Saturday, October 03, 2009

MSNBC covers the David Letterman scandal.

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I think that they handled this in a, dare I say it, " fair and balanced" manner.

There has been a lot of discussion here, and in other places, about the morality of what Letterman did. As I have said before, I don't judge people on their morality unless they are out and out hypocrites, or they injure others through their actions.

Do I think that dating people you work with is wrong? In my case it may have been, because my ex-wife was my previous boss and at least three of my other failed relationships started on the job. But hey that is just me.

However what I think we can ALL agree on is that this Robert "Joe" Halderman guy is completely in the wrong. It is one thing to talk about the inappropriateness of a person's sex life, or in a celebrities case, even talk to a tabloid about it. But this guy tried to extort 2 million dollars from David Letterman.! That is completely disgusting, not to mention criminal.

For instance, the things I learned about Sarah Palin a few months back are worth hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of dollars to her if I were to keep quiet.

But it never even crossed my mind to blackmail her. Instead I took, what only I knew at the time, and divulged it to some of my closest blogger buddies. And then I set about finding the proper venue for getting the truth out to the American people. And if this were just about Palin's personal life, and had no bearing on Alaska or the country at large, then I doubt I would have cared all that much about it.

But it is far bigger than that. And for those who come here to criticize me for going after Sarah Palin, all I have to say is that YOU my friend, are missing the big picture.


  1. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Some of the reports about Halderman is that he was a womanizer who had in-office relationships. Halderman's girl friend is one of the women who had an affair with Letterman, and Halderman may have learned it from the girl friend's letters and diary. Pretty sneaky. Halderman was also supposed to be heavily in debt, with two ex-wives and children to support.

    World Wide Pants has reported that no one who worked for Dave has ever filed a sexual harrassment suit. Like the Sarah Palin apology, I think this is going to come down to public opinion. Judging from Thursday night's audience, people seem to be on Dave's side. We will all be tuning in on Monday night.

  2. Anonymous10:09 AM

    And what pray tell Gryphen, did you tell us about Sarah Palin that we didn't already have from some other source? All I recall is talk about some iceberg that never arrived.

  3. Anonymous10:16 AM

    When this news first came out, I made a list of things that David Letterman did not do:

    He did not get a 13 year old girl drunk & drugged, and then rape her.

    He did not moralize publicly about sin while secretly having an affair with a gay prostitute.

    He did not cheat on his wife who was dying of cancer.

    He did not cheat on his wife and conceive a child out of wedlock while his wife is battling cancer.

    He did not cheat on his wife who was recovering from a terrible automobile accident, choosing instead the attractive heiress who could launch him into politics.

    He did not abandon his job to join his mistress in Argentina, despite having undergone weeks of religious counseling.

    He did not have an affair with a staffer, get a job for her kid and husband, then pay them all off with $96,000. severance, I mean, hush money.

    He did not solicit gay sex in a pubic bathroom.

    He did not seek the company of prostitutes in a state where that is an illegal act while publicly moralizing about family values.

    He did not lead the Impeachment Trial of President Clinton, while having his own "youthful indiscretion" at age 42.

    There is a much longer list of hypocrites out there, many of them in public office or in the public eye.

  4. Anonymous10:24 AM


    After these last two Letterman columns you've lost all credibility with me. Your moral compass spins in the wind...

  5. Anonymous10:43 AM

    So Halderman was after hush money because he knew a secret about Letterman. It has been hinted that Levi is getting hush money to keep quiet about certain secrets regarding Sarah Palin. Think that there is any truth to that rumor?

  6. Anonymous11:42 AM

    When all sexual relationships that stem from the workplace are expunged we will be a nation of saints.
    There those desperados in need of sensation, they compare Letterman to Polanski.
    This has gone over the top but I bet it will tone down. Meanwhile, ratings are up.

