Monday, November 09, 2009

In light of Sarah's recent Wisconsin speech Andrew Sullivan revisits the Trig pregnancy story.

It looks like Sullivan was just as surprised as I was that Sarah added some new contradictory detail in this most recent speech.

In this one paragraph Sullivan pinpoints just why Trig is so vitally important to Palin's conservative political clout.

In the Friday Wisconsin speech, we were reminded again of how central the Trig pregnancy remains to the Palin phenomenon. McCain, in the three minutes he spent thinking about it, saw Palin as some kind of "reformer". In fact, she was carefully marketing herself in 2008 as the uber-Christianist, and her carrying to term a Down Syndrome baby was the single most important fact about her for the base (and still is). This is what Kristol saw in her: a walking embodiment of the pro-life movement, but also usable to launch further warfare in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan or wherever the next neoconservative adventure can be found.

That is the point that people need to understand. Without Trig there is no chance that Palin would have been chosen as McCain's VP candidate. None. And don't forget she announced her pregnancy THE DAY AFTER McCain was picked as the Republican candidate.

That is key to understanding why Palin would do, what I think many of you are beginning to understand, she did.

And just a reminder to those who are CONSTANTLY demanding that I simply divulge what I know. Take a look at how CAREFULLY Sullivan constructs his post. There are fairly obvious conclusions that he simply will not expand upon because he is aware of the kind of response that would inspire.

Sullivan knows more than he has ever let on. Of that I am fairly certain. Yet he also knows better than to put everything he has discovered, or suspects, out on his blog.

Once they label you a "Trig Truther" you are easily marginalized and your evidence, no matter how explosive, can be ignored. And sadly Andrew Sullivan and I share that same unfortunate sobriquet.

(Click the title to read the rest of Andrew's excellent post.)

Update: Sullivan has more from a knowledgeable reader.


  1. Thank you Gryphen for emphasizing that key point-- SP announced her "pregnancy" the day after McCain was nominated. A "pregnancy" that shocked folks who saw her every day because she didn't look pregnant! Come one folks - women do not usually wait until the seventh month to announce that they are pregnant. The baby bump would be obvious by that time-- but in SP's case, only the bump-it in her hair was obvious! So we don't have to go on an endless "mystery tour" to figure out Trig's parentage. The point is that he did not come from Sarah's bumpless belly!

  2. MaineMom6:50 AM

    Thanks, Gryphen. You are absolutely right -- there is no reason to put all the cards on the table this early in the game. But that doesn't mean that we have to stop talking and speculating about it altogether. The truth will come out, and the timing will need to be right in order for it to have the appropriate impact -- stopping the $arah phenomenon for once and for all.

  3. Anonymous6:54 AM

    The first thing to note regarding the Trig-Birth Story is that Sarah has never shown Trig's birth certificate which would shut up all of the rumors and saved Bristol being publicly humiliated. Audrey of PD once reasoned that the birth certificate wasn't shown because the names of the (adoptive) parents could be changed, the child's name could be changed (he was Tripp before he was Trig) but the date and place of birth could not be changed.

    That being said, Sarah (and/or her pals) must be following every comment coming forth from the pajama clad bloggers writing from their parents' basement (sarcasm). When Sarah gave her Indianapolis "I chose life" speech, she described hearing the results of an amniocentis test while out of town, wrestling with the momentary thought that she could end her problem then-- but she chose life (applause).

    Sarah received on-line criticism for even doing an amnio test, which carries an element of risk for the fetus. The only purpose would be to end a pregnancy if the test revealed a troubling health issue for the child. Sarah, who oppposed abortion in any form, had no reason to have the test done; she was having the baby no matter what.

    I think that Sarah's new story is a reaction to all of that on-line criticism. Now, she needed the excuse of amnio being ordered because of something they saw in an ultrasound. As Sarah continues to receive more criticism, that story may morph and change again. And earlier printed biographies and interviews are at odds with the changing story line.

    Sarah has one really big problem, and it's coming out Nov.17. Whatever Lynn Vincent (I mean Sarah) wrote in her memoir had better match all of the statements on record. Sarah has a history of misstatements that are at odds with the facts (think of the Steve Schmidt story about Todd never being a member of the AIP). As Sarah continues to give speeches, make appearances and go off script, she may just be the one who steers into an iceberg.

  4. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Interesting equivalency--you likening yourself to Andrew Sullivan. I like to think I belong in the same "club" as James Joyce in my more delusional moments.

  5. Anonymous7:29 AM

    By the time she found out about the Down's she would have almost certainly been at least in her second trimester.

    She and the religious right have made sure that there are as few physicians a possible who will perform abortions, especially after the first trimester.
    Basically, she was trapped by her own political activism.

  6. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Sarah's very own screechy voice as the "author" is probably already recorded for the book on tape, and there's no backing out.

    From reports of her recent speech it sounds like she has made the choice to stick by the embellished farce that she gave birth to this DS baby.

