Tuesday, November 10, 2009

According to Paul Krugman "The G.O.P. has been taken over by the people it used to exploit."

In a New York Times Op-Ed, Paul Krugman discusses the danger of ignoring the "Teabaggers".

The key thing to understand about that rally (last week in Washington) is that it wasn’t a fringe event. It was sponsored by the House Republican leadership — in fact, it was officially billed as a G.O.P. press conference. Senior lawmakers were in attendance, and apparently had no problem with the tone of the proceedings.

What all this shows is that the G.O.P. has been taken over by the people it used to exploit.

Furthermore, the loss of both Congress and the White House left a power vacuum in a party accustomed to top-down management. At this point Newt Gingrich is what passes for a sober, reasonable elder statesman of the G.O.P. And he has no authority: Republican voters ignored his call to support a relatively moderate, electable candidate in New York’s special Congressional election.

Instead the "Conservative Party" chose Doug Hoffman, a "carpetbagger" who did not live in the district, did not understand the issues facing the voters, but actively embraced the wing-nutty philosophy of the Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and Sarah Palin crowd. He lost, but not by the kinds of numbers that should make any of us feel secure.

Real power in the party rests, instead, with the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin (who at this point is more a media figure than a conventional politician). Because these people aren’t interested in actually governing, they feed the base’s frenzy instead of trying to curb or channel it. So all the old restraints are gone.

Essentially the patients are now running the asylum.

In the short run, this may help Democrats, as it did in that New York race. But maybe not: elections aren’t necessarily won by the candidate with the most rational argument. They’re often determined, instead, by events and economic conditions.

In fact, the party of Limbaugh and Beck could well make major gains in the midterm elections.
The Obama administration’s job-creation efforts have fallen short, so that unemployment is likely to stay disastrously high through next year and beyond. The banker-friendly bailout of Wall Street has angered voters, and might even let Republicans claim the mantle of economic populism. Conservatives may not have better ideas, but voters might support them out of sheer frustration.

I had a conversation on the phone yesterday with somebody who was thrilled with the idea of the Republican party actively destroying itself. But I expressed concern at what might rise up to replace it. Sure Democrats might reap the benefits in the next major elections, but what happens ten years from now? If this fringe group, now rapidly becoming the Republican majority, stay disaffected, they may become even MORE polarized and disconnected from reality.

In the not too distant future Americans will be dissatisfied by the Democrats, it may be happening even now, and start looking for an alternative. What if the ONLY alternative were a Glenn Beck listening, Sarah Palin loving, "Teabagging" conservative? What if THAT person gets into the White House, or becomes the majority in the Senate?

The crazy thing is that THIS is exactly what Sarah Palin said she would be focusing on when she gave her resignation speech, and against all logic, it actually seems to be happening. She has tapped into a truly frightening fringe group of Americans, and somehow managed to validate them in the eyes of the Republican party.

And now instead of simply being used by the GOP, they are infecting the GOP and causing it mutate into a party they feel more comfortable with. And if the Republicans fail to change enough, they will simply bleed it dry and take up residence in its decaying corpse.

The point is that the takeover of the Republican Party by the irrational right is no laughing matter. Something unprecedented is happening here — and it’s very bad for America.

On this last point I am not in total agreement with Mr. Krugman. I believe that pointing out the lunacy of the group with the use of humor and parody is very powerful indeed.

I think that a great deal of credit can go to Jon Stewart for pointing out how ludicrous the Bush administration was through the use of humor, and Tina Fey's contribution to the outing of Sarah Palin, as a pretty package with nothing inside, cannot be celebrated enough in my opinion.

The bottom line is that, regardless of which medium is used, it is important to constantly reveal the agenda behind Sarah Palin and the wing-nuts, and to open the eyes of the American people to what is really happening in the political arena right now.

(Please click the title to read the rest of Paul Krugman's important article.)


