OW! OW! OW! That has got to hurt!
I mean it is one thing for a bunch of pajama clad bloggers (I have my "Family Guy" PJ's on right now), late night comedians, and MSNBC haters to say negative things about Sarah, but THIS is a guy from her team.
That is like right as you are about to get the basketball passed to you so that you can make the game winning shot, one of your OWN players hip checks you into the giant Gatorade cooler, knocking you out of bounds and drenching you in sticky, orange, electrolyte filled, thirst quenching goodness. (This basketball metaphor brought to you by the management of the Immoral Minority, in the hopes it will help the Palin-bots understand that the REAL Republicans do not want their schizophrenic "goddess" representing them anymore.)
Well that is a pretty ugly allegation, surely this will aggravate Sarah enough for her to emerge from her Twitter-less hidey-hole long enough to provide Steve Schmidt with a bat-shit crazy verbal beat down. At the very least her BFF, and venom spewing attack lizard, Meg Stapletongue must have something to say about this.
Meg Stapleton, Palin's spokeswoman, responds via e-mail: "The Governor will write about all of this in her book. There will be plenty of time to talk about it then."
That is it? "The Governor (somebody is living in the past there Meg, that "Governor" gig is over) will write about all of this in her book"? I imagine her follow up sentence to this was to spit "so there, at the reporter who asked for her response.
So if you want to know Sarah Palin's version of the what happened on the campaign trail, or as her crazy ass supporters call it "The Word of God", you are going to have to buy her book.
Or wait for one of the dozen or so other books that are coming out about Sarah Palin in the next few years, which may in fact actually contain "the truth".
I know that at least ONE of them will. (That is called "foreshadowing" kids.)
I thought Palin's book was already written and published? Or is it being held up to address new anti-Palin remarks like Schmidt's?
ReplyDelete"OW! OW! OW! That has got to hurt!"
ReplyDeleteHave you been paying attention at all or for you is it Palin 24/7 and that's it?
New Jersey and Virginia may very well fall in to the hands of republicans. If that happens the health care bill is done. (I won't waste time on explaining the numbers to you). If Obama blows his health care crusade in the same way he did the olympics, he's already a lame duck because the people who signed on are not going to take another hit with their constituencies by giving him the benefit of the doubt on any more of his pet projects that piss him off.
Does any of this matter or do you keep just score by how many people of no importance come up with sound bites on Palin and the rest of it
is a SEP (somebody else's problem)?
I, and I am sure many others, thought the book already WAS written? IS her royal dumbness adding a few more pages or what?
ReplyDelete"royal dumbness" - that's a good one! at 7:41 a.m..
ReplyDeleteStapleton said "... there will be plenty of time to talk about it then." Interesting. This may unleash Megan McCain, and I would love to hear her take about the campaign trail with the Palins.
In a primary the other GOP candidates, they would feed Sarah to the wolves. I think she knows this and will not run in 2012. She would not survive the process.
ReplyDeleteSarah will keep people thinking she is going to run.... mostly to keep in the spotlight and in the news cycle. She has to keep people believing she will run to maintain her fundraising with SarahPac.
It is good to see a GOP strategist, that knows her, call her out..
phoebes in Santa Fe,
ReplyDeleteI was going to say the same thing. I too thought her book was already written and being published as we speak.(comment.)
Maybe she is further out in La La Land and thinks she'll sell so many copies there will be a second edition.
My response to that would be;
"If Obama blows his health care crusade in the same way he did the Olympics, he's already a lame duck because the people who signed on are not going to take another hit with their constituencies by giving him the benefit of the doubt on any more of his pet projects that piss him off."
ReplyDeleteObama did NOT blow the Olympics, troll. He went to Copenhagen to promote the City of Chicago.
And Va. might very well stay in the Democrat hands, pretty easily. The tea baggin nut job that's running for office in Va. doesn't even believe in Birth Control. He's more to the right than Palin.
And, yes, this blog is devoted to outing Palin's lies, deceptions and finding all the bloody knives that she has twisted in so many people's backs. Did you read the profile up in the left hand corner of the blog? I didn't think so.