    What is the PALIN BIG PICTURE? Did I miss something?
    What happened with your source? Are they coming out with something more?
    Will it be in a book? Is it one of her funds, the fake pregnancy or?
    Where is Levi? Is he still in this for a book deal or did he take a pay off?

  7. That's an interesting avenue. How would the blog-owner here react to the revelation that Levi had extorted, or had attempted to extort, Sarah Palin?

    Would he be condemned in no uncertain terms as was Halderman, or would he be cheered for finally getting his just reward?

  8. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Famous people seem to be the targets of every kook out there. How about people trying to extort money from John Travolta right after his son died? How about people trying to steal things from Sarah Jessica Parker's surrogate mom?

    Letterman was almost the victim of a kidnap attempt against his son. And, there was that crazy woman who kept trying to break into his house. Sometimes the stalkers are downright dangerous. I think that Letterman did the right thing in making his story public. That way, he got out ahead of the story and framed it in his terms.

    As for Gryphen posting Letterman's Sotry or any other story here, it's his blog. If you don't like it, anon 10:24, don't read it, go someplace else. Are you here just to cheer for Sarah Palin? Are you also cheering because another country won the Olympics instead of the United States? I suppose you are also against Health Care, Mom and Apple Pie.

  9. Anonymous12:31 PM

    I am waiting to hear the good stuff about Sarah Palin! What are they going to do you, Gryphen? Extort 2 million dollars from you? Threaten to shut down your blog?

  10. Anonymous12:39 PM

    If I understand it correctly, David Letterman recently married the mother of his child. That, in itself, would make him guilty of adultery if he was having sex with other women. In addition, he had sex with the mother of his child without being married. That, in itself, would make him guilty of fornication. Some, who believe in relative morality, would not see adultery and fornication as being wrong. But you said, Gryphen, thatyou don't judge people unless they hurt others. I cannot imagine that his (now) wife has not been hurt by the fact that he had sex with other women, and I suspect that, in some way, it has also hurt his son. Therefore, according to your morality, Letterman has committed a wrong.

  11. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Letterman also didn't fake a pregnancy or in lieu of that, try to kill an unborn child by taking an insane plane ride from Texas to Anchorage and bypass hospitals with neonatal ICUs to "give birth" at a podunk Wasillabilly hospital.

  12. emrysa12:48 PM

    I'm with ya gryphen.

    and I have to lmao at people who think that those who work 12-15 hour days should either have NO sexual relationships or find them elsewhere. it's just not realistic.

    if dave was harassing women, I am absolutely positive we would have heard it by now. the gold diggers would have been out in full force, he would have had suits filed by now. why is it that some people refuse to see this and automatically think workplace sex = harassment? that's just a ridiculous assumption.

  13. Lotta trolls gathered here.

    Okay, first things first.

    David Letterman's affair with this woman seems to have happened BEFORE the birth of his son. And BEFORE he got married.

    If he cheated on his girlfriend, or even wife, that is between them.

    As for why I don't divulge all that I know, it is because it will have a bigger impact reported in a reputable news outlet, a book, or a special investigation. NOT on this blog.

    I have worked to make sure that it will indeed get out to the public. My job at this point will be to provide a little taste of what is to come and, when possible, promote the magazine/book/television special that will reveal the truth.

    If you find that does not satisfy you then you are welcome to go to other places for your Palin fix. I can only do, what I can do at this point.

  14. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Somebody needs to tell anon at 12:39 that there's better than a 50/50 chance that most rich americans and their wives do orgies together anyway. Enough of the morality crap please, it's what most rich americans do along with their drugs!

  15. emrysa12:54 PM

    anon @ 12:39 you are making an assumption that he has been having affairs since he got married earlier this year. you have no idea if that's the truth.

    just like I have no idea if my assumption is truth. I think they're good friends and probably love each other. after dave had the heart surgery he started thinking more about his own mortality and decided that he needed an heir. long-time friend to the rescue!

