Monday, October 12, 2009

Shannyn Moore's appearance on MSNBC today.

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I almost missed this and was just talking on the phone when suddenly...there was Shannyn!

As usual she did great, and even mentioned Team Sarah's Columbus Day Phone Blast boondoggle.


  1. Let me be the first here to disagree with Shannyn I'm sorry to say. Palin's fake Facebook posturing did not grant her any special power except to deceive and mislead the ignorant minority. And to say that she had more power than the GOP to derail health care is a gross exaggeration, Shannyn. The GOP worked hand in hand with lobbyists and medical corporations relentlessly to derail health care. Your overstatement of Palin's powers is a definite misrepresentation in one blogger's humble opinion - mine. For the record here is a list of women that wield real power in the US -

  2. I agree with Helen, and I thought it was Team Sarah that sent out the phone blast memo? Shannyn said it was done by SarahPAC. :/

  3. Maybe she just had an off day.

  4. Hey if I was the one on television I would probably just sit there and mumble incoherently until the commercial break.

    Shannyn does an amazing job,and it was an easy mistake. I can guarantee I will make at least one bigger one before the end of the week.

  5. I generally agree with being amiable - but making a statement that Palin alone is more powerful than the entire GOP isn't just a slip of the tongue. It's a point of view, and one very out of touch with what has been happening to Serror since July. I don't get it.

  6. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Maybe VO is getting into her head and she's beginning to believe the Palin hype herself. She never really has sided against her, so it would be just as easy to side with her. Seems that lately she's been hanging out with some of SP's biggest fans so it isn't that much of a stretch

  7. Anonymous1:15 AM

    Is it just me, or does anybody else feel this was a surprisingly positive portrayal of SP??? Her star quality, her influence, etc.... The negatives were really more like nuggets of advice: e.g. SP needs better organization and more emphasis on subjects such as immigration...

  8. I didn't understand Shannyn's interview. She seemed more favorable toward Ms. Palin and the information that she was reporting was way off.

    Just my opinion....

  9. crystalwolf aka caligrl7:08 AM

    I was a little shocked at Shannyn's interview? Seriously we know she isn't writing her fb and its a big joke...?
    "She is beginning to affect policy from her Facebook" ????WTF? That is something a palinista would say. I hope Shannyn is not drinking the kool aid...!

  10. I agree with Shannyn to a point. We should never,ever dismiss her. She looks out for # 1, herself and she is vicious. She has people support but I am sure the people that support her are the one issue people, those who think she is God's gift because of her religion or because of the abortion issue. They do not appear to care about her lack of intellectual curiosity or her lack of knowledge. From what I have read from her supporters, they do not appear to be that smart either.
    Remember it was thought that GW was elected because people thought he'd be OK to sit around and have a beer with!
    I would never discount her. Look at GW Bush. A failed business man, a liar and a slimy politician, but the republicans got him elected twice by voter manipulation.
    He was a puppet president. Sarah Palin could easily be one too. We just need to keep on exposing who is supporting and promoting her.

    And I'm sure her book deal tour will have a clause that the questions can only be about the book, no politics.
    Her use of Facebook is genius. No questions, just a ghost writer writing GOP talking points for her.

  11. Well ... I too got a jolt and sat back in my chair - Palin influenced policy on Facebook? This was (even if not really believed by Shannyn, or meant to be critical) a postive stroke for Sarah Palin. I can't listen to the rest of the interview.

  12. I, too, thought Shannyn gave SP too much credit, and appeared PRO Palin - SO UNUSUAL! Who took our Shannyn away? Gryphen, INTERVENTION is needed! I realize that this was not Olbermann, and Shannyn might have been pressured to be more diplomatic, but to give scarah that much unmerited credit was strange. I know that there are many people who would LIKE to see SP as the nominee in 2012, just for the comedy relief and total blow-out in the election. BUT, this is dangerous - voting machines can be fixed, and/or people who are unhappy that Obama could not perform miracles (with the messes he was dealt) might just vote "anyone but Obama." Remember, that is how AK got the idiot Palin in the first place - the voters said "anyone but Murkowski."

  13. Sarah's base does consider her a "star"; she gets them excited and pumped and they get off their couches to spread the hate and fear that she asks them to. Many people are simply curious about her.

    She released "death panels" upon the world thru facebook and consequently the Tea Baggers began to use it to assist in derailing the Health Care debate.

    24 hour news channels cover each and every facebook that Palin puts out; I'd call that wielding a bit of power.

    I want her OFF the radar as do many here but we have to admit to ourselves that she is influential and not just write her off because she lacks policy knowledge. While no genius, she is crafty and wily and is using those skills to the best of her ability.

    None of us can look back upon the Health Care debates and say how it all would have turned out without the "death panel" hysteria she unleashed upon the world. I for one think that she did assist in screwing up our chances for Health Care coverage for all Americans.

    Just my opinion.

  14. Anonymous10:08 AM

    I didn't care for that interview either. Shannyn was giving way too much credit to Palin.