If you love your Mommy Dearest so much, you should stick to Red State or The Corner.
this is going to be funny.
ReplyDeleteshe's going to have to blame all the campaign people - she is right and they are wrong.
what will a sane person believe? that 25 mccain staffers are nuts, or that 1 sarah palin is nuts?
she's going to look like a fool when she writes about them in her book. HA! no surprise there. bring it on.
For immediate release: Sarah will be correcting portions of her book "Going Rogue" by Face Book as readers begin to point out inaccuracies and misstatements. Sarah will be doing this because her co-author, Lynn Vincent, suddenly turned on Sarah, betraying confidence and writing untruths, just like everyone else in the media. There are so few people who a former governor can trust.
ReplyDeleteSarah is available for appearances with your book club, providing that you pay the costs of transportation, housing and incidentals for Sarah and four members of her family. Sarah will choose three questions to answer from those submitted in advance. There is an additional fee beginning at $100,000. per half hour segments; payment must be made in advance by cashiers check and is non-refundable in case of cancellation. (We suggest taking out the necessary form of insurance to guard against unforseen eventualities).
Security must be provided in the form of metal detectors and guards in advance of the event. No cell phones, recording devices or cameras of any kind will be allowed, and proof of membership in the GOP will be required for entry.
Also, too, please do not bring Sharpie pens for Sarah to autograph copies of her book. Todd will be present at a nearby table to sell pre-autographed copies of "Going Rogue." A blank space is provided for you to insert your name in the To my dearest friend space. There is an additional charge for the autograph, and just because it looks a little blurry does not mean that it was stamped ahead of time. Piper has been trying very hard to get those "autographs" looking very authentic.
Anonymous @ 7:41 (upinak, is that you? Why are you afraid to use your name?), in your haste to criticize, did you even notice that this blog entry is discussing Sarah Palin, Meg Stapleton -- and Steve Schmidt (who is important to a lot of people more important than you)?
ReplyDeleteThe small-minded neocon twisted anti-American anti-Democrat, anti-Obama blogs are somewhere else, not here.
I'm sure Stapletongue has gangrene of the tongue by now. She's had to bite her tongue so often!!
ReplyDeleteWonder what it costs for all the meds for her monthly -- to keep her quiet!!! She's sure to be close to being over the edge now if it hasn't happened already!!
Yes,if $P keeps addressing "comments" I am thinking November 17th is going to come and go without that new book being available to add to the New Testament!
ReplyDeleteinteresting that this is what brought Megamouth darting out from under her rock after two months of silence. And I thought Sarah didn't need a "title" to make a difference? So why does she keep using the TITLE when she gave up the job?
ReplyDeleteMidnight Cajun
Plese! Stop It Now! Leave Sarah ALONE!
ReplyDeleteWe can talk about this later. -- Marge, Half-term governor Palin's spokeswoman.
ReplyDeleteGee Ms. Grumpy, feel better now?
It's not as if you are the ONLY one who keeps up with news; however, this is one of the sites/blogs that focus on Palin, though not to the exclusion of other news be it local or global and everything in between. If you have a problem with that, perhaps you should move along and give your blood pressure a rest.
I wish I knew why the Olympics not being held in the US, (a non-political event), has been tagged as a Presidential failure... because our President went to bat for them to be in America and they chose elsewhere? The Olympics not being held in Chicago has NO bearing on the President or him "blowing it", "Anonymous". No matter how much the far right, and apparently you, want to pin the choice of Rio on President Obama, it has nothing to do with him. Quit grasping at straws. It makes you look pathetic.
ReplyDeleteAnd insofar as the conservatives cheering that Rio was chosen over their President's hometown???? WTF is wrong with you people? You are cheering the loss of millions of dollars in revenue, jobs, and US pride. All because you lost. YOU LOST. Oh, and you LOST because you had a weak candidate who "chose" an even weaker running mate. Yes, Sarah Palin lost you the election.
