Monday, October 05, 2009

Levi and Tank go nuts.

Well at least it is better than Playgirl.


  1. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Oh Gryphen, now you're talking! This one is so interesting that I just know that your popularity is going to grow. And what a great way to get people to click on your advertizements!

    Sarah Q.

  2. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Levi... sit down and write the book...PLEASE

  3. Anonymous8:53 AM

    If Levi had a book to sell, he would have sold it by now. His 15 minutes are almost up, especially if this is the best that the lawyer, the body guard and the actor/model can come up with.
    He appears to be a nice guy, but is it really all about the money??

  4. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Good job, Levi!

  5. Anonymous9:10 AM

    That's a great ad. $arah Palin better hurry up and accept that offer to endorse a line of Walmart PJs!

  6. OK, so...

    Is this just playing in AK?

    It's actually kinda funny. Ha ha.

    Are there more endorsements coming?

    See, Sarah/Megletongue? He CAN make money without being mean to anyone.

    How did you come across this, Gryphen? Get a tip?

  7. Gryphen, and IM readers, did you go see Bree Palin's latest photo comparison post?

    Yeah I know it's preaching to the choir, but, man, it's sooooo convincing. "One of these things is not like the other one; one of these things is not the same."

  8. I'm glad Levi is earning a living. And I think the commercial is kind of cute.

  9. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Good to know that Levi now gets his nuts with protection... ;-)

  10. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Who dresses this kid? Didn't Sarah crack his nuts once?

  11. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Protection! Now they tell him about protection!

  12. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Hey, Levi is obviously in great company whilst promoting the Get Crackin' competition.

    Perhaps he should have stuck with Play Girl after all?

  13. I thought that was kind of cute :)

  14. Anonymous10:36 AM

    I think this is hilarious!! What a great ad. They are such an unlikely couple. Who knows, maybe this will lead to some other ads, sounds great to me. Another Odd Couple in the making. I am not sure if anyone outside of the blogosphere will know who Tank is, but maybe with the VF article Tank may have developed his own following. Go Levi!!

  15. Anonymous10:38 AM

    okay, that is hilarious. Can't you just imagine the fit Sarah is throwing?

  16. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Hilarious! I love it... they should do a whole series! So funny... unlike your comments box, which doesn't allow cut-and-paste... can you fix it so we can all sound even more articulate???

  17. Anonymous11:07 AM

    I'm really glad that someone finally taught Levi about protection. Apparently that topic wasn't covered in the Palin Homeschool Academy.

  18. SoCalWolfGal11:15 AM

    I do love this! Not only is it cute but it will piss $P off, which is a good thing.

  19. Nice to see Levi employed. Let's hope his advisers get him a nice book contract as well.
    And, maybe, someone should pitch a Levi-looking-for-love show, like The Bachelor, to MTV/VH1; he did get dropped by Bristol and must be lonesome - I think there's some ladies out there that would not mind meeting Levi.

  20. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Haha! Cute ad. No doubt Mrs. Quittypants and Miss Stapletongue are putting together some stinging commentary of how this ad is victimizing Bristole and the new Murdoch handlers are trying to prevent another petty outburst and getting damn sick of trying to make that sow's ear into a silk purse.

  21. Anonymous12:30 PM

    May I add that Tank is also really good in this? Maybe Tank will get some more acting/PR offers, too!

  22. Anonymous1:16 PM

    I won't be buyin' Dopey's book but I will go buy some of those pistachios!

    Giddy-up Levi and Tank. Good luck from Southeast Alaska!!!

  23. Anonymous1:21 PM

    So Gryphey,

    What's the latest word? Why all quiet?

  24. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Check the site. There are a number of ads that are funny. Dana Torras the olympic swimmer; the guy from Sopranos.

    If this is truly his twitter page, he's not doing himself any favors with many of the tweets he is putting out there. Add to it he says he's done the playgirl shoot.
    done with the playgirl shoot...

  25. C'mon Levi1:41 PM

    I congratulate Levi and his handlers for going down this path as opposed to the creepy cougar stuff. This way he will maintain his credibility, give us a laugh and earn himself and his family a little extra cash.

    His life experiences thus far have given him first hand experience in dealing with nutcases or anything nutty. So well done.

  26. Anonymous1:57 PM

    eeeewwwwww... keep THOSE nuts away from ME...

  27. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Those two are a great match! It got me thinking about Laurel & Hardy.

    Check this out

    Substitute the actors with other characters and let your imagination go wild.

  28. Anonymous3:43 PM

    I think it's a clever ad with Levi and Tank and it makes me smile. Both of them did well and somehow they look like they really are a team. It fits well with the internet mentality today where so many have short attention spans and are always clicking to see something different.

  29. Anonymous5:20 PM

    I can't help thinking that Levi has more to tell. Otherwise, why would someone still be paying Tank to be his bodyguard? If Levi had told everything his lawyer and Tank would have moved on by now.

  30. Anonymous5:51 PM


  31. Anonymous5:50 AM

    LOL - this was on The Daily Show last night. Guess they know their target audience.

  32. Anonymous6:10 AM

    I saw this ad last night on Comedy Central! It is in national rotation.

  33. Levi-come clean! The Babygate political scandal is a hard nut to crack. And you are just the man to crack it. Hey, Tank and Rex, thanks for guiding Levi through all the cracks in his new found fame which he never asked for. Now leak. Tell the nation that Sarah is not the Birther of Trig. Tell the nation the inside scoop of how Sarah was never vetted and how the McCain operatives helped in cover-up. Good ad, stay clear of Playgirl, too much celebrity fluff. Now go visit the kid with your new earnings.


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