Friday, November 13, 2009

Is Lou Dobbs "Going Rogue"?

Well according to Jon Stewart he sure is.

Wait until you see how the Daily Show graphics team "Palinizes" the famous CNN racist curmudgeon.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Lou Dobbs Goes Rogue
Daily Show
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  1. Gasman9:14 AM

    The notion that the split between CNN and Dobbs was anything other than a firing is laughable. Dobbs was one of CNN’s original on-air anchors. If the split were truly amicable, CNN would have had on-air retrospectives and announced it at least 2 weeks in advance. They would have honored his time at CNN. That the announcement came with no advance notice is telling. The abrupt nature of his departure was a huge embarrassment to Dobbs. Why the hell did it take CNN so long to cut this self inflating bigot loose? He was fired.

    His bigoted tripe was an enormous millstone around CNN’s neck. He was becoming as imbecilic and controversial as Glenn Beck. He regularly trotted out his xenophobic paranoia and had branched out to include the “birther” and “Obama is a socialist” tropes to his repertoire. He was fired.

    Now Dobbs would have us believe that he has fallen on his sword for the good of the cause. As if the egotistical Dobbs would do anything which was not self aggrandizing. Like Palin, Dobbs came to the realization that he could be a more effective team player if he quit the team. Following this logic, Dobbs can do his job of reporting better if he quits his job as a reporter. Puhleeze! We are not stupid enough to believe that bullshit. He was fired.

    Dobbs is a bloated parody of what passes for debate in wingnut/teabagger circles. Breathlessly, he hyped unsustainable rumor and innuendo and whipped the idiot sheeple flock into a hyperventilating panic and then pretended that he was just reporting the news. He is a loathsome opportunist who would gladly foment racial and ethnic strife in this country, prompting bigoted mobs to undertake vigilante justice, simply for the sake of notoriety and ratings. He has spewed his fetid, ignorant, hate-infused bile for far too long. He was fired.

    Good riddance. God damn Lou Dobbs and go to hell.

  2. Loud Dobbs is just Sarah Palin with testosterone.


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