  16. Just don't get pregnant, Dave.

    (Yes, just another attempt to alert newbies to the SP issues. My impression remains, I am sorry to say, that most people have never even thought about the possibiliity of a PalinHoax.)

  17. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Poor dumb Halderman, he could have just put it all in a book and made megabucks.

    I have it on good authority that it only takes a few weeks to write one of them book things.

    Pat in Texas

  18. Maeve1:14 PM

    The only problem I have with this Letterman scandal is that he is the boss of the show and of WorldWide Pants; and that creates at least the appearance of impropriety because he is having 'sex' with women in his employ. Notice he didn't say relationship, dates, or affairs. He said sex.

    Having 'sex' with someone you work with - on an equal basis - is one thing. Having 'sex' with someone you employ, whose livelihood you control is something else entirely.

    Just because there have been no complaints doesn't mean there has been nothing to complain about...

    But, bottom line for me is, its his business (literally and figuratively). I don't work for the dude, know him or even particularly like/admire him. I don't usually watch his show and what he does in his off time is not my business. He might want to be more careful in the future, so he doesn't get sued for harassment.

  19. Gary: "How would the blog-owner here react to the revelation that Levi had extorted, or had attempted to extort, Sarah Palin?"

    I don't see Levi extorting someone else. Maybe, but he doesn't seem the type- he seems kind of hapless. I suspect that if there is any extorting going on in the Palin/Johnston imbroglio, it is Sarah telling Levi that if he doesn't cooperate, it will be the worse for his mother- who is dependent on the State of Alaska at this point for her safety and medical care. Anybody think Sarah doesn't still have friends in positions of power? The more I hear about Alaska, the more appalled I am at the casual acceptance of corruption. Plus, I also think that there may be some extortion on the part of Bristol, if indeed she is getting a house, a car and a nanny from her parents. I can easily see her telling her mother that she'll talk, unless... (and it makes me wonder how soon Willow will get pregnant, and/or talk about what she knows. Willow may feel her parents should treat all their daughters equally. Which I guess might wind up as extortion on her part!)

    "Anonymous: Some, who believe in relative morality, would not see adultery and fornication as being wrong..."

    I never have understood why some people get so hung up on sexual rules created by other people. News flash: LOTS of people have sex outside of marriage, before, during and after marriage, in youth, adulthood and age. Only the naive don't know this. Only the stupid don't expect it.

  20. Anonymous1:18 PM

    anon at 12:39
    don't push your own wapred morality on the rest of the world MOST people have premarital sex and MOST people enjoy sex. The number one place to meet your dates and/or spouses is through the workplace.
    Go gryphen keep up the good work on exposing Palin. Maybe its time for another Palins being sighted article and why Todd is not living in Wasilla but in Palmer.

  21. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Well said Gryphen. I for one trust your judgment and know the real truth about Sarah Palin will come out when the time is right. I wish it was sooner rather than later but doing it the right way is the most important thing so that it cannot get buried, discounted etc.

    Thanks for all you are doing.

  22. Anonymous1:43 PM

    I'm with you, Gryphen. What gets me is the bloody holier than thou Republican hypocrites prosing on about their family values and trying to shove their "Christian values" down everyone else's throat. Letterman never did that. Hey, how many of you trolls were virgins when you married? 'Nough said.

  23. Anonymous2:02 PM

    You are doing great. Thank you Gryphen for everything. You must want to yell it from the roof tops!

    No one knows what is going on behind closed doors. No one has said Levi did extort. It is more like Palin to proposition Levi and Mercede. Levi has Rex. May all his ducks be in a row.

    It is good to hear there will be well documented statements and information. Possibly somethings for the DA and the courts. Is there any indication of a time line?

  24. Bayan2:27 PM

    Dave did not commit any crimes...let him be all of you anti-fornicators!
    Gryphen - here's something that might make you smile - remember when Drew Barrymore gave Letterman a little show:
    Dave's a saint in my book - I'm sure he turns down plenty of offers from women who'd like to be with him for his celebrity or his money.