    If there was ever any chance of her saving face/garnering sympathy from her base by coming clean and claiming she was just covering for a daughter, that chance is now gone.

    That she's committed to these new elaborate lies and that the bots haven't even been floating the trial balloon that the sham was for some noble end tells me Gryphen has to be right: she has to be covering something much, much worse than the mere embarassment of a child's pregnancy.

  7. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Anonymous said it. Main, and really only, reason for amnio. is for genetic testing.

    If there is no possibility for termination, even to save the life of the mother, why have the procedure at all?

  8. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Interesting metaphor with the iceberg. Collisions with icebergs, however, rarely result in fatalities or even make the news. There have been recorded more than 500 since 1800. Can you name five? How about three where there were more than 100 fatalities?

    You see the point. Collisions with Icebergs aren't really something you want to pin your hopes on if you're looking to sink a ship.

  9. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Any developments on who really blew up the twin towers? Alien abductions? Bigfoot?

    I heard the Queen might really be a man. I'll keep you posted.

  10. Anonymous7:48 AM

    I am thinking she is now saying: ultrasound first, amnio second, because that is probably what is written in her book. She probably changed the narrative in the book from what she had previously stated (on the record) about having had amnio. I think that even though she has made many mistakes in keeping all the lies straight, she is probably smart enough to know (or has been coached) that what she is spouting now should probably match her statements in the book. Watch for her to do more of this "changing the narrative" right up until the book is released.

  11. I am totally behind you, Gryphen. The big secret is not who is the biological mother of Trig, but who is not and why. She and the Christian Mafia have been planning the whole scam for a long time. Bristol and Levi are just the sideshow we are supposed to watch, while CNN and Fox let The Christian Mafia pull off their coup. Frank Zappa titled one of his early albums, We're Only in It for the Money, as are CNN and Fox News.

  12. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Oooh, this thread attracted some troll commentary. Interesting!

    Liars have a hard time keeping their stories straight. Law enforcement officials tell many tales about that.

  13. Anonymous8:15 AM

    She could carry a down baby to term-this is what Bill Kristol saw in her to carry the pro-life movement forward according to Andrew Sullivan. What about the fact that Kristol fell in love with SP while on the cruise to AK in 2007? Most of her Facebook postings are written by him.

  14. Anonymous8:16 AM

    If someone changes a story that is a sign of guilt in criminal activity. When will the time come for the accumulation of circumstantial evidence be enough to warrant a full on fraud investigation? Would the public still remain in the dark when the participants and conspirators go before a grand jury?

    What did John McCain know and when did he know it? What did he have to do with what happened to Sherry Johnston?

  15. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Trig was Tripp before he was Trig? Can someone explain this? I'm confused.

  16. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Thanks, Gryphen, for letting me know that you are in the same league as Andrew Sullivan when it comes to revealing the truth about Sarah Palin's "pregnancy." That being the case, I think I'll put my faith in Sullivan, who's been posting lots of Palin-related items lately, and not bother visiting IM anymore.

  17. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Interesting how riled up the trolls are becoming, isn't it? I wonder what they are afraid of :)

    Pat in Texas

  18. Anonymous8:29 AM

    AND I heard Friday night that Sarah Palin is a closeted lesbian...

  19. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Sarah Palin is a proven liar and a complete fraud.

    Facts are stubborn things.

  20. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Gryphen, you know that you are touching a nerve when you attract the trolls who want to take attention away from what you are writing. You must be doing something right.

  21. Anonymous8:44 AM

    I still wonder if a reveal of the non-pregnancy is going to be somethign which will have a negative impact on her political influence. The people who are committed to her are *so* committed, I can't see how this will change their feelings. Would the more independent-minded voters have voted for her anyways?


  22. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Oh my Dogz! Lots of us have been saying for a long time that Winky did not need a direct intervention, nor will she welcome any compass points along the way!
    Round up Time!!!! That Palin clarification team is repairin' wheels and fixin' to circle their wagons over this latest spin. There she goes, openly and transparently makin' things up Hah Hah! In Broad Peckin' daylight...she was for the procedure before we was against it all over again.

    Alaskan Sisu

  23. IF she had an amnio, it would be at least at the 16 week mark and good luck getting an abortion so easily that she would have to tell no one in her family.

    Unless she was in NYC where maybe she an Bristol made just such a decsion.

  24. People committed to her should be committed! Have you read the comments at see4pee?

    The Trig story will be spun for them, but independents and people who might be sucked in by her hocky-mom bs, will write her off for good.

    20% of Americans are bone-stupid. They think the sun revolves around the earth and they can't name the country we fought against in the Revolutionary war. They will always love her but they are a small group.

  25. Who is the new asshole who is bugging you about Sullivan?

    I am a big fan of his, but IM and Bree and others break the news he reports and links to.

    Gryph, you are doing great!

  26. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Ooooo. Do tell us more, Anon 7:39!

    Specifically which queen are you referring to?

