Thursday, November 12, 2009

After a day of dealing with Sarah Palin news I think we all deserve a break. President Obama visits Alaska. Your moment of Zen.

(A very grateful tip of my hat to Dennis Zaki.)


  1. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Thanks for sharing the photos, Gryphen. Great work, Dennis.

    I watched a portion of the speech on MSNBC, but they cut away after a few minutes.

  2. What a beautiful sight! Thanks Gryphen & Dennis!

  3. It was such an amazing event! I was glad to be a part of the crowd welcoming our President on his first visit to Alaska. I hope he makes it back for a longer visit by the end of this term.

  4. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Too bad the people who really support Obama wern't invited. I long for the Clinton days when the military was in the background and not the news everyday. The military loves what is going on right now because they are in the business of war and can pin more of those boy scout medals on their chests.

  5. Anonymous8:18 PM

    I am disgusted that Governor Parnell was "too busy" to meet our President. Sorry guys, it's disgraceful.

  6. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Thank you for that "zen" moment. I'm so over seeing crap about Sarah on Oprah, Levi and etc. I bet it was a great event for those of you who were able to attend.

    Shame on Alaska Governor Parnell for not even showing up.

    Shame on ADN for calling it a chance for President Obama to stretch his legs while his plane was re-fueled. How low is that?

  7. Anonymous8:37 PM

    He used to be my Senator. I am so very proud of this man.

  8. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Parnell was too busy doing WHAT? Tweeting with Sarah about the Oprah interview?

  9. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Kudos to our President and Shame on Alaska's Gov. Parnell for doing a Huge No-show. I hope the military personnel appreciated the visit and didn't feel slighted by the Governor's snub. How effing rude on Parnell's part.

    Extra! Extra! Alaska's Chief Executive snubs the President of the United States. Note to voters....hmmmmmmm.

  10. Anonymous9:47 PM

    I totally agree with the note before mine...Parnell has screwed his chances of being 'elected' this next time. He has embarrassed the people in Alaska as did the previous governor to whom he seems to be following in her footsteps. I am delighted that President Obama visited Alaska and hope he returns soon when he can spend more time.

  11. kdusmdd10:05 PM

    I think that President Obama will be known as one of our greatest presidents.....Truly, one of the smartest. I am so proud of him and his courage to stand up for the welfare of all persons in our great country...USA...
    Fired up..Ready to go !!!


  12. sunnyjane10:32 PM

    At least Gov. Linda Lingle had a good excuse for not meeting with then President-Elect Obama (December 2008). She was in Philadelphia at a conference and would have had to fly all the way back to Hawaii for an eighty-five minute meeting, then fly back to Philadelphia.

    So, what the hell was the governor of Alaska doing that he couldn't get to Elmendorf? Do any of you Alaska folks have an idea?

  13. ICstraightsSEAK10:38 PM

    I teared up a bit seeing all the pictures from the President's speech today. So nice to see how excited everyone was: Big authentic smiles.

    Repub douchebags showing their true infantile colors by not showing. Maybe now we can elect a real Governor next year.

  14. Hey Begich showed! he and lisa must have tossed coins? We all know Don was having a grump day. Parnell well he's so busy he's--he's well he was here aminute ago. Dang you take yer eye off them for a second and there out playing in the mud! Sullivan was there! he must feel akin to others er he needs to be seen er he LIKES all people- THATS it he likes all people. He's going to stand on street corners and wave signs for unity and JUSTice and anyway Dans a HELL of a man.

    I would hope that our President could spend a few days here with some nice folks and not be bothered and get a feeling of where he is.

  15. If Bush had visited Alaska, would Parnell make room in his "busy" schedule to be seen with him?

    How "busy" is an Alaska governor, anyway? Juneau seems to be a sleepy town. It can't be too busy, because the previous governor didn't rack up a whole lot of accomplishments. It seems to be mostly ceremonial, ribbon-cutting stuff.

  16. I find it odd that Parnell chose to skip the event. Your ex gov would not have missed the chance for this kind of photo op.

  17. Deb in WI5:27 AM

    Seriously? Your governor did NOT show up?? Even if it is a short visit, it's a visit! What in the (H - E double hockey stick) is more important than a visit from the president? Does it happen all the time in your state that he just figured he'd catch him the next time??

    I'd like the local and national reporters to track down EXACTLY what your governor was doing instead. Horrible display of disrespect that I keep seeing from Republicans.

    Even when Pres. Bush was in town, our Democratic governor showed up. That would be a #1 priority -- he's our leader for crying out loud. What a horrible host!

  18. CGinWI5:59 AM

    According to The Mudflats, Parnell was a few miles down the road having lunch with a group of local contractors.

    Makes the snub all the more pointed (petty)

  19. Hmmmmm your governor was too busy lunching with contractor friends yo meet with the president of the USA??!! I'd say you guys have some work to do at election time :)


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