  1. Gryphen, Thanks for calling attention to this important topic. This may be your most significant post to date. I would agree with your point on humor EXCEPT I lived through the hijacking of the al Gore election as well as the sliming of John Kerry. I've lived for 67 years and the present day Republicans scare the britches off of me. I'm more scared than the Cuban Missle Crisis or the cold war.

    Apparently, it will fall to you to bring the Republicans to their knees. No one but like-minded people watch Jon Stewart.

    Only a major scandal can put a stop to the hijacking of our country.

  2. Anonymous7:49 AM

    I agree with Margot. We can't preach to the choir. One of the reasons, I love Shannyn Moore's radio show being on a conservative station. She does a great job of facing off conservative callers with logic and passion. We need progessives or sane people infiltrating the conservative waves.

    I agree that Palin's deceptions need to be revealed, but her crazy/blind followers will come to her rescue. This alone won't stop the teabaggers.

  3. I know that the right wing rhetoric is getting pretty heated. But that is an indicator of their own hysteria, fear and paranoia. In times like these, I try, really try, not to go to that place of fear in myself. The fact is, that on a day to day, moment to moment basis, there is no significant way that these people have any real power over our lives or our decisions, unless we allow it.
    We all lived through the Bush-Cheney regime.
    We are in a nation that elected Obama and that is what is so frightening to these people. Yet we understand that they actually have nothing to fear. It's their confusion, trauma and delusion that fuels them and the hidden business ($)interests that manipulate them.

    In addition, we are all doing our part to expose the lies and shine a light in dark places. Watch out SP, the publicity and attention that you constantly seek may ultimately be your undoing.

  4. Anonymous8:04 AM

    I am reading the Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. The SAME thing happened in Germany after the First World War. A lot of normal folks were dissatisfied with the Republic and switched to actively supporting one or another fringe elements. They eventually gelled or were absorbed by the National Socialists through intimidation or co-option. All it took was the further down slide of the economy due to the Great Depression and we all know the rest.
    I can easily see the same thing happening here. A pissed off bunch of people spreading their message of unification through hate (and violence) to a benumbed population, under-educated and brain washed by the media. It isn't that far away when you really think about it seriously. The media is already taken over by corporate interests and the elected officials are damned near the same way.

  5. I agree with both you and Margot 7:29, Gryphen. I have been a fan of Krugman for a long time. His book, The Great Unraveling, was the best complete explanation of our crumbling economy that I have read. Yes, I had already read Mr. Krugman's excellent article yesterday and I agree with him 100%.

    There is just one problem here: I have to hesitantly endorse the idea of making humorous light of the situation. There has been way too much of this coming from people in the Northeast who have not grown up surrounded by these madmen as some of us have in The South. When the danger is trivialized in this manner, it could cause massive numbers of particularly young, overly confident voters to stay home in future elections. If these people resided in a place, as I do, where 77% of the voters chose Palin in '08, maybe they would take the situation more seriously.

  6. FEDUP!!!8:38 AM

    I agree with anon @8:04. We are on a very dangerous slippery slide into the same circumstances like Germany in the 1930s. Even though Hitler (an Austrian national - just like Schwarzeneger) was popular, the majority of the German people were too disenchanted with the political and economic system - and thus were silent.
    Just like WE are today.
    The majority of the American people do not support the likes of Limpballs and crybaby Beck and $$$arah, but they are the SILENT majority. They MAYbe will act eventually - but by then it will be too late.
    They will try 'to get their ducks in a row' before coming out - just like most Alaskans who know something damaging about $$$arah - but by then, it will be too late. Once you started an avalanche, it is impossible to stop it. If you are lucky, you can redirect it, but that only happens once in a great blue moon...

  7. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Everyone needs to rent a movie called

    The Face in the Crowd

    Arkansas hick becomes a media sensation but will he beome drunk with fame and power, will he ever be exposed as the fraud he is?