    (a) Orly Taitz, Queen Bee of The Birthers? Or,

    (b) the Queen of Hearts/off with their heads, Sarah--who spends a great deal of time sticking her big foot in her own mouth?

    --That is, of course, when she isn't alienating the greater part of this nation's population.

    Earth to Anon 7:39--come in 7:39--7:39, are you there?
    Hmmm, guess not--Sorry, folks, 7:39 has apparently slipped back into cyberspace where he spends many an hour wandering around looking for a few clever lines. But, never fear! Anon 7:39 will, no doubt, be back to visit sometime and grace us all with some sort of nonsense.

  27. I was 44 when I finally got pregnant. I did a CVS at 11 weeks because I wanted to know if I would have to terminate ASAP. And I am not an anti-choicer but I knew that after 12 weeks it was going to be much harder to terminate. Even in NYC.

    NO ONE does amnio if they "might" terminate. It is too late then unless the baby has something that is incompatible with life, like encephaly. People do it for many reasons but you don't wait 16 weeks and then think you might end it.

    You choose CVS if you are like me, older and one of the 90% who would terminate a DS fetus.

  28. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Nothing she said at the latest speech should be believed without an investigation, because at that same speech she told a story about "In God We Trust" on a coin. That story comes from a right-wing email chain letter and is completely false. Also, too, that particular coin design was approved under a Republican congress and Pres. Bush. Politico, a political blog that is usually favorable to her, said that she ofted "veered into rhetorical culs-de-sac," which is a hallmark of her unscripted speech.

  29. Thanks, Gryph for all you do. I think this pregnancy story fits well into her joining with mcidiot. None of it makes sense to intelligent people, just to her blind followers. Keep up the pressure, the truth will set up free! And scarah can go live on an iceberg!

  30. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Hmmm, Anon @ 7:36--now that I think of it, I can only think of one. Of course that collision with an iceberg took place way back in the early twentieth century. Let me think, now--what was that ship's name? Oh yeah! It was christened the, TITANIC! She was guaranteed not to sink, but hit an iceberg and went down on her very first voyage--took a lot of lives down with her. Go figure.

  31. Molly9:51 AM

    Molly said...
    On timing issues:

    She is claiming to have found out about the DS at 12 wk US, followed up by, presumably, either CVS or early amnio at 13 weeks, results to follow in, say, a week or two. This is supposed to be in about November, give or take, given a May due date.

    So, she knows about a DS pregnancy in November, but does not tell her children, her parents, her sisters, or any of her staff until March of 2008 that she is even pregnant? And then, once it's all over the local news, she STILL doesn't tell her children, her parents, her sisters and their families, her friends and her staff that the baby has been diagnosed with Down Syndrome? The reason we know this is because the newspaper said that it was on Friday after she had her baby that she sent out a mass email to FAMILY AND FRIENDS about the fact that Trig has been born with DS, but that he would be loved and cherished and all that--the letter signed from Trig's creator, our heavenly father....

    Which all makes me tend to think, once again, that the whole deal is a lie--that the infant known as Trig was NOT prenatally diagnosed, that nobody knew ahead of time, that the diagnosis was not confirmed until suspicious physical characteristics were confirmed through a chromosomal test on the newborn, and, his public presentation seemed like a Good Time to announce the DS.

    How does that grab the rest of you?

    'Cause if we follow SP's version, she was actively attempting to get a diagnosis as early as possible in order to "make a decision" about the pregnancy. Even *I*, an older mother, allowed for early ultrasound (mainly to see the little dickens!) but refused any more involved screening on the grounds that any info obtained would not change the outcome of the pregnancy--I would carry a DS to term. AND I'M PRO-CHOICE!!

    If she wanted follow up testing to confirm the diagnosis, she could have waited a few more weeks until amnio was safer, or had another diagnostic US, or had maternal blood screenings.......if she only wanted to know to know, she should have waited---Lord knows she waited until 7 months along to inform everyone else she was even pregnant. Her version is so full of utter bogosity!!!!!

    09 November 2009 07:55

    Molly said...
    Oh, and, implicit in the above theory, of course, is that Trig was born before April 18th, at least long enough beforehand that they were able to announce in the "wild ride" interview that he had DS.

    09 November 2009 07:59


    I posted the above on Palingates, but it was on an old thread, yadda yadda....


  32. I posted this at Palingtes also, too. I went to the HIPAA site and there are actually circumstances whereby HIPAA violations are allowed. I think Sarahs circumstances definitely would fit HIPAA being overlooked.

    Public Interest and Benefit Activities. The Privacy Rule permits use and
    disclosure of protected health information, without an individual’s authorization or
    permission, for 12 national priority purposes.28 These disclosures are permitted,
    although not required, by the Rule in recognition of the important uses made of health
    information outside of the health care context. ******Specific conditions or limitations
    apply to each public interest purpose, striking the balance between the individual
    privacy interest and the public interest need for this information********
    I think this is important. Sarah was chosen for VP nominee based partly on the Trig story. The country has the right to know if it is true. She seeks public office and attempts to influence public policy based on a lie.

