Friday, November 20, 2009

Chris Matthews points out the "elephant in the room" concerning Sarah Palin's supporters.

I don't always agree with Matthews, but he is dead on here.

And Norah O'Donnell points out an important piece as well when she identifies Palin supporters as feeling somehow "victimized". These Christian white Americans, clearly the majority in this country, have convinced themselves that they are suddenly second class citizens because a black man resides in the White House.

It is absolutely sickening. And Sarah Palin is the de facto leader of this pathetic, self pitying group of losers.

(H/T to ella for the embed.)


  1. Anonymous6:41 AM

    The other elephant in the room is the tale of trig.

  2. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Sarah you need to be Profiled regarding the church fire, the neo natal nurses death, Sheri Johnstons set up, The lies of your pregnancy with Trig, the discrimination and abuses in troopergate, the violence you created at rallies to get people to yell kill kill who in the HELL are you?

    Sarah you are more evil then anyone I know!!!!!!!! You need to be behind bars and are the ulitmate American Terrorist in this country as we speak.

    Lynn SoCal

  3. wow. I never expected Chris Matthews to say that. Didn't Sarah throw a fit over the Homeland Security report about Christian terrorists earlier this year? Persecution!!!

  4. phoebes-in-santa fe7:10 AM

    Are "white Christians" STILL the majority in the country? I thought demographics show differently.

    But anyone who says this anti-Obama thing is NOT racial is full of shit. It needs to be talked about and exposed for what it is.


  6. Anonymous7:18 AM

    More shocking was Morning Joe today. They were DEFENDING the President against the teabaggers.

    Even Joe himself and everyone, commenting on Huckabee saying the GOP needs to stop the personal attacks, said he is a good man, good father, good husband, the personal smears must stop.

    color me shocked
    maybe the tide is turning against the ugliness?

  7. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Is today sentencing day for Sherri, God I hope it turns out well for her. Gyphen I still believe in you, PLEASE bring this broad down. She is toxic. Wouldn't it be great if the shit hit the fan in the height of her Book Tour
    Bullshit express ?
    Sending Sherri positive vibes through the TUBES.


  8. He may have got it right this time, but a few days ago Tweety was singing her praises. It got so bad, I was yelling at the teevee.
    He had Fred Malek and Pat Buchanon on. Believe it or not, Malek was the only one even close to reality. And that's not saying much. But Malek wouldn't say if he thought Palin was qualified to be President or not.

  9. Please, someone fill me in on the neo-natal nurse's death. That one got by me.

  10. How about profiling the white racist extrmeist who shot up the holocost museum months ago?

  11. Anonymous7:58 AM

    It's a fact that many of these workplace and school shootings have been perpetrated by non-muslims, even christians. Why doesn't she want everyone profiled?

  12. For months I've had a bad habit of dismissing what Palin supporters say because they are so far out of touch with reality I find them ridiculous. But with all the coverage of her Magical Lies Tour, I've actually started listening when reporters ask these idiots "Why do you like Sarah Palin?" There is a real pattern to their answers.

    They say the same things, over and over again: She represents everything I believe in. She's real. She's honest. She's just like me. She talks like I do. She's smart. She represents real Americans/our America. She tells it like it is. She shares my principles. She's a mom. She's so pretty.

    When asked to go into detail, they mention the things she's supposedly "for", such as guns, family, babies, low taxes, small government, killing Moslems--excuse me, "strong defense"-- Christian values, God, "giving America back their freedom."

    This is why they like her: she spouts the crap they believe in and in a language they use. They're too stupid to see that she's a liar and a fraud, and anyone who points out her lies is just a member of the librul elite unfairly attacking her--and by extension, them.

    I'm not sure how you can discredit someone like that. We keep saying she'd be shot to pieces in a Republican primary. But any Republican male attacking her will be accused of being sexist and treating her unfairly and attacking her family. I'm not sure what the answer is.

  13. Thanks for this clip. Sickening, indeed. I'd add that labelling the Ft. Hood shootings as a 'terrorist attack', before the investigation is complete, is unconscionable and despicable.

  14. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Why don't we just lock up all non-white Christians.Then we will be safe?
    Yes,I am afraid of her and her buddies .

