Thursday, November 26, 2009

Beck rules out Palin/Beck ticket: "I'm sorry. Why am I hearing your voice? We're not in the kitchen!"

It does not sound like even crazy Glenn Beck is batshit enough to consider running with Sarah.

I don't know. I think it might be a hoot.


  1. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Tell us how you really feel, Glen.

    (hoot, hoot)

  2. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Hopefully that costs the Repos a few more women's votes though. And Beck a few more viewers who question his values.

  3. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Wow. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

    I didn't think I'd see the day when these two idiots would disagree on anything.

    Beck is in deep trouble with Rush now.

  4. Anonymous9:36 PM

    If I were SP, being laughed at and put down like that, by GB no less, I'd crawl into a hole. That was pretty insulting. Did he know his mic was on?

  5. sunnyjane10:21 PM

    Yep, I think you're right. Beck is definitely in deep shit with Rush now. Wonder how long it will take him to walk it back and say he was "just kidding and would LOVE to be on a ticket with Palin."

  6. Maybe Sarah will now send Glenn up on the roof to help Todd...

  7. Anonymous12:45 AM

    I hope they give each other Ebola.

  8. Anonymous1:01 AM

    Please put your white robes and pointed hats on and run

  9. Anonymous1:42 AM

    Welcome to Hooterville!! Wink, Wink!

  10. Ripley3:46 AM

    Go see Shannyn Moore's site RIGHT NOW!!!! teehee

  11. Anonymous4:26 AM

    Anonymous @8:51-

    Apology countdown in 3, 2, 1.......


  12. Anonymous4:51 AM

    What happened to Blow Pop Palin! Anybody????

  13. Anonymous5:15 AM

    Maybe Beck and Palin could have their own reality show competition to see who is crazier.

    It would run for all time and no winner would ever be chosen, since they both are such loony tunes.

  14. Anonymous5:24 AM

    I wish more of Sarah's 'base' told her to sit down and shut-up!

  15. Do you think Glenn Beck is taking his cue on this from Bill O'Reilly's interview, that revealed Palin in her full-blown insanity?

    The last part of the audio is just as funny:

    "Look, I talked to the woman about it, and I don't even know what she was saying..."

    He refers to Palin as "the woman", and evidently doesn't understand a word she says. He sounds like one of us...

  16. Anonymous6:50 AM

    "Oh Honey, that Glenn Beck is such a hoot! You just can't take a thing he says seriously."

    No, this isn't exactly what she said, but put the words "Beck" and "hoot" in the same sentence... It's the perfect Beck putdown. No wonder her statement got under his skin.

  17. Anonymous7:04 AM

    As goofy as I think Beck is.. this is a tiny glimmer of hope

    He does have a reputation to maintain..
    This was pretty snarky... He usually licks her toes when talking about her..
    Not only was it snarky but he was getting a good laugh at her expense..

    Perhaps he knows something we don't know.. Something that makes him want to distance himself from her to maintain his .. cough.. dignity

    I agree Sarah Palin is a wind-up "Sarah Palin the Politician" doll...
    I keep blabbing this.. but with a beautiful home in Alaska (a beautiful state) .. a chunk of money.. a beautiful family... why does she insist on putting on her "Palin Bump-it" costume spitting the same slogans over and over..
    Does she even have any sort of life outside of this fantasy?
    Any hobby's? except running (i thought that was for her sanity) .. does she have any purpose in life?
    She seems so incredibly shallow and empty in her "sarah palin" costume..

  18. Anonymous7:30 AM

    What pleases me most is how I think Sarah will take this. She might pretend to laugh it off, but from her track record, I don't think she has a sense of humor.

    Beck has just earned himself a juicy part in her next book. That alone was worth listening to this. Palin doesn't forget slights, does she?

  19. Anonymous8:09 AM

    ya mean he actually tried to understand what she says.

    I gave up long ago.

    I only hope now that she is in the big bucks, all those people *(like trooper wooten) will hire some decent lawyers and sock it to her good.

  20. Anonymous9:04 AM

    What a hoot!

    Also, too, what a relief! I think he was trying to take the wind out of Sarah's sails gently...betcha' she comes out swinging...she can't resist...she'll be sure to repeat the "hoot" whenever she can from now on because one thing about Sarah, she will not let go of this put down....EVER.

    This is good news, nothing like getting dissed by a couple guys laughing (reminds me of that interview she had where she was poking fun at Lyda...karma baby.

    AK. Sisu

  21. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Absolutely hilarious, Sarah is merely advertising the Alaskan State Bird, know as the Ptarmigan (also Hooter!)

    "Hoot Hoot....their sounds echo throughout the valleys in Alaska."

    Doesn't the entrance to her compound read something like "Welcome to Hooterville"

    Everyone join me in one Hoot Hoot Hooray....
    Alaskan Sisu

  22. Anonymous12:24 PM

    It's always useful to know which words annoy.

  23. Not only are Palin's Facebook "friends" totally blanking out Beck's rant yesterday, but they're suggesting other fans watch the YouTube video of Beck's program today, which has something to do with Congress.


    BTW, this was on Beck's own site today -- they're pretending Beck's sexist rant was just a fake-out-the-librul-media bait trap:

    "Could the media be any more predictable? As Glenn, Pat, and Stu joked about “evil conservative stereotypes”--Glenn acted one out by saying he wouldn’t want to run as vice president with Sarah Palin because men are superior. Yes! The pasty overweight former alcoholic talk show host should be ahead of the accomplished governor on the ticket based solely on their reproductive organs! That makes sense!

    The point, of course, was completely lost on liberal blogs who then immediately jumped to report on it, as if Glenn were just making a crass joke and hates women. It’s so satisfying when they take the bait.

    Admittedly though, most of the main stream media hasn’t been tempted so far, but you have to love the first one who bit. If we were to ask you name a network/city combo that would be first in line to ignore context and butcher the truth to attack a conservative during the Obama administration, what would you guess? That’s right: NBC Chicago. Again…could the media be any more predictable?"

  24. KaJo@6:35-- Yes, I was very interested in that SP interview with Bill O. too-- why was he finally willing speak some truth to her ?? to give her a bit of the good old NYC straight talk?? Hmm.. what's going on here ? Is there a signal here that we are missing?


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