Thursday, November 26, 2009

Palin and her family (sans Todd) participate in Turkey Trot in Tri-City area. I bet you know how this ends.

Cheers erupted along the Columbia River this morning as Sarah Palin and her large family of “Rogue Runners” approached the start line for the annual Turkey Trot.

Both fun run participants and spectators who’d been waiting more than an hour in the bitter cold for a glimpse of the former Republican vice-presidential candidate rushed to snap her picture with cameras and cell phones.

Palin, pushing a double jogger stroller, smiled and shook hands as she moved through the crowd, saying “We’ll be in the back.” There, the former Alaska governor and best-selling author signed baseballs, T-shirts and copies of Going Rogue: An American Life while hugging excited supporters.

Well finally Palin has the WHOLE family surrounding her so that she can have her built in babysitters (along with the baby she LIKES), and a buffer against the constant criticism she attracts. But wait, it looks like Palin does not have the ENTIRE family in tow: Her husband Todd, she added, stayed at home “fixing the roof.”

Well anyway at least Palin is getting some exercise, and doing something that is not all about getting publicity and pimping her new book. Or is it?

However, she didn’t finish the race, opting to leave the course early to avoid more crowds at the end. About 40 minutes into the run, people gathered at the finish line to get more pictures of Palin started to learn that she was gone.

She quit, and left these people waiting for her at the finish line? Oh when, oh when, will these people ever learn?


  1. Anonymous7:21 PM

    LMAO...I knew you were going to say that she quit. What else is a Palin to do?

  2. LMAO!! She quit a 5k? She quit again, it just doesn't get any better does it??!!

  3. Anonymous7:53 PM

    OMG, she quit a 5K?? That is too friggin' funny! Did she lie about being a runner, too?

    Jane D'oh

  4. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Oh yea... and the other day she was eating a sandwich and got full before she finished. I guess she should be crucified as a quitter for that too, right? Anytime someone stops something doesn't mean they are quitting.

  5. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Sarah's just not willing to sacrifice herself for what she wants, not willing to pay the dues.

    She does not think ahead very effectively and may not have realized that "quiting" and disappearing on her fans when they become inconvenient is going to reinforce exactly those images, quitting and stiffing her supporters when she's "not in the mood."

  6. Anonymous8:08 PM

    lol....The runaway grany.

  7. Anonymous8:21 PM

    To all you nay sayers out there. YES, Toad is fixing the roof because a bunch of people that Sarah threw under the bus are about to BLOW THE ROOF OFF OF HER GLASS CASTLE.

    This story gets better and more bizarre everyday. I almost can’t wait for the next chapter.

    Sweat is my sanity, I quit the race. Quit quitting quitter.

    Also too, could somebody give Tank a big hug and thank him for taking such good care of Levi. They seem to have a good time together.

    I hope Trooper Wooten gets diarrhea of the mouth once he starts talking.

    NYC girl

  8. MacAndCheeseWiz8:21 PM

    There must be an explanation involving "God" or maybe it was a "quasi- rapture"

    "She quit, and left these people waiting for her at the finish line? Oh when, oh when, will these people ever learn?"

    "learn" did you say "learn" and "these people" in the same sentence? Can you imagine grading them on a curve?

    LOL, Thanks for making my day!

    Welcome to quitterdome - "we don't need another (quiznos)hero"

  9. Anonymous8:27 PM

    As usual.

    As usual.
    Traveling around in a private Gulfstream jet instead of a "bus" tour. But she's just like us cry the Palinbots! Folks, she is a complete fraud on so many levels. Wake up and look at the facts already.

  10. Anonymous10:19 PM

    anon at 7:56
    when you start a race and walk off without finshing it is called QUITTING!!

  11. Anonymous10:35 PM

    Hi readers, I was at the Turkey Trot today. Parked next to a car with a Going Rogue on the front seat and I shuddered. Anyway, I walked with granddaughter, daughter and husband ran the race and finished. They saw Palin a couple times, said wow is she short. Yes she did quit because of large camera laden "crowds". She's no runner for crying out loud, she was just pushing a stroller. If she really wanted to run she could have slapped a baseball cap on, put her head down and started the race. Nah, no camera that way. Funniest comment she made was about a non traditional dinner of Quizno's sandwiches today. Family values again. Todd fixing the roof...sure. Going to be a big blow here very soon IMO.

    By the way when she arrived last night she got off a private plane of course carrying her prop child with bare feet, a kinda heavy shirt, no hat...She wasn't in bare feet, the baby was. It was 40 degrees. This woman is a raving loon.