  15. For anyone who is dis_gus_ted with the idea of her going to Fort Bragg or Fort Hood (especially with the title of her book) please make your voice heard by contacting the following:

    Fort Bragg Public Affairs Office 910-907-5290

    Chairman Carl Levin (D) D.C. Phone # 202-224-6221

    Ranking Member John McCain (I'm sure he'll be glad to hear from you) D.C. Phone # 202-224-2235 202-225-4151 click on stafff for General Counsel Paul Oostburg

    Be nice.

  16. Anonymous8:40 AM

    @ 7:11 AM Anonymous:More shocking was Morning Joe today. They were DEFENDING the President against the teabaggers...commenting on Huckabee saying the GOP needs to stop the personal attacks, said he is a good man, good father, good husband, the personal smears must stop.
    Maybe they have been getting some pressure from their advertisers?? It would be great if their consciences have kicked in, but we shall see. I'm hoping everyone boycotts Cafe Press for selling the Psalms Bible scripture stuff against President Obama.

  17. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Sarah, what about profiling all the abortion haters who kill abortion doctors! Oh by your laws that is ok?

    And Sarah it is ok for you to have an abortion and decribe and index it under a D&C. Laughing my ass off at you everyday. You can pull the wool over your ignorant followers but not the REAL AMERICANS!!!!!

    Lynn SoCal

  18. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Midnightcajun at 8:03 made another insightful point with "But any Republican male attacking her will be accused of being sexist and treating her unfairly and attacking her family. I'm not sure what the answer is."

    From this, epipahny comes. Now we Americans know how despotic, religious fanatics take over other governments around the world. I don't for a second believe she is bright enough or clever enough to become a national leader, however...

    Haven't we all wondered why and how a Milosevic, a Stalin, etc., etc., get to power? How and why do millions of people fall prey to such sociopaths?

    The despots slowly and methodically cast aspersions on everyone, with every possible tactic, to shut the mouths of those who see their corrupted souls. Good people don't want to appear sexist, racist, anti-religious, librul...and on, and on, and on, until they are rendered dumbstruck by them.

    Our only hope is that those who have drunk her poison are now experiencing catharsis.

    Waiting for the burnout.

  19. Another part of the story that is getting lost-
    While some folks in middle America still have a big crush on Miss Sarah, many folks in Alaska who know her better are DONE with her. Look at all the blogs on Gryphen's side board here-(all political perspectives except crazy) from Halcro to Munger to Mudflats to Shannyn and so many others-- DON'T YOU THINK THAT THE MSM SHOULD DISCUSS THIS ?? To Know SP is to Dislike her. Perhaps Shannyn and AKM could do something about this for MSNBC soon !!

    Second point- Gryphen- a few days ago you indicated that the truth about SP would come out in a way that even her "low information" types would understand. --So what are we talking about-- illustrated comic or tabloid ?

  20. Anonymous9:04 AM

    I hope military families do the right thing and don't show up at her book signings at the PX (Post Exchange-base retail store).

  21. Anonymous9:05 AM

    My God is not like her God, That the Devil!!!

  22. Anonymous9:07 AM

    The Daily Dish, A Sullivan, is starting to heat it up. Interesting read about the T1 truth or fiction ...

  23. Palin plans a book sale/signing at Ft. Hood on December 4th! She's sure to spout her "profiling" as the answer propaganda. It is sick that she will be allowed on the base. Who is asleep at the wheel allowing her on base? Or is one of the "convert everyone to my version of Christianity" 'Christians' in charge of the base and welcoming her with open arms? (like the kind working for the death of Mikey Weinstein?)

    Ft. Hood needs to rethink its Sarah event!

  24. mary b--Dar Miller was a nurse killed in a suspicious fire in Wasilla early this year. It seems that there has been no follow up to the investigation of the fire.

    It seems curious to many that Miller was a former neonatology nurse.

    Furthermore, there have been lots of anon. comments mentioning Palin's buddy, Rep. Carl Gatto, as a former fireman with lots of buddies in the fire business. The comments come up regarding the church fire and other fires.

    AnchorageDaily News Article:

    scroll down to the January 14, 2009 blog post:

  25. Anonymous9:21 AM

    These 'folks' are so scary to me that I AM going to start 'stock-piling ammo'...seriously.

    This is one of the good things about Alaska: There are a lot of 'normal' people with guns. Not just all the lunatics...can't say the same for the lower 48...

