Saturday, October 10, 2009

Celtic Diva has an important update concerning her records request.

You wonderful folks whose money paid for our yet undelivered record's request have been incredibly patient, especially considering the conflicting issues between advocacy and reporting/blogging: I can't always write about "behind the scenes" activities. I have had conversations and email traffic with advisors over the months regarding this and I'm unable as yet to talk about things still in the works. However, there is some news.

To view all of Linda Kellen Biegel's post please click the title at the top.


  1. Anonymous3:06 PM

    BLATANT OBSTRUCTIONISM!!!! This is just outrageous! And Sean Parnell is going along with this? What they are hiding must be huge and they know it and do not want the emails released. are amazing and for those of us that donated to the cause, we still stand by you in the long wait. If Parnell were smart he would get these released. Holding them is NOT going to help him at election time. His problem was leaving all of 1/2 term Quitter Queen's commissioners and hench men in place. Big mistake.

  2. not that sarah3:47 PM

    I gave some money for those emails, quite gladly, I'll add.

    This is an outrage.

    Blatant obstructionism.

    I can't post at Linda's because something weird happened after I registered to pick my special avatar after donating-- but I'll post here to say that I never doubted that she was working on this issue.

    She has the heart of a true advocate for the people.

    I hope you guys can get some justice there, but if not, looks like you might need to bring the...



    (cue Sarah Palin sneer)

  3. Does anyone honestly think they are going to release any emails that have incriminating evidence? The process they go through before releasing them is designed for the purpose of eliminating anything they don't want the public to see.

  4. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Celtic Diva should be refunded interest on the money everyone paid. If she had been able to hold it in an investment until they actually handed over the documents the money could have earned a considerable sum. Just the price of the request tells you they are obstructionists.

  5. Class action lawsuit. I can spare another $25 or more. Most of you who contributed to the initial complaint can too. We payed, they refuse deliver.

  6. Anonymous5:48 AM

    I donated toward the liberation of these emails, and can throw more into the pot, if necessary. This should be a pretty straightforward task. I feel Celia may be right - corrupt employee's may be deleting any emails that show clearly the contempt SP (and her henchmen) had toward the laws and citizens of the state.

    It may be time to call in some Federal authority, sadly, your state's government may be too corrupt to be trusted to take truthful, honorable action.

    I feel sad, not only for Alaska, but America. We are supposed to be better than this.

  7. Can this group get involved with this:

    Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW)

  8. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Parnell has fallen on the sword for Palin for good as far as this Alaskan is concerned.

    I was giving him the benefit of the doubt - but no more. He inhaled too much Palin dust and is going to go down with her.

    Palin must have unleashed her magic Winky on him like she did McCain.

  9. Anonymous8:17 AM

    This appears to warrant a class action suit whereas the state admits that it is denying the citizens their legal request and asks the requestor to seek one of the options which do not produce the records requested. I have never a response like this before and is there not one attorney in AK to take this on? It appears to me that is "open and shut" case. I would think the injunction against and law suit is the way to go here...


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