    I looked at the people at the race and my thoughts ran something like this: They all look like ordinary normal people. But omigod they aren't, they have been sucked in by this dippy dumb woman with her shrill voice and glib comments. How could seemingly normal people get so sucked in by her. I just don't get it.

    She was supposed to be having dinner 2 blocks from my daughter's house but there was no action today. I won't check but my kid will cruise by tomorrow and see if anything is going on there. We know it won't be anything worthwhile, some poor dead turkey being consumed by a live turkey.

    One last thing, her book signing on Sunday is at noon in a local bookstore Hastings and is in a small strip mall with lousy parking. Should be good for some laughs and bad feelings in the end.

    This report compliments of Pam

  12. Anonymous11:50 PM

    Anon 7:56:

    I agree with your sentiment that it's not fair to label someone a quitter just for stopping something.

    HOWEVER, when there is a pattern of such behavior, it actually does qualify someone as a quitter. For example, hmmm, where to begin?
    As Goeffrey Dunne so eloquently states:

    "Sarah Palin quit five colleges in her otherwise unremarkable collegiate career, before finally graduating from the sixth. She quit her job in television. She and Todd quit their snow machine dealership in Big Lake. She quit her job as Mayor of Wasilla to run for lieutenant governor. She quit as chair of the Alaska Oil & Gas Conservation Commission. Now she has quit the governorship of the state she supposedly loves. Sarah Palin is a quitter. When the going gets tough, Sarah Palin quits."

    And there's just a little bit more: she quit signing autographs at her "book signing" in Noblesville, Indiana, and, now, she quit a measly 5k run.

    Yup, if it quacks like a duck...

  13. London Bridges2:37 AM

    The technical term for this is known as Sarahtush Interruptus

  14. Anonymous3:02 AM

    I'm sure the roof fixer or someone in her entourage, found her quite tasty after she put a little flavor in that thing. Would have been better if she finished & then the long ride "home". Gotta be what all her fans are imagining anyway... love the perils of Palina

  15. toad stayed home fixin' the roof cause y'all know there isn't a better day than Thanksgiving to progress such a project. We don't even need a permit! God bless the troops so I can have the right to ditch my husband and lie to you good folks, on this fine American holiday. Isnt Trig cute? Cookie anyone?

    (What was the weather in Wasilla like the last few days...Just curious...)

  16. Anonymous4:37 AM

    Have yet to see any confirmation pictures that the "whole" family (sans Toad) was there.

  17. Anonymous4:42 AM

    The whole thing sounds like a last-minute set up conjured up by her handlers so Miss End Times could continue to connect with the "commoners." She just showed up with the poor little prop baby in a stroller, smiled, signed some random stuff, made a show of starting the race, and took off in the other direction. My, my, just the kind of dedicated leader these jerks need. And and as for TAAAHHD fixing the roof? Sure. The rich have contractors for that pesky job, unlike the poor, trusting peasants, don't they?

    BTW, last night the hubs and I were watching "The World's Dumbest Shoppers" (one of a series of fail-video reality shows on TruTV with a D-list celebrity panel making wisecracks) and the crowds that lined up before dawn at each big box store event (i.e., for a sale on XBoxes, Tickle Me Elmos, flat screen TVs, etc.) made the crowds showing up at Palin signings look absolutely anemic. But none of these events had the Palin team shoving videos of the slathering masses down the our collective throats.

  18. Anonymous4:52 AM

    Pam- Thanks for the update. Always interesting to hear from boots on the ground where Sarah is located.

    My prediction for 2010 is that you start to see Sarah Palin begin using the name Sarah Heath Palin much like Hillary Rodham Clinton did a few years ago.

    I think something went wrong on this book tour as I believe Todd was suppose to join her for the tour. I am guessing there was a fight and Sarah suffered through a few days on tour with only Piper and Trig. Then the call went out to the Heaths for help. The Heaths showed up with Aunt Katie in tow to help out. Besides how could Aunt Katie fix Thanksgiving dinner if she was trying to keep shoes and clothes on Trig.

    It will be interesting to see who finishes the book tour with her or if she just quits.

  19. Anonymous5:00 AM

    Perfect. Can't think of a better turkey that Sarah Palin for a Turkey Trot.

  20. when do we find out she had her tubes tied?

  21. Anonymous7:33 AM

    We all know there are those big blue plastic sheets that were used after Katrina and at Eagle River to cover roofs, till they can be "fixed."
    You gotta figure that at some point Todd is going to get tired of trailing around with Sarah playing the roll of Photo Op Spouse and baby sitter.
    Maybe that day has come. To bad he quit his day job.

