Kitchen Table Politics. (So feminine)
When I first got into Wasilla city politics, I wasn't even sure how to pronounce the mayor's name. (WTF?)I kept up with the state and national politics, but Mayor John Stein was relatively new to the community (ie: outsider) and was elected while I was away at college. (P 63)
She can't pronounce "Stein"? How many ways are there to get it wrong?
"Sten"? "Stain"? "St-Jewish guy-ein"?
Ah the birth of the term "progressing".
In those days, the word "progressive" wasn't necessarily associate with liberalism, although that's what they meant by it. I took it to mean in the more common sense spirit of "progressing" our young city by providing the tools for the private sector to grow and prosper. (P 64)
In other words this is another thing she simply did not understand, kind of like how to pronounce "Stein". Wow, she just has potential VP written all over her, doesn't she?
Here she describes the rustic attitude in Wasilla.
We are extremely independent, no community organizers necessary (Time for another big middle finger to Barack Obama!). Not a lot of zoning regulations either. We are do-it-yourselfers (not a word.). (As proof, after our local Wal-Mart broke the world record for duct tape sales, Wasilla was named honorary Duct Tape Capital of the World.) (PP 66-67)
Yep we down home Wasilla folks don't cotton to no fancy "community organizers" or "zoning know...rules", we just make sure not to fish out of the lakes we poisoned and brag about our honorary "no trophy involved" Duct Tape thingee.
After Palin is elected to the City Council she almost immediately comes into conflict with Mayor Whats-is-Stein.
For one thing, Mayor Stein, and others on the council wanted to raise the mayor's pay. I thought he made enough money and that there were people whose roads needed fixing before the mayor's paycheck.
Yeah, and don't the Jews have all of that money that their grandparents smuggled out of Nazi Germany in their asses to buy up all of the businesses in America and take potential jobs out of the hands of REAL Americans? I have to wonder, does Sarah Palin realize that Joe Lieberman is Jewish?
Time to take a moment and pander to the patriotic crowd.
Then our third child, pretty little Willow Bianca Faye, came along. I went into labor with her on the Fourth of July while kayaking with the Menards (Is she NEVER very far from this guy?) on Memory Lake. I so wanted a patriotic baby that I paddled as hard as I could to speed up the contractions, but she held on until the next day. (PP 66-67)
Oh Sarah! You are so unbelievably patriotic! Paddling your little chubby ass around in a attempt to have that baby in the middle of a lake on a national holiday so that you could brag to your fans how much you love your country, instead of waiting until the next day and having it in the safety of a hospital bed to demonstrate your love for your child.
Could you be any more of a great American?
Okay that is enough for now. I need a mental health break.
Thank you , Gryphen, for your fearless reporting and strong stomach! Now go take an Antacid and rest for a while.
ReplyDeleteAlso, too - your quip about how Sarah mostly likely viewed Stein's salary (as not being needed because the Jews all smuggled money out of Germany up their you know what) was TOO hilarious! 'Cause you just know she thinks that way.
Did the city win the Duct Tape title before or after Homeland Security issued its duct tape and plastic sheeting suggestions?
ReplyDeleteIf after, perhaps that explains her fearmongering - might come naturally from that quaint little patriotic/fearful town.
How the hell does a 9 month pregnant woman get in and out of a kayak and sit comfortably? I call bullshit on that story.
ReplyDeleteWTF is a patriotic baby? the woman is sick, sick and very weird.
ReplyDeleteWow, did you hear,
ReplyDeleteOprahs ratings were through the roof on Palins visit! A second printing of her book also! People are flooding into her Michigan book tour as well.
You guys sure know how to keep a woman
What fools she is making of you.
Gry[hen, you started this post about "Team Levi". Sarah has been yapping about Reagan and a spine of steel or some such crap. If you ask me, Levi is the one who has steel spine. Now I'm not that thrilled about Playgirl, but let's just think about what this 19 yr. old is dealing with right now. His mother is in jail, his father just filed for divorce last Friday, the state is taking away her property (her house). Sarah won't let him see his child. He seemed so determined on the Insider. he seems to be having a good time, but Jesus, this kid has problems.
ReplyDeletesorry. wrong post.
