Thursday, November 05, 2009

Keith Olbermann addresses the Teabagger march on Washington.

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Are these state Representatives, elected by the American people, calling for a "revolution"? Did the people of their districts send them to Washington to commit treason? How is this even remotely legal? If one of these morons were MY Representative I would be typing up a recall petition right this minute! But even Don Young is not THIS deranged.

I have to admit I am confused. I find it unbelievable that these idiots can stand out on the sidewalk calling for the overthrow of their own government and then walk back inside and pretend like they are part of the political process. When have pirates ever boarded a ship and then helped its crew guide it to it's original destination safely?

These people are criminals, not politicians. Even when the Bush administration lied us into a war, and stomped all over our civil rights, the Democrats never resorted to THESE tactics! (Though I have to admit, there were times when I almost thought they should.)

And by the way did anybody else get the feeling that these people had been drinking! Michelle Bachman always sounds like she has skipped her medication, but that second guy looked and acted like he just returned from a three martini lunch! And perhaps that would explain how Congressman Boehner could wave a copy of the Constitution in his hand while reciting from the Declaration of Independence.

This would be almost funny if it was not such a glaring example of how incredibly stupid the people supporting this "movement" must be, and how simple it is to convince them to show up in such numbers to support a cause they cannot possibly understand. And how do I know they don't understand? Because the elected officials who organized it don't have ANY idea what they are doing either! It is quite literally the dumb leading the even dumber!

"Fox News: If we can kill enough brain cells we can get you to do damn near anything!"


  1. Anonymous6:52 PM

    This is scary shit. It truly points out the frustration and depth of the failure of a major political party,.... the Republicans. They know if this Health Care bills passes and works as advertised,... the Republican party is finished.

  2. Anonymous7:03 PM

    I agree with you.

    Fox News is claiming over three million were there. NBC news at noon EST said there were between 3,000 to 3,500. Gosh, is it any more obvious that faux news is the epicenter of unethical "news"?

    What about those 35 bus loads (now, how did three million fit into those?) of "patriots" bussed into D.C. by the looney-bird owner of Cook Industries? Free rides to D.C.? Gees, I wonder how many of them really wanted to protest and how many saw it as a way to travel there free of charge. Reminds me of how the Chinese government brings people in from rural areas and small towns whenever they need to make a big show of supporters. Our daughter lived there for four years and saw this firsthand. Of course, there, there was little choice but to be bussed-in. Here, I question the motives of traveling on a bus someone else pays for. Just too convenient.

    Still, the amount of hate demonstrated by the almost exclusively - if not totally - white crowd sickens me. To see posters of guns again makes me cringe and makes me angry.

    The thing that galls me most of all is that dear little Michelle B doesn't accept emails from outside her district. That pisses me off because voters may have put her in Congress, but her power affects us all. We should have the ability to provide feedback to her. Not all Representatives exclude folks like this from their government-paid-for sites.

  3. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Do you think we who live outside her district could encourage a recall?

    If so, anyone have ideas as to where to start? What people to contact back in her district?

    Surely, the Democratic party there would be willing to help if it thought there might be contributions made towards a challenger to her seat next year.

  4. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Check this out from Michele Bachmann's official biography at

    "Bachmann and her husband, Marcus, live in Stillwater where they own a small business mental health care practice that employs 42 people."

    Okay - two things: (1) why hasn't she been treated there?, and (2) doesn't anyone check the grammar on that site - it sounds as if the mental health care practice is for small businesses, not people. Oh, well, I know she's probably trying to emphasize how she is for small business owners, but . . . .

    I was totally stunned to discover she was a tax attorney before being elected to Congress in 2006. Gees, did she go to the same law school as that wacko Orly Taiz?

  5. A Palinbot on Sarah's site says he was there and there were at least 50,000 ........ and of course the Palinbots believe him, the MSM is lying blah blah blah ...

    They are getting even stupider!

  6. Lisabeth7:26 PM

    And what about the signs. The people are ignorant and disturbed. One sign was a photograph of a bunch of dead bodies from a concentration camp. WTF does that have to with health care. Bachmann is truly insane. She looks like Manson's daughter with those crazy eyes! And Boehnet!! Who votes for these stupid bozos!

  7. Isn't it strange that Minnesota can give the country somebody like Michelle Bachmann, along with wonderful legislators like Representative Betty McCollum, and Senators Amy Klobuchar and Al Franken. And I think it's Koch Industries that bussed people in. Wonder what there is about oil that makes people wacky????? Maybe it's all about the money?????

  8. Anonymous7:43 PM

    A Palinbot said there were 50,000 there? We know how good they are at math and spelling...

  9. Laura7:43 PM

    This is truly disturbing.

  10. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Can anyone tell me if they know what happened to Rebecca Mansour?

    Thanks in advance.

  11. wow. just wow.8:04 PM

    These people are breathtakingly ignorant.

    They have absolutely no idea what health care reform actually means.

    They are Exhibit A that America's education system - not health care - should be America's number one priority!

  12. Marcus Bachmann's Christian Counseling Center website is:

    Take a look around. Interesting, isn't it?

    And if you look closely at Michele's biography, she states she was a federal tax litigation attorney, but further down it states that she has a degree from Winona State University -- there is no mention of any law school there. From their on-line information, Winona State University does not appear to offer a post-graduate law degree.

  13. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Gryph - are the ads on your site some sick joke? Now I'm seeing "we did it!" - an ad for the republican governors.

    The dems need to grow a pair and call the repubs out on this despicable crap.
    Jeff in NY

  14. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Health Care Bill, Stuffed like a turkey!