    Elia Kazan, director, with Andy Griffith and patricia neal and Walter Matthau

  8. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Great post Gryphen & yes these people scare the s*** out of me. I think we need to use all alternatives possible to spread the word & humor is one way. They need to be brought down & they are such nutcases I know they can be. I mentioned on another post I was suprised how actively the White House was pursuing Dede (Washinngton Post article). They know how important it is for the wingnuts not to infiltrate the country & Europe & Africa...it is indeed a movement.

  9. Anonymous9:14 AM

    We need the laughs but not to over ride the critical nature of events.
    It is time to get serious about the separation of church and state, tax exemptions for religious business.

  10. Anonymous9:26 AM

    I'm confused.

    I thought Palin was a bumbling, insignificant cypher to be mocked not feared and her "crowd" were similarly to be ridiculed and dismissed as
    impotent fools. Now you have had a great epiphany and believe she and those seduced by her are dangerous and it is important that

    "to open the eyes of the American people to what is really happening in the political arena right now."

    And this:

    "...the takeover of the Republican Party by the irrational right is no laughing matter."

    The irony! A laughing matter is exactly what it has been--from the entertainment provided by Tina Fey to the suddenly not-so-benign chortling of Jon Stewart, Dave Letterman, and the sophomoric not-ready-for-prime-time reposts displayed daily here.

  11. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Margot, you really think this guy is going to ride in on a clap of thunder
    and vanquish the republicans?

    What do you think Rahm Emanuel with all the resources of the White
    House has been trying to do or Kieth Obermann backed by NBC?

    Seriously, do you really think Gryphen is an American Spartacus?

  12. Anonymous9:47 AM

    I heard something yesterday, I don’t remember where—maybe on TRMS, but it was just as scary a thought as the Palin Party. The subject was the Stupak Amendment and his C Street connection, and how that connection may have an effect on his voting etc. But what really startled me was when the speaker said (paraphrasing), “Evangelical Christians and Christian fundamentalism has got a huge leg-hold in the Democratic Party, and only now is America just starting to notice it.”

    These people are taking over BOTH parties!

  13. Gasman9:52 AM

    Ok everybody, take a deep breath. I too, am concerned about the opportunistic and amoral Republicans and their bastard step children, the teabaggers, but for many reasons, this is NOT like Germany post WW I.

    First, the rightwingers are in no way united. The teabaggers have no intelligible message, only diffuse incoherent rage and a willingness to believe the most ridiculous, the most insane conspiracy theories. If Glenn Beck said Obama was actually Bat Boy or Sasquatch, they would believe it. They bring with them a grab bag of insane ideas which do not resonate not riding on the Crazy Train.

    Second, only a tiny portion of the corporate world is willing to back these goofballs and almost none of those corporations do so openly. Look how Freedom Works and Americans for Prosperity try to paint themselves as "grassroots" rather than lobbying arms of various big business interests. Even the companies willing to fund these mobs try to hide their associations. The teabaggers are pariahs and the companies know it.

    Third, the military is not going to side with the teabaggers. The military was in bed with Hitler. I don't see Palin, Beck, or Limbaugh brokering deals with our military leaders. We should be prepared to slam them hard if they start openly encouraging militias like the Michigan Militia or Posse Comitatus or more overly calling for acts of violence.

    Fourth, too many people are very much aware of the potential danger of the teabaggers and are mercilessly mocking and exposing them as the disaffected morons that they are. The circumstances that allowed the rise of the Nazis did not include a vocal and mobilized opposition that outed the Nazis at every turn. The Nazis used stealth and guile. There is nothing stealthy or beguiling about the teabaggers. They are ham fisted troglodytes with all the subtlety of a jackhammer.

    Fifth, the Republicans have no control over their imbecilic posse. The have sown the winds of the idiot rabble since at least 1964 and now they are reaping the whirlwind of the teabagger mobs. They cannot control them, so they cannot exploit them at the ballot box. For 4 decades, they have been able to string along the conservative base with ephemeral, unfulfilled promises. The wingnuts are starting to realize that the Republicans are not their friends.