    Serious Threat to Health or Safety. Covered entities may disclose protected
    health information that they believe is necessary **** to prevent or lessen a serious
    and imminent threat to a person or the public, when such disclosure is made
    to someone they believe can prevent or lessen the threat (including the target
    of the threat).***** Covered entities may also disclose to law enforcement if the
    information is needed to identify or apprehend an escapee or violent
    LOL she is a threat to this country and her followers are apparently a threat to our president.

    Essential Government Functions. An authorization is not required to use or
    disclose protected health information for certain essential government
    functions. Such functions include: assuring proper execution of a military
    mission, conducting intelligence and national security activities that are
    authorized by law, providing protective services to the President, making
    medical suitability determinations for U.S. State Department employees,
    protecting the health and safety of inmates or employees in a correctional
    institution, and******* determining eligibility for or conducting enrollment in certain
    government benefit programs.*******
    I wonder if this is applicable if she used any benefit programslduring her governorship or while on the campaogn trail??
    Wish we had some lawyers to help take tis on. I think there is something here that could be investigated.

  33. does she think we wont pick on the not so subtle changes to her immacutale birth story, ESPICIALLY re: Trig, Tripp, Tripp Trigg.

  34. Anonymous9:59 AM

    The "Queen of Doom" is in her divisive glory in the GOP right now...she's working her magic just like she did when she was pretending to be Governor.

    I can just see her rubbing her grubby little mits together wondering who she can use next to fill that "compulisive need" for attention.

    It's never been about actual facts or solutions, it's only about attention.
    Alaskan Sisu

  35. In hindsight, Sarah, wouldn't it have been even MORE dramatic if you had just planned on--and announced ahead of time--that you were adopting Bristol's (or whomever's) baby and, having then found out after he was born that he had Down Syndrome, reitterated your compassion for the biological mother, and your commitment to raise this baby as your own, no matter what difficulties you would all face?

    Isn't it just kinda HARD to have to keep lying?

  36. So, it seems to me there should be some NICU nurse, some hospital housekeeper, some unit clerk, some phlebotomist, some senior nurses aide, someBODY in Alaska who should feel alittle more confident about speaking up if they know something without worrying about a HIPAA violation. Looks like if someone spoke up with a pure motive - it could fall under the "protection of public interest" paragraph. There just has to be someone out there. Come out come out wherever yo are....

  37. Also, too, if I recall correctly, I was under the impression that SP said that she found out she was pregnant while out of town, and had thoughts about "getting rid of the problem and getting back some normalcy" blah blah. So, if that is true, then this was BEFORE she had the alleged US and alleged follow-up testing, so therefore, she was contemplating having an abortion even BEFORE she "knew" about the Down Syndrome. If this is how she wants the story to go, then it is even MORE evidence of her hypocrisy. WHY would a pro-life person who has rejected abortion in all circumstances even have a fleeting moment of doubt? Was it JUST because she was an older mom and it would be inconvenient? Was it because the pregnancy did not gibe with Todd's having been the father? Hmmmm. Did she again contemplate aborting once she found out about the DS? Are all of her claims of hand-wringing about this pregnancy false as to herself but true as to the real biological mother? I'd really like to know, but I'm really convinced that if a young person is the bio-mom, that the DS was not discovered and diagnosed until after he was born. It sure seems like it was a surprise right there at the end, or why else would she feel compelled to email all her relatives and friends about the DS until AFTER he was born?

    SP is lying, one way or the other. The story she has told--all versions of it--are not the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

    It's gonna eat away and eat away and eat away at SOMEone, even if it isn't SP herself.

  38. Anonymous10:22 AM

    You go Floyd 7:57 - I think you are right on the Money!!


  39. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Why in the world would she bring up specifics during her last speech. Does she really think the room is safe from media & libs or is she just a bat shit crazy sociopath that can't help herself when she has a captive audience. Firstly, this is more information then I would ever give strangers about my pregnancy dilemna. Secondly, Toad doesn't know, the kids don't know...WTF? I can't be the only one that finds this shaggy dog story bizarre. Don't care who takes her down but I hope it's soon & yes I see it has to be the right person & the right time.

  40. Anonymous10:27 AM

    On the subject of trolls.

    First, I'm not a troll. I'm just an "older progressive" lady in Ohio who's become a faithful IM reader. I've been visiting this site since the 2008 election, when the McCain campaign unleashed Sarah Palin upon an unsuspecting--and now horrified--world. So, I check into IM every day, hoping Gryphen will reveal the "truth" that will at long last set us free from this dangerous woman. Mostly I've been quite patient.

    Over the past couple months, though, I've noticed that less-than-favorable comments about Gryphen's posts are being labelled as the work of "trolls." It seems that anyone who questions Gryphen or prods him to deliver on his promises immediately becomes suspect. That's annoying, because we all know what trolls look like. Often the commenters here are just trying to be clever or ironic--but they are not being subversive. If they offend anyone, they can easily be ignored.