ReplyDeleteI'm interested in reading your opinion of Sarah's description (if any) of the feat of keeping up with a DS infant's early intervention therapy needs while campaigning, remote governing Alaska, tending older offspring and hubby, JOURNALLING etc. (was she breast-feeding as well??? I ferget!)
Her statement about not knowing how to pronounce Mr. Stein's name is either incredibly mean spirited or code. There is no way you'd write that in your "memoir" if you had any sense of courtesy. Oh yeah! I forgot we were reading SP. Terrible.
ReplyDelete"I went into labor with her on the Fourth of July while kayaking with the Menards (Is she NEVER very far from this guy?) on Memory Lake. I so wanted a patriotic baby that I paddled as hard as I could to speed up the contractions, but she held on until the next day."
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell is this bullshit?
As she doesn't understand the word 'progressive,' she doesn't understand nuance and parody either.
ReplyDeleteThe way she is criticizing people for mistaking Faye's Palin caricature of her makes you believe that Tina has violated the International Convention on the Responsibilities of Comedians to accurately portray politicians section.
Why is she allowed to throw her sharp boney elbows around but it's liberal, effete, elitist haters with an agenda when she gets what is coming to someone who wants to affect policy? My kids are off limits even though I make them a focal point of my daily administrative duties and involve them in all our meetings, events and socializing. . .she makes them a target!
This woman is dense and humorless, unless it is to make fun if her enemies and critics by way of snarky nick-names. Ever the statesman, woman of the humanities and appreciator of art, our Sarah.
Gawd! I am calling John Stein right now to fact check this one: I will be back to report...
ReplyDeleteBTW: The Stein's are Penn. Dutch on both sides. Tom Stein had a major hand in Sitka's pulp mill back in the 50's. The antisemitism from her is DISGUSTING & RACIST but shows how low she will go to get what she wants. She is NOT a good person.
John is one of the best men I have ever met in my life.
I feel sorry that Wasilla bought her lies. I hope she goes to SoCal and stays there: She would be with people just like her.
We don't need no edukation, we don't need no thought control, we don't need no community activists, Sarah P has sold our souls.
ReplyDeleteGoing to update my Living Will.
ReplyDeleteNo heroic measures for me! I can't stand another day of this piece of....or maybe I'll just take Sarah's lead and start praying. Okay, everybody bow your heads, close your eyes and fold your hands:
Oh God, save us all from this arrogant, ignorant, lying, hyper-religious, hypocritical piece of flesh and her brain-dead minions. Please remember, God, that you hold the power of lightening in your hands and know how to use it. Please remember that...well, you get the picture, God.
She'll never live in So Cal. Not if we have anything to do with it.
ReplyDeleteI'd love to see a ready-for-delivery pregnant women paddling in a kayak. What? There's no way. I mean physically, there's just no way. A woman in that condition strapped with her legs tucked inside without moving, and a huge belly with baby kicking and bouncing around? I know how it feels and I know I certainly couldn't have managed that, getting in a kayak. It would have been a reckless thing to do and would have hurt my sides, trying to swing a paddle away on each side. She's an Amazonian Super Woman from another planet!
ReplyDeleteI can't get my head around that.
How many times does this woman make her loved ones fast for her decisions? LOL. That poor family.
ReplyDeleteAnyone ever figure she stood up for good ol do it yourself screw you Parks Service Papa Pilgrim? Before he was exposed as an inncestuous wife and child beater with a God Complex?
She is the anti christ of lying. The mayor should not get a raise and should use the money for roads. She became mayor and spend $50,000 on remodelling her office.
ReplyDeleteThe third child she can't make it come out paddling around, but the fifth she can fly from Texas leaking fluid and able to hold the child in for over 12 hours. She has an educated va-jay-jay, probably the smartest thing on her, ask the panty sniffers.
ReplyDeleteI love this review of GOING ROGUE in the WALL ST. JOURNAL. Between that, the cover of NEWSWEEK, and THE DAILY DISH going dark to mull over legal action, I'd say it's been a BAD WEEK FOR SARAH. It's so bad that Fox is showing 2008 campaign footage of her book signings to make it seem like she's got more interest than she really has:
So exactly how does paddling speed up labor? Someone needs to tell this dimwit that WALKING helps bring a baby down, not sitting on your ass waving your arms around. And is there anyone who can substantiate this "I was nine months pregnant and paddling a kayak" BS? When a baby is getting ready to be born, it drops down low in the pelvis. When I think about trying to crawl into a kayak in that condition, all I can say is, ouch.
