Monday, October 05, 2009

Morgan, the Token Hippie, thinks that Sarah Palin may have another more appropriate book to write.

Just click the title to read Morgan's humorous opinion about Sarah Palin's literary future.


  1. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Interesting new post by Patrick at palingates about babygate.

  2. MadCityKaren5:50 PM

    OMG! I so needed a laugh right now! While Morgan's post is funny, just the picture of the new "book" has kept me giggling. ("She even had me fooled ..." John McCain)

  3. Anonymous5:52 PM

    O/T - Um, this graphic is huge, at least on my browser.

    On topic - great cover, Morgan!

  4. Sarah has no fashions sense, but even Ms Gusty wouldn't wear her pants as short as Sarah's are in this photo. Just another pesky, telling detail about this staged photo op that's always nagged at me.
    If you listen to Ms Gusty's denial spot about her not being part of the hoax. I think she was a patsy, and was so thrilled to be called upon by her idol for her interview, that she was too starry eyed to notice.

    SOOT-So, was Bristol just a red herring?????

  5. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Excellent, Morgan -- very clever, creative, funny and it's not even fiction!

  6. Wonderful! Chapter 1: Be sure you can pass the "Who does NOT look like the others?" test (on Bree's site). If you can't, you have low (but not zero) chances of success. After all, SP failed the test and has so far succeeded in the deception.

  7. emrysa6:27 PM

    good one!!

  8. Anonymous8:33 PM

    The elephant in the room is:
    1) When is the last time Sarah was seen with Trig?
    2) Who's Trig living with right now?

    Come now Gryphen, do tell

  9. The operative words in the book title are, "Poorly faked", that is what has always amazed me. She did not even do a clever job of faking it and people still can't see that she did it. Come on her main disguises were scarves, MSM.

  10. Anonymous3:20 AM

    What if Sarah poorly faked a pregnancy so everyone would think she was having Bristol's baby, but in reality Sarah was planning an adoption to cover up an abortion that Bristol had on the October 2007 NYC trip?

  11. Gryphen, as always it is such an honor having you link to me. Thanks so much! I'm glad you all enjoyed my exercise in Art Imitating Surreality. ;-)

  12. Anonymous5:53 AM

    I'm going to save my reading until SP and Vicky Iovine co-write the Girlfriend's Guide to Faking Pregnancy.

  13. Anonymous7:13 AM

    I wish this was a real book, I'm sure it would be a best seller. A lot of people are intrested in this story.


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