Hey Michael, is that you? Yeah, we know it was hard to lose, and of course Steve Schmidt is a nobody to you.
ReplyDeleteWhoever you are, if you hate it so much over here, why don't you go back to your own blog where you can do all that not bothering to explain that you are so fond of.
Although if you think that President Obama "blew the Olympics", it's pretty clear you don't understand what's going on enough to explain it to anybody.
Off topic but this is too funny. Thought I'd share some Palin book covers from Wonkette
Anon 7:41 wrote: If Obama blows his health care crusade..
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, your lack of respect of the President already tells me that you are a hater. I bet that you have no problem addressing the Quitter as Governor but, can't bring yourself to call Obama, President Obama.
Second: Do YOU know of any Liberal who cheered when Houston lost it's bid for the 2012 Olympics? I don't think so. President Obama did NOT lose the Olympic bid, America did but then, YOU want America to fail.
Third: If Health Reform does not pass with Public Option, those of who support it will NOT blame the President. We know that it is the hateful and vindictive GOP who are selling lies about reform (for their own personal gain) that would be the demise of this reform.
So no, I don't believe that Palin could ever become POTUS no matter how many times YOU try to blame him on issues. She is an EVIL woman who who dares preach family values yet she none of her own. She can't even take care of her kids.
KaJo--- is that the same "upinak" that was a regular on the pee site? He-She hasn't been on there since the Salad Shooter quit--me thinks "upinak" was Meg-a-mouth.
ReplyDeleteI believe the Patriot Act, since 9/11, had a lot to do with the US not getting the Olympics,, how many competitors could pass the screening to get into the US??
Hey anon @ 7:41
ReplyDeleteYou might want to check on a few facts before you start explaining those numbers to us.
New Jersey and Virginia are having gubernatorial races. That means GOVERNOR. Other than expressing their opinions publicly, Governors have nothing to do with the health care bill. THAT would be Congress. Congressional races are NEXT year (2010) by which time the health care bill will be done. Sheesh!
The thing that is not funny about this is that her book is already being promoted as a best seller whether it's true or not. I don't like the fact that she's getting so much positive because of her book. Gryphen, I hope you can help the real truth come out about her, because her and her crazies seem to be feeling pretty powerful right now. Levi needs to get the real news out, if he doesn't then Tank and Rex are not doing the responsible thing. Everything can't be about money. Even though it is for Ms. Palin and Todd. You see how confident they are now, Todd quit his job. So the people that have the true knowledge need to come forward.
ReplyDeleteKudos to all of you pointing out the idiocy of "Anonymous @7.41a posting about Obama's "loss of prestige" because Chicago lost the Olympic of 2016. If these idiot wingnuts had any idea of history or conditions in Chicago right now, they'd know Obama and Oprah had nothing to do with the "loss".
ReplyDeleteCrime rates in Chicago are horrendous right now. I used to live there and keep up with news from reading the Tribune-on-line. Also, many, many Chicagoans are not sorry to see the Olympics held elsewhere as Daley's sponsorship of the games meant that special interests beholden to Daley and his cronies would ensure THEY made money, while using tax dollars to put the games on. And, those tax dollars can be used to benefit more tax payers than those who attend the Olympics. I would also presume that the Olympic voters probably had their minds pretty well made up before Obama and Oprah trooped over to Copenhagen.
I, for one, am glad that the Olympics are going to Rio, on a continent that has never hosted the Games. It would have been "nice" if they had been in Chicago, but I don't know any Chicagoans who are disappointed they didn't get the games - other than those who would have profited from them financially.
Oh, and Righties, if the Bears don't win the SuperBowl or the Cubs and Sox don't win the World Series, or the Black Hawks don't win the Stanley Cup (a vain hope even in a good year!) does that mean Obama is a "failure"? These people have to get a brain, a life, and some decency and join the real world here. I worked for, and voted for, Barack Hussein Obama (see, if you keep saying his full name, it doesn't sound so bad!) for both Senator in 2004 and President in 2008, and I will proudly do the same in 2012.
