Now one of the things that fairly leaps out at you in this book is the fact that there are two separate realities. There is the "reality" reality that you and I live in, and then there is the "Sarah Palin" reality.
Now apparently, much like "matter" and "anti-matter", reality and "Sarah Palin" reality simply cannot occupy the same space.
So in the book "Going Rogue" you will find very little, if any, reality. For if there were too much "real" reality the book may in fact explode (not such a bad idea if you ask me).
For instance, in the real world there are people who we may think to be good citizens, honest public servants, and celebrities. But in the "Sarah Palin" reality we learn that these people are "gadflies", "Rogue's" (before it was all cool and everything), and Hollywood hypocrites.
So let us spend s little time getting to know these loathsome (in Sarah's reality) characters.
First we have Andree McLeod, or as Sarah refers to her on page 107, "Andree the Gadfly".
Andree who had once listed her occupation as "whistleblower" on a candidate survey, was a too-frequent caller to my home. My kids dreaded hearing her voice, but the only way I could get anything done during her long, one-sided conversations was to put her on the speakerphone while I'd go on cooking dinner and washing dishes. (According to Levi, a person more in touch with "real" reality, Sarah NEVER washed dishes nor cooked.)
Of course what Sarah fails to mention, and the REAL reason for her venomous words concerning Andree, is that Ms. McLoed is also the author of a number of the ethics complaints filed against her while she was the governor. Of course Sarah's book cannot have THAT much "real" reality in it, now can it?
It has often been noted that Palin has an unhealthy obsession with our current Commander-in-Chief, and she demonstrates it again on page 114.
Every part of our campaign shouted "Change!"
We were amused a couple of years later when Barack Obama--one of whose senior advisers (come to think of it) had roots in Alaska--adopted the same theme. Kris (Perry) and I joked about it: "Hey! We were change when change wasn't cool!"
So did you get that kids? In Sarah Palin's reality, Obama STOLE the change idea from HER gubernatorial campaign. And the evidence for that is that one of his advisers CAME from Alaska. Well that seems like a cut and dried case of campaign slogan stealing to me!
Of course the obvious follow up question would be, "If you had the idea first, why couldn't YOU make it 'cool'?"
On page 116, it is Andrew Halcro's turn to get thrown under the bus. But hey rather than type out the passage for you to read, how about I just let Andrew read it to you himself.
Gee I wish everybody that Sarah attacked could read their part to you like that, it would save a lot of wear and tear on my typing fingers (both of them).
Time to get all Hollywood as Sarah takes on the evil, and hypocritical Ashley Judd.
One animal rights group recruited a perky, pretty celebrity to attack our scientifically controlled, state-managed wolf-control program. It was ironic that she opposed using guns to kill predators that would cause Native people to starve, but apparently not opposed to taking movie roles in which she'd use a gun to kill predatory people. (P 134)
Yeah what a hypocrite! How dare she object to splattering the guts of REAL wolves all over the snow using REAL guns, from REAL helicopters when she herself uses PRETEND guns, in PRETEND scripted situations, to PRETEND to kill PRETEND bad guys! Can you believe the audacity of that woman?
Hey do you want to see the commercial that pissed Palin of so much? Of course you do.
Yep, I still love it!
Here is a great example of Palin pettiness for your perusal.
Once after school, Willow hid the puppy in her purse and snuck her into my office. The Senate Rules Committee chairman (John Cowdery) busted her and sent me a letter with some kind of official citation attached. Heaven forbid any lawmaker would catch Willow carrying her furry four-pound puppy into my office in violation of the NO DOGS ALLOWED sign. (Surely just a small distraction for this senator--he was later busted by the FBI and convicted on federal corruption charges.) (P 137)
And under the bus you go Senator puppy hater! You will notice that in Palin's reality it is a far worse crime to speak out against a small violation of the rules by somebody in her family then it is to be convicted on federal corruption charges.
Next up John Bitney, Sarah's high school band mate and first legislative director, and now nothing more than a tread covered speed bump.
My first legislative director was one of those (the 20 percent that Sarah would ask for a "do-over" if she could). He turned out to be a Blackberry games addict who couldn't seem to keep his lunch off of his tie. He relished the perception that he as a "player" in Juneau politics, but we were never sure which team he was on. (P 144)
Occasionally, he would wander in and out, plop down in the chair at the end of the table, nibble cookies, and absently thumb his Blackberry. Every now and then a tired staffer on a bathroom break would pass behind him, glance down, then mouth over his head, "It's Brick-Breaker." (P 150)
Slouching against the wall, he assured us that, yeah, he had everything under control, mission accomplished. The fact that his shirt was buttoned one button off and his shirttail was poking through his open fly didn't exactly inspire confidence. (P 151)
Sarah then goes on to blame Bitney for not preparing the Senate for the huge budget cuts that she was proposing. But you notice that Palin cannot simply say that Bitney did not perform his task adequately, instead she has to essentially point him out, in true mean girl fashion, to all of the "cool kid" supporters (her Palin-bots) as the dork.