    Don Young

  15. Sorry, I just discovered the following:

    The Tulsa World of Oklahoma prints the following:

    Bachmann's husband, Marcus Bachman, is a clinical therapist in Minneapolis
    and a Christian counselor whose practice reportedly includes "curing" gay people.

    The bombshell claim appears in an otherwise prosaic article about her early days as a law student at Oral Roberts' Coburn School of Law. Former Bachmann classmates are quoted. The article also reports this:

    A Minnesota native, Bachmann was a member of ORU's Coburn College of Law's first class in 1979. She dropped out after a year but returned in the mid-1980s to finish her law degree.

    There is no mention in published information from Michele Bachmann abour Oral Roberts' Coburn School of Law: "Congresswoman Bachmann is a graduate of Anoka High School and Winona State University. After earning her law degree, she went on to the College of William and Mary to get an LLM in tax law. Bachmann and her husband, Marcus, live in Stillwater where they own a small business mental health care practice that employs 42 people."

  16. Uncle Buck8:31 PM

    Hell, why don't Fox and the 'bots just say 3 billion "patriots" were there? I bet Carrie Prejean was there selling copies of her fun new "exercise" video, and Orly Taitz's ginormous fake eyelashes were telling everyone about her newest plan to get rid of Obama.

  17. Gasman8:49 PM

    I think that it is beyond time to haul Rep. Michelle Bachmann away in handcuffs. She is a traitor who is calling for outright insurrection. She should face censure, expulsion, and criminal charges. Not once was there any equivocal behavior from a Democrat during the Bush years, even though there would have been far more justification for it. Bush and Cheney committed multiple war crimes and felonies. What has Obama done?

    I've heard lots of vague nebulous charges, but never any specifics. These morons need to STFU. They are a disaffected tribe of imbecilic malcontents whose anger is fueled by racism, homophobia, xenophobia, bigotry, any and all other forms of narrow mindedness, and profoundly stultifying ignorance. Teabaggers are traitorous losers who cannot stand the notion of those they hate in positions of authority. If given the chance, they will destroy the nation.

    They hate freedom, they hate equality, they hate justice. They hate America. Fuck them and the horses they rode in on.

  18. Looney tunes on parade in D.C. courtesy of Bachmann, Boehner & Co. ... sounds like a bad law firm.
    These people have got to be stopped!
    They are utterly insane.

  19. Gasman10:11 PM

    This just in: FauxNews has revised their attendance figures at today's teabagger MENSA-fest. With the help of Glenn Beck's "body counting" from the "University of I Don't Know" and Michelle Malkin's keen mind, they have revised their figures to 9 million teabaggers! In all probability, the count will go even higher!

    It is rumored that the Metro system melted due to the increased ridership. L'Enfant Station was literally reduced to liquid! The sheer weight from the mass of teabagger humanity cracked the pavement on Pennsylvania Avenue and made the Mall sink by 3 inches! Take that those who mock the might of the teabaggers!

    FauxNews is now confirming that the crowd spilled over into Alexandria, VA, well past the National Cemetary. Some reports are suggesting that the crowd extended as far north as the Maryland state line! There's no way this could be a measly 9 million! It must be at least 20 or 25 million! It might even be 30 million! Who knows? It could even be 50 MILLION TEABAGGERS WITH MORE ON THE WAY!

    Wake up America! Can't you feel the tide of teabagging pride sweeping the nation? Look around. Most of your neighbors are probably here in D.C.!

    (Cue band and singer to start "God Bless America.")

  20. Anonymous10:42 PM

    *reads Gasman's post*

    You forgot the part about laser beams shooting from their eyes and decimating anyone in the area who refused to take the mark of the moron (a tattoo featuring likenesses of Beck, Palin, Limbaugh, and Bachmann).

  21. Aussie Blue Sky1:05 AM

    Let me know if the tide of teabaggers starts falling off the edge of California ... I hate the smell of day-old sweat.

  22. Anonymous2:55 AM

    I was going to joke that Michele Crazy Eyes Bachmann probably got her law degree from Oral Roberts School of Law.

    But then I read further down that a poster researched her and she actually did graduate from ...

    Oral Roberts school of law.

    You can't even make fun of these people without speaking truth. They're a cariacture of themselves.

    We an always Tinklenberg her again:-) And it wouldn't hurt for people to begin posting her biography all over HuffPo and other sites.

  23. Anonymous4:14 AM

    I think it was Lawrence O"Donnell, who was once the chief of staff for the Senate Judiciary Committee, who said after Joe Wilson's "You Lie" moment, it showed why that there should be a breath-alyzer test before members of Congress enter the House or Senate chambers. I think they all have a "nip" in the drawer up there.

  24. Anonymous4:47 AM

    A sheetless KKK rally bused in by Koch Industries. Not a face of diversity in the crowd.

  25. Anonymous2:40 PM


    Your account is certainly much the same as I've heard...except, your report didn't include information about how a mass of teabaggers clogged the road all the way down to Mount Vernon.

    The report I "heard" was that when George realized who they were, he spun in his tomb three times, stood up and began shouting at them to get the hell off his property.

    When they started to argue with him, he (according to eyewitness reports) shouted loudly, "You wouldn't recognize the "Constitution" if it jumped up and bit you in the behind--which is where, it my understanding, you keep your brains. Now git--the lot of you!"

    Well, at least, that's what someone said happened....

  26. Anonymous5:03 PM

    This is the best they can come up with? Concentration Camps, Racism, and Hatred under the guise of misguided patriotism. Did Bachman pass out business cards for her "small psychiactric business/Endoctrination Clinic"?

    That Boehner guy is late for his spray tan appointment... maybe that's why he confused the two documents?


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