Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Keith Olbermann discusses the inspiration behind Sarah Palin's odd statements about Israel. Here is a hint. It is not her affection for the Jews.

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Those of us following Palin closely are all too aware of her belief in the Rapture, and that she beliefs wholeheartedly that Alaska is to be a "refuge state" for those who will flee the chaos of the "End Times".

There are lots of reasons to be very concerned about Sarah Palin and her influence over the "sheeple", but this is one of the most frightening.


  1. "There are lots of reasons to be very concerned about Sarah Palin and her influence over the "sheeple", but this is one of the most frightening."

    I believe this is THE most frightening aspect of all, bar none. Horrifying. Anyone with doubts, read through Leah Burton's blog (Gods Own Party) or google Palin/Pastor Muthee to see videos.

    This particular aspect of Palin gives me nightmares.

  2. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Slightly off topic, but this will amuse


    I love that he calls her "Sister Sarah," though. Someone is reading the blogs...

  4. Anonymous6:32 PM

    What makes thes all alarming is the willingness of the end of dayers to push for apocalypse - to in effect force God's hand - rather than allowing God to determine the truth of the prediction and to choose the time.

    That's assuming everybody in the world is wrong in their interpretations of their religions, and the end of dayers are the only ones who are correct.
    Which is of course BS, but that does not help t he fact that some are apparently willing to cause massive wars and slaughter just to prove that they guessed right.

    I think I have mentioned here and I know one mudflatter mentioned a few days ago that Sarah comes much closer to the description of the anti-Christ than Obama does.

    I personally want to thank Senator McCain for giving the end of dayers a national platform from which to try to destroy the world as we know it. And, if not that, just to screwing up a political system that was already suffering some serious dysfunction.

  5. Anonymous6:50 PM

    And I'd LOVE to say to Sistah Sarah and the rest of her merry band of Rapturites:

    What if it ain't Jebus?

    What if it's just a nuke?

  6. How do these Evangelicals even have gall to look Jewish people in the face and say, we are supporting you so you can either convert or burn in hell? So we, the smart ones can go to heaven.
    Yes, I want to know about palin"s religious beliefs.

  7. "What makes thes all alarming is the willingness of the end of dayers to push for apocalypse - to in effect force God's hand - rather than allowing God to determine the truth of the prediction and to choose the time."

    And Antichrist IS the technical term for the guy in Revelation that forces God's hand.

    BTW, Revelation, which is the core of this, barely made it into the Bible. In fact, some Bibles (yes, Sarah, there's more than one) omit it altogether. As late as Martin Luther's time, there were doubts about its authenticity and validity.

    Oh, and the Rapture was "invented" no earlier than the 17th century.


  8. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Please note - the pictures on her facebook now carry a SarahPac copyright - book tour, political campaign tour. WHich is it? Why she is allowed to have SarahPac copyright on the pictures taken at Ft. Bragg? She was there as "just another author" - NO politics - right? How can we let Ft. Hood know her political PAC is designating pictures taken on a miitary base with a political pac copyright?

  9. FEDUP!!!7:42 PM

    Well, Gryphen: Time to get her put away once and for all, THE SOONER, THE BETTER! *YOU* have some goods on her, so get together with your sources AND OUT HER!!!

  10. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Papa Palin at the military base shooting off terrorist remarks.... Samaritan Purse flying Sarah Heathen around.... Governor Parsmell fighting off the Feds... The abuse of Trig... Levi estranged from his little baby... A week of watching phony book signings, and stupid interviews... Hope it stops soon!

  11. Anonymous8:08 PM

    I don't know why this isn't getting more press.

    As a Jew, I about fell out of my chair when I heard Ms. Palin telling Barbara Walters "That more and more Jewish people will be flocking to Israel in the days and weeks and months ahead."

    WTF - that is a pretty short timeframe and nobody told me and my co-religionists that we were due in the ancestral homeland in short order.

    Then I realized she was talking about the Rapture. And I felt as sick as I did when I was a little girl and kids in the school yard taunted me that I was going to hell because I didn't believe in Jesus. Really bad memories.

  12. I did make comments with Phil and Leah. This today does not look good for us here. I always thought the money grubers would leave in a hard time. Now i am afraid they will flock here. I will not give my home to a bunch of ignorant bigoted assholes. We have to think local and we have to THINK alike. Our unity is a must. My only effect is local. That is what i will concentrate on.

