Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Jon Stewart hilariously calls 24 hour news giant CNN out on their stingy time constraints for important debate.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
CNN Leaves It There
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorRon Paul Interview

So funny, because it is so true.


  1. Anonymous6:51 AM

    I was gonna comment, but we're outta time, Gryph...we're gonna hafta leave-it there.

  2. Laura7:22 AM

    Jon Stewart is great. I appreciate you posting these clips since I don't get cable.

  3. Sad, but true... Why is it that Jon Stewart, a comedian who is supposed to be parodying the news, is the only one who will actually ask any of the hard questions?! Why have all the news channels abandoned real news? Oh right, money.

  4. I LOVE this! Goodbye CNN .. someday. Since I have boycotted them since right after the inauguration (the day John King - I hate having to call him anything reminiscent of Elvis - interviewed Cheney) I love this video. And lately I am reading here on the blogs where more and more people are boycotting them too! Sayonara CNN. Adios. Goodbye.

  5. Gasman10:22 AM

    CNN seems to be the one MSM outlet that is desperately clinging to that outdated model of TV journalism, the A vs. B debate. You know how it goes. You get two or more spokespersons on each side of the debate and let them have at it. The problem with that model is it elevates points of view that have no legitimacy.

    Take the subject of global warming. Scientists agree on the basic premise of global warming by a factor of something like 99.9% to .01%. So, by placing a single representative from each camp onstage to “debate” the issue, they diminish the 99.9% and inflate the .01% making it appear that there is some kind of parity between the two arguments. They need 999 scientists on the global warming side and 1 on the other. With that kind of representation nobody would conclude that there was really any rational debate.

    That style of “debate” could lead to lots of interesting 1 on 1 confrontations: is pedophilia OK, how much should you beat your wife, and is arson good? Hey, as long as we can find a single supporter for those issues, it will neatly fit in CNN’s model.

    This present generation of journalists have been sloppy, lazy, and incurious when it comes to holding politicians accountable for their spin or outright lies. CNN is probably the worst of the lot. They have time to fact check a comedy sketch, but John Kyl gets to pull numbers out of his ass with impunity. CNN's priorities are seemingly out of whack.

  6. SoCalWolfGal11:08 AM

    Well, but they are getting rid of Lou Dobbs, so I guess we will just have to leave it there. Do these people really think they are a news organization? Why don't they get themselves a couple of clips from You Tube and forget it. Pathetic doesn't even begin to describe this! Thank God for Jon Stewart.

  7. Anonymous2:40 PM

    In header-->> "thier" --> their ;)

    News? Truth? Accuracy? Jon Stewart is your best bet as he cuts through the muck and mire of today's MSM--and does it with humor. What the hell has happened to the integrity and high standards of journalistic reporting? Seems that "truth" is only what can be manipulated and skewed to get the highest ratings. Slipshod reporting and partial truths are accepted without much thought.

    The newsies have a responsibility to seek, question and dig for what the truth is in any situation. What's the purpose of "the news" if it is merely an opinion fluffed and puffed up as truth.

    Here's a Raspberry and a Bah Humbug to
    nonsense, laziness and over-sized egos that get in the way of good old fashioned solid reporting.



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