Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Time for Sarah to put to rest those "lies" about her ability to read and hunt, and to reinforce her Christian credentials.

Reading was a special bond between my mother and me. Mom read aloud to me--poetry by Ogden Nash and the Alaska writer Robert Service, along with snippets of prose. She would quote biblical proverbs ans ask me to tell her what I thought. She found clever ways to encourage my love of the written word--by reading cookbooks; and jokes out of the Reader's Digest together, and writing letters to grandparents. (P 15)

Okay let's take inventory shall we?

Give big middle finger to Katie Couric for suggesting that I don't read? Check.

Create warm and fuzzy vision of loving mother encouraging destined to be famous daughter to read? Check.

Pander to Alaskans by mentioning beloved poet Robert Service? Check.

Pander to Christians and conservatives by mentioning biblical verses? Check.

Pander to elderly Fox News viewers by mentioning writing letters to grandparents? Check.

Now onto reinforcing the hunting mythology.

Not far from home, near Talkeetna Mountains, I learned to hunt.

I always remind people from the outside that there's plenty of room for Alaska's animal--right next to the mashed potatoes. (Pp 18-19)

Pander to hunters? Check.

Middle finger to PETA? Check.

Middle finger to that little porn star Levi? Check.

My siblings and I were baptized together in Big Lake's freezing pristine waters by Pastor Paul Riley. I got into the habit of reading Scripture before I got out of bed every morning and making sure it was the last thing I did at night.(P 22)

Pander to Christians? Check.

I am sorry but does she really expect people to believe that the minute she woke up, before she peed or had breakfast, she was reading Scripture?

This thing is so heavy handed that it almost reads like a parody of itself. I still find myself amazed that anybody could honestly buy this bullshit!


  1. Anonymous2:15 PM

    with all her yap about refridgerator magnets.. and quotes up to yin yang

    Why doesn't she ever quote the bible?
    If she were such an avid scripture reader?
    Surely she would have "something" memorized by now..

    proof "God" is just another one of her props

  2. Anonymous2:23 PM


    Stop torturing yourself by reading that seething pile of urine and crap. But I guess if the alternative is to listen to her grating voice on tape reading the poopoo, you've picked the lesser of the two brutal options. I hope, at the very least, you got the book at a heavily discounted price or, better yet, free.

  3. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Heard she quotes Plato and Aristotle too.

  4. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Huffington Post Unofficial Index:

    Bono conversation 301--Gryph--take a peek--she's not talking about Sonny, is she?

    Naw, I was just kidding--maybe Mary Bono Mack--his widow. Hey! Isn't she a Scientologist--you know, like Greta and John?

  5. Anonymous2:27 PM

    I agree to how she panders.. and this time it was all in one paragraph!

    It hit me during the campaign this woman is an actress in her own play.
    No substance (why she doesn't have a "life" but "lives" through the "character" of political figure.

    Panders to the military families because "She's a Military Mom"

    Panders to women with kids of any age because "She's a mom to a new baby, a mom to an elementary age child so she can do the Lemonade Stand thing, a mom to a teenage mother"

    Panders to young women who dream of marrying their prince charming because "She has a loving, adoring, attractive hunk for a husband."

    Panders to christians because "She loves God, love's church things, is anti-abortion, and talks about God like he is foremost in her heart."

    Panders to the horny because "She wears stilettos and glosses up those lips and licks them every chance she can and likes to show some knee"

    Panders to the health gurus because "She's a marathon runner"

    Panders to the.. and the.. and the...

    But all her props are phoney.
    Her kids are like zombies, Her husband never shows her any sort of affection. Her aging porn star get up makes no sense if she is a "God Fearing" Woman - one of the greatest sins is lust. Her Christian yap never mentions Jesus, she doesn't even go to church regularly, and never quotes scripture.

    A fabricated person with zero substance makes a great entertainment piece but not a leader. Her minions are so blind.. but we already know that.

