Well Levi has just finished having photos taken of his special purpose (I cannot help but think of George Costanza and the term "shrinkage"), and now offers are pouring in from everybody including Joy Behar, Howard Stern (No, Levi, no!), Jon Stewart. (Oh do THAT one Levi!)
Below is the press release from Playgirl publisher Daniel Nardicio.
Daniel Nardicio Promotions
November 14, 2009
For immediate release
Playgirl Levi Johnston shoot "in the can" says Playgirl spokesman Daniel Nardicio
Yesterday Playgirl finished it's much hyped shoot of Sarah Palin babydaddy "son-in-law" Levi Johnston in 3 locations in NYC.
The shoot featured Johnston in 3 different scenarios accentuating his natural "athletic qualities, movie star looks and natural sexiness" says Nardicio
"he expressed some concern that he wasnt in as good shape as he was a few weeks ago, due to all his traveling" states Nardicio, "but we found him to be in great shape, playful, and on the second day particularly, really fun."
Johnston took time to outline his hand for LifeBeat Aids Charity, and to do a few interviews throughout the grueling day, with both Entertainment Tonights Fran Weinstein and Playgirl Editor in Chief Nicole Caldwell.
Johnston spoke of how Palin was "full of it" during Oprahs interview (to air Monday, and ET will tape Johnston watching it) and Palin's half hearted invite on Oprah to Thanksgiving dinner was "a nice gesture but she didnt mean it".
Nardicio spoke at length with Johnston during the week and found him to be a "man of few words, but when he spoke, it was usually funny, or adorable even".
The locations of the shoot were the Cooper Square Hotel, photographer Greg Weiner's studio in the East Village and Eagle's Nest studios on West 30th street. "We decided against the hockey rink as it was so public, not intimate enough" says Nardicio.
As to just how much Johnston showed during the shoot, what exact specifics of the shoot are, Playgirl subscribers are going to have to wait for the late November release of the pics on Playgirl.com
Nardicio and Johnston developed somewhat of a rapport, and the openly gay promoter and Playgirl Marketing guy states: "we were talking in the greenroom about gay categories: bear, cubs and Levi asked what his type would be-we decided a twink, but older, so we anointed him a 'twunk' ".
"He's just a simple guy, thrown into a situation, making the most out of it and seemingly enjoying himself. From my time with him, I'd say his first priority is Tripp", adds Nardicio.
As to who is next for Playgirl, Nardicio answers: "I've been speaking to a few people, but of course this will be a hard act to follow. Re-envisioning a classic brand takes some planning, and we still have a lot to do with the Levi material. But this experience with Levi has opened some great doors for Playgirl to get guys who were impossible to get before." "Suddenly guys who would never consider PG are coming up to me and saying 'Make me a Levi' " adds Nardicio.
Playgirl is planning a line of Levi Johnston condoms, a DVD of the week with Levi, and a return to celebrity interviews in the now quarterly magazine.
"we're already hearing the Johnston condom jokes- about how he should have used them before."
Starting Monday November 16th, Entertainment Tonight will be showing background footage from the shoot, debuting pics from the shoot, and interviews with Johnston, Tank Jones (Johnston's manager) Nardicio, and Levi's workout leading up to the shoot.
Levi has fielded offers this week for press, Howard Stern, Joy Behar Show and The Daily Show.
I have expressed quite a lot of disdain for Levi's (Tank's) decision to do this Playgirl shoot, but I have to admit that he has certainly made a name for himself, that does not rely completely on Sarah Palin. I mean now he probably gets asked about his career and nude pics just about as often as he does about his famous almost mother-in-law. That is what Levi wants, to be defined as something besides "the guy who knocked up Sarah Palin's daughter".
So at least now he is defined as "the guy who knocked up Sarah Palin's daughter, and then got naked on camera". Baby steps Levi, baby steps.
(Click the title to read Gawker's comedic take on Levi's photo shoot and career path.)
Is there anything better than knowing that Levi's johnson is going to upstage her pity party?
ReplyDeleteNo story mentions her without mentioning him.
Levi on the Daily Show... this will be good.
ReplyDeleteHope SNL decides to invite him too.
Bristol and Sarah .. eat your heart out while watching Levi's career take off.
