Thursday, November 05, 2009

Conan apologizes to Levi Johnston. You do NOT want mess with Team Levi.

On Thursday's "Tonight Show," host Conan O'Brien offered his personal apology to Levi Johnston for "misrepresenting him in any way" in a skit the previous evening -- then, he invited William Shatner back out to recite what Conan called "verified" quotes from the father of Sarah Palin's grandson!

At the top of the show, Conan said he'd woken up to "shocking news." "Apparently the tweets that we read were counterfeit," he said. "They were written by a clever impostor posing as the witty Levi Johnston. And the real Levi is very angry with us now."

He continued, "I'd like to personally apologize to Levi Johnston and his lawyer and publicist for misrepresenting him in any way."

Then, Conan proceeded to welcome back William Shatner to recite "some real, verified quotes from Levi Johnston" as spoken-word poetry.

Hmm I wonder what the source of the "real, verified quotes from Levi Johnston" could be?

You know that Levi's "publicist" is 6 foot five, 300 pound Tank Jones, don't you? I have to imagine that when a publicist of THAT size calls you and demands an apology, he gets it.

Well good for TeamLevi!

By the way it looks like Levi was interviewed about this on our local CBS station.

Oooh Gusty got the smack down when she asked for "dirt on Palin". That will teach her to provide cover for Sarah during the pregnancy investigation back in the fall of 2008.

Karma is a bitch isn't it Andrea?

Update: Here is Conan's apology and William Shatner is back reading the REAL Levi's words.

Much better. I don't believe that making fun of Levi was the problem. It was just making sure that nobody could get away with stealing his identity and making up lies about him. I have little doubt that Levi and the "Team" will have a good laugh at this segment.

I am still digging Shatner by the way.


  1. Anonymous9:45 PM

    ktva is censoring

  2. Anonymous10:24 PM

    KTVA is typical Alaskan media.

    Butler has been in contact with Twitter officials to urge them to take down the multiple Twitter accounts claiming to be Levi's.

    Butler: "We'll see what happens with that, and then we'll also determine what needs to happen with NBC for making what we believe is a truly reckless mistake. One that could have been avoided with a simple phone call."

    Gusty: "Is this the last we are going to hear about it?"

    Butler: "No."

    Gusty: "Is there any possible legal action?"

    Butler: "I don't talk like that until we have to move in that direction."

  3. Anonymous11:02 PM post was up for only about one minute and they pulled it off. Seems our "news" in Anchorage is all manufactured. Forget investigating anything. It is obvious Andrea Gusty and gang are still protecting our EX governor.

  4. As far as his infamous Playgirl shoot goes, we learned from the online publication that they finally got a signed contract delivered today. Now they only have a week to plan all the details of the shoot, which is supposedly going down on the 13th. Playgirl spokesperson Daniel Nardicio says that they're in talks with longtime staff photographer Greg Weiner—the latest to join the porn-named squad of Levi Johnston, Tank Jones, and Rex Butler—to be the lensman. They'll most likely be shooting at a well-known gym as well as a famous hotel and in a studio. Levi gets into town this Friday, so keep your eyes open for him around town. As for what Page Six had to say about the size of Levi's hockey stick, Nardicio isn't too worried. "We've never spoken to Levi about the size of his penis and trust me, we have no concerns as to whether it's big enough and if we did, we wouldn't be telling Page Six about it."

  5. Anonymous4:19 AM

    What's really shocking is that William Shatner was available on such short notice to come back on Conan ;)

  6. Anonymous5:14 AM

    Shatner really does live backstage on Conan's show. Like Andy Richter.

  7. Anonymous5:30 AM

    Here's a real Sarah Poem for Mr. Shatner!

    Oh, Bristol,
    here's your fancy new house
    if you need some cash
    let us know
    new car
    new phone
    nanny for your two ki-----
    I mean, for Tripp
    anything, honey
    just as long as you're abstinent
    and keep your big mouth shut

    Also too Trig will be living
    with you now
    hope ya don't mind

    I need to do publicity
    for the book that lady wrote
    pretend to write things on Facebook
    with big words and complete ideas
    that don't fool anyone
    and help people campaign
    who don't want my help
    Isn't it great
    to have a star for a mom

    one day you
    can be just like me
    if you're lucky
    and stay quiet

  8. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Playgirl was fine for Burt Reynolds and Geraldo Rivera, right? It will be fine for Levi Johnston, too.

    Hey, it's Ms. Carrie Prejean everyone should be worried about, with her SEX TAPE. She's trying to go all Paris Hilton on us. Imagine the Donald's reaction to that one!