ReplyDeleteAnd someone needs to make a list of all the people she calls mean girl style names or makes snide, nasty remarks about in this book. Guys with their lunch on their ties and their shirts hanging out of their flies, fat guys who have the nerve to criticize her holyness's diet, elitists driving her limo, the falafel lady, the perky one... Oye. How can anyone respect this petty, vindictive, small-minded little [expletive deleted]?
Hey anon! Proving a fool and their money are soon parted. And as for the second 'printing' yea, they need to print more. Most books do more than one printing. It's on sale at my local walmart for 9 bucks. I picked up the third twilight book instead.
ReplyDeleteIt's more factual.
Well, Sarah dear, why didn't you just get that bottle of white out and change the birthdate, and just like that you've got yourself a sweet little Patriotic baby girl? Come on Sarah, where was all that Maverickyness?
ReplyDeleteOh, and Anon@1.57pm. Thanks. We all needed that prayer.
ReplyDeleteI call it, anon, the HM party - the Horney men party.
ReplyDeletePlease avoid the kleenex you might find on sidewalks leading to bow at the queens feet.
I call BULL$IT on the kayak story.
ReplyDeleteNO WAY will ANY mentally SANE woman get into a kayak when at full term - not even at eight months!
NO WAY NO HOW!!! IMHO, almost physically impossible.
Imagine a woman like her in her first pregnancy picture, but possibly even bigger, getting into a wobbly kayak. NO SIREE!!!
@anon 12:22, Actually, that is all very good news. Oprah's ratings have been sinking and she is thinking of moving to cable in 2011. The more crowds that Sarah attracts, the more she splits the Republican Party. Those right right right wing conservative loonies will chase out any remaining moderates, and they scare the independents as well. Daily Kos said it a long time ago; Sarah Palin is the gift that keeps on giving. Just think about newly elected Rep.Owens, Democrat, from a district that has been Republican for more than 150 years.
ReplyDeletePlease, oh please, line up for Sarah and waste your money on her book. Donate to her PAC so she can screw up the Republican primaries. Do you think she could last through three debates with real politicians? And, do you really think that woman could sustain a presidental campaign for two years? I remember how long she lasted in a much easier job. She is doing more press now than she did during her entire vice presidential campaign. She loves the money. She loves the attention. But, she doesn't love you.
Gryphen, did you write that they were doing the book signing in the mystery department? Why isn't this book in the fiction section or humor?
ReplyDeletePalin isn't that hard to figure out. She has a tiny brain after all.
ReplyDeleteShe talks smack do get her base riled up and behind her that much more.
Look, any person more intelligent than an earthworm knows that Palin is full of "bullcrap". Palin simply wants her tiny-brain Palinbots to stay with her through "Her Journey". They don't even understand the concept of rational thought and enjoy blindly following a quasi-religious leader like Palin.
In the meantime, more and more normal people are seeing Palin and her followers for what they are: tiny-brained, narrow-minded, bigots, racists and lunatics.
1:32 PM _ That is certainly the policy that Limbaugh told us this campaign book is about. ;O
ReplyDeleteHow many times does this woman make her loved ones fast for her decisions?
ReplyDeleteWhenever it is her turn to make the cheese stuffed moose dogs for Piper's dinner. Someone goes to Taco Bell for Sarah and the rest of them fast.
Not even her fans can take cameras to meet their role model on her book tour. After being bribed and bussed those kids are allowed 2 signed books. Move along kiddies.
ReplyDeleteCowardly anon @ you realize just how pathetic you really must be? I hate Palin's guts..but I am buying her book. I want to read with my own eyes all the bullshit this woman speaks...and thinks she can get away with.
ReplyDeleteShe is a full blown narcissistic idiot...who is going nowhere fast. yes..she make loads of cash..but at what cost? Her reputation is quickly going down the tubes...even with pols who liked her. She is a loose cannon who will be used and abused and then thrown away. I could ALMOST feel sorry forry her, but she has asked for everything she will get now.
And further...what about the price her children are paying...and will pay in the future. If you were any friend to Sarah would hope she takes the money...runs...ands STFU.
