Saturday, October 10, 2009

No I can see Russia. It is right over there don'tcha know.

Here is one of the outtakes from Sarah Palin's book cover photoshoot.

It was posted, along with a number of others on this photographer's private blog.

There was some very odd things that happened with this blog right after he posted these outtakes.

First they mysteriously disappeared, and then just as mysteriously reappeared.

There is more about this strange occurrence over at Bree Palin's blog.


  1. Anonymous3:48 PM

    She's seein' Putin rearin' his head.

  2. Anonymous3:52 PM

    She's got an eye on Putin, there, right?
    (I hope she's looking the right direction)

  3. Anonymous4:08 PM

    I see she's still stuffing her bra just like back in high school

  4. CrabbyPatty4:52 PM

    Say what you will about Palin, but she is pretty photogenic. The Keatley pics are truly some of the most unflattering pictures I've seen of Palin - her hair looks like some sort of hat, the picture of her in the red office suit looks incredibly BAD, the poses are strange and unnatural, her face looks almost unrecognizable in some of the shots. Was this truly the best Murdoch could do as far as a photographer, or was he nickle n' diming the final product?

  5. Rebecca Mansour has left C4P!!

    No explanation is given, and comments of supporters who are asking why she disappeared are being deleted.

    The rats of leaving the sinking ship!

    The leading Palinista has gone, without a word, and all questions are being censored. Classic C4P style!

    There is a rumor that RAM and Tim Lindell/VO could be in Alaska right now. "EyeOnYou" just posted on palingates:

    "VO aka Tim Lindell posted on Shannyn Moore's facebook today that it snowed in Fairbanks last week but the snow didn't last, so I am curious if he and RAM are still in Alaska."

  6. She's peaking over the dock looking for her tossed wedding band.

  7. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Has Palin's biggest fan, Rebecca Mansour jumped ship over at Cee4Pee? Her name is missing just today from the list of commentators. Maybe she learned the truth about Babygate. Some talk about this on comments over at Palingates.

  8. Her boobs are appearing and disappearing too !!

  9. Anonymous6:44 PM

    The red suit photo is eerily like her official photo. Same color suit, same jacket design, very very similar hair style in that it looks professionally done. But she looks much older in the new photo, her smile and her front teeth look different in the new photo, as do her boobs. It would be interesting to see the photo from the baseball game, where she's wearing a fairly tight white blouse, compared to the picture above. She just looks different.

  10. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Pushin' Palin - right into the lake.

  11. Part of me thinks RAM has joined Palin's inside circle and is writing some facebbok posts - a "promotion" from c4p so to speak. Another part of me thinks, given RAM's infamous temper, she had a disagreement with someone else (who is high up in the heirarchy of c4p) and left in a huff. Toss a coin. Maybe she didn't like being upstaged by Adriene Ross, who has become tight with the Palin family. RAM - tell us what happened, we miss you so! (lol)

  12. I think Murdick realized the mistake he made. So trying to cut his losses he sent this photographer. These are horrible pics, btw.
    He's in a hurry to get the book out before all the excitement of Palin dies down. I emailed Amazon and told them they needed to do a further reduction on her book.

  13. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Someone could write a pardody of the basketball lessons, how wonderful patriot, great mom, trasing Levi and some McCain ppl before the Nov date. HC needs to get the book out sooner and bring the price down. If I wanted to read it I'd think twice before having that picture where I would see it.

    I hope Colbert does his take on it. I'd like some humor to deflect from the banal absurdity.

  14. johnie2xs8:51 PM

    Anytime I see that face, the only word that continually jumps into my mind is "vacuous".

  15. Anonymous9:38 PM

    It's shallow to say this but there is something really weird about her skin now on her neck and face. And she looks way too sculped and angular.
    Wonder why she has her hair stuck back in a messy ponytail? One thing about her VP run, her hair and makeup looked great (and the clothes). It's amazing she didn't learn from that experience.

  16. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Looks like she's gained some weight since the campaign.

  17. I think she's trying to look like a young sophistacate here, but she'd need to be half her age and she'd need an actual beret. The smile's forced a bit, too. Also.