  9. emrysa6:56 AM

    sorry, but the levi camp is making a mountain out ouf a molehole - just like sarah would do.

    so a late night comedy show should call to verify a quote if they're going to make a skit out of it? look, that's just a ridiculous request. it's late night comedy and everyone gets skewered.

    I can see them making a stink out of it if it said something bad about someone else. there was nothing wrong with what was said. it was funny, but mostly because the way shatner read it.

    come on team levi, don't behave like the ice queen and start taking yourselves too seriously. this was an OBVIOUS JOKE - treat it as such.

  10. Anonymous7:17 AM

    I've been researching Playgirl this morning (no, my husband doesn't know). And I've found out quite a few interesting things. Brad Pitt appeared in the pages of Playgirl. Nicole Kidman's husband, Keith Urban, appeared in the pages of Playgirl.

    Burt Reynolds was actually fully naked in Cosmopolitan.

    Not sure about Geraldo....

  11. @anon@5:30, BRILLIANT!

  12. Anonymous9:00 AM

    The reasoning between Levi and Sarah's reactions is striking. Sarah reacted to her OWN words being turned into a joke. Levi reacted to words he never wrote being made into a joke and slandering him. Huge difference as far as I am concerned.
    Now if Levi gets all huffy about his own words being read, then you can claim he should just take it.

  13. Anonymous9:02 AM

    I hope they come to Alaska and do some Extreme Outdoor Shots with Levi.

    Nothings more awesome than the sheep hunting country Levi has trecked through - he could be dropped onto one of those sheer cliffs by helicopter - Levi buff on the bluff!

    Or hundreds of feet off the ground in a moose stand - awesome!(Bring your pocket warmers Levi!)
    The Juneau icefield would make a nice backdrop or how about kayaking in Glacier Bay, also too. Anywho, I wish him the best of luck - keep on truckin' Levi!

    Alaskan Sisu

  14. SoCalWolfGal9:06 AM

    I think Levi made a good decision in not having a Twitter Account or My Space or FB account, with with all lunatics on Team Sarah they would constantly be putting words in his mouth so to speak. And yes Anon@5:30 that was BRILLIANT.

  15. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Where do these weirdos {that think it is ok to steal a person's ID to lie about them} come from? What weaklings.

    Levi is doing the right thing to clarify a mistake and clear his name.

  16. late night levi10:30 AM

    Team Levi handled this well. Both Conan and Shatner look like gentlemen also. Everyone is better for it and they are standing up for truth and opening doors for future work.

    There is no similarity to what SP did or does. She made things up and her peeps tried to destroy a comic. There was no rape, yet Todd and Sarah had to use that word.

    Levi can add comedy writer for late night entertainment to his resume.

  17. Anonymous10:44 AM

    I'm so glad Levi has Tank....

  18. Dayum. Playgirl magazine folded about a year ago while keeping an online site with paid membership. Apparently, Levi is special enough for Playgirl to publish an actual hold-in-your-hand least this special edition.

  19. I heard that Tank actually spoke with Conan and told him Levi was cool with being spoofed but was scared it would be used to keep him away from Tripp if he didnt refute it. When Shatner was told, he was horrified and made a funny and not so nice comment about not wanting to toss Levi to the pit bulls. Turns out he has a soft spot for Levi! How great is that?!! To top it off he joked that he channeled "babe magnet" Kirk when reciting Levi's legit twitters. Said he didnt want Levi to look like a tight
    Decent people see how Sarah used Levi. If she thought her attacks would discredit him, she failed yet again. Quite the opposite, it makes him seem vulnerable and people feel protective of him. He may lack a bit of polish but he is kind and has more class than Sarah is capable of.

  20. That is good to hear, Kiki !
    I totally support Levi and how they handled this.

  21. Anonymous5:09 PM

    I'm glad Conan apologized- If it's good enough for his ex-mother-in-law, it's good enough for him.

  22. Levi's STOLEN ID8:03 AM

    This is in stark contrast with Palin making up stuff with late night comedian and trying to get him fired.
    Stark contrast with Palin lawyer'S idle threats. (NOTICE WHO SHE NEVER WILL SUE)

    Rex Butler knows how it should go. Rex let Conan and Shatner know they were repeating falsehoods from an impersonation of Levi. They corrected the record as gentlemen and now everyone has more comedy gold. It is HUGE to have your identity stolen. It is good when that can be cleared up. Keep up the good work!

    O'Brien Apologizes to Johnston for Twitter Skit Friday – November 06, 2009


    Cool with Conan

    Shatner Corrects The Record With Real Levi Johnston Quotes


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