  13. themom from Chicago9:15 PM

    There remains NO DOUBT in my mind -- SHE IS THE ANTI-CHRIST. Read about the signs and she sure seems to wear them well! EVIL, EVIL, EVIL!!

  14. carol from Minnesota10:57 PM

    I heard her followers in person at the Columbus book signing when I was protesting her appearance. THey called me names and told me I would not be saved in the rapture, but not in such polite words. They were very UN-Chrisitan to me and the small group of students standing with me. I had read about the beliefs but still it was so shocking to me to actually have them proclaiming so publically the radical idea of the Rapture as if it were a fact. Even more shocking was how hateful they were to me when they had no idea what I believed about god but because I had dared to question Sarah's perfection. As one proclaimed "You are going to Hell" . I think they would have done me damage if the policemen had not been right there. I felt in imminent danger at one time when 3 men came over close to me and began to taunt me. Two police came and made them go back into line. Many called out that Sarah is in the Bible as leading the saved into the end of days. VERY SCARRY STUFF.

  15. Anonymous12:28 AM

    I have always thought that Sarah is not really as religious as she wants us to believe. I find that a lot of people who talk about god so much are fake. Now it looks like I maybe wrong and she is completely nuts like the rest of them lets all die and go to heaven cult.

  16. It isn't her beiefs that are dangerous so much as her willingness to implement actions which she believes are precursors to the apocalypse. This is a large part of what the Bush regime was doing. Since they believe that any lie or deception is acceptable to carry it out she is capable of anything. There are many belief systems in the world which have differing ideas of what their higher powers future actions will be, but they don't feel it is their job to help this diety. After all if this God she believes in is all powerful it would be a false assumption on her part that assistance is needed by a mere human. It also makes no sense at all to go against the teachings of Christianity as a type of Christian Terrorist. I know real Christians and she is not one.

  17. Anonymous2:26 AM

    When do we stoop to the teabagger level and start painting "666" on her photos? I'm very happy that KO mentioned this last night as a lot of people I know think of SP as "harmless" entertainment. She's becoming a real danger to all of us thanks to her Freakvangelical handlers. I don't want her gnarled paw anywhere near the button if she ever hallucinates that God personally gave her the Rapture signal.

  18. Anonymous3:52 AM

    Could someone get a picture of Palins back. I betcha she has a pull loop and string coming from her center back. She's Matel toy adult version of the Speak and Say Doll, but with a new twist... remote control when the string malfunctions.

  19. Anonymous4:01 AM

    I was almost ready to give Palin a sort of Hail Mary pass on the Muthee episode. . .as those were his words, not hers. . .much like I gave Obama a pass on Rev. Wright. Ditto for the Jews for Jesus guest preacher session wherein she attended with her children.

    I figured Palin had some sort of weasily, tepid Evangelical-ish belief system that simply suited her and her political ambitions, and she was just milking it for all its worth. As surely, her behavior was not, and never has been,very Christian. C'est la vie.

    But no longer. These kinds of statements, yoked to pronouncements regarding governmental policy make it abundantly clear that, if elected, her decision making will be grounded in narrowly applied religious belief, with no regard for the consequences for human life (or anyone else who does not hold these views.

    The Christian version of sharia law.

  20. Anonymous4:40 AM

    Can someone please ask her how she feels about the treatment of the "Witch Children of Nigeria" since she is a devotee of Pastor Muthee who himself is a Witch Hunter.

  21. Anonymous4:54 AM

    The Zionists use the christianists "love" for Israel to influence US policy. They know full well that the christian God will throw them in a pit of fire, but since they don't believe that themselves, no problem.

  22. Anonymous4:59 AM

    RE: the End Times. If there is a personal God as described in the Bible, he can end this mess of a world any time, no need to wait for some prophecy.

    and if there is a Rapture, great on all accounts. we are rid of people like her and if it does happen, I suppose I will believe in Jesus too and then I have to go to Alaska to ride out Armegeddon or someting. Seems fine either way.