No wonder that on "Moore up North" Bitney made the following statement. "The rules of engagement have changed. We are not friends anymore. I did not make that call, she did! I am tired of it, and I have had it!" Hmm methinks we may have another budding author on our hands.
I am going to stop there for now. Next up is Walt Monegan and that is going to require a little more detail to really explain the whole kerfuffle appropriately.
Before we finally take our leave of chapter three we will be visiting the mythology she creates around Track's military career (He was not running from the law! He is a patriot, darn you!), and of course the amazing and constantly changing story behind the birth of Trig Paxson Van Palin (this time with MORE contraction, but no amniotic fluids!)
First time I'm posting here and thank you for doing us all a favor by reading her dribble.
ReplyDeleteLove, love, love how she uses her kids to take her swipes at others!
ReplyDeleteJust a quick observation about the School Bus vandalism. Think about this and the "Sealed Records of the Juvenile Offenders". If the question is asked, "Was Gryphen one of the young offenders?" Sealed records or not, you can say "absolutely no, he was not one of the offenders", a perfectly legal and appropriate response.
ReplyDeleteHowever, if Gryphen actually was a young offender involved, the response would have to be, "the records are sealed, we cannot say" We all know which of these we only hear in response to the school bus incident.
She keeps changing her story, because they are all lies. That's what happens when you aren't telling the truth to begin with. The Monegan story was the first thing that woke me up to this lady last summer. I know Walt Monegan, and right away knew that something was very wrong with this picture. Glad to know that Gryphen is going to delve into uncovering all the deceptions on that.
ReplyDeleteI want to know, how anyone so-called "Christian" can read this and still think she is a good person? I mean, as Gryphen says, no need to make fun of people or "rip" on their supposed superficial flaws in order to talk about their role in your administration. This is truly pathetic, and if someone is able to excuse or overlook this kind of mean-girl behavior, it doesn't say much for them, either.
ReplyDeleteMy neighbor, a woman who married relatively late in life, was pregnant in her mid 40's. I asked if she was going to have an amnio, she said no. She is Catholic and would not ever choose to have an abortion, although she is in fact pro-choice, but also told me she would not do any proceedure, no matter how statistically safe, that may harm her fetus. So for what reason would Sarah have an amnio, other than bragging rights?
ReplyDeleteOMG! She can't be so stupid and unawares that she doesn't realized that every campaign against an incumbent has always used "Time for a change" as its slogan?
ReplyDeleteThe funniest thing about this memoir is that she doesn't realize what an mean-spirited idiot she constantly shows herself to be.
SP getting undeserved celebrity status un-nerves me. It is downright disgusting. She has no defined skill or gift for this achievement. She uses and trashes people. Y'know, when someone lies and defames, twists and deceives, so many good people, even her innocent loony followers are being used, I say, that, observing life through the ages, such people (like SP) have a hard fall. It doesn't have to come from Gryphen or Levi, the fall is usually induced by someone close to the person or a turn of events that the person initiates. They fall on their own sword. -- OK, that's it for my crystal ball reading! -lol
ReplyDeleteGryphen,thanks again for reading this fiction and giving us updates. I simply don't have the stomach for it. Yes, $P needs to have a reality check on so many things, like shooting wolves from helicopters to die a painful death, and movie sets. But hey as you so rightly point out there is reality and then there is Sarah Palin reality. Can you imagine the weird conversations that go on in her head. Way too scary.
ReplyDeleteI read an interesting prospective on Palin's Book Tour
ReplyDelete(political pointy elbows forcing her way into everyone's line of sight tour)
on the Sea of "I Peed My Pants"
American Thinker: Sarah Palin's Walmart Strategy
"What's notable about Sarah Palin's book tour, which starts midweek, is where she's not going. She's not going to L.A. or New York, Boston or San Francisco. She's going smack-dab to the middle of the country...."
"Walton, who could have run and won political campaigns, built Walmart into the behemoth it is today by opening his discount stores in small towns in the heartland, towns that the eight-hundred pound gorilla K-Mart ignored. ..."
I think they may have a point.. well, that she is trying to reach the "Walmart Crowd" .. and I shop at Walmart so this isn't a stab.
She certainly likes to reference "Walmart" an awful lot.. like that is where she buys baby diapers.... Levi said she favors their PJ's.. Walmart this ..and that
I think she is trying to do a Walmart strategy and win over America.... like Walmart did.
My snooty sis-in-law shops there ... and she is mrs. money bags with only the finest brand name everything..
then you got the soccer mom's who fill their carts to the brim with school lunch box snacks, frozen prepared foods.. ect....