    The photog called these "outakes." So, is he bad, or just a Democrat? :)

  18. Anonymous11:17 PM

    Lefties are STILL obsessed with Palin even though the election was almost a year ago. Move on, idiots.

    Hussein is a JOKE!

  19. Anonymous4:23 AM

    I don't think that this is very mysterious at all.

    First of all the photos have not been reposted on Keatley's blog. The photos that Bree has posted are from the cached version of the original post that Keatley put up.

    I believe that Keatley deleted the original post showing the photos because he realised or was told that he was in breech of his clients wishes ie that he does not have permission to publicly publish them. Either that or something similar regarding publication rights.

    The photos are awful - I showed them to my daughter, who studied photography for 4 years and now works in the design industry, and she thinks that they are very chintzy compared to Keatley's usual works which she describes as fairly provocative. Jen thinks that Keatley was looking for tense and biting and all he got from Palin was an artificial custard pie in the face!

  20. I hope Sarah can retire on that seven million dollar advance, because you can stick a fork in her....she's done.

    She is rapidly becoming as irrelevant as you are anon 11:17. Sarah is the biggest political joke in modern history. She had the world at her feet a year ago and pissed it away with her immaturity, narcissism, and scandal ridden personal and political life.

  21. Anonymous5:25 AM

    I think it is quite bizarre the title Going Rogue is using photos (like Kathleen said) that are more like the artificial custard in the pie face ! :D
    You would think they would use a more serious photo.. even like that , was it Time mag?, where she is in the driveway kindof looking away from the camera?
    Silly they are trying to portray her as a giggly smiley thing and then the title is Going Rogue
    Oh wait.. that is the combination the Palin lovers adore.. someone that is STRONG ROARRR!! oh but also very weak and needs to be protected from the evil media and mean bloggers
    Is she weak or is she strong?
    She is only strong when she is in her protected bubble (behind her historical tweets and facebook or in front of a PRO Palin Only crowd) When in the "real" world.. where any sort of leader should be.. she is weak and swings punches and says Get away from me!! You scare me!! and hides behind her minions while they pull out the pitchforks.. leave our delicate leader alone!!! You are hurting her!

    And why use the Alaskan backdrop...Yes that was her "roots" .. but I thought she was Going Rogue?
    And she has proven today that Alaskans and Alaska are far from her priority
    The whole book is a bunch of mixed messages..and then throw in the rants against a young kid (Levi) .. like he is her real threat..
    Yeah, true leaders are afraid of family members that are under the age of 20

    She is trying to look hip, in an odd way.. but she truly has that granny look going on in the head.. stringy neck bones.. just jarring... and trying to keep that "sexy librarian" hair .. which is just a flat, cold doowop like she doned during the I hate Letterman interview

    She had the world at her fingertips.. when she was first on the campaign trail.. there was hope... little by little she blew it big time and has reduced herself to someone that just illicits petty remarks.. but that is because she is so obvious and an easy can we not??

    The big boob shot in orange.. oh my!
    How long did she spend trying to "arrange" her new "girls" ...
    I saw her in that motorcycle men interview and she was wearing some sort of spandexy tshirt.. the girl was flat as a board..

    take a gander

  22. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Ok, The orange shirt photo shows some augmented breasts...either surgical or Victoria Secrets. I personally don't see anything wrong with fake boobs - I have a pair myself. I can spot fake boobs a mile away. Everyone who has augmented breasts can spot fakes.

  23. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Kathleen, your daughter is on to something. I was an art director for a while (part of my job was to arrange and 'direct' such photo shoots for magazines). You can see from the photog's other work a tendency for a more 'serious'-looking stately sort of shot. What we see here are dramatic settings perfect for a Jack-London-y adventure heroine, but Palin can't deliver those goods. Instead, she's mugging and offering us the silly cheesecake pinup girl from "Runner's World" here.

    Not a surprise that she isn't "getting it"; par for the course with her and not necessarily the photog's fault. You can't force people to give off the emotional vibe you're imagining (tough, determined, 'rogue') if they don't want to play along.

    If by chance there had been any shots where SP wasn't simpering like a pre-teen, perhaps she wouldn't have allowed the to make the short list.