I've thought for some time that Levi Johnston getting better known by the general public is just a bigger stage for him, if he does have to go nuclear on her. Lots more people have heard about him now, just because of the mention of Sarah Palin's daughter's babydaddy doing a nude photoshoot. He's upped the ante, which is nice because he didn't start out with much clout.
ReplyDeleteAnd the money doesn't hurt, also too.
And have you noticed how people keep saying he seems so nice? They don't say that about Sarah, do they?
What I think is funny is Gryphen and his "source" are about to get scooped. All the credit for outing Palin will go to right wingers. All of his hard work and teasing was for nothing...lol.
ReplyDeleteBut at least the readers of this blog wont have to wait as long as Gryphen would have you wait for Palins outing.
Levi might try mentoring the father of the new baby mentioned by Alaska Report. Maybe he'll share Tank.
ReplyDeleteLevi, a very straight guy, is helping make it "okay" for homophobes to loosen up.
ReplyDeleteThis has been a strange week. I am not that keen on a 19 year old kid getting naked for cameras but Levi has a unique situation. In Alaska the wicked witch can cast an evil spell on everything he tries to do & don't think she won't. I hope this will lead to some good opportunities for Levi so he can get on with his life. I do love the irony that the promoter is gay given Sarah's "values". As I recall during the election she would not even share the stage with someone who was openly gay. Sarah has tried to micromanage everyones life to suit herself & payback is coming her way.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to see Levi on THE DAILY SHOW. I knew they would ask him.
ReplyDelete"photographer Greg Weiner"
I am so glad Levi is now getting attention and is recognized as his own person, not just because of the Palins. I think he is really charming, and what is more important - sincere. Levi, Gryphen is right, please don't get anywhere near Howard Stern but please, please do the interview with Jon Stewart! It will do wonders for your credibility because everyone knows that Sarah Palin will never in a million years have the courage to sit down and talk with Jon Stewart. Go for it Levi!
ReplyDeleteThese people sure know how to capitalize on their carnal transgressions.
ReplyDeleteMoosedong lovegloves, swineline lipstick... can we expect innerJeans vagibrators?
Gryphen, I have to take issue with you for suggesting Levi not do Howard Stern. First of all, I am a 40 something married suburban DC woman with kids, and a huge Howard Stern fan. I listen to his show daily, and have for twenty years. Howard is as anti-Palin as they come, is socially progressive (he is pro-choice, pro-gay marraige, and anti-war), and regularly does interviews with A list celebrities and political figures. His show is satire, mixed with social and political commentary. Howard is a perfect venue for Levi...many Hollywood heavyweights are loyal listeners, friends, and guests, including Ron Howard, Seth McFarland, and Jimmy Kimmel. Levi would be crazy to turn it down.
ReplyDeleteHoward was a huge critic of George Bush, and an Obama supporter.
Yes, he also features strippers and porn stars, but if the shoe fits...
Anyway, I was watching MSNBC, and a writer from The Nation was on promoting Going Rouge, and said he would like to interview Levi as well.
For someone who is supposedly so open minded, I am disappointed in your point of view on this one.
First time readers or people who have disdain about Levi's television interviews and modeling. His notoriety, due to Palin's run for VP, Levi was unable to get a regular job or live a regular life. Newshounds were following him wherever he went. Employers did not want this distraction.
ReplyDeleteHAHAHAHA! I have to laugh at the newest spin from Anon 7:00 (not anon Ivyfree @ 07:00), now being directed against Gryphen and other bloggers who discuss Babygate. Now the newest claim is that the GOP will "scoop" the bloggers, and supposedly that all the "credit" will then go to the GOP. Supposedly we will all be upset if it is the GOP that outs Palin's scandals. Apparently you don't realize many of us have been hoping for just that to happen, and Palin has now moved up the timeframe for GOP revelations. We are already seeing more from the McCain campaign that indisputedly proves Palin a liar again and again.
ReplyDeleteSo the "scoop" taunt is really pretty WEAK! Bring it on, GOP! 07:00, you must know that these blogs have been making Palin frantic and angry for months. She wrote a juvenile slambook as an "autobiography" in part to try to prove these blogs wrong. Her book is getting horribly panned and the fact checking shows that her amount of lying is off the charts. Palin reveals she is nuts enough to lie even when her own emails prove that the truth about events on the campaign is exactly the opposite of what she claims. She is going to look even worse after the complete Oprah and Walters interviews are shown in the next few days.
