Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Barbara Walters Nightline interview with Sarah Palin.

I cannot believe Walters asked Sarah if she wanted to play basketball against Obama. At least she realizes that she would be outmatched.

By the way "political correctness" is a new Conservative catch phrase to hide their inherent racism and lack of civility. Pay close attention and you will notice you are hearing it often.

It is pretty clear that Palin has NO idea of the complexities surrounding the Jewish/Palestinian conflict in Israel. Nor does she care. She is a Christian Zionist who believes that Israel must be engaged in a war that virtually destroys the Jewish people in order to usher in the Rapture and return of the Messiah.

She does not give two shits about Israel except for the part it supposedly plays in delivering "her people" to heaven. I wonder if Joe Lieberman knows that?


  1. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Well, we got that much out of the time she sat through the whole Jews for Jesus guest speaker's sermon - WITH HER ENTIRE FAMILY - wherein the point was proffered that Israel is being punished by God for being Jewish.

    She didn't walk out of that one; yet she apparently expected Obama to not sit still in Church for Wright's sermons.

    Obama, nor his family members, were at the God Damn America sermon given by Wright (who I can't stand, BTW), in any case.

    Check out the draperies in the video shot by AlaskaOutdoors TV (Scott Slone) in Feb 2008 (Hike Through Juneau). There is an Israeli flag stuck in the curtains. Odd, for a governor in Alaska to have such a flag displayed so prominently in her office.

  2. Hi Gryphen

    I have always been grateful for yours, and the rest of the Alaskan bloggers..I am especially so this evening. I am in a hotel in a strange city, waiting for my hubbys admission to hospital tomorrow.

    They are attempting a new procedure that only has been done 3 times before in Canada. It only has a years trial info, and apparently the risks are rather high. Apparently they have to blow air into a vein...much more than in a normal procedure, and there is a great risk of a rupture of this rather important artery. This would mean immediate surgery of another type. At least I can visit with my online friends to keep my mind off this. I swear I have slept no more than 2 hours a night in the last two weeks.

    I am going to try and buy both Going Rogue..(I hate to spend money on that fool) and Going Rouge, so that is one bright spot.

    Thank you to you and all your loyal readers for being around.


  3. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Just out of curiosity...
    in that second part she says when she "came on the campaign trail" she had a 16 week old baby.
    So when was that (hitting the campaign trail)?

  4. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Whack job. Diva. Little shop of horrors. Nothing's changed. See "It Came From Wasilla," which is online in Vanity Fair.

  5. Anonymous3:26 PM

    What..does she think if she covers her eyes with long bangs that she can prevent anyone from checking them for signs of lying?

  6. Anonymous3:27 PM

    SOOOOOO, where is the follow-up question, BW??? Where are all these settlers going to spring from? And what is Palin's plan for the corpses?

  7. 10catsinMD3:29 PM

    She may seem to sound good, but she has no idea of the complexity of the issues she is promoting. Not smart, not sharp. Too girly. As Arnold might say, a real girly, girl, or maybe a real manly girl.

    I have to start laughing about this. She is going to shoot herself in the foot, the sooner the better.

  8. What a pathetic piece of bigoted garbage. I have watched your site for a while and it is clear that you are the bigoted, sexist, elitist who is out to destroy this country with your self-serving personal attacks. Why are you so afraid of Sarah Palin who is not even a candidate for any office? You pathetic child abuser.

  9. Anonymous3:40 PM

    I'm gonna have to call it like I heard it... Sarah you are a FRAUD! I can see your lies in your eyes and you know absolutely nothing about politics.
    Please retreat back to your tundra of wicked ways!

    *Side note:
    Ummm LEVI, this would be a great time to open your can of big ass worms, or is that back asswards worms?
    [[[reaches for her Palin decoder ring....]]]

  10. we meet again huh? I found you on the net several months ago. I know exactly why you always hide behind your computer and spew garbage. I wondered at the time..when I found the site, what sites you visited, except for the ones where you want to protect Sarah. I am trying to be discreet...but perhaps I am not doing such a great job. However, if you think you can get away with calling Gryph horrible things...expect to get some truth thrown back at you..fool.