  26. I don't think white christians actually are the majority anymore. Which is even scarier becasue they are sure more vocal and dangerous.

  27. Since Palin has called for racial profiling in the military, on FOX's Hannity's program, I'm passing this along:

    For anyone who is dis_gus_ted with the idea of her going to Fort Bragg or Fort Hood (especially with the title of her book) please make your voice heard by contacting the following:

    Fort Bragg Public Affairs Office 910-907-5290

    Chairman Carl Levin (D) D.C. Phone # 202-224-6221

    Ranking Member John McCain (I'm sure he'll be glad to hear from you) D.C. Phone # 202-224-2235 202-225-4151 click on stafff for General Counsel Paul Oostburg

    Be nice.

  28. Anonymous9:59 AM

    SP is looking a bit ragged today.

  29. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Betcha there is already a profile on The Mother Lode of Personality Disorders along with some of her most rabid, racist, barely literate, 2nd amendment armed and carrying, robotic fans!


  30. Anonymous10:18 AM

    FiredogLake everyone! Fans booing because they waited in the rain and didn't get a book signed.

    Happening in each city.

    This means that they are holding the crowd so it looks big when she arrives. Otherwise someone could just hand out wrist bands to the amount of people she can see and then stop.

  31. Gasman10:22 AM

    Matthews is spot on when he labels this tribalism. This is a tribe of morons who will NEVER listen to reason. They are imbeciles who are easily manipulated.

    However, they are still but a tiny percentage of the nation. They are a small percentage even within the GOP. They are nastiest, most tattered bits of the GOP fringe. They DO NOT represent a path to glory for Sarah Palin. These folks are more dangerous in their potential for acts of violence than they are in getting Palin elected. These folks will be easily peeled away from the GOP by anyone spouting the correct code words on abortion, gay rights, gun control, religious bigotry, and race.

    I predict that Palin, or some other conservative goofball candidate, will strip these folks from the GOP with a Neo-Naziesque third party. They will then be even further isolated.

    These folks may be loud, but they are also incredibly stupid - as is their Queen Sarah.

  32. Anonymous10:33 AM

    "Why don't we just lock up all non-white Christians.Then we will be safe?"

    Well, at this point, it's looking more like 'why don't we just lock up all white fundie Christians', and no, obviously, I would never advocate that position either!! Both positions are wrong on the face of it, HOWEVER,

    once a group of supremacists gets in power and starts actually profiling, rounding up, and 'disposing' of the 'subhumans', then we have a different situation on our hands. In other words, Hitler got into power by saying the things the depressed population of Germany wanted to hear, and, once in power, he took advantage of his position by enacting policies that the people--who loved hearing that they were special--agreed with, no matter what misgivings they had about it--it was 'too bad' about the Jews, but they were not Jewish, so they were OK with it. Many did not believe the Nazis would ACTUALLY round up and kill people, but by then it was too late, and then the people who thought they were superior found themselves having to PROVE it to their government, by submitting family tree histories. Those who caught on early to Hitler and to their fates fled the country. Others could not believe they were in actual jeopardy until the police came for their nice Jewish neighbors, then came for them.

    Is this the kind of country Sarah and her followers want? Do they really think that they are superior to Muslims? to Jews? to agnostics? to atheists? to black people? to Hispanics? to liberals? to those who believe in evolution? to gay people? to people without jobs and health care?

    Do people not understand that the rise of the "Third Reich" under Hitler was NOT a one-time occurence never to be repeated?

    And don't EVEN try to say that Obama is the Hitler figure here. He has NEVER tried to convince the populace that they alone, based on their ethnicity or nation of origin, are either inferior or superior to anyone else. He has consistently advocated coming together as a nation to help each other, and to come together as citizens of one world to work for peace.

    I fear that everything "they" accuse Obama of is what they themselves would like to have happen. "They" are just mad as hell that a black man is in charge of this country!! Jimmy Carter was right, and everyone else who can see that the REAL problem people who claim that our President is not a real citizen and therefore not really our President have is that they cannot BEAR that a black man has been elected and holds the highest office in this country!

    So, in their minds, color of skin apparently trumps intelligence and policy. Hence, Sarah Palin. If Sarah Palin were a black Alaskan republican (stop laughing!) with a history of ethical problems, membership in a whacko bible-thumping witch-hunting church, and a teen daughter with a baby, who just quit her job to have a book written about her and was building a new house complete with turrets, I think 'those people' would say she was "uppity" and "who did she think she was fooling".

