAKE photograph of the 9/12 "March". If you scroll down you will note that the photograph does not show the Museum of the American Indian which opened in 2004. Therefore the photograph is older than 2004.

    Ooooops - THEY LIE!

  45. Why has Joe Wilson not been courtmartialed?

    As an active member of the military, he took a sworn oath not to disrespect a commanding officer.

    Can any of you imagine one of your loved ones in the military shouting out "You lie!" to the Commander in Chief as he walked by their rank and file?

    If one of them does, anytime in the future, can their JAG attorney point to Joe Wilson and the fact that NOTHING happened to him as case law?

  46. Since Wilson has NOT been separated (DISCHARGED) from the military, his behavior *at all times* is expected to meet the higher standards required for those entrusted to positions within the officers' corps.

    Article 88 of the UCMJ (from
    “Any commissioned officer who uses contemptuous words against the President, the Vice President, Congress, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of a military department, the Secretary of Transportation, or the Governor or legislature of any State, Territory, Commonwealth, or possession in which he is on duty or present shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.”

    Maximum punishment -
    Dismissal, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 1 year.

    Joe Wilson should be sanctioned by the people he embarrassed the most ~ his peers in military service.

  47. @basheert 11:36PM I saw that too. There are reports in the comments section that the photo is from something called the Promise Keepers back in 1997...but then I also read on wonkette this morning that this photo is REALLY from the Million Man March:

  48. Anonymous4:24 PM

    I am astounded at the number of flapping double chins and double-wide behinds in the screaming nutjob videos I have seen the past few months. My hunch is that it would take

    a)10 years of serious health education at a 5th grade level; and

    b) another 10 years of an intense weight-loss and exercise program

    to make it possible for these people to even begin to comprehend what being healthy IS. To them, "healthy!" is probably when they choose the Twinkie over the Hostess Fruit Pie. They look like they should be carrying their own defibrillators!!

  49. Anonymous6:43 PM

    I think covering up 1/4 of the screen -- the face of the reporter you're suggesting we watch -- isn't the best way to promote a video.


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