    My name is Peggy, and I'm not a Palinbot.

  41. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Does anyone know if this means he'll have to prove he's the father? Or is his name on the birth certificate good enough?

    DNA!! DNA!! (on both boys, please!!)

  42. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Huff Po just posted that Levi is suing for joint custody. Donna

  43. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Oh--I see BP has the joint custody story.

    My personal opinion is that anything largely inconsistent with her story will hurt her--even with her fanatical fans. One thing to present a false picture to "protect" someone else or "save" this baby. Another entirely to embellish and embellish....

  44. MaineMom10:59 AM

    Not to defend $arah, but I have to respectfully disagree that the only reason to do amnio is if you would consider terminating the fetus. While I chose not to have amnio for a variety of reasons with my first pregnancy (at age 39 -- and my hubby and I are decidedly pro-choice), we opted to do the amnio with the subsequent two pregnancies since we wanted to prepare ourselves and older child(ren) if there were to be any health issues. We did not consider termination an option with either of those pregnancies, we just felt it would be better to know and be ready for what might come.
    I also have to disagree with anonymous at 7:29 that Downs can't be detected until the second trimester. When pregnant with my third child in late 2006 (at age 44), I was offered an early ultrasound (nuchal translucency screening) and blood tests at 11 weeks to determine risk for Downs. This specific round of tests had not been available during my prior two pregnancies (born 2002 and 2004), and I was still in the DC area (with a doctor at a major hospital) when I was pregnant with the first one. When my NT test in 2006 showed a very high risk for Downs (1 in 9 odds), I had the option of doing a chorionic villus sampling (CVS) test -- still in the first trimester -- to verify the diagnosis. Since the CVS was not available in my rural area, we chose to wait six weeks or so to do an amnio -- simply because we knew that we would not terminate no matter what the tests showed, and the hurdles to cross to get the CVS were daunting. But those were the longest six weeks of my life. Fortunately, the amnio determined that our son was healthy and my worries were for naught -- but there are reasons for having an amnio when termination isn't considered.
    I think $arah is changing her story because she wasn't even aware of these new tests (like the NT screening ultrasound) until she was working with the paid ghostwriter on the book. These early ultrasounds weren't widely used until AFTER her last REAL pregnancy. With Piper.

  45. Her kids did not know about the DS, that we know from Willow who is reported to have said, why didn't you tell us!?

    Of course, nothing we think we know may be true at all. I don't believe Willow would know a DS infant by sight, not a preemie whose eyes would be slits, so no way to see the DS in the eyes that soon. And also, too, no way Willow knew about the DC from a hand fold! Preemies are all wrinkled up, how could she know about the fold in the first place, and then know it wasn't just a wrinkly baby?

    DS was a surprise. I think we can safely say that is a fact. Bristol is too young and healthy to have CVS or amnio. Lots of younger women never do any testing apart from the standard ultrasound.

  46. On the testing and pro-life issues: at 44 after 3 failed IVFs and miscarriages, I was finally pg on my own. I was scared to death to lose that one chance for a child so I was totally paranoid and didn't really want to take the risk to test, but at my age, I felt I had to.

    I did CVS, though thought to be riskier because I wanted to know ASAP if anything was wrong. I found the guy who basically pioneered the procedure so I could lower my risk.

    There is RISK in amnio and cvs and she is lying about being pro-life, like all of her "principals" or lying about the test.

  47. OK Gryphen, can you tell me if I am getting close? A DS infant was born to someone in the immediate or extended Heath/Palin clan (perhaps even Sarah Palin herself) sometime before the first week of March, 2008. The baby was born prematurely and hospitalized , maybe touch and go that he would even survive. He is hospitalized, then nurtured there until he was stable.

    For whatever reason, Sarah saw an opportunity to adopt this baby and pass it off as her own, beginning with a fake pregnancy that same week McCain clinched the nomination. Since the infant was still hospitalized for an unknown period of time, Sarah figured she's give out a random due date in May to the press. Perhaps that was the original date of Trig's release from the hospital, but it was moved up since he was doing well (maybe even the insurance co forced them out) to the date of the wild ride...getting warm?? Sarah returns in the dark of night to Wasilla, picks up the infant and work three days later.

    Bristol's pregnancy is revealed before the RNC to squash any rumours about BRISTOL being the bio mom of Trig, but no records on Sarah are ever released. Her due date is fudged by a few weeks. Think about it, by all accounts Sarah could have been at the hospital when Trig was born...if he is family that is very likely.

    Anyway...that's my theory this week, amybe something else will change when Sarah starts her Bus To Nowhere tour next week.

  48. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Re: the ultrasound pic in Levi's truck...I wonder how thick the neck is on that baby?


  49. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Slightly OT but funny. Looks like the "Rouge" vs. "Rogue" title is confusing many.


