Monday, November 09, 2009

Sometimes to understand just how broken our health care system is it takes somebody willing to share their painful personal story.

Had we simply relied on the system Wesley would be in a wheelchair, a permanently disabled ward of the state. I'm not sure how that is cost effective; perhaps some of you worried about the "cost" of health reform can explain it to me.

Please take a moment to click the title and read One Token Hippie's story of her son's painful condition, the lack of compassion from the health insurance company, and the response of a dedicated doctor who takes his Hippocratic oath seriously.


  1. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Maybe when everything is revealed, I will slap my forehead and say, "Well, duh" but I simply can't connect the dots from all the half reporting and innuendos about this story. It seems like an exercise in futility to even read these stories until the truth is revealed.

  2. It's a great story. Thanks for bringing it to my attention!

  3. Perhaps one of our Georgia readers could send Morgan's story to Dr. Paul Broun, who just issued his statement as to why he is against the health care insurance reform bill just passed by the House.


    I would have sent him this message, but it'd have had to be via Fax (we no longer have long distance coverage that our fax would use, because we use our cellphones); so to get my complaint off my chest, I'm posting it here... :)

    Dear Dr. Broun:

    I'd like to suggest to you, Senator Broun, that you might read a story of a typical family -- not rich, but not poor, either -- with a 22 year old son WITH INSURANCE who nearly became permanently paralyzed because his INSURANCE COMPANY would not pay for the surgery that would restore his health.

    Lastly, you'll note that I did not vilify you, I did not call you names, I did not threaten you, I did not figuratively shout out to you, "YOU LIE!", I did not do a happy dance about the 220-215 vote. I'm not a neocon wingnut.

    I've worked in the health information field for many years, and granted, I never asked the political leanings of the physicians I worked with.

    However, it boggles my mind that there are so many physicians in Congress and in the private sector who want things to remain in the status quo, with so many of THEIR constituents -- patients -- suffering for lack of ANY health insurance, let alone ADEQUATE or RELIABLE health insurance.

    Does it not strike you as odd that this problem has been going on for 40 years? Do you not ask yourself why that is? Would it have anything at ALL to do with entrenched special interests that spend huge sums of money to convince our representatives to not represent US, but to represent those special interests, and who lure them by suggesting that's the way to maintain their House or Senate seat?

    Contrary to your beliefs, there ARE more people in the USA who want the Senate to pass health care insurance reform than there are people who want the status quo. The thing is, the people who want change are silently praying -- and the people who don't are shouting "You lie", attending teabagger rallies, marching on Washington, etc.

    I hope the pray-ers have their prayers answered.

  4. Thank you, Gryphen, for your continued advocacy on behalf of families struggling with this flawed system. I appreciated your listing the names of the Democratic congressmen who refused to vote for the health reform bill. I realize it is imperfect, but at least its passage takes us a step closer to getting a more workable system in this nation.

    It was your listing those names that inspired me to tell Wes' story. The response has been so positive and uplifting, both on the blog and via emails. I've passed them on to Wesley, who sends his thanks. It's the perfect end to the perfect day for him. The doctor gave him the clear to go back to work today! There are some limitations, of course, but he's very excited. And I'm so happy for him.

  5. Anonymous2:07 PM

    That's an awesome letter, KaJo. I especially like how you contrasted those of us who see this as an issue of compassion against the tea bagging bullies of the right.

    The frustrating thing is that the bullies seem to be more effective. It shouldn't take striking fear into the hearts of lawmakers to get them to listen. Unfortunately many lawmakers are more easily intimidated than reasoned with, so they are being swayed by the lowest common denominator.

  6. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Hi - I am a Canadian, and very happy with our heath services. What I find appaling, is that no-one in the Rep. House or the Senate thought to come to Canada (not far away) to check out our heath care system. Well, maybe they just think we are all 'socialists', and that is the end of that. If they had made a concerted effort to find out more of our heath care system, then maybe, just maybe, then would come to realize. ok, you csn call it 'socialist' if you want. I don't care. I have been a socialist all my life. I do care about my fellow citizens. Did you know that approx. 2yrs. ago, there was a big bliz on TV, as to was the best Canadian to date. Well, turns out it was Tommy Douglas voted in. Yes, in the 1950's he made national health care the cause. Now, there is no politican who would even DARE try to change our system. I cannot believe that there is no similar system in the US. Why was not the single-payer even brought up in all your health care debates. Oh, yes, the Republicans!! Party of NO. We pay no premiums (at one time it was around $250.00 for 3 months), but since our province of Alberta has abolished that. There maybe are a few provinces that still charge that token som, I am not sure. Anyways, I feel that govt. pay premiums is the only way to go.

  7. Thank you One Token Hippie and thank you gryphen for sharing Wes's and his families stories. I have a sadder story to share that did not have as happy an outcome. My 32 yr old niece had a friend DIE this last spring...a healthy 30 yr old vibrant young woman died and here is the reason why...she lost her health insurance through work(a lower paying job). She has had asthma for most of her insurance meant the cost of her inhalers got to be alot of her income in the spring..she borrowed money a couple of times...too embarrassed to borrow anymore she tried to go without...she had an asthma attack..a friend called an ambulance...too late....This young lady(I will not use her name without her families permission) lost her life over a $27 asthma inhaler.....
    I am happy that Wes found a Doctor who put his oath and humanity above the almighty dollar and that Wes has a chance at a long pain free and productive life...but many others never find that champion they need...

  8. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Wes's Story needs to be told, along with mine and countless others, it's the only way to put a human face on what it is, exactly, that President Obama is trying his best to put in place. Health care is a right, not a priveledge.

    Wes, walk the walk and lead a long, happy, independent, productive life!

  9. Anon at 3:11, one thing the conservatives have done a masterful job of is turning the word socialism into something Terrifying to the general public. Even though we've socialized Wall Street's debt, which is OK for many of them, they don't want to see the same hand extended to people whose life depends on the kind of collective pooling of resources that countries like France and Canada seem quite content with. I think it's because as a nation we're far more selfish than our neighbors. It's all about us, all about getting ours. We hoard, consume and turn out backs on everyone else. I don't know what the answer is to changing our national mentality. I think Obama is trying but he's up against a very powerful propaganda machine run by the conservatives who've turned Greed into some sort of Patriotic Principle.

    CR46, it's stories like yours that break my heart. It's truly tragic to think that this young woman is gone simply because she couldn't afford an inhaler. It's hard for people to believe, I know, but for a young person living paycheck to paycheck even the most basic medical needs can be out of reach. And the results can be dire.

    Thank you, Anon at 6:28. Wes is indeed heartened by the responses both here and on my blog. The good vibes are really uplifting.


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