Then the men that like to fish/work on cars....
....and of course the (shudder)
They managed to take a K-Mart like setting and make it appealing for "Everyone"....
The ole' gal has a strategy up her pointy sleeve....
But the second paragraph I posted.. is so far from the truth. Yes they won KMart's crowd.. much like she is trying to win over Obama's crowd... but the thing is
Walmart didn't advertise itself by saying what a poo pile Kmart was.. and why people should go to Walmart instead...
They quietly advertise the benefits of Walmart... plain and simple (No Snark)
Walmart offers diversity..... such as ORGANIC foods... something you won't find in a small town discount store that Sarah Pants is trying to run. They speak for all people so all people come..
Palin screeches to her crowd and only her crowd.
Try as she might... that's a smart little agenda for a politician to embark on...
gotta hand it to her .. if it is true.
But foiled again...
She might as well be trying to win customers (voters) to her local piggly wiggly (with the NON-Muslim cashier)
(I like piggly wigglys so again.. not a stab)
sheesh, she is so so so mean! she's a name caller who even puts people down for their clothing and style! usually this is the type of writing you do to vent, and then you toss it away in the garbage or burn it, so that you a: don't hurt people's feelings b: don't make a fool out of yourself c: don't make enemies d: don't turn life into a constant he said she said battle. IMMENSE IMMATURITY! and people are buying this book??????? ridiculous.
ReplyDeleteThere are actually at least three realities, Herr Professor. There's that of
ReplyDeletethe blogger as paranoid; there's a second of the devotee of Palin as a mindless droid, and there's the third of the World Press which finds it advantageous to simply take things at their face value without imposing an agenda on it:
From the BBC:
"Mrs Palin's book is a little light on ideology and big ideas but that probably does not matter very much in modern America where politicians run on their life stories and their ability to relate it to the lives of voters.
Thousands of people queued up to see Ms Palin
It worked for Barack Obama (although he did throw in a bit of ideology) so there is no reason why it should not work for Sarah Palin.
Whatever other American politicians may say about her, however hard she may be for foreigners to understand and regardless of the pundits, any rival candidate looking at the crowds in Grand Rapids - and the crowds to come - will be envious. And perhaps a little worried."
"So far, the week's closely orchestrated unveiling of the book has gone like clockwork for Mrs Palin, further boosting her already nationwide fame. Even negative publicity has worked in her favour."
-- Australian Age
From France's "Le Monde" (I'll translate):
Aux Etats-Unis, Sarah Palin profite de la promotion de son livre pour refaire surface en politique
(In the United States, Sarah Palin benefits from the promotion of her book to reenter politics)
Ce n'est censé être qu'une tournée de promotion littéraire, mais les médias américains se sont enflammés une nouvelle fois pour Sarah Palin et le livre où elle donne sa version de la campagne pour l'élection présidentielle de 2008.
(This was supposed to be a literary promotional tour, but the American media has once again ignited Sarah Palin and the book which gives her version of the presidential election of 2008.)
So, whatever you're doing or think you're accomplishing keep it up. As a dutch friend of mine says,
"Wanneer het enige hulpmiddel u hebt een hamer is ziet u elk probleem in termen van een spijker."
("When the only tool you have is a hammer, you see every problem in terms of a nail.")
I have her book. First of all the woman is perfect,well in her eyes. Todd is perfect also.
ReplyDeleteEven in writing her tone is snarky. Also,too this just dawned on me today. After the campaign didn't she try 3 times to nominate a Republican for a Democratic seat. Her team was done with her. I guess that would make her a lame duck.
Writhing from the non-real America, NYCgirl
There is going to be a huge karmic payback for Mrs. Sarah Louise Heathen Palin.
ReplyDelete@3:58 - Welcome back. Your dream was your ticket out.
ReplyDeleteAndrew Sullivan takes out GOING ROGUE in the Times of London:
ReplyDeleteIf you think she appeals to the Walmart crowd, you should check out
ReplyDeleteAnon2:53 said "So for what reason would Sarah have an amnio, other than bragging rights?"
ReplyDeleteRemember, please, that SP did not have the amnio -- because she was not pregnant. It is possible but not certain (could be a lie) that whoever was pregnant with Trig DID have an amnio, for two possible reasons: (1) to confirm the signs of Down syndrome that earlier tests suggested; (2) to extract genetic material (DNA) that could be used for a paternity confirmation, in case there was some difficulty with accepting the man the mother claimed as the father. Makes you go hmmmmmmmmm, no?
Why was she looking at his open fly?
ReplyDeletePervy girl
"...he would wander in and out, plop down in the chair at the end of the table, nibble cookies, and absently thumb his Blackberry."