  25. Anonymous3:31 PM


    You took donations from your readers and promised THEM that they would be the first ones to know the truth. Are you now saying that you are reneging on that promise?

    If your news is that important AND can be backed up by facts then it will be just as explosive here on your blog than it could be in a so-called "reputable" medium. The fall-out will be exactly the same.

    Either your information is real and will stand up to the test or it isn't. It is as simple as that.

  26. Anonymous3:34 PM

    anon 12:39 You seem to have a strange view of morality. Having sex with the woman of his child without benefit of marriage is fornication. Well, what does that say about Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston? And, unfortunately, society has an unkind name for the child, too.

    The historical reason behind this business of being married and legitamizing the children had to do with inheritance and the laws of succession in regard to the throne. Kings did have bastard children, who could not be considered in the royal line of succession. The King was usually married to some one of royal birth, insuring their royal blood lines.

    At one time, society was scandalized by the thought of someone having a child without benefit of marriage. Today, it appears to be more acceptable; I don't know what it does to the children-- that choice is the responsibilty of the parents, not us.

    Whatever has happened between David Letterman and his wife is his business. What Gryphen wrote about was the fact that someone committed a crime in trying to extort blackmail hush money from Letterman. Breaking the law is different from what goes on in the privacy of consenting adults.

    Your sense of morality is misguided. Please consider how immoral it is to invade a country that did not attack us, yet we killed thousands of their citizens without cause. Consider the immorality of congressmen and senators who receive big contributions from drug and medical insurance companies, and in loyalty to them, refuse to pass Health Care Reform. During the Bush administration, if one person voiced a point of view opposite to that of the administration, they could be arrested by the Secret Service. Today, we have people shouting threats against our president and shouting slogans that are pure treason. There is enough here for you to express your moral outrage for quite a while.

  27. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Taking David Letterman and one’s personal concept of morality completely out of the picture for a moment, generally speaking, the boss using his/her underlings as his/her dating pool isn’t quite the same as “someone” dating a person from work. When the boss dates an employee, the relationship begins on an unequal footing right from the start and gives the boss an unhealthy advantage over the partner, even if the relationship is consensual. Just my opinion.

    We all seem to have our own opinions on this subject, and some of the arguments have gotten quite heated. And, that in itself is a good thing, not a bad thing. But some of it has devolved into personal attacks, and when that happens, productive debate usually stops. I said something myself yesterday that was a little snarky, and I thought better of after it was too late (I had already posted it). It’s easy to step on the line, or a little over it in the heat of a passionate discussion.

  28. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Wow, so many sanctimonious trolls here today about business mixing with sex! Gary, did you Google "Sarah Palin and Brad Hanson" yet?

    Hey, trolls. While you're at it, why don't you look into how Rupert Murdoch met his current wife? Or for that matter, how Les Moonves (CBS Pres.) met his current wife?

  29. lol...I just love these right wing moralist fools, who think its just and moral to leave millions without health care...perhaps thousands to die occupy a land and a people that did nothing to them...but they crucify Gryphen, because he withholds judgement on Letterman. You trolls are an absolutely sickening bunch. Your self importance is going to bite you in the ass...and I will be only too happy to watch the reich wing go down in flames.

  30. This story sure shows how many ways one can spin anything: Dave's ok; Dave's NOT okay; Dave MIGHT be guilty of harassment, even though no complaints so far; Dave should not joke about things he is guilty of (like sex?); Dave should not joke (but. . . , but -- he's a comedian!); Halderman's blackmail is no worse than suspected interfamilial Palin blackmail; it is OR isn't okay to have a sexual relationship with the boss -- and much more.

    What a Rorschach test! It's almost like a second Wild Ride for Dave, even though he won't admit to the circumstances surrounding his First Wild Ride.