  24. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Flirt, flirt, flirt -- The OCC video is kind of like a bar room flirt exchange. How in God's name did Palin ever get elected? Is this just a mistake or a take on the demographics of Alaska? Could only happen in Wasilla.

  25. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Palin's physical features change daily -- the chameleon! Not pregnant, pregnant; breasts, no breasts.

  26. Anonymous6:45 AM

    My husband saw those photos and he said, "what's wrong with her?" and then he shook his head and said, "Vacuous."

    So it was funny to read a guy above who used the exact same word about her.

    The Palinistas think we're all jealous of her because they have no grasp of the things we value and find attractive. Only an extremely shallow person could find her attractive.

    That "going rogue" attempt explains the bad pictures -- he was trying to get "serious" out of her. Good luck, pal.

    Instead he got "rogue whiner Barbie".

  27. Anonymous6:51 AM

    yep anon 6:34
    and Shiney plump lips one day... thin Cruella Deville slits the next

    Short scraggly hair one day (pool side photos) and hair that grows over night (extensions)

    Off subject but in all her Christian ranting.. has anyone every heard her use the word LOVE (except in saying God loves all babies rant)?

    One day she blabs about God and all those things
    The next she is saying flat out lies

    This or that..
    I mentioned it before
    No wonder Running is "her sanity"
    With a crazed no sense of self like that
    Bungee jumping would be my choice of sanity

    Just bring the dang hammer down on her head already!
    And very wise her book is now in print.. now all the stories can come out
    She cemented "her tale" in print.. no going back
    unless, of course.. there is a sequel
    Going Rogue II: An American that is Misunderstood

    Start of the book: Everyone twisted my words! OK.. let me try again. I am a girl from Wasilla...

  28. Anonymous6:57 AM

    If the photographer had shot what he'd truly seen, the book would have had to sport a plain brown wrapper.
    Instead I think he just settled for the cutesy pie in the face garbage he got. I think he may eventually deeply regret this assignment.

  29. johnie2xs7:20 AM

    TO ANONYMOUS, 11:17;

    We as constituents in our political system, are not unlike tuning forks,when it comes to the information we are fed and respond to.
    That being the case, if you are so tuned, whereby Palin makes sense and Obama doesn't, there is then little hope for you until you are re-tuned. That will require due diligence on your part to acquire broader informational sourcing.
    To those of us with even a modicum of logic and reasonableness, it is more than evident that Palin is an empty vessel in comparison to an intellect like Obama's.
    Whether or not he is as effective as we would like him to have been,in these last nine months, is a totally different subject,as opposed to capability.
    Palin is totally incapable, and deserves not to be considered seriously.
    Obama,on the other hand is capable, serious, and totally deserving of our support.
    And lastly, we are not afraid of Palin, for in and of herself she is feckless. What concerns us are the blind and easily swayed low information automatons, who will blindly follow this "Vacuous Vixens" to the gates of Hell, and/or the "Rapture".!

    Hey! Have a nice life!!

  30. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Rick Warren has a new book coming out about $P
    called "The Vacuous-Driven Life".

    Does half-baked Alaska refer to her term as governor?

  31. johnie2xs7:50 AM

    You know the more I look at that picture, atop this thread, the more familiar that canted pose look.

    Correct me if I am wrong, but is there not a picture of Shirley Temple similarly posed,except that I believe she hap her arms in a Betty Boop/Flapper attitude with her right index finger screwed into her dimple?

  32. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Anyone else look at the photographer's portfolios on Facebook? He either lied about shooting on location or else he has a studio sin AK. And I doubt anyopne brings a football player form WA to AK for a photoshoot. Take a peek. In either case, those photos were shot in a studio. and had the hell pumped out of them with PhotoShop.

  33. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Anyone else look at the photographer's portfolios on Facebook? He either lied about shooting on location or has a studio in AK - doubtful. The Palin photos were obviously shot with the same studio backdrop used to photograph a football jock and a rock group. And then PhotoShopped to hell & back.