Her answer in regard to Israel and her settlements indication she knows nothing, and obviously....nor do you.
did you really write this? did you collaborate with someone else? thanks for clearing this up.
ReplyDeleteThat crack about Mayor "the name is so foreign the guy is probably from New York" Stein is petty and mean. Is this the same guy she made that "I'm the first Christian Mayor crack about"?
ReplyDeleteTroll @ 12:22 PM A second printing of her book also! People are flooding into her Michigan book tour as well.
ReplyDeleteWhooo hoo!
They had to do a second printing because halfway through the first printing they had to recall a bunch of books that got printed with the Levi insults intact...
That's my rumor of the day.
A "flood" of 1500 sheeple showed up. More like a dribble. Not like those rabble rousing rallies from 14 months ago, and her paw is probably in a splint signin' isn't anything like signin' bills, declarations, and financial disclosures, you betcha.
Wouldn't it be ironic, almost KARMIC if she had to cut short her book tour OBLIGATION because she has severe carpal tunnel syndrome?
Gryph, Sarah is fully aware that John McCain's true love is Jewish.
ReplyDeleteAnd she is NOT coming to California! I'm in NORCAL, 400 miles away from the SoCal conservative heart, Orange County, and I still couldn't stand her being in the same state! California will not put up with the embarrassment!
Besides, she'd be more comfortable in a place Modoc County (far NE corner) than Orange, which came within THREE PERCENT of voting for Obama. Her ghostwriter lives in San Diego, which went to Obama by 10%.
Why would she want to live close to Hollywood, also too?
Oh, and OT, but where the hell was Michael Moore today? Someone needs to give her crap in her face!
ReplyDeleteThat kayak story is a hoot! How does a pregnant woman squeeze into one of those suckers and keep it from toppling over? So lesson 2- when desperate for a yankeee-doodle- dandeeee bona fide jewlie 4 baby, the best exercise is to do a rigorous upper body workout!
ReplyDeleteI need an adult beverage and an ice pack
....and people actually lined up and waited for their copy - bangs head against wall -
"I'm interested in reading your opinion of Sarah's description (if any) of the feat of keeping up with a DS infant's early intervention therapy needs while campaigning, remote governing Alaska, tending older offspring and hubby, JOURNALLING etc. (was she breast-feeding as well??? I ferget!)"
ReplyDeleteNo, but Bristol sure looked like SHE had been.
Okay, Gryphen, Anons 12:17; 1:32 and 2:06--midnightcajun @ 2:14 and Fedup!!! @ 2:27:
ReplyDeleteHere is what I suspect really happened.
Picture this: Summer, 2009, San Diego, CA, Pool side....
As Sarah bounces baby Trig on her knee, she begins to relate her Fourth of July memories of Memory Lake to her resident ghostwriter.
She begins: I was pregnant with Willow and had started having labor pains. To hurry the labor along, so that she would be born into this world as a true blue little patriotic American Christian, I did the only thing I could think of--I had heard that walking sometimes hurries labor along, so I stood up, right then and there and began to walk on the watery surface of Memory Lake.
Vernon: You what?
Sarah: You know, I walked on water--just like Jes..
Vernon: You know, I think some of your readers might have a bit of a problem with that. How about this: How squeeze yourself into a kayak...and paddle yourself all the way to the delivery room!
Sarah: Naw. Nobody would buy that--can't paddle to the hospital--the lake doesn't go that far.
Vernon: Okay, then, how about we just have you paddle hard in hopes that your labor speeds up?
Sarah: Sure, that would work.
Vernon: So, it's the Fourth of July. You're on the lake...kayaking...where are the kids?
Sarah: The kids?
Vernon: Uh hum. It's a holiday. You are kayaking with friends--where are your other two children--Track--Bristol?
Sarah: Oh! Hmmm. Track and Bristol. Where were they that day? Let me "remember.".....Oh, yeah, now I recall: They were at home. Piper was keeping an eye on them. No..uhmmm..they were with, this is it: They were both in the kayak with me. Yes, that's right--they were both in the kayak with me and...that, you see, would have made it a little harder for me to paddle...but, you know, that sounds good!
[Sarah stares off into the distance] Picture it. There I am--in a kayak, in labor, two sweet children perched on my lap, just paddling and paddling...ahhh. Am I the perfect mother, or what?
Anon@7:14 am
All you guys, in rare form today :D