  31. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Gryphen, your fucking bullshit about knowing something new is getting tedious now. Can it will you?

    Sarah Q.

  32. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Wow, a lot of judges have gathered to comment, Gryphen. I am not Letterman's judge.

    You know, all the preachers I have listened to condemn women for the way they dress, but never have I ever heard a preacher tell men to control their eyes and look the other way.

    Matthew 5:28 KJV
    But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

    It's the thought that counts!

    Letterman did not succumb to extortion but, in fact, went to his attorney and the authorities. Then he was honest with his family and fans. Bet some folks wanted him to break out crying like that teevee preacher I watched many years ago.

    OT Schular D-NY has entered a bill protecting only professional journalist bloggers and their sources. I don't remember where I read it, but it was the latter part of this week. Not voted on, yet.

    Keep up the good work!

  33. Anonymous5:47 PM

    If morality is relative, and we are all supposed to be tolerant of differing views, why do some people get so upset at those who think fornication and adultery are wrong? Are they not as entitled to their opinions as you are? Before you say that they are forcing their views on you (a standard response to those who hold such values), let me point out that no one who has posted here yet has forced any values on anyone. In fact, the only thing that the "anti-fornication" poster said was that Dave has hurt someone and is, by Gryphen's standards, in the wrong.

  34. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Someone, please tell me why Halderman, a CBS employee of 26 years, making $200,000 a year, would throw away a job like that and his "pension," for $2,000,000? That's nuts!

    He was a producer with no record of any prior criminal activity. Granted, they say he was in debt. I'll bet a smart man like him could have come up with options other than "blackmail."

    I'll bet this whole thing went down with him knowing darn well Dave L. was not going to pay him 2 cents. He knew they were going to nail him. This guy is too smart! How many scripts has he read in 26 years with CBS that dealt with blackmail?

    There is a bigger story for it!


  35. Anonymous6:44 PM

    I am just plain tired of all the dysfunction in the world. Having sexual, marital, domestic problems are personal. Even for Palin, I don't care about the pregnancy, the kids not being in school, impending divorce.. but I am concerned about her twisting, lying, and using her family for personal political advantage. I think hiring her friends to be on the Personnel Board, and heads of departments is wrong, a huge power trip. When Prince Charles had his affair the whole time he was married to Princess Diana, everyone knew about it, but did not try and destroy the individuals. As long as you are doing the job you are hired to do in an exemplary manner, that stuff should not be anyone's business. The only reason that stuff came down on Palin is she wasn't doing her job. Let Letterman be, is my opinion....

  36. Hi Gryph~ Agree with ya...No bodys perfect i've made my share of bad decesions..Owned up to them also.too..
    Great blog Gryph..Thanks for all you do...

  37. Good post Gryphen. I think Dave dd the right thing getting out in front of it.

  38. Anonymous12:03 AM

    All these years, and I'm shocked to find out that Dave is human. Holy shit. Who knew? Dave Rules, and Gryphen Rules.

  39. Anonymous4:50 AM

    I also will not judge Letterman as I would a politician. He has no power over me and the issues that affect my life. His 'morality' is between him and his family.

    However, under sexual harrassment laws, what he did is, de facto, harrassment. But that is between him and his employers (and his attorneys, should any employee sue. . .could possibly even meet the standard of a class action. . .others who didn't sleep with him claiming 'hostile environment.') Just a thought.

    But I never gave him a pass on the Willow comment. I was just awful from any point of view, and mine is liberal.

    I can't help but feel that this public serving up of his own pecadillos is a kind of justice slap to his overreaching. He could do with some humility in this regard. Just my opinion.

  40. Anonymous5:59 AM

    @4:50 - Letterman's joke writers thought WIllow was Bristol, from the photo op at the time. (And by the way, so do many people. Many major media sources have misnamed photos of Willow as "Bristol." If you want to see more on that, check on the Palin Deception site.)

