Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Shannyn Moore to make Countdown appearance THIS hour!

Right now THAT is all I know.

Of course I will embed the video when it becomes available.

Update: Heeere's Shannyn!


  1. trish in SW FL4:51 PM

    my guess? she'll be talking about the Levi/Sarah fight from today.

    Commercial break....then ???

  2. Yea Shanny! Levi has scarah by the balls that the wingnuts claims she has.

    And isnt it a crime to not report a crime?
    Levi has good counsel, and a BIG bodyguard and a smirk that made megapuke have to say we're ignoring Levi, sorta.

  3. Shannyn was GREAT! When Lawrence O'Donnell (filling in for Keith O.) outlined the much higher prices that other politicians got for their books (compared to Scarah), Shannyn said (I am paraphrasing): "Maybe the publishers thought they would get 400 pages, but she would quit half-way through .....OR, maybe the Republican men thought it would be a pop-up book." bwaaaaaahahaha. Shannyn also said she spoke to Levi directly today - glad they are talking.

  4. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Things that she hasn't done while governor that are illegal? That's what I heard. Huge, wonder what he means? Hasn't done...a pregnancy??

    Anyway, Shannyn did a great job! Such wit!!

    Thanks, Gryphen!!

  5. MadCityKaren7:32 PM

    @ 3:11 mark in this particular clip, Levi almost answers "yes" in response to the question "things that are illegal?" Love it!

    Loved Shannyn's comments that $P has had her challenges with the truth ... :D

  6. Personal favorite: Lawrence O'Donnell referenced her quitterness as "Alaska Blogger Sarah Palin" - how beautiful - I'm sure he meant no offense to bona fide Alaska bloggers...

    Levi will also be on Entertainment Tonight, tomorrow - guess he's making good use of his talents while in NYC.

    And of course, Shannyn, great as always!

  7. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Lawrence mentioned that Levi is " the father of Sara's one and only grandchild."
    so I guess he doesn't know about babygate??
    I wonder if Shannyn has told them about this.

  8. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Shannyn was brilliant, Levi should learn to emulate her style and wit, she has a knack for phrasing her response in a manner that both mocks factually, yet makes people think there's something more.

    Thanks for sharing the link, Gryphen, and keep up the good work!

  9. She also got in that the price has dropped below $10 and it's not even released yet.

    Tee hee.

  10. I loved the "pop-up book" line. Too funny.

  11. Cute quips at the end : )

  12. honestyinGov11:28 PM

    I have to agree as well... the ' pop up book for Republican Men ' tells the story. shannyn comes up with those great lines.

    Also about the " Ghostwriters book "... we have to say " Houston, we have a problem ?" In Houston on the day her book is released. Did Sarah loose the 24 hour news cycle for " Her " day? Cheny will arrive in Houston (17th)for a fundraiser and endorsement for K.B. Huchison. Sarah is working for GoodHair Perry. Dueling Conservatives ( Deerhunter)... cue the Banjo music. Do you think it will get ugly... yu betcha. Maybe Cheney won't be calling Sarah anymore as well.And who will the REAL conservatives decide to support... Scarah or the Dick? I hope it's a bloodbath.

    Story on the Huffpo Politics page." Cheney Endorsing Huchison over Perry in Texas"

  13. Anonymous1:43 AM

    "I dunno if Levi's telling the truth, but I know Scarah is Truth Challenged!"
    great job Shannyn!!

  14. Anonymous2:59 AM

    I hate to be a party pooper but I was very disappointed in Moore's response to the question about outstanding scandals or ethics charges.



    Moore's answer was that there was nothing currently outstanding!

    Whaaaaaa????? Moore totally dropped the ball, and I like her. I still can't believe that Palin is getting away with this Alaska Fund Trust scam and the bloggers (apart from Celtic Diva at the moment) appear to be asleep at the wheel on this since July. . .

    Moore should have pointed out, at the very least, that hundreds of thousands of dollars have been raised for this woman, with only a few thousand disbursed. . .

    (And now she's asking for MORE to underwrite her trip to Iowa for the pro-life cause. . . .)

    Sorry, folks!

  15. Anonymous3:18 AM

    I am picturing Murdock smacking Palin upside the head for releasing that staement. Can't you follow orders -ever? Twack. Now everyone is laughing at you again. POW! Must you be a crybaby all the time? Pop!

  16. Anonymous5:08 AM

    Shannyn missed one open-ended question about what investigations were still ongoing in Alaska. She said that she did not know. This was a perfect opening to let MSM know about $P's problems. This would also have been helpful for Levi.

  17. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Someone must be getting close to the truth as the hibernating mama grizzly has polked her bumpit head out of the den to growl and snarl.

  18. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Heard (on an radio ad) the book price has dropped to $4.95 with a magazine subscription. The same magazine had been hawking the book for $9.95 last week with a subscription.

    When it gets as cheap as toilet paper, I might buy it and put it in the outhouse where it will be used for the only good purpose that I can think of today.

  19. 1:43 AM
    Anonymous said...

    you are 100% correct. She started off well eniff, but that is like scarah not knowing any SCOTUS decisons she disagreed with.

    Missing-delayed FOIA email requests. AFT.

    Shannyn seems a bit hesitant as of late. Wassup with that?

  20. The topic was Levi so that very-vague and off-topic question Lawrence asked just blind-sided her. It would have blind-sided me as well and I'd be hard-pressed to come up with a response to something so open-ended and condense it down to the time allotted. She only has seconds on live T.V. to come up with an answer and I think she did just fine.

  21. FEDUP!!!10:31 AM

    I love it how Levi almost said YES to the question wether $arahcuda did something illegal while GINO. At the last second, he looked over to Tank, and said he would not comment on it - neither whether it was illegal nor if it was immoral...

  22. Anonymous10:53 AM

    If CelticDiva is OK with Shannyn's response on the open ethics investigations, then it makes sense to me.

    The "pop-up book for republican men" is classic witty Shannyn. What a riot.

  23. CD,

    It was a missed opp to make sure the general public knows that she is still not in the clear.

    The topic was Levi, but the question was not something obtuse. It was a slow pitch down the middle from O'Donnell, and Shanny whiffed on it and I'm sure she knows it by now.

    It is what it is. Perhaps less time in make up, more time preparing. When an opp like that presents itself, it must be taken advantage of.

    As for MSNBC, perhaps THEY should focus more on palins ongoing FOIA and trust scam issues as opposed to Levi's latest, kiss and dont tell...
    And I still like her a lot...
    Also, too.

  24. crystalwolf aka caligrl5:39 PM

    The democratic committee (?) is still trying to get FIOA from LAST YEAR! Diva is still waiting for what she paid over 5K!
    The AFT aka grifter fund, was supposed to be dealt with the (corrupt) personnel fund!
    These are all things the MSM should be interested in if they will not touch Babygate!!!


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