    Guess what? I think Palin is UPPITY. Well, and also delusional. But then so was Hitler. And crowds of people LOVED him, and even now, some people think he was BRILLIANT despite the fact that he had 14 million people killed because he judged them inferior.

    BTW, I think the reason SP liked Mary Matalin's comment on her "strategy" of quitting was because Mary had said that what SP was doing was "brilliant". I bet that rubbed SP in JUST the right way!

  33. Well it seems like the angry white mob is actually turning on their leader. In Indiana, people were pissed that Sarah did not sign 1000 books, and left right at 9:00, only signing 500 books...she apparently quit halfway through. They are already leaving nasty comments on facebook wall.

    There is a link to the video posted on Bree Palin under the PROP posting.

    BTW, Gryphen...Sarah will be in my neighborhood signing books on 12/5 in Fairfax, VA. Mrs. Tarquin BiscuitBarrell and I will be there to protest. Would you be able to publicize it on your blog as we get closer to the date?

    I am contacting local VA bloggers to stir up some interest, your support is appreciated! If anyone wants details, they can contact me via email

  34. Nurse story as I know it... Google Dar Miller and read the story. Very mysterious circumstances in early January.

  35. OH my seems Sarah disappointed some of her fans! Buwahahahaha. Check that out. How RUDE! Maybe they'll get the hint!

  36. Anonymous10:58 AM

    You stated this right on Gryphen: "Sarah Palin is the de facto leader of this pathetic, self pitying group of losers."

    "Profiling" is the most racist thing anyone can say. Doesn't she know that families today are integrated? I am white, but my in-laws, grandchildren have black, Hispanic, Asian bloodlines. MY family is the American Family, not hers. Well, I think many regular Republican families are too. And she just stepped on a LOT of toes.

  37. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Sarah is bring herself down. Just got this at Palingates.

    Palin BOOED at Indiana book signing tour.

  38. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Has anyone mentioned that the Palin Bus is such an atrocity? Can you imagine Stephen King, or Danielle Steele - who can afford it - riding in something like that, with their faces painted on it? Who's idea was that?

  39. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Well-said and echo you midnightcajun.

    Palin is a self-absorbed, divisive, lacking critical thinking skills, intelligence, emotionally and truth challenged ignoramus, who unfortunately has a fan base of similarly challenged individuals.

    This Mother Lode of Personality Disorders simply does or says anything that will resonate with fans. She needs the adulation. She is deluded, self-centered and a threat to this nation because she incites and inflames her base with her words--repeated over and over again.

    Then there is the "Christian" crowd (not to be confused with Jesus, Heaven forbid!). The uber xtians would have done well in Hitler's Reich.

    How do the so-called xtians reconcile Jesus's teachings and actions with their words and actions?
    How about those Ten Commandments folks?

    These faux christians believe in $arah and hang on her every word (original or not) for guidance no less. Very Creepy. And also dangerous. Palin is their god. They do not need anyone else as they worship and glorify her and simplistically trust and believe whatever $arah spouts. $he is the quintessential ding-dong and a clinically disturbed potato-head.

    You betcha with a wink, a bumpit, 4"-6" (maybe 10", who knows) height-altering shoes.


  40. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Ya gotta love this!

  41. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Please update on Sherry Johnston.

  42. Leah Burton - - has a thought provoking post today. Her presentation to a political science class at a community college is pertinent to our continuing effort to "out" Sarah Palin and her ilk before they can fulfill their world view of theocratic America.

  43. I followed a link from to, where there's a write-up of some 300 VERY DISAPPOINTED Palin fans who waited in vain all day for Palin in Noblesville, IN.

    She whisked off in her bus leaving 300 who'd bought her book without her autograph, and are they ever pissed.

    How it must sting for Palin to read that one fan thinks more of Mike Huckabee's more successful attempts to satisfy buyers of his book, and that she needs " make sure that it [her latest screw-up] never happens again!"

  44. Sarah Palin's supporters go rogue:

    Julie Beightler Doll Went to the book signing in Noblesville, IN. Waited three hours in the cold to get a wristband to reserve my spot at the book signing tonight. We were told she would sign book for the first 1000 people. Not so. The event ended promptly at 9:00pm, though there were still at least 150 people left. Wasted my day, wasted money on a babysitter, and wasted my money on this book.