  34. Grypen, this is too funny. You got to over to

    Team Sarah plans capitol "Phone Blast"...on a government holiday (Monday, October 12 which is Columbus Day)

    by GottaLaff

  35. Anonymous10:59 AM

    I think the above photo has been 'stretched' to make her look taller
    & thinner (remember she is 5'3"). She looks about 6ft tall and I have
    NEVER seen a neck like that except Cleopatra's. Her head looks like
    it was stuck on as an afterthought, like something out of Men in Black.

  36. Anonymous11:00 AM

    I noticed Keatley's prior work was far better. Kathleen's daughter would know, I agree he got the artificial custard in the pie face.

    Sarah may get run out of politics but she won't ever retire from being a con artist. That doesn't mean she will give up SarahPac anytime soon.

  37. Anonymous11:25 AM

    I think the "photographer" is a spoofer...

    I think the whole thing is bullshit...

    the Palin shots ALL suck and don't match the other peeps on the "website"...

    Why would an organization like Murdochs let this kind of crazy hit the internet...

    posts, posts deleted, same posts re-appear...

    it's BULL... complete BULL...

    the Enquirer, as SLEAZY as it is doesn't pull this kind of rank BS...

    I;m just not buyin any of it...

    the first pic in orange sweater on dock looks photoshopped... bigger boobs, fuller through hisp and thigh, neck looking too long... and not marching body type in following pics...

    looks like a huge photoshop joke from hell to me... rofl...

    and I am NO fan of SP...

    too mnay inconsistencies to buy at face value on this trick... and a trick it seems to be...

  38. Anonymous11:32 AM

    I'm a photographer and I am totally amazed that this photographer took someone as photogenic as Palin and could not come up with dozens of great shots. The lighting is poor, Palin's hair is pulled back to severely, posture is strange and nothing memorable. If those were the good shots, I would hate to see the bad shots.

  39. Anonymous1:01 PM

    I think this was an odd choice of photographer for this assignment. His other work seems interesting, but I don't think Sarah wanted interesting for her big book about me. She just wanted to do her beauty queen poses. Obviously, after he posted these other shots on his blog and they got passed around the palinista sites, someone pointed out to him that he wasn't supposed to share those. Oops! Scrub and double-scrub time!

    Thanks, Gryphen!

  40. Anonymous2:38 PM

    If Rupert Murdoch is behind this he could be trying to humiliate or letting her self destruct. She seems to be getting enough rope and she still has Meg's aid. These pictures are an indication of how the book will be, Murdoch can afford to take a loss if he gets to have the last laugh. After he sinks her, he can focus on another candidate. The funny part is that the Palinbots like her fugly pictures and they will love the book. Rupert can win with them loving her and the world having a big laugh. Don't forget editor Bellows did the Terminatrix. Nailinpalinnow tells about "Palin is getting punked" might be what happened in "Cosmic Joke Or Just Plain Karma? Murdoch Is The Biggest Blogger Of Them All."

  41. Irishgirl2:45 PM

    I have just spent 5 years doing a photography course... In my first year we had to do a celebrity portrait. If we had offered up that kind of tripe...we would have failed the project.I'm not dissing the photographer...but there was nothing there.

    I did a series on my father...10 pics in black and white, I would be willing to post these pics if Gryphen permitted, just to show you the difference.

  42. irishgirl, would love to look at your pics. But none of us needs to be a pro to see who horrendous these shots of SP are, but my mom used to say "ugly shines through" maybe the camera is seeing the inate ugliness oozing out.

  43. Anonymous10:56 AM

    She counts on her looks.

    Everyone has seen the shots where her ugliness shines through. The curled lips, the baleful eye.

    And then the charming Miss Wasilla.

  44. Irishgirl12:06 PM

    I meant to say, post a link, not actual pics. Sorry it was late last night. Hopefully I will get around to it one of these days.

  45. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Levi Johnston is back on twitter, but will delete

    Jaketapper. I'm willing to give you an interview before deleting this account and placing all rumors to rest. Contact me or my lawyers.

    Exactly what he means? Who knows. Rumors about what? The full monty, or his time with the Palins.

    He might be fed up with his 15 minutes and all the hate mail he get from Sarah bots.


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