Because Palin is a quitter she had to bring her book out earlier, and was not even able to add "completed one term as Alaska governor" to her list of "accomplishments". So that left the truth, and no way was she going to go there. Here is a person who seems unable to ever admit to any kind of mistake, and portrays the worst skeleton in her closet as a D in Macroeconomics (and yet she "writes" FB pages in which she advises us on the economy...)
Because of the bloggers more and more people have become aware of Palin's lying, pettiness, and ethical issues. One reason that Palin wrote such a pathetic book is that she cannot take any criticism, and so instead of taking the opportunity with her book to rise above things and re-invent her image, she rehashes all her own grievances. It has been clear for some time that she is obsessed with blogging and reporting on her, and as a result can't resist striking back at people who have the goods on her.
It's also obvious that you, Anon 07:00, want to try to goad the bloggers into revealing all their sources and backup documentation so that Palin can try to get out in front of that. Too bad, not happening. If you don't like this blog, don't read it.
In the meantime, as Sarah's book debut is getting off to terrible start, Levi is coming on strong and impressing many people as a nice guy as well as an attractive person in more ways that one. In every interview he sounds better and better. Sarah must be grinding her teeth every time he is talked about in the media. But it is thanks to Sarah that Levi is now a celebrity. If Sarah thought everybody would ignore Levi because he was scrubbed from her book she is wrong. Yet another EPIC FAIL by the Quitter Queen.
I really enjoy this blog, and even after Babygate is exposed, regardless of who does it, I will continue to read here. There are many interesting topics covered here. Thank you Gryphen for a great blog!
"Nardicio and Johnston developed somewhat of a rapport, and the openly gay promoter and Playgirl Marketing guy states: "we were talking in the greenroom about gay categories: bear, cubs and Levi asked what his type would be-we decided a twink, but older, so we anointed him a 'twunk' ".
ReplyDeleteCould you help an old lady out and define what the "gay categories" mean? I'll be waiting over there in the corner with my walker and support hose. TIA!
Gryphen I think Levi will be just fine after this playgirl issue comes out. Lets all remember that Marilyn Monroe, film star, made her start in playboy :)
ReplyDeleteAnon at 9:40am...
ReplyDeleteIf you are serious about not knowing these gay terms you can google any and all of them and find lots of info.
Bears are big hairy men and twinks are skinny men with less facial and body hair. I think cubs are smaller versions of big bear men. I guess Levi is a cross between a gay twink and a hetero hunk.
Just different terms for different body types. Same as women label men and men label women, just different terminology.
I worked in the arts for quite some time so I learned a whole lot of stuff from many of my gay male pals...I hope they learned as much from their straight female friend :-)
Ya know, I'm beginning to like this kid.
ReplyDeleteWhat if Levi's Playgirl photo shops feature Levi holding a non-prego allegedly pregnant picture of Sarah where the fig leaf is supposed to go? What does Sarah say?
ReplyDeleteLevi, do what you have to do. Scarah brought you into the limelight...funny you are doing better than her! I'll bet that doesn't set well with her. You of all people are upstaging her, I find that to be hilarious.
ReplyDeleteI love it. A whole new industry is starting up because of Levi, lol. You go Levi! Love the condom line! Do a magnet line too, lol.
ReplyDeleteSuck it up, Buttercup.
Do you have this magnet Scarah? You can fool some of the people some of the time. But you can't fool all the people all the time.
It was just a matter of time before your bs hit the fan darlin. Buh bye........
Rock on Levi, the wicked witch is almost dead.
Howard Stern is an amazing interviewer. I like Jon Stewart, too, of course...but don't discount one of the most brilliat entertainers of all time. If you say 'don't go on Stern,' it's because you've not listened to him lately.
ReplyDeleteThere is no talk show host better suited to Levi Johnston than Howard Stern. The man was created in order to talk to Johnston. And not to get factual, but Stern is politically astute -- and can discuss the 'waftiness' of exposed a## from personal knowledge.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you have against Stern?
My very, very favorite part of this? Levi will make money and be seen by millions of people -- while being filmed *watching television*. Oh... my head hurts.
And you think Stern is too much. Ha. You're funny.