  50. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Lilybart, I am essentially pro-life and I had testing with my last 2 children due to my age. It was not that I would have aborted either child but I wanted to know early on if there would be any challenges. I had amnio with my daughter at 16 weeks and then was offered CVS with my son at 11 weeks. The CVS was so much easier although it carries a slightly higher risk (the risk is very small with both procedures). Where I live these procedures are recommended for any pg woman over the age of 35. Oddly tho, both my physician and nurse practitioner referred to both types of testing as "amnio," and I heard that from the techs, too.

  51. Anonymous12:30 PM

    The problem with lies is that if they keep coming up you would have to embellish and change what you think you might get by with. This can only get more convoluted as time goes on. Quick, someone help put her out of her misery.

    I love certain detective shows and sure enough they will play along with a liar as if they believe them. All the time they are noting the changes in the story.

  52. Anonymous12:42 PM

    The Trig of 4-18-08, the baby with the Heaths at the hospital looks round and not premature.

    A thinner baby was with Levi, Bristol, Mercede and Sarah in the Palin kitchen. That baby was thinner and smaller. Mercede called him Triggy Bear.

    Willow would have diagnosed the baby while thinner? Is there a date for Willow's statement about DS? She knew right away the correct condition?

  53. The whole "I had the amnio/ultrasound" (or maybe next week in a closed church "members only" speech it will be that Rev Muthee prophesied the results and really there were no tests at all) so "I could be prepared" is just beyond belief. Or should I say "bogus", one of Sarah's favorite words in Wisconsin the other night.

    Why don't I believe it? Because every other person here who had an amnio or other DS diagnostic test and has children mentions doing it in part to prepare themselves AND the children. I just don't believe even Sarah would be selfish enough to have a diagnosis of Downs for the newest member of the family on the way and not tell the kids at least by the time she announced the pregnancy.

    Here are my questions to Sarah. Oprah, Barbara, feel free to use them:

    Sarah, why in the world, as a pro-life woman, would you do this test which does carry some risk, and then NOT use the results to prepare your children?

    Even if you decided to wait a few months to make sure that you didn't miscarry, at least when you FINALLY revealed at 7 months to your kids and your astonished staff and legislators that you were 7 months pregnant despite looking completely nonpregnant, seems like that would have been a good time to finally tell the kids.

    So you don't tell the kids, even with months and months warning. When were you going to tell them? Willow just happens to spot the Downs on her own on first encounter with the kid?? What IS the point of being prepared if you don't prepare anybody but yourself and Todd? If Willow hadn't noticed, would the kids have heard in the email like everybody else?

    But you did apparently take the time to prepare an email, with you writing *in the voice of God*, ready to go in advance, since you or somebody else emailed it out to family and close friends the same day Trig was born. If you had the letter ready to go a month early, why not tell the kids then? Or your parents? Or anybody else?

    It is the constant embellishing that is going to make people see how full of BS you are, Sarah. Many of us already know. But keep this up and soon it is going to be obvious to everybody.

  54. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Trig was Trip before Tripp came but Trip is not the same baby as Trig

  55. Great post, Gryphen! And I loved Andrew Sullivan’s article!

    I, too, find it hard to understand why Palin would need to confirm T-21 after the ultrasound report indication. There are also blood tests that can indicate the likelihood of T-21. Perhaps the WI ultrasound disclosure is preparing America for a new story sans amnio. Or perhaps, the book will take us down a new and more sensationally dramatic path...a planned abortion followed by a changed heart at the last moment.

    Bree Palin (link below) has a great “Where’s Trig” post that includes 2 interesting videos. On Feb. 25 2008, Sarah told The Wash.Post’s Chris Cillizza that she would love to be VP but it was an impossibility for the current election year. That same day, at a Governor’s Press Conference, she states that she supports McCain. Why in the world would Sarah back McCain who is not a dominionist and who opposed her ANWR drilling hopes? Could it be because he was the only viable candidate who would need her to get the Evangelical base? How Palin of her to throw us off track with the 'impossibility'.

    When I first watched the Cillizza video, her body language convinced me that she was lying and that she, in fact, was pretty sure she would be McCain’s pick if he were nominated. Watching again, I’m not so sure about the body language. Curious what others think.

    Thanks, Gryphen, for introducing me to the word ‘sobriquet’. It’s too bad you’ve been so tagged. I had hoped Levy was Trig’s biological father so there could be undeniable DNA evidence. I wonder what other undeniable evidence is out there.

    Cillizza-Palin interview

    Gov’s news conference 2.25.08. Palin’s part comes toward the end.

  56. Anonymous4:19 PM

    I don't think the thinner baby with Levi and Sadie is the same baby in the hospital with the Heaths unless he was sick and readmitted and then Sarah adopted him weeks late. How could he be home looking skinny and then be in the hospital looking chubby?? Anybody know the date of the Levi-Sadie-Triggybear picture that was on her Facebook?

  57. Forever Anonymous4:34 PM

    I wonder if the fact checkers at Harper Collins got to see the ultrasound showing the enlarged neck.