ReplyDeleteGee, we all know how Narcissist Barbie loves to project her own psychological issues onto others! Consider this revision:
"...I would wander in, plop down on the sofa at the end of the living room, nibble Crunchwraps, and absently thumb my Blackberry."
Ooh, I found another one!
ReplyDelete"My kids dreaded hearing her voice, but the only way I could get anything done during her long, one-sided conversations was to put her on the speakerphone while I'd go on cooking dinner and washing dishes."
is Narcissist-Projection-Speak for:
"My kids dreaded hearing my voice, but the only way they could get anything done during my long, one-sided conversations was to put me on the speakerphone while they'd go on cooking dinner and washing dishes."
I think we know how she wrote this drivel so quickly. This was never a book it was her damn diary and she just had someone help her with the spelling......that's what took four months.
ReplyDeleteI've written several times on projection. What it is, why it is, and she and Beck are classic examples. Beck is projecting hate, Palin is projecting delusion and a lot of anger that life has not turned out exactly as it was meant to. People are not behaving the way they are supposed to, writing/saying all those mean things about her, not letting her have her own way.
ReplyDeleteWinning a "title" confused her, she thought it meant she got to be a star, not that she actually had to do something. I wonder (not) what would happen if you were to give her a test and asked her what some of those political terms she likes to throw around actually mean?
Well, Gryphen, thanks for the cliff notes!! You're a real trooper!
ReplyDeleteI am hoping that by the time her fans finish reading the last page of that book, at least the majority will knock her off the pedestal.
After SP walks out on all of the book signings and sales hit bottom, she should retitle it and re-release. How this for the new title "Bitch in a Book"
ReplyDeleteThe tune of "My Way" keeps going through my mind, so I've done a little stanza for Sarah's version.
ReplyDeleteI wrote my book, a pack of lies
But I’m just great, in my fans’ eyes.
It’s all of them I have to thank
As I am running to the bank.
I fooled the mobs, the stupid slobs
I told it MYYYY way!
Feel free to make up your own versions!
"I wonder (not) what would happen if you were to give her a test and asked her what some of those political terms she likes to throw around actually mean?"
ReplyDeleteShe would probably say, "Now, I'm not gonna answer these test questions the way you want me to! These are "gotcha" words and I don't have a fancy Ivy League edu-macation like some elitists! I'm gonna answer those my way, and I'm a maverick and also too did you know I have a Special! Needs! child? Well I do and he is such a blessing and a gift from the Lord! I birthed him right out of my own va jay jay even though I didn't actually get pregnant at all until the 8th month because that was mavericky too and something a Saint or the virgin mary would do also! Now ya know, everything is different there up in Alaska here, we love moose chili and shootin' our endangered species, harrassin' people we don't agree with, and lettin' our teenagers get knocked up! And by the way, Jesus doesn't like perky Hollywood people harrassin' me with hard words and askin' 'what do you reeeeeead up there in Alaska?' when obviously I have the intellectual curiosity of a dead fish floating upstream through the Chuckamuchuckas and by the frost heaves!...."
(bla bla, add your own nonsense here)
CAn you even eat wolf?
ReplyDeleteIf not, that the hunting would just be for sport, right?
And was it proved that she twisted the research to fit her own agenda?
Another lie?
"One animal rights group recruited a perky, pretty celebrity to attack our scientifically controlled, state-managed wolf-control program."
ReplyDeleteIsn't Sarah a "perky, pretty," oops I meant petty, celebrity now?
Can't we at least give her a reality show so we don't have to watch all the destruction that she insists on doing to our country?
And, when, oh God when, will the people who know the whole story get sick enough of her and let it all out?
If it were me, the book would have been my breaking point.
Sarah appeals to her following because she is pretty and they feel ugly, she speaks out and they feel they have no voice, she appears lively and happy and they are anything but happy, and she appears to be successful and they are failures. This is the reason her following is so loyal.
ReplyDeleteShe is a danger to our country becauses she energizes idiots. She is not like WalMart because WalMart has something for everything and she has very limited appeal for a narrow niche.
Sarah claims she hunts so that her family can eat. I sure would like to see her wolf chilli recipe.
ReplyDeleteTo aid in your reading, Christopher Buckley created an amusing index:
I was doing a crossword puzzle today and one of the questions was "Palindromic Act". I had to look this one up and got some funny options at
ReplyDeletepalindromia pal·in·dro·mi·a (pāl'ĭn-drō'mē-ə)
A relapse or recurrence of a disease.
–noun 1. a word, line, verse, number, sentence, etc., reading the same backward as forward, as Madam, I'm Adam or Poor Dan is in a droop.
I LOVE to HATE Sarah!
If you're reading these comments Sarah - I'm waiting for birds to fly out of your hair!
I think sara palin is the tops and all you people are just cynical and sad and don't quite know what to do with your lives except try to bring down the few people in this country who try to live normal happy lives.