He inherited a terrible mess from one of the worst administrations in our history, and he and his team are moving forward to try, try to clean it up. So far, he's doing as fine a job as I hoped.
No Gryphen. It is not "foreshadowing" it is giving a VERY big hint that YOU are going to write or are writing a book and that despite your promises you will not tell your readers what you know until that book is released.
ReplyDeleteWhat a letdown.
"The Governor will write about all of this in her book." Good lord, is Meg as dim as the Quitta from Wasilla? Isn't the book already written by Lynn Vincent and being printed as we speak?
ReplyDeleteAnd with all that nonsense about Palin not NEEDING a title, why continue to address the Quitta as "Governor"?
Anon 11:23:
ReplyDeleteAnd the problem with Gryph maybe writing a book is....?
If the Quitter (who has done nothing but lie and use her kids) can write a book, everyone else can, too.
He owes YOU nothing.
I have to say that this analysis rings true: that Sarah Palin elicits such a negative reaction from the left (and center also too) that it increases her appeal to the extreme right. See www.tinyurl.yc59uwn.
ReplyDeleteIt makes me feel that the book you have been referring to, Gryphen, had better be good. Can you give us an idea of when to expect it, at least?
Does this book release date correspond with Levi's mommy's sentencing date?
ReplyDeleteAfter she's sentenced I bet Levi will release his 'thoughts' lol
upinak quite the C4P site and has started her own place called "palinnation". What is astoundingly funny is that the people working behind the scenes at the C4P site are in the process of reworking their commenting section to keep people out whom they don't like or don't want to hear from. They are desperate to keep from hearing anything that questions Sarah Palin. They have no problem going to other places and spewing their venom and hate, but they won't allow even dissenting opinions at their own site.
ReplyDeleteTotal & Complete Hypocrites just like their Beloved Sarah Palin.
Divorce? "Have you seen Todd!"
ReplyDelete"I have a husband. I could have used a wife."
"Have you seen Meg!"
Ripley- Rio probably showed up with some of their bikini clad beauties and talked about their topless beaches. America shows up with Michelle, Obama and Oprah. Which country would you vote for as the destination?
we should try to keep insulting her, then, because the more the right clings to her, the more sure we are of 2012.
ReplyDeleteShe'll never get elected. The moderates think she is a moron. They have no idea what a corrupt lying sack of bitter crap she is, but that seems irrelevant. Stupidity is enough to turn them off.
SO, ramp up the insults, guys....if the right is so dumb as to base their love of a candidate on our reactions, then they deserve to have her in 2012 as failed candidate.
palinistas are so transparent when they post here....I'll bet you thought that would scare us into being nice to your American Lie Idol...
How wrong you are. Again.
But I'm sure after voting for Bush twice and then Palin (er, well, McCain), you're comfortable with your mediocre failures to think for yourselves.
Kids, kids, no fighting amongst yourselves! The BOOK, as Letterman said last night, is being edited - they are adding the punctuation!!!!!
ReplyDeleteIn reality, the book will print later this month or early November, if release is coming in mid November. Therefore there is plenty of time for a little addition here, a little subtraction there.
Everyone knows Palin wouldn't win an election - she doesn't have enough supporters - they just get a lot of air time because they are so outlandish. However, with the republicans in a shambles, this would be a good time for a third party to gain some traction...
Anon@ 8:21 LMAO! Great post :)
ReplyDeletePatti @9:52am Thank You! You told dumbass anon@7:41 every I wanted to say...thanks :)
Why is megamouth lips still firmly planted on the Quitter's ass, as she is calling her "GOV" instead of XGINO??? She quit her term and doesn't deserved to be called gov.
I'm quite sure Palin - er Vincent has already trashed the McCain campaign in her book. Now she'll still be able to put in more vitriol. If Sarah starts adding stuff to get back at current commentors, the book will turn into her typical word salad. Hate speech in black & white!
ReplyDeleteI don't think that she was being paid. She is just like Sarah, no money no venom