    When and where exactly, have you stood outside and showed yourself in all your glory, protesting something you felt was wrong. When have you stood with others...telling the world its wrong to abuse women, children..gays...anyone? Never...I thought so. Go away you pathetic piece of I don't know what. I am in no mood for the likes of you.

  11. Anonymous3:43 PM

    @akshamu, are you talking about Sarah Palin? Because she IS a bigoted, sexist and elitist millionaire (Ka-Ching!) who is out to destroy the country with her self-serving personal attacks in GOING ROGUE.

  12. Anonymous3:49 PM

    She states in her books in so many words that she gets married when she was a month to two months pregnant (August 29th and gives birth on April 10th).

    Why was she so surprized to learn her off spring would do something like have premartial sex?

  13. Anonymous3:52 PM

    The question about the Israeli settlements is the most infuriating part of all of these interviews. It is clear that all she knows about this situation she learned in church. All she can do is repeat the one line. And Barbara doesn't ask her anything about the complexities of this issue! Grrr!

  14. Anonymous3:52 PM

    She doesn't like pc unless she's whining about sexism...just so we're clear. Racism claims aren't allowed -- that's not fair, but sexism claims should shut down the media and are reason why no one can ask her what she reads.

    Got it.

  15. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Her lips are TOTALLY different. Now suddenly she has two peaks instead of the cheney sneer.

  16. Anonymous4:02 PM

    she sure swears and calls names a lot for a "christian". "back ass ways"-- on a family show?

    Wow. I knew she was a hillbilly, but even my hillbilly relatives know when NOT to talk trash like that.

    And wasn't she complaining about people swearing around her kids?

    Oh, right. It's oK when she does it in front of the nation's kids.

  17. Anonymous4:03 PM


    Is that you Sarah? You found time to check out the blogs while you're blowing your BS across the country? You really suck Sarah!

  18. Anonymous4:11 PM

    akshamu @ 3:32

    Dad? Is that you? Hey, can you watch the babies this evening? Todd has an AIP meeting, Bristol has to study and, as you know, Willow, my favorite angel child, Piper, and I are on the road selling my books to these dumb cornpone hicks, down here. lol Finished in MI--headed for IN tomorrow. See you at Aunt Katies--Say hi to mom. Love, your daughter, Moose cheeks.

  19. Anonymous4:12 PM

    If you haven't read the Michigan news about Sarah's book signing today. --- I am now going to drive all the way to Borders Books to purchase my books, even though B&N is closer. B&N feels tainted for some reason.

  20. I don't know if this issue has been mentioned but I noticed Palin said the reason she was losing weight was because she had just quit nursing. I believe it doesn't work that way--it's while you're nursing that you might lose weight due to the calories going to producing milk for the baby. I know because I went on a moderate diet during nursing and was phenominally successful but after nursing the effect halted. She must think we're not paying attention.

  21. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Laurie Ann--

    You and your husband are in my thoughts and prayers. Please keep us informed of your husband's status and rest assured knowing that you have friends hoping for the best.


  22. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Laurie Ann, I hope things go well with your husband. Good luck, and try to get some sleep. S'error's book should put you asleep.

  23. Forever Anonymous4:24 PM

    and, uh, why are the Jewish people flocking back to Israel in the days and weeks and months to come?

    Sarah, what blogs do you read?

  24. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Wait.... AM I THE ONLY ONE?

    She said she was asked to join the campaign 16 weeks after having a baby.

    That doesn't match up at all.

    Am I right or do I have my dates wrong?

  25. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Laurie- I'm sending one of my little guardian angels to watch over you and your hubby, good luck and keep positive thoughts.

  26. Anonymous4:27 PM

    I am a Missouri redneck hillbilly and let me tell you, most redneck hillbillies have more sense than Sarah.

