Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Just doing my part to support our most famous ex-governor.

Yep! I bought it all right. Even though I swore I wouldn't!

Perhaps this was her evil plan all along, to fill the book with lies KNOWING that bloggers and media types would have to buy the book so that hey could refute the lies and set the record straight.

Could she be that smart?


Anyhow just to get a flavor for the direction this book is sure to take, here is the first line from the very first page.

"I don't believe that God put us on earth to be ordinary" Lou Holtz

Oh yeah this should be an interesting read. Where is that bottle of Advil?

Update: I am literally only on page two and found proof positive that Sarah Palin is directing much of this book toward those Right to Life zealots. Take a gander at this:

Ahead on my right, I saw the Alaska Right To LIfe (RTL)booth, where a poster caught my eye, taking my breath away. It featured the sweetest baby girl swathed in pink, pretend angel wings fastened to her soft shoulders.

"That's you baby", I whispered to Piper, as I have every year since she smiled for the picture as an infant. She popped another cloud of cotton candy into her mouth and looked nonchalant: Still the pro-life poster child at the State Fair. Ho-hum.

Well, I still thought it was a nice shot, as I did every time I saw it on its advertisements and fund-raiser tickets. It reminded me of the preciousness of life.

Did you get that pro-lifers? Her daughter is the poster child for the right to life booth (the same one that shows the horribly minced up bodies of aborted fetuses)at the Alaska State Fair.

Oh man she is pulling out ALL of the stops!

Well I guess that answers a question from my earlier post.

Update2: Huffington Post has already put online some of what their research has uncovered on this book, such as "Going Rogue's 18 Biggest Falsehoods", and has even provided an unofficial "Going Rogue Index".


  1. It might be easier to read if you trash the cover jacket.

  2. Gryphen, I certainly hope you didn't buy it on Amazon, where the price today is something like $14.95. BECAUSE, for the past few weeks, they've been selling it for $9.00!

    Wonder why they raised the price???

  3. Anonymous12:37 PM

    You'll need something stronger than Advil to numb your brain enough to get through that book. ;)

  4. Good grief. ADN Politics blog posted this from their reading of page 92:

    "Palin recalls her interview with Frank Murkowski, when he was considering who to replace himself with as the junior U.S. Senator from Alaska. 'It was then I knew I wasn’t getting the gig. It seemed to me that though he thought me competent enough to make his short list, the father in him felt compelled to protect me from the storm that is national politics.'"

    If I didn't know better, I'd think she & her ghostwriter had their tongues firmly in cheek when they wrote that. Isn't this just the most spectacular evidence of Palin's solipsism & self-centered view of the world? Who, after all, did Murkowski end up appointing?!!!! Duh!

    As I commented at ADN:

    I think, rather, that the father in him compelled him to thrust his own daughter into the storm that is national politics.

  5. Anonymous12:38 PM

    I think tequila might help more than the Advil.

  6. She has now lost the support of a big right-to-life group! Who is left to support her (besides the sea of pee)?

  7. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Mel, I think that is really weird... Frank the Bank didn't pick her cause he has a fatherly stance and wouldn't want her to be rudeness of national politics... is that the crap Palin is trying to say?

    Oh spare me the Palin drama... this is just getting more embarassing..

  8. It's happy hour somewhere in the world ... go for it!

    Brave soul, you are ...:)

  9. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Given all of the exerpts that we have seen in the last few days, I wonder why Lynn Vincent didn't turn to Sarah and say something along the order of, "Do you think we could tone it down a little, hon?" No wonder Lynn's name is noticably absent from the cover. Books like this usually include the collaborator, "as told to."

    My own impression, just from excepts is that this is Sarah's Getting Even book. Anyone who Sarah thinks insulted her is gonna get it! I guess that by the third page, Lynn stopped trying to tone it down and got it done as quickly as possible in order to cash the check.

  10. Anonymous1:02 PM

    To Phoebes in Santa Fe: amazon often discounts prices before the book is published and then hikes the price once the book is released. It encourages pre-pub purchases thereby enhancing the book's standing as well as encouraging sales because of the discount alone. There's no conspiracy here. I've bought many mysteries and crafts books as pre-pub discount rates. Amazon then sends the book as soon as it is released, charging my credit card only when the book is sent.

  11. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Gosh, with both you and AKAMuckraker diving in - we need to establish some guidelines for ensuring your mental and physical health.

    Do check in periodically and let us know you are still with us. We will be worrying (and waiting for juicy tidbits but worrying nonetheless).

    You are so much braver than most of us. I couldn't even order it from my local library for fear someone would misinterpret my motives and classify me as a Palinbot.

    Thank you for your sacrifice of time and effort and for endangering your mental health on behalf of your readers. Good luck, safe journey.

  12. Gryphen ..Gryphen ... am I gonna have to mail you my bottle of champagne? Ok. You bought it. Now read it and do something to end this nightmare so I can pop the cork!

  13. Anonymous1:20 PM

    John McCain released a statement saying that the $50,000 vetting fee was for her legal fees relating to troopergate.

  14. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Ms. Palin says she thought

    "It seemed to me that though he thought me competent enough to make his short list, the father in him felt compelled to protect me from the storm that is national politics."