  23. Anonymous5:05 AM

    I Have followed this blog for about a year now and I am amazed at the stupidity of Sarah Palin and her supporters. The drivel she speaks about the Reagan era is deplorable. She fails to mention the more than trillion dollar deficit he created with his outlandish defense spending,His utter disdain of civil rights,and his cuts in education. The only thing Reagan espoused was optimism.He did not end the cold war,the Russian economy collasped.The notion that common sense solutions will solve America's issues is nonsense. Why? because global finance, social mores, and diverse culture are not based on common sense.Common sense did not create/discover the principles of science, medicine and other inventions that make our country great.She is a con artist and a charlatan. her only redemming feature is she is splintering the party of no

  24. Anonymous5:20 AM

    Sarah likes to pretend she is a female Reagan. I believe, she is a Reagan-reverse and hope she becomes the politician that changes to an acting career. She would look good with Bonzo (same ears and hair).

  25. Anonymous6:01 AM

    Head spinning... thoughts roiling!
    The worst part of it all is that this woman is nothing but a puppet for those who, for their own dominionist ambitions, pull her strings. Obviously she, like so many others, buys into it hook, line (or should I say Lying?) and sinker. May her ambitions sink her before she can do more harm.
    We can only hope, for there are way too many dominionists, not only in the general populace,
    but in high ranking positions of government and commerce.

  26. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Some advice, Sarah: Lose the fugly, purple top. BLEAHHHHH!!!!

  27. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Just one thought:
    Pink Floyd's The Wall and Division Bell.
    That's it in a nutshell and we know where the nuts go...

  28. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Wearing that tacky jacket while meeting the nation's chief holier than thous?

    In Sarah's twisted mind, she is no doubt deservedly wearing her version of "royal purple."

    Biblically, she probably falls under the heading of the Whore of Babylon: Confused speech/word salad and the use of sensuality to beguile and manipulate the weak minded--as she rides on the greedy back of religious ambition for control of the masses.

    P.S. The Whore and Dragon lose in the end.

  29. Anonymous9:34 PM

    The leading expert on the history of the "rapture" that evangelicals promote has many Google articles including "Pretrib Rapture Diehards," "Pretrib Hypocrisy," "Pretrib Rapture Dishonesty," "X-Raying Margaret," "Roots of (Warlike) Christian Zionism" (showing how anti-Jewish the "rapture" is!), "The Newest Pretrib Calendar," "America's Pretrib Rapture Traffickers," "Appendix F: Thou Shalt Not Steal," "Pretrib Rapture - Hidden Facts," "Letter from Mrs. Billy Graham," "Pretrib Rapture Desperados," and "The Rapture Index (Mad Theology)." And another one, titled "Famous Rapture Watchers," shows that all Christian leaders before 1830 taught the very OPPOSITE of what rapture teachers teach today!!

  30. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Keith's clip briefly brought in Thomas Ice as an "expert" on Bible prophecy. For the real skinny on Ice (currently a teacher at Falwell's school) just Google "Thomas Ice (Bloopers)" (he accidentally left out 49 words when reproducing a 117-line 19th century "rapture" document!), "Thomas Ice - Hired Gun," "Pretrib Rapture Diehards" (latter part), and "America's Pretrib Rapture Traffickers" (he obtained his "Ph.D" from a tiny unaccredited Texas school that was fined by the state of Texas for illegally issuing degrees!). Also Google "Pretrib Rapture Dishonesty"! Keith should interview the researcher/author of the above articles. Patricia

  31. Anonymous12:42 AM

    It's all coming together. Some of the bits and pieces are adding up.

    Pastor Thomas Muthee who blessed Sarah Palin's run for Alaska governor said Christians should emulate "Israelites" and run the economy. [The laying-on-of-hands video.]

    Muthee precedes the blessing with a sermon calling for Christians to assume control in seven areas of society.

    "The second area whereby God wants us, wants to penetrate in our society is in the economic area," he said in the sermon.

    "The Bible says that the wealth of the wicked is stored up for the righteous. It's high time that we have top Christian businessmen, businesswomen, bankers, you know, who are men and women of integrity running the economics of our nations. That's what we are waiting for. That's part and parcel of transformation. If you look at the, you know, if you look at the Israelites, that's how they work. And that's how they are, even today."

    Christian control of schools:
    "We need God taking over our education system. Otherwise we, if we have God in our schools, we will not have kids being taught, you know, how to worship Buddha, how to worship Mohammed, we will not have in the curriculum witchcraft and sorcery."

  32. Anonymous1:38 PM

    I noted a web article some time ago that had the title of "Pretrib Hypocrisy" (saw it on Google). Since it exposes the Assemblies of God in regard to their "rapture" belief, I invite readers to look it up. Belle


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