  45. Anonymous1:12 PM

    You want the elephant in the room? If you're still supporting Sarah Palin as a politician, you have a low IQ. THERE, I SAID IT.

  46. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Tweety-bird Matthews has got it so HOT for S'Error that he almost drools on-camera!
    He tried to get Haley Barbour to admit that Palin was qualified to be POTUS, but Barbour wouldn't commit. Today, Matthews went after Judd, and that jerk said she was....."after all, she has been governor of a state..."

    Spare me!

    And please.......tell us more about the nurse.

  47. Anonymous1:48 PM

    You guys are going to love this.

    Angry supporters boo Palin for leaving in the middle of her book signing: ‘Quittin’ on the job!’

    Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin was in Indiana yesterday for a book-signing at a Borders store. One thousand lucky fans with wristbands to meet Palin stood in the rain all day waiting for her to arrive. However, Palin quit the event before she had the chance to sign all the books, leaving 100 supporters out in the cold:

    “I’m very disappointed. I think it was very rude. She could have at least apologized, and she didn’t even do that,” said Teresa Hedrick. [...]

    “We bought two books from Borders to have our receipt and our wristband to get it signed tonight,” said one woman. “My books are going back to Borders tomorrow.”

    “We gave up our entire workday, stayed in the cold. My kids were crying,” said one man. “They went home with my wife. She was out here in the freezing cold all day. I feel like I don’t want to support Sarah.“

    People who didn’t get to meet Palin “went home only with a piece of paper with Palin’s signature.”

    Video from the event shows angry wristband-holders loudly booing Palin and yelling, “Sign our books!” and “Quittin’ on the job!” Watch it:

  48. Good News from Cafe Press2:21 PM

    UPDATE -

    "Thank you for contacting!

This morning we made the decision to remove all Psalms 109:8 designs from CafePress.

The public debate started with questioning if the design was simply intended to be criticism of the President or something much worse. The discourse was surprisingly civil online, given the heated nature of the topic. Given that, and the positions of groups like the ACLU and the Anti-Defamation League, we decided to let the dialogue play out publicly before making a final decision.

Last night we posted a poll on our blog, read through the emails we’ve received and weighed the nature of the calls we’ve received on the topic. In the process we also learned that many of the original designers of the Psalm 109:8 designs had already decided to remove them on their own.

General consensus has proven that the design does point to a broader interpretation of the Psalm and thus has been deemed inappropriate for sale at CafePress.

We try to create an atmosphere of self-expression. Many of the things we encounter are not black and white, but grey. When the dialogue is civil, we want to let the larger community work things out rather than making an uninformed ruling. The dialogue has played out and common sentiment has reached agreement – this merchandise is not appropriate.

Thank you all for your input."

  49. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Wow--I leave for a little while and come back to all this joyous booing, chanting and overall pisstivity for Ms. Second Coming. Beauty!! I only hope she doesn't spin it via Facebook as, "Oh, golly gee whillikers, honest, I really, truly WANTED to sign all those good Americans' books, also too, but my naughty entourage MADE me get on the bus and leave!" I'm sure she's retching by now that she actually has to come in contact with her cheesy followers.

  50. Anonymous3:02 PM

    I'm really not one for spouting the old chestnut about 'history repeating itself' - but I DO think there is a lot of wisdom in the comments regarding Hitler and Palin - I do not say that lightly, as I despise Hitler and the Holocaust being used to make current political points in a disrespectful way.

    The recipe is all there: the 'disaffected' Right Wing Rights who feel cheated and dismissed and insulted. . .and the charismatic, really not so bright but just bright enough BullHorn that whips them into a frenzy on the basis that He/She is 'restoring' their sense of former glory, or who is perceived as a mirror to their souls. . .The Great White Hope, rope a doping the fan base. Calling for the heads of Muslims (read 'Jews'). Blaming them for the 'spoiling' of the country. . .this is atavistic tribalism at its worst and no country is ever immune, at any age or place in this world, given the Right sort of circumstances.

    So, should we ask ourselves this question? What COULD have been done in Germany in the 1930s to chop Hitler and his followers at the knees?

    I hope the answer is not: Nothing.