  27. I wonder if she and Barbara shared plastic surgery stories? Because I was seriously struck by the similarity in these two women's artificially enhanced faces. And what is wrong with Sarah's suddenly plump lips? The peak on her right side is seriously wonky.

  28. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Sarah, this is your Aunt Katie. First, I told you to drop in if you were in the area. There was no talk of Thanksgiving dinner. If you think a couple of autographed copies of your drivel will bribe me in to fixing dinner for you and the fruits of your evangelical uterus, you can take your busabillies elsewhere.

    Your Aunt Katie and uncle are planning to have Thanksgiving at the Jack-in-the-Box in Seattle. If you are lucky, your bus will hit enough “road kill” so that you can fix your own Thanksgiving dinner meal.

    PS If Levi wants to join us at Jack-in-the-Box, he is welcome.

  29. Mary Matalin calls her a "bridge burner".

    Now, for a point of personal privilege. I have been and will continue to be an advocate of Sarah Palin and her principles. Had I been asked about how to use her publishing opportunity to maximum political benefit, I would have proffered to Palin the received wisdom of the unlikely duet of my mother and Lee Atwater: Never burn bridges.
    As campaign memoirs go, "Going Rogue" napalms bridges, incinerates detractors, hoses gas on what were smoldering embers. It is without refutation anywhere, even among rabid Palin haters, that she received political hazing of a magnitude previously unimaginable.
    More mother wisdom: Two wrongs don't make a right (to which my Obama-loving daughter always replies, "Yes, but three rights make a left"). There was a way to defend her honor, make her case, pivot to the future while showcasing her moral foundation by doing unto others as she wished they had done unto her, so to speak.

  30. Anonymous5:08 PM


    Just read through your blog and bio. You are a graduated from Harvard with a Law degree and you believe Sarah Palin should be President!!!!!???
    Or is that bio just a bunch of lies like Sarah's?

    Lynn SoCal

  31. Sullivan is shut down to compile the 33 lies. Olbermann gave a shout out to him yesterday. connect the dots. ;-)

  32. Gryph,

    Some points of clarification:

    It is not a Jewish/Palestinian situation. Many Jews in Israel and worldwide do not support Zionism, especially expansionist Zionism. Many Israeli Jews have made great sacrifices to protest one aspect, another or many of Israeli governmental policies in regard to the occupied territories.

    Many Palestinians who are being harassed, evicted or killed by Israeli forces and settlers are not Muslim. The area south of Jerusalem, for instance, is heavily Christian, especially around Bethlehem.

    Not all Palestinians are Arab. Some trace ancestry to pre-Arab peoples, including Turkic, Medeian and Phoenician stocks. Some urban Palestinians are Armenian and Christian.

  33. phoebes-in-santa fe5:20 PM

    Laurie, good luck with your husband's surgery. An "on line community" can't provide hand's on support but we can provide verbal and moral support.

  34. Anonymous5:39 PM

    "She said she was asked to join the campaign 16 weeks after having a baby"

    It's more coverup. If you accept her stated date for Trig's birth, it's the middle-to-end of April, 2008. Sixteen weeks is four months which is middle to end of August, 2008. Her candidacy was announced August 30, 2008.

    Of course, we know she didn't give birth to Trig on April 18, 2009.

    Incidentally, it's occurred to me more than once that Sarah is ADHD. She seems kind of scattered. Not to say manic and unfocused. Anybody? I really don't know much about ADHD.


  35. the problem child5:52 PM

    Laurie, One Canuck to another, at least our socialized medicare system is there for you. Good luck to you and hubby. You're in my thoughts.

  36. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Adding to her comments on Israel.

    The reference to 'Profiling' on Hannity's show last night with regard to Fort Hood. She says she knows she get the reactions but she honestly doesn't know what it means.

    Palin is on the 700 Club on Thursday. Her ilk will think they've died and gone to 'H ell'.

    We know they are!!!!

  37. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Laurie, best wishes and positive vibes for you and for hubby!


  38. Anonymous7:55 PM

    When I first glanced at the title of this post, it looked like it said: Barbara Walter's NightMARE interview with SP.... instead of Nightline... - lol... My eyes always see the word Pain, when it's really Palin...