    At least they get to see a bogus birth certificate, anything, to clear the rumors? they must be aware the client has issues with the truth..

  58. What does s'arah want us to believe? the opposite is true. 3 babies. one is probably dead.

  59. bp and lj were 'married' at some point, imho.

  60. Could Aunt Heather Bruce be the birth mother of Trig? That would explain why Bristol was up in Anchorage...helping her Aunt out, so her Aunt wouldn't have to leave the house and be seen pregnant. Heather is Sarah's older sister.

  61. Anonymous5:28 PM

    To Comeonpeople: Nice try, but not a prayer about a legal disclosure for the reasons you mentioned. And even if for a truly allowed reason without her authorization, it doesn't necessarily mean a PUBLIC disclosure.

    Below is my post from another thread a couple days ago. I’m no SP fan and HIPAA is a consideration here regarding “babygate”, but:

    "What IS a HIPAA issue are the protections afforded under this federal law for Sarah's medical records. They cannot be disclosed without the patient's authorization, unless a criminal/public health matter. This is why the media cannot get at them and medical staff won't leak them. There are huge fines. Ironically, the 2009 economic stimulus bill has new, STRONGER privacy provisions that will actually help Sarah. That is her right as a citizen."

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. sjk from the belly of the plain--

    I also, too, think that Levi and Bristol were married at one point. I agree with your other post regarding three babies; however, another possibility besides death is being forced to give up the baby for adoption by a third party.

  64. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Bristol was preg w/Baby 1- that skinny baby either dies or was adopted out. Remember the partying (fetal alchol syndrome).

    Sarah had already started the I'm preg. to cover for Bristol and couldn't back out so along came Baby 2(the chubby one with the Heaths) don't know who the mother is..??

    Church records burned..

    Bristol became Preg again Baby 3.

  65. It always bothered me that Sarah didn't debunk the rumor that Bristol was pregnant either early on or after Trig was born...actually reinforcing the rumor that Bristol was Trig's birth mother.

    My replacement thought: Sarah needed and continues to need the Bristol rumor in order to have a possible sympathetic cover were her fake pregnancy ever exposed.

  66. Anonymous6:54 PM

    I think the key to all this are the meetings with Bill Kristol, Dick Morris, and various other Christianists/neo-cons long before Sarah became "pregnant."

    I think Trig was some sort of arranged adoption from a right-wing foundling organization. Bristol may have had little to do with it, other than acting as potential cover, if needed.

    Trig was, IMO, a well-planned-in-advance campaign prop to get the religious right on board with McCain's nomination.

    The "pregnancy" was announced on the day it became clear that McCain was to be the Republican candidate. Palin's VP candidacy was the price the religious right demanded for supporting McCain whom they otherwise despised. Trig sealed the deal. This was most likely a political, not a family, adoption.

  67. The lies are so transparent.

    "...she underwent an ultrasound and the technician told her, "I see boy parts." Later the technician told her that the baby's neck "is a little bit thicker"..."

    Talk to an ultrasound technician. They never EVER tell the patient anything about what they are seeing. Just as with xrays any results, abnormalities, ANYTHING is reported to you by your doctor. And they certainly do not blurt out anything about 'boy parts', 'girl parts' or any other parts. That is information that not everyone wants to hear and your DOCTOR asks you if you want to know before even dropping the slightest hint.

    Judging by Palin's account my guess would be that she's never had an ultrasound with any of her pregnancies, real or imagined

  68. The lies are so transparent.

    "...she underwent an ultrasound and the technician told her, "I see boy parts." Later, the technician told her that the baby's neck "is a little bit thicker"."

    Talk to an ultrasound technician. They never EVER tell the patient anything about what they are seeing. Like x-rays any results or abnormalities or ANYTHING are reported to you by your doctor. And they certainly do not blurt out anything about 'boy parts', 'girl parts' or any other parts. Not everyone wants to know this information and your doctor asks your wishes before even dropping the slightest hint.

    Judging by Palins account my guess would be that she'd never had an ultrasound for any of her real or imagined pregnancies.

  69. I also, too now think Levi and Bristol were married at some point, then Sarah "undid" that marriage by force or coercion.
    This is so f'..ed up.
    It's also sick that she has gotten away with her deceptions for so long.

  70. anon 5:24
    I still think there is something that can be done - but whatever. It's a shame there aren't any mavericky rogue people who know something incriminating against Sarah who do not come out publicly. If I were a healthcare worker up in Alaska who knew something, I'd take the chance - I really would.

  71. Anonymous6:04 AM

    I have always thought there was a marriage between Levi and Bristol -- remember the article that quoted the family joking about Levi losing his ring? What guy wears an engagement ring? Certainly not the Alaskan he-man type. I am sure that the family made Bristol annul the marriage under threat of being cut off.