  6. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Robert Service lived in Whitehorse and then Dawson City, never in Alaska. Though I'm sure his poetry speaks to many Alaskans, it seems a bit obama-ish (read disingenuous) to call him an "Alaskan writer".

  7. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Gryph--from the sound of it, maybe you need to take a break and burn a little sage before you continue exploring the dark reaches of SP's mind.

  8. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Also, can you imagine snuggling up to Mummy while she read from "The Cremation of Sam McGee,":


    My favorite night-time line is, "And then I took a walk, for I did not like to hear him sizzle so."

    Mrs. Tarquin Biscuitbarrel

  9. Anonymous2:44 PM

    That's nothing. She prayed in the shower with a televangelist!

  10. Anonymous2:52 PM

    I was just wondering, since Bristol (God bless her) is presented as Wonder Woman what with caring for the baby (or babies), going to college and working, has anyone checked to see what college (probably a community college) she is attending, what her class load is, how many hours she works?
    I wish nothing but the best for Bristol and it feels bad to have her used as publicity fodder.

  11. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Levi should demand a DNA test. Maybe they do not want him to have access in case he manages to get a sample of the baby's DNA.

  12. ICstraightsSEAK3:34 PM

    At this point, I am beginning to think she is a cyborg...programmed with "NPD and patholoical liar"...she will short-circut soon.

    G-man: Just use the book as toilet paper after a good morning growler...one page at a time. " I just took a BIG Scarah, wiped my ass with cheap fiction and flushed it down the Phalin"!

  13. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Her fans buy her bullshit, and their collective IQ hovers somewhere around room temperature. Everyone else is amazed at the chronic dishonesty. I was listening to Ron Reagan today and he was saying: why is she lying about stuff that doesn't matter to anybody but her family? (He was discussing the multiple stories about how her kids found out about her VP run.)


  14. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Anon 2:26... and have you seen the un-retouched photos from the Runner's World photo shoot? Based on the lack of defined muscles in her legs, I'd guess she doesn't run further than the end of her driveway.

  15. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Well, I gotta confess - first thing in the morning is "Jesus Christ, I gotta piss!" So, I may have to agree with at least making contact verbally.

  16. mlaiuppa7:00 PM

    I wonder if she's read her own book? I'm betting not. I'm betting she didn't bother to read the finished product, relying only on the notes she provided to her ghost.

    Can't wait for her to get caught out.

  17. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Hey, Gryphen, sorry this is OT, don't know where else to put it.
    If you go over to urbandictionary.com , they have the definition of "palintologist" on their home page...
    (...a "palintologist" is a person that follows, or studies, political dinosaurs.)
    Thought ya might want to know...

  18. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Excuse me! Did she really say, "...Bristol, why? Don't you know that there are things you can do to prevent this?..." No, dumbass, how could she know with abstinence only sex ed?

  19. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Robert Service was born in Scotland, emigrated to Canada to become a cowboy. He ended up working in banks in Victoria, Kamloops and finaly Dawson City. He never took part in the gold rush, but certainly had an understanding of the colourful characters of the era. I don't believe he set foot in Alaska.
    S. Cochrane, North Vancouver, BC
    P.S. I enjoy your blog - keep up the good work.

  20. Anonymous11:07 PM

    I hope you didn't waste 19.95 on this piece of cr.p.

  21. Further to the Robert W. Service reference...
    He is a well known Canadian hero who, during WW1 wrote, 'The Rhymes of A Red Cross Man' (a very graphic depiction of life in the trenches) as he worked as alongside Canadian soldiers as an ambulance driver, as well as a war correspondent for the Canadian Government. Hardly an 'Alaska writer'.

    She truly is a nitwit.


  22. Anonymous8:14 AM

    She says that she read scriptures in the am & pm yet when she was on her second or third child she said her faith was not that strong. WTF ? She makes my head hurt. I have read many excerpts from The Book of Lies, I even bought her book but I can't get past the first sentence. I feel so dirty.



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