  51. Sherry???3:12 PM

    @ 11:39 AM
    Please update on Sherry Johnston.

    Please soon let us know about Sherry and Bristol and the whole story, cell phone and all.
    Please Please Please

  52. I read that the Army was afraid of anti President Obama sentiment by palin when she visits the bases.

    Could you imagine anybody else(Democrat)doing that during the bush administration? Could you image the republicans and the outrage from fox news?
    And THEY want Their America "back"?

    President Obama has been more then generous, gracious and accepting of all the crap that the republicans have dished out.
    The republicans can tear themselves apart and palin can start a third party with beck,limbaugh and the teabaggers. They are not the intelligent portion of America. It is not because they do not have the opportunity, they choose to be ignorant, racist and intolerant religious zealots.
    We cannot let them prevail.

  53. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Haha! Why doesn't Sarah have her wedding ring on while she tours the country? She used to wear it all the time and now - nothing! Hi $arah! We know you come here and visit. You're a joke and we're all laughing!

  54. Sherry Johnston was sentenced to three years in jail.

  55. 10catsinMD4:42 PM

    Article in ADN about sherry Johnston sentencing. three years jail plus three years probation.

    First time offense!

  56. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Keep up the good work, Gryphen. Here's the latest tally on the impact of the heavies like the N.Y. Times. , Huffpo, MSNBC, Media Matters, and the countless pilot fish that call them selves bloggers:

    "Going Rogue is going gangbusters, and it looks like both Palin and her publisher, HarperCollins, are going to make some serious money off of it. According to industry insiders, Palin got a $7 million advance for her book. She’s earning a royalty rate of 15 percent, which means she makes $4.35 per book sold, and therefore needs to sell 1.6 million books to earn out her advance. The Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday that HarperCollins had printed another 100,000 copies of Going Rogue, bringing the total in print to 1.6 million. Palin would need to sell all of those to earn out her advance, so it’s unlikely that’s going to happen.

    But HarperCollins will be making money long before that. There’s a rule of thumb in the industry that publishers net about $10 per hardcover sold, after expenses, but before the cost of the advance. Once she’s sold 700,000 copies, then, HarperCollins is in the black. And what of that 1.6 million printed? An ideal “sell-through” rate is about 75 percent, which means HarperCollins thinks it’s going to sell about 1.2 million copies. At that level, Palin will have made $7 million and HarperCollins $5 million of its own."

    That's 100,000 more than Hillary's and three quarters of Bill's book--and nobody tried to life a finger to quash them.

    Again, keep up the good work!

  57. Thank you LisanTX.

  58. Anonymous5:06 PM

    What is that lump?

  59. Anonymous5:11 PM

    ....three years in jail. Sherry Johnston. First time offense!

    That makes me sick.

    Is that the same Judge that goes to Palin's church?

  60. Anonymous5:23 PM

    ADN got it wrong.

  61. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Anon 5:06- that lump is disgusting! Maybe she'll us it as an excuse to quit, or to take a ride back up to Alaska to have it removed?

    These people are in for a big surprise as she keeps blowing off people early. Those in Indiana turned on her in a heartbeat, so there's hope!

  62. Anonymous9:58 PM

    @4:54 -
    #1) Where is your link for this information from an official source?
    #2) Where is your understanding of how the publishing industry really works? Palin's advance was not $7 million, and many many folks are now RETURNING their books. The final $ tally of this won't be worked out for a LONG TIME. I guess you've never had a book published, or you'd know about this.

  63. The comments on Hitler make me cringe a little bit, BUT...maybe the world is ready for a female dictator.

    I absolutely don't think Sarah wants or would commit a genocide against Arab/Muslim Americans. But consider how terrified of her many Alaskans seem to be, and apply that on a national scale. She's crazy enough that she could cause serious damage.

    Does anyone remember the "SNL Presidential Bash" in '08? As part of the skits, Palin herself addressed the audience, noting that she and McCain, if elected, would have to pull NBC's broadcasting license if they kept making fun of them (her).

    No one laughed.

    It may not have been filmed in front of an actual audience, but you think there still would've been a laugh track. She was smiling as if it was a joke, but her eyes were cold; it ended up being kinda scary. I remember thinking at the time, "Holy shit, she's not kidding."

  64. Anonymous5:52 AM

    Okay, someone's going to have to help me here.