    ALL the comedians made Bristol jokes throughout 2008. Where were you then? Did you stop watching Leno? He made one or two or three. Did you stop watching Conan? He made one or two or three Why do you only single out Letterman for making such a joke? ALL OF THEM DO IT. Maher does it with frequency! Jimmy Kimmel? Check. Ferguson? Check.

  41. Anonymous8:13 AM

    The hypocrisy on the left is as disgusting as the hypocrisy on th right. That's why I choose to be an independent.

  42. "If morality is relative, and we are all supposed to be tolerant of differing views, why do some people get so upset at those who think fornication and adultery are wrong? Are they not as entitled to their opinions as you are?"

    Perhaps you can point out who here insisted that everyone should tolerate all points of view? This is something I've never heard come out of anybody but conservatives, that liberals think everyone and everything should be tolerated. (It allows conservatives to feel victimized.) I've never heard that coming out of a progressive. We all understand that there are some behaviors that should not be tolerated, and some beliefs that do not deserve respect. That is, of course, different from acknowledging that everyone has the *right to their own beliefs. It's perfectly possible to acknowledge that someone has a right to believe something while aware that this person is a d***a** for believing it. See: holocaust deniers, environmental-change deniers, flat-earthers/moon landing deniers.

    So a person here is free to express hir or her views, within the limits established by Gryphen and Blogspot (their territory, not ours), and the rest of us are free to post our reactions. If a person posts something stupid, we are all free to point that out. See how that works? You can post something, and we can say it's stupid. Happens all the time. You're not unique at all.

    Incidentally, and apropos of the OP, the boss dating somebody who works for him does not automatically create sexual harassment, nor yet a hostile work environment. It depends on whether the employee feels free to say no, and whether she is the subject of ongoing unwanted attention, or is threatened with job loss/demotion/loss of opportunity for refusing. It also depends on whether other employees feel that they have been deprived of opportunities that have been made available to the dating employee.

    It seems to come down to the fact that some criminal stole private papers from another person who'd previously worked for and dated a celebrity, and wanted to use that information in a criminal attempt to get money, assuming that Letterman would be so embarrassed by this information becoming public that he'd fork over cash to keep it quiet.

    I don't think normal people are embarrassed by having sexual relationships. I think that's mostly limited to people who think there's something wrong with sex to begin with, and have to surround it with all kinds of rules, so they get some kind of structure in place for it to be okay. I could speculate on why they do so, but this post is already long enough. Suffice it to say that Letterman seems to be a basically good guy and has some values in place, and isn't stupid enough to try to placate a criminal to hide his own non-wrongdoing.

  43. So now I see Halderman's lawyer saying H pleads "not guilty, there's more to this . . ." plus another poster said why would a man blow a $200/yr job (plus pension, and -- dare I say it? -- health insurance!) for such an unlikely-to-succeed plan, when surely he would have had other options re his alleged debt. Good point.

    All of a sudden I see a red flag that says something like "Rupert." (as in payback for SP jokes.)

  44. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Ivyfree says: "We all understand that there are some behaviors that should not be tolerated, and some beliefs that do not deserve respect." Who decides? Where is the line drawn? Who decides where it is drawn?

  45. Anonymous12:01 PM

    @Ivy 9:30 re: "I don't think normal people are embarrassed by having sexual relationships. I think that's mostly limited to people who think there's something wrong with sex to begin with, and have to surround it with all kinds of rules, so they get some kind of structure in place for it to be okay." IMO, this post is stupid. "If a person posts something stupid, we are all free to point that out." I think I have the hang of it now. Thanks!

  46. "Ivyfree says: "We all understand that there are some behaviors that should not be tolerated, and some beliefs that do not deserve respect." Who decides? Where is the line drawn? Who decides where it is drawn?"