  22. Anonymous7:38 AM

    "It will be interesting to see who finishes the book tour with her or if she just quits."

    She quits the tour, she's in breach of contract and Harper Collins can take a big chunck of money back. Murdock is a cut throat business man. Not like the nice folks of Alaska who just let her exit quitely.
    Or let her exit willingly, and gratefully.

  23. FEDUP!!!7:42 AM

    So, she was there with a double stroller. Does that mean Bristol was there also, too? Did not see any sign of her, just of a second baby that seemed to be larger than Trig, and that had shoes on (Trig did not, I believe)
    Hmmm... Gobble, gobble!

  24. Anonymous7:59 AM

    "I agree with your sentiment that it's not fair to label someone a quitter just for stopping something."

    I don't disagree, but I ran for 20 years till my tendons couldn't take it any more, and I am confident any runner or past runner will agree with me.

    Runners don't quit runs.

    It is part of the mentality and the psychology of running. You are going to cross that finish line.

    When you pay the entry fee, get up at an ungodly hour on your day off, maybe drive a couple of hours, to go out into whatever kind of weather happens that day, and wait for the starting gun - you are out there to run the very best you can physically run on that given day, and to cross the finish line.
    You don’t want to go home with the feeling that you slacked off.
    Whether you are fast or slow, old or young, whether you are a walker or a runner - that is your contract with yourself.
    The only way you quit a run, a walk, a bike ride is if you are physically incapable of crossing the finish line.

    Non runners think runners are crazy, because they will push themselves till they collapse and maybe even die, but that is part of the mind set. There will be nothing in reserve when you cross the finish line, even if you are the last one across. The goal is to finish and to finish with your best effort.

    Sarah's just defined her self, again, as a lazy, uncommited quitter who doesn't take her comittments seriously, to another couple of million Americans.

  25. FEDUP!!!, yes Bristol is there.

    THAT is why Levi cannot spend Thanksgiving with his son.

  26. Anonymous8:20 AM

    you all sound like a bunch of squawking hens..Pam being the head HEN. Talking trash about her and not one word of any substance. Nothing about disagreement on policies..just the same tired Liberal hate..

  27. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Does anyone know whether Sarah Palin will pardon a Quizno sandwich for Thanksgiving?

  28. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Anonymous @8:46 -
    "Nothing about disagreement on policies.."

    And there's a very good reason for that...she doesn't HAVE policies. She has talking points that she can't explain or defend. She can't handle in-depth interviews about policies because she doesn't really understand anything beyond the sound bites that she's memorized. If you listen to her closely, there are entire sections of text that are repeated verbatim from interview to interview.

    When you can't scrutinize the policies, you end up scrutinizing the character of the person dutifully reciting the script. Over and over again, she's shown that her character leaves a lot to be desired.

  29. Awww look, a troll (Anon 8:20am) came to visit. Can I play with the twerp, Gryph? Pleez
    I don't think the troll will be back though. They are one hit wonders who think that they have something to say but like Sarah, if you pop them, all their stupid goes flying all over the room.

  30. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Todd is just trying to establish his AIP credentials (as per Karl Rove, who told Ken Herman of the Cox News Service, "'I don't know where you're from,' said Rove, 'but in Austin, Texas, in August if you see some guy on top of a roof slinging tar odds are he is not a U.S. citizen.'"

  31. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Heath family, not Palin family. Several generations of extended-family Heaths live in Richland and that area (Aunt Katie).

    They relocated from Idaho to work as laborers at the Hanford Nuclear Site/Manhattan Project and build the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagaski (Little Boy and Fat Man).

    In high school, they were the "Richland Bombers". The official school mascot is an atomic bomb and a B-17 bomber. The school logo is an atomic bomb mushroom cloud. Really. This is not a joke. School spirit chant: "Nuke 'Em".

    Todd's sister is down there; the one that had her house repossessed last month (published in the Bellingham Herald).

    Pretty interesting - Sarah and her sister-in-law are both older women (the same age) that had babies in 2008. That's likely the other baby in the stroller with Trig.

  32. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Anon @ 11:16

    Well, that explains a lot.
    What a disturbing mindset for a community.

  33. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Quiznos product placement, methinks?

  34. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Someday there will be a study done of how radiation damages
    dna and how that damage will be progressed forward into future
    generations. Sarah Palin will be Exhibit X.

    That whole area is HOT, and I don't mean the way people discuss Sarah.

  35. Anonymous5:14 PM

    anon at 11:16 am :

    "Sarah and her sister-in-law are both older women that had babies in
    2008". Except that Sarah didn't. When was the other baby born ?
    Did that woman actually have TWINS ?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.