  15. honestyinGov11:52 AM

    I have read the opinions that other people have commented on about giving Palin ' credit ' that she doesn't deserve. I had an opinion as well about Shannyn's interview even before reading the comments.Shannyn KNOWS Sarah. I don't think her opinion of Her has changed. I thought Shannyn's remarks were sort of like copying a strategy that Begala and Carville had done previously when they declared Rush Limbaugh " The Leader of the GOP ". Shannyn even said it with a straight face.... Begala had to have a smirk on his face when he said it.Shannyn said she had this ' power ' and then immediately pointed out how inept and unorganized they were.Sarcasm or irony... call it whatever you want.Sarah fails or quits everything... Shannyn knows this.This is a replay out of that Begala playbook.If Shannyn believed Sarah had the power to do anything would we have heard the words.... " SUE Me... Suck it up Buttercup "
    You build up the opposition (in their Minds- giving them false hope ) knowing that they will fall flat on their face.I LIKED the interview.JMHO

  16. Anonymous2:56 PM

    People, I watched the video and didn't hear Shannyn anything but what is obvious. Maybe what frustrate me is that Babygate and the threats to dissenters is going strong and Shannyn knows that and refuses to bring it up while refering to palin stardom.

    Honestyingov- Carville and Begala are known as
    political strategists.

  17. Anon 2:56 - I disagree with you. Shannyn did not merely state "what is obvious". It is not "obvious" that Palin is stronger than the rest of the GOP or that she wields any power other than to stir up a shrinking base that is constantly ready to be riled anyway.

    It is a matter of pure opinion, and a slanted one at that, to say that Palin's Death Panel blurb changed or derailed the health care debate. People have short memories. The Death Panel meme was floating around for a couple of weeks AT LEAST before Palin ever picked up on it - she wasn't even original when she brought it up.

    Palin did not derail the health care debate, she was maybe the cherry on top of a giant sludgy hot fudge sunday campaign of money, propaganda, calculated misrepresentation, disinformation, payoffs, staged events and lobbying shoved down the throats of the American people and carried on by a host of moneyed individuals over a period of time.

    In my opinion, "sound biting" positive Palin statements can be something that Shannyn is doing to help herself out - to present herself as a less partisan media voice. If she is more milquetoast and less partisan she may be able to get bigger television jobs. I wish her well whatever the case may be. I don't agree with what she said this time, but whenever I've heard her in the past she always spoke very adroitly about isssues of the day - usually from a fierce liberal viewpoint. I hope liberals do not lose Shannyn as a representative of their views and a voice for their aims and goals.

  18. shanny was just fine (nice hair!). She said sarah couldnt even do a book tour. she is unorganized.

    She could have qualified sp FB posts as being just that, posts on her FB page. I dont think she was insuniating that she actually wrote them.

  19. Anonymous6:26 PM

    To ignore that palin has power is to ignore the abuses committed on her behalf.

    Helen, dear Helen you are referring to positive, constructive and laudable power.

    No. Shannyn was not just fine but she was stating the obvious.

    Please, please Gryph stay away from anyone named Vido or Juju and don't share your info with those who won't use their platform to validate your findings.

    Forever Anonymous(Anon 2:56).

    Forever Anonymous.

  20. Anonymous7:14 PM

    I'm not a liberal and not a conservative; middle of the road is my meme. Why is Helen picking on Shannyn?

    Sarah Palin is what Sarah Palin is and the news covers her blabs and twits and tweets and Facebooks. She does have power and we need to make certain that her power NEVER EVER extends to anywhere near the Whitehouse!

    Put your head in the sand Helen and you will see another G Bush the second.

  21. Anon 7:14

    Give me some well reasoned arguments to support the idea that Palin is more powerful than the rest of the GOP combined, when the GOP itself is shunning her more and more as time goes on, and has actually since she ran for VP. Shannyn puts herself and her statements out to the public at large for consideration and I doubt that she herself would think that anyone who disagrees with her is "picking" on her, so your defense of her is quite unnecessary.

  22. Wow. I don't usually jump in, but Shannyn Moore "believing Palin hype?" "Positive portrayal?" (knock knock) Hello?

    The bogus notion of Death Panels DID change the health care debate. It caused the Dems to retract that part about end of life counseling for goodness sake! The red masses were terrified that the government was coming for Grandma. Doesn't anyone remember that? She absolutely has power. She may never get elected to national office, (we hope) but she is dangerous. She is a shiny empty vessel that can be filled with whatever the GOP wants to fill it with. She has a rabid base that does her bidding, LOUDLY. And Shannyn would not be the first and won't be the last to use exaggeration as a device to make a point.

    Sheesh, guys. I'm proud of Shannyn and glad that she's out there keeping people focused and not letting us get complacent and write her off.

  23. Anonymous10:53 PM

    Thank you AKMuckraker for a voice of reason on this crazy whacked out comment thread!!! Sorry it or not, Sarah Palin has power. Read Republican Gomorrah. Max Blumenthal writes about the new GOP being these rabid birth-bagger types that have successfully infiltrated the party. Lindsey Graham-a hard core right winger is apparently NOT right wing enough! He is being chased out of the GOP now- did you see his recent town hall??? Blumenthal was on Tavis Smiley talking about a "6-4-3 double play-Lyndon LaRouche to Palin to Grassley" on the death panel BS! Shannyn was spot on. Y'all need to chill the fuck out!

  24. "Palin has power and shouldn't be ignored, Palin should not be granted powers she does not have by her opposition" seems like an inevitable liberal debate.

    Liberals will only become stronger by a free flow of ideas and an open airing of our differences. I think it has been an interesting discussion. I for one do understand better now why Shannyn framed things the way she did, which evidently caught myself and others by surprise judging from the comments of several who weighed in here. Anon 10:53 - No need to insult people for expressing their views - that's why we come here.


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