    What a GREAT line for flunking a job interview. Guess ole Frank M. couldn't figure out that she would flame out on the national stage with out talking to her. The word salad was a dead give-away, huh?

  15. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Oh holy freaking moly - so her baby is LITERALLY the poster child for the right to life!

    Good luck, Gryphen - I prescribe lots of refreshments ;)

  16. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Somebody needs to get a mitochondrial DNA sample from Trig before he becomes a sacrificial lamb in 2012, otherwise there will be no proof that Sarah is not his mother while she reaps the sympathy vote.

  17. Anonymous1:54 PM

    (Pssst, Gryphen...has she gotten to the summer of 2007, yet?)

    Row, row, row your boat,
    up Alaska way..
    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
    boys you've made my day..

    More halibut, anyone?

    Row, row, row your boat,
    up Alaska way..
    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
    boys you've made my day..

    Anyone for loaves and fishes?

  18. Forever Anonymous1:58 PM

    poor Maccain, Culvahouse say palin was high risk; big reaward.

    isn't enough that he lost? Oh no, he has to deal with the molotov.

    Piper was the poster child of exploitation when Palin was mayor and gov., for VP, can you see how much she needed Trig?

    I really hope this book exposes this truant as nobody can; Sarah Palin, Going For The Rope.

  19. Gryphen: what is anonymous at 1:54 trying to tell us? We have seen anonymous postings before about halibut, and boating, and the summer of '07. Which of course late that summer would be the inception of Trig.

  20. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Gryphen - please link to Richard Cohen's important commentary in today's Washington Post about Palin and McCain's responsibility for Palin.

    Finally, albeit belatedly, someone in the MSM is finally ready to say that the emperor has no clothes.

  21. SoCalWolfGal2:43 PM

    Gryphen, Gryphen, Gryphen. You brave, brave man. I think we should all send out very good karma to Gryphen and to AKM. With all the drama going on in my own family right now, I'm just not up to reading any of this. I'll give her this though in the first sentence, ordinary she is not. Not even normal. Not even close.

  22. Anonymous3:18 PM

    OMG, it reads like a romance novel. And I should know -- I used to write them:-) Tres tacky! Certainly not a memoir. Good gracious. Embarrassing!

  23. > "I don't believe that God put us on earth to be ordinary" Lou Holtz

    Oddly enough, Sarah *is* ordinary -- just ordinary set to 11.

    She is unexceptional in every way, shape, and form, except that everybody knows about her and 25% of everybody, apparently, want to hire her to be their happy-ending massage therapist GodQueen.

  24. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Why am I getting the sense that this is not going the way a lot of you hoped it would go.

    Oprah served Sarah 30 minutes of sloppy kisses and Barbara Walters-- yes THE Barbara Walters who publicly spanked Fidel Castro--walks away as a Palin apologist setting the matter straight on one of your most treasured canards, the "I can see Russia from my house" business
    and describes Palin as "very confident...very appealing" at which point
    the host chimes in with "Yes, she has been through a lot and handled it."

    Expectations are the mother of future resentments, they say. I suppose by failing to implode with Walters and Oprah, the "Governor", as Ms. Walters deferentially addressed her, just created a lot of resentment in those who were counting on a time-capsule "Gotcha" moment.

  25. 10catsinMD4:33 PM

    Thanks to you Gryphen and to AKM for this "apostolic" reading. Comment to Anon @4:02. Watched Oprah and watched barbara segment earler. Very different in demeanor between the two. Voice is different. some responses are different.Oprah live in front of audience. Barbara small just the two of them. Palin more comfortable in that scenario.

    Thoughts on the way home from work: She is learning. That line reminded me of a similar line from Jurassic Park about the velociraptors. They learn. I think she wants to do it all herself. Her father said that about her. Very, very strong minded, very stubborn. She is probably reading all our and others comments and, even though she will deny it to the hilt, she learns from them and then probably says it's all her doing or her planning. You know the type.

    Remember the SNL producer comments. Confidence, full of it. It's not just confidence, it's pure denial of another or other's opinions.

    Re Watergate: Here in DC the discussion focused on how this country stayed together and the system held. A lot of embassy types expected a collapse. That never happened.

    She probably is remembering rants from her father ala Archie Bunker.

  26. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Watch Rachel Maddow tonight. Must see.

  27. Anonymous6:10 PM

    If Piper is the poster child for the Alaska Right to Life, I wonder if she took a picture of the baby she aborted and it is one of the other pictures.

  28. mlaiuppa6:58 PM

    How much? I hear it's going for $4.95

    I'm a high school librarian. If someone donates a copy, I'm tempted to put it in fiction.

  29. Ratfish8:17 PM

    John Zeigler says it was the "best literay achievement by a political figure" in his lifetime.

    Gosh- either he was born yesterday or it will get a Pulitzer!!


    I'd say something about a "messiah complex" in regards to the opening quote, but I think it speaks for itself.

    Said on Chris Matthews today that 66% DON'T want her to be President. Lets get it to 90%+, Gryph. Good luck! :)

  31. Oh, and the thing with Murkowski...Christ, she's an even bigger b*tch than I imagined.


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