    We all do. Were you under the impression that there's some kind of overriding authority? If everyone you meet or opine to thinks you're stupid, then the chances are pretty good you're stupid. Pay attention, and you'll find out how much respect your opinions are worth.

    "@Ivy 9:30 re: "I don't think normal people are embarrassed by having sexual relationships. I think that's mostly limited to people who think there's something wrong with sex to begin with, and have to surround it with all kinds of rules, so they get some kind of structure in place for it to be okay." IMO, this post is stupid. "If a person posts something stupid, we are all free to point that out." I think I have the hang of it now. Thanks!"

    Yep, that's how it works. And your opinions get all the respect they deserve. But you have to work a little harder, because in order to earn respect, your opinions have to have more than a mouth behind them.

  47. Anonymous7:46 PM

    @Ivy re: " Were you under the impression that there's some kind of overriding authority?" Yes, I am under that impression. His name is God.

  48. "Were you under the impression that there's some kind of overriding authority?" Yes, I am under that impression. His name is God."

    Ah. Somebody didn't understand the conversation! Let's see if I can simplify for the comprehension- impaired: Whatever authority you choose to accept is meaningless to other people. We all decide whose opinions we believe deserve respect, and we all use our own belief systems to evaluate the statements of others in order to make those decisions. You can post whatever you think is absolutely correct according to your belief system... and you can still sound like a complete ignoramus to other people. Because regardless of what you base your opinions on.. they still only get the respect they earn. Which, again, has nothing to do with your right to hold them. Feel free to believe that there was no such thing as the Holocaust, if that's what floats your boat. You have that right. And you'll still come across sounding like an idiot, regardless of the authority you choose, because most people know the Holocaust existed.

    Now, typing really slowly here, I used the Holocaust merely as an EXAMPLE of a belief that is really, really stupid. How do I know denying the Holocaust is stupid? Because of the tons of records left behind by the Nazis and the statements of my father who helped liberate the camps. But I would never deny that you have the RIGHT to believe that the Holocaust never occurred. I just believe that taking that position makes people look really, really stupid and ignorant.

    Again. Believe what you wish. Nobody really cares and nobody denies your right to do so. Other people will always have their opinion of your beliefs, though. And they use their judgment to make that decision.

  49. Letterman is fine; he never was the “Family Values” type. Yes, he probably cheated on his girlfriend now wife. But at least he does go around claiming he is Mr. “Family Values” like some of our politicians (can you just see the grin on all “Fake News” reporters/ commentators and the Palin fringe). This has been a tough summer, for Dave, for our economy but at least he did not end up on the “Republican 2009 Summer of Love” list: Assemblyman, Michael D. Duvall (CA), Senator John Ensign (NV), Senator Paul Stanley (TN), Governor Mark Sanford (SC), Board of Ed Chair, and Kristin Maguire AKA Bridget Keeney (SC).

  50. I believe that the American people can see the distinction between a Late Night jokester and a Politician / Preacher who preaches one thing and lives another. And I also believe that the American people will have more compassionate about this situation, but who knows what the court case will reveal. I guess sexual harassment suit can be filed (I have not heard of one) but until then, who cares what consenting adults do. We all know that there are laws for regular folks and laws for those who have influence and power. Kinda like the military they all get different spanks for different ranks.
    Let's remember "Those who are not willing to give pardon and mercy are those that do not need pardon and mercy. By the way, who are any of us to cast stones?

  51. I believe that the American people can see the distinction between a Late Night jokester and a Politician / Preacher who preaches one thing and lives another. And I also believe that the American people will have more compassionate about this situation, but who knows what the court case will reveal. I guess sexual harassment suit can be filed (I have not heard of one) but until then, who cares what consenting adults do. We all know that there are laws for regular folks and laws for those who have influence and power. Kinda like the military they all get different spanks for different ranks.

    Let's remember "Those who are not willing to give pardon and mercy are those that do not need pardon and mercy. By the way, who are any of us to cast stones?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.