    --Sarah is miffed at the campaign staff for holding her back. If she had been allowed to be all mavericky and in charge of her arm (VP portion)of the campaign, it would have been more effective--yadda, yadda, yadda.

    --Now she is on a book tour. The itinerary was published several days ago and had obvious scheduling and travel time conflicts from the get-go.

    It seems that Borders is "taking the blame" for the miscalculation of the time needed to accommodate 1000 book signings in Noblesville. When the Courthouse clock (seven miles away) struck nine o'clock on Thursday evening, Sarah's handlers: (1) Grabbed the ink pen out of her hand (2) crazy glued her mouth shut, and (3) swooped her out the door and onto the bus.

    Local television news reported last evening (Friday) that they had confirmed that there were about 300 people left standing in the parking lot--I feel compelled to add that they were not left "high and dry"--they were left cold and rain soaked.

    I live in Noblesville. Of course, I was home with the doors locked and blinds drawn, waiting out Sarah's hit and run bus tour, but that's not the point.

    The point is: Sarah was so all fired sure that, if the McCain campaign handlers had let her go all mavericky, run the show and just be Sarah, it would have been...ahem...a good thing.

    So, now, Sarah is on Sarah's book tour...and we are to believe that she has given her mavericky ol' self away, again, to the publisher's handlers? Isn't that in direct contradiction to her "rogue" approach to reaching out to her devoted followers?


    1. Sarah has given herself up to HC handlers, who are inept and incompetent in book tour preparation, scheduling and execution. Or,

    2. This is Sarah's mavericky organizational skills in action.

    If it is the fault of the handlers, then Sarah has given up her autonomy, again. If it is Sarah and her team's organizational skills in action, then imagine what they could do to the the Oval Office.

    ...Seems that at the Joseph Beth Bookstore in Cincinnati, Sarah avoided facing any angry mob that might be waiting and slipped in through the back door. That woman is such a mavericky rogue!

  65. Anonymous6:12 AM

    @Verbose, IMO: Sarah is in the "Armageddon/End TImes" business. So she would do all she could to encourage Israelis & Americans to kill Arab/Muslims Americans--anything that would reverberate across the world to foment violence in the Middle East and start an unstoppable war there. She's not sane. She's clearly ill.

  66. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Anonymous @ 9:58

    As for the sales numbers of the first day, A.P. has validated it:

    Insofar as the advance goes, I suppose it's bracketing--somewhere south of the $12M advance Bob Barnett landed for Bill Clinton and $8m
    he got for Alan Greenspan.

    You're right. I've never had a book published. I negotiate contracts for
    stage and screen.

    Insofar as returns of the book go, if you think this will in any way negate the fact that the book is and will remain a block buster, you're just another person for emotional reasons who is finding reality a bit bitter.

    I can guess the "boiler plate" language of the conract:


    " In consideration and compensation for this grant of rights in item 1. above, the Publisher hereby agrees to pay the Author a royalty as set forth below:

    a. For copies distributed and marketed pursuant to paragraph 1a, (a specifed %) of net receipts (after refunds or credits for return of merchandise are deducted) on all copies sold of its own edition of said Work.

    (My cleints would never be advised to settle for net. I'd tell them if the book was hot enough to shoot for gross.)

    I'd also imagine there would be a clause relevant to returns that was drafted along the lines,

    "Publisher shall be entitled to retain a reasonable reserve for returnable copies of the book."

    This is all nonsense. You have no idea, nor do I, how issues like rights granted to third parties or conditional additional charges against royalties effect the % of the reserve entitled the publisher. A third variable which could influence the percent of reserves for returns is the
    degree to which an author agrees to participate in promotion.

    The bottom line: keep your fiction that Harper Collins is not jubilant and a bit surprised by the success of this. When do you, given your implied
    authority, recall a publisher gearing up for a second run before the first copy of a book left a bookstore?

  67. Anonymous8:47 AM

    @6:58 - I would hate to be one of your clients. For one, your spelling would make me distrust your negotiating authority. I don't think HC is so thrilled with the 13,000 comments on HuffPo right now. I don't think they're thrilled with the footage of folks saying they will be returning their books. I don't think they are thrilled with all the fact-checking about the book being fiction.

    You really should stick to "what you know," but if you were in the loop, you'd be negotiating for new media rights by now, not "stage and screen."


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