    Andrew Sullivan has just about finished his fact-checking on "the" book, so his report tomorrow should be interesting!!

  39. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Yes, I am boycotting Barnes & Nobles. If I go to a chain bookstore in Anchorage, it will be Borders.

  40. Anonymous8:47 PM

    "I cannot believe Walters asked Sarah if she wanted to play basketball against Obama."

    She didn't. Barbara asked Sarah if she'd like to be on Obama's basketball team. Sarah's reply was Obama has a height advantage and would "smoke her". She didn't answer what Barabara asked.

  41. Anonymous11:28 PM

    "Check out the draperies in the video shot by AlaskaOutdoors TV (Scott Slone) in Feb 2008 (Hike Through Juneau). There is an Israeli flag stuck in the curtains."

    It represents the End Times and Rapture, not Israeli politics.

  42. Anonymous4:57 AM

    Anon @ 4:62 Now that's funny! Loved it.

    Anon @ 7:59 She seems to be spreading the wealth of her popularity around. There are both a Barnes and Noble (in old town Noblesville, IN) and a Borders (7 miles from downtown Noblesville @ Exit 10 of I69--which is a soybean field turned shopping center, and an area won by the City of Noblesville in a turf war between Noblesville and Fishers, Indiana, a few years ago--i.e. a battle for tax revenue). The Borders "in Noblesville" where she will be stopping is a fourteen mile round trip from the "Noblesville" where Barnes and Noble is located.

  43. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Yes, Ivy.....I have ADD, tested as an adult after my daughter tested ADHD as a teen. I can definitely tell Scarah has ADHD and is probably on Adderall. Their personalities and temperaments are very similar. Our daughter acted very much like Scarah until she had several extreme life changing events which changed her thought patterns, thank goodness. She's turned out to be a wonderful person today, but before up to about 19 yrs old she was definitely on a self destructive narcissistic personality path who had great difficulty with friends. She also happens to be quite beautiful and smart.

    Adderall is an amphetamine, it doesn't do anything as far as weight loss for me, but it did at first, for maybe 6 months and it also made me jittery for about 1 hr after taking it, hands shaky type thing. Now I have no physical reactions, but it does help me focus, stay on task and better organized in thought and work. But I also tend to forget to take it, often, lol. There are also different dosages.

    Anyway, I definitely think she has ADHD. It could be why she doesn't want her medical record viewed, also, too. Many who have this disorder self medicate with drugs like meth which is highly addictive. I certainly hope Scarah is not using meth, I doubt she is, but it could explain the hair loss, physical thinness and lack of sleep, remember her middle of the night twitters. Of course hair loss, disrupted sleep patterns and edginess, mood swings and depression could all be menopausal symptoms. Ask me how I know, lol. I'm 10 yrs older than her, thank goodness I'm through that miserable business. With her personality, she'd be one scary menopausal president. Sorry if that sounds sexist. The hormone swings are difficult.

  44. Anonymous9:22 AM

    I think the deal with her lip is she's trying to hide a cold sore. Sure sign of stress, lol.

  45. Anonymous9:33 AM

    As usual, political correctness should only be applied to Sarah Palin - a condition expected by her and her followers.

    This woman is teflon, everything is out of bounds that questions or criticizes her. Else it is sexism, anti-Christian, anti-American and unpatriotic.

    My god, Sarah's pulled the coup of the century, the right to affect policy decisions without accountability or consequence.

    The good people of Dillingham have dirt on her, her Crazy Putty (if I weren't so PC, I'd say the real word here) days where this crazy, irrational jealous girlfriend/wife would beat, scratch and abuse her man whenever another woman so much as looked at him.

    It's a testament to their decency, that they hold their tongue, for it is a cultural trait to not humiliate people in public. It's unfortunate for the rest of the country that has to put up with the insanity surrounding her do-nothing but follow me aura.

    Good luck to all of us that are deemed unpatriotic, un-Christian or not Real Americans.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.