    This also explains some of Levi's motivation right now. The lack of funds is what lost him his wife and ultimately even being with his son. He will pose for Playgirl and use anything else that he can so that he is never in this situation agaian and so that he has the funds to at least have his son in his life.

  72. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Anon @ 6:54

    Hope I'm not going all Glenn Beck, here, but shadow plays are interesting things.

    Modern American theatre may have a single leading lady, but a really successful production requires a lot of stage hands.

    Don't know for sure, but it seems a simple Google of SP's running mate and little Trigger's middle name may shine the needed spotlight on Act One, Scene One.

  73. Anonymous6:41 AM

    I faced the possibility of having a Down Syndrome child. My doctor told me I would have only a few days after the results were known to have an abortion.

  74. Anonymous6:46 AM

    If Trig is not Sarah's, she may have adopted the baby to cover up other problems. I can see her doing it for one of her sisters. Isn't there some group living home next to the Palin? Could one of the people in the group living home be the bio mother of Trig? Could the bio mother be someone who knows a lot of dirt on one of the other gates and Sarah took the child to keep someone silent on the other gate.

  75. Anonymous 6:54, you got it! We all need to climb on this bandwagon and quit wasting so much time trying to over-analyze the Bristol/Levi circus. The plot began after Bill Kristol and Fred Barnes had lunch with the governor while on their summer cruise. The questions we should be asking are: When did the McCain Campaign know? When did Fox and CNN discover the truth and decide to cover it up?

  76. Anonymous9:26 AM

    You guys will be disappointed with me! But I went with a friend who bought an extra ticket. There were a lot of people there, probably 4,000-4,500. The interesting part was that there were some people who I voluteered with there (I campaigned for some local Democrats).

    I am not going to say I am transformed, but I definitely changed my opinion of her. She is not at all what she is like described here. I am sorry, but she is a nice lady. I have taken part in calling her a monster--but she is not. I even shook her hand!

    But don't hate me so much, I won't vote for her. I definitely will respect her though.

  77. Anonymous10:26 AM

    One more analogy...

    It is like a three ring circus:

    The circus came to town during the summer of 2007.

    But, tickets didn't go on sale until February / March, 2008.

    Then, the clowns were brought out for the crowd to applaud in August.

    Now, as the circus continues--and while most of the crowd is captivated by the dog and pony show going on in the center ring and laughing at the poor performance of the elephant act in the second, there is a high flying aerial act in the third ring--going on unnoticed.

    Not that the dog and pony show isn't fun to watch--but we can clearly learn a lot more about circus life if we stop and pay a little more attention to the performance of the folks who are looking down on it all from their perches a little closer to the top of the tent.

    But, just for the record, although ponies and dogs often put on a great performance, it is a well-known scientific fact that ponies do not give birth to puppies.

  78. Anonymous10:32 AM

    curiouser--I saw that clip awhile back and thought she was mad when Cillizza asked that question (it was supposed to be secret and he dared ask about it). See the face she made momentarily when he asked it?

    anons at 6;54 and 6:18 and Floyd--I did google as 6:54 mentioned and found some interesting articles. Very interesting. there is a story there.

  79. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Just checked out the links between one of Trig's middle names and SP's running mate, then did a more thorough search on the "middle name" and the ideology actively promoted by the "middle name."

    There sure is a story here!

  80. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Gryphen, I see on Andrew Sullivan's pages for both the article you originally link and the reader follow-up that the "Trackbacks" list no other blogs having picked them up, let alone yours. Perhaps you should contact him and alert him about that.


  81. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Anon 10:32am 11.10 -- The pouty face was her response to Cillizza saying "Alaska isn't the biggest or best known state".

    Look for her wide-eyed stare (and wagging pointed finger) followed by turning away with rapid, heavy blinking when she talks about the "impossibility this go round.....". Next, she points out her honesty and almost contradicts herself.

    You can also see the stare followed by heavy blinks at the beginning of Ziegler's 'Palin Unplugged on the Media' when she talks about the media doubting that Trig is her son.


  82. Anon @ 10:26 -- I like your circus analogy and your punchline! Folks, I actually think that the last few comments have put it together! Thank you Curiouser and anon @ 6:18. I'd seen that Cillizza clip before, but I didn't fully realize the significance of it- Hot Stuff--We were talking about the Neo-Con cruises on another thread on this page. I've been telling folks at PD and PG FOR MONTHS to focus on the fact that SP announced her "pregnancy" the day after McCain's nomination. This makes it SO obvious-- she was practically telegraphing the truth! But so many were dazzled by her, they just couldn't see what was (or wasn't!) right there!
    HEY THERE GRYPHEN, are you reading this ?? You can put it all together in a post and just say that your pajama -clad blog commenters figured it out-- you don't have to reveal any of your sources' information.

  83. continued-- and just to be clear. I don't care who the biological parents of Trig are. I don't think that is the critical issue. The important point is that SP did not give birth to
    Trig Paxson Van Palin or any other child on 4/18/08. I think it is HIGH TIME that this huge hoax is exposed.


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