    If they bolt the GOP, they are statistically unable to gain significant national offices. If they stay within the fold, they will force the party to the far right. Those policies have not, are not, and will not resonate with the nation. Articulate they are not. Their agenda is simply too diffuse and insane to attract many independents or Democrats. If they can't attract more to their cause, they will remain politically flaccid and impotent and unable to do much except bitch and moan.

    Do not be complacent about these twits, but neither should we freak out. They are dangerous only if we let them come to power. So, let's vow to out them and their buffoonery every chance we get.

    Remember, they are also led by Palin, Bachmann, and a host of other morons. Their cause is not well served by having idiots for generals.

  14. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Never ignore a party of Brown Shirts. Remember that in Florida in 2000 Tom DeLay's Brown Shirt Thugs frightened an election board into abandoning a recount.

    Even as a minority party, think what the Blue Dogs, who are basically a third party, and Lieberman can do, and multiply that many times over.
    They can bring government to a halt, which is what the Nazi did, loose their thugs in the ensuing leadership vacuum, like the Nazi did, add an economic crisis and a tiny band of thugs suddenly control a formerly democratic country.

    "First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a communist
    Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist
    Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist
    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew
    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak out for me."
    Pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984)

  15. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Here's an excerpt from Washington Post today. The thinking GOP like Dede Scozzafava may just jump ship. (It is a sad story, how people turned on Dede, even before Hoffman gained speed, because of her "moderate" beliefs. She also makes a comment on Palin in this article.)

    Scozzafava listened to her onetime rivals for about 15 minutes, as they discussed the precedents for a Republican dropping out of a primary to endorse a Democrat, the risks and the rewards. Israel told her that if she decided to make that move, he would make sure that the local Democratic leaders embraced her.
    "We would be delighted to have you," he said, according to the source.


  16. Anonymous10:11 AM

    I'm afraid Obama has analiented too many people and made the tea baggers a force.

    He continually makes major mistakes. For ex. Not going to Fort Hood immediately.

    The dems are doing a good job of analienting their own base, while as you say, the tea bagging religious right is taking over the decaying corpse of the Republican party.

  17. "Essentially the patients are now running the asylum."

    Great summary line...funny yet quite frightening when a subset of the patients are armed and dangerous.

    Gryphen - Thanks for all you do.

  18. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Sorry OT but wanted to pass along a.s.a.p.

    Have a question for Sarah Palin? Interested in possibly being on the show with Oprah?

    Go to oprah.com. If not a member sign up then go to the BE ON THE SHOW link. Once there there will be a variety of future topics listed.

    Tell Us Your Story
    The Oprah Winfrey Show is looking for guests! Find out what shows we're working on and tell us your story. You could be featured on the show! One of the links under this is:

    Do you have a question for Sarah Palin?


  19. Anonymous10:52 AM

    8:42 AM... I love that movie. Elmer Gantry suits the Palin vibe. I hope someone is doing a screenplay for an Aimee Sarah castle on the lake horror flick of a confused "saint" that thinks she is an actress ready for her last close up.

  20. Anonymous11:03 AM

    @ 9:26 AM

    They are bumbling, insignificant ciphers. The puppetmasters that give them ink and spotlights that are in positions to create trouble.
    Shocking Allegations Made By Fired Employee

  21. I feel compelled to spell it out for you. How many African Americans actually voted for the first AA President simply because he was the first? How many were young voters? What percentage of eligible young voters actually vote in most elections? How many of them will choose to sleep through a rerun of Obama's second campaign? How many people are mad at President Obama because of his bank bailouts? How organized are the Christian Mafia and their voting cult of older white people? With the exception of only a few hours each week, who totally controls all the television news? What could Hitler have done with CNN and Fox at his disposal?

  22. Here's a good article:

    Scozzafava: Does Palin Even Know Who She's Endorsing?


  23. just want to send a quick thank you to "Gasman" and his comment... i needed to hear that, and you presented it very nicely. fantastic comment!!!

  24. Hannah11:56 AM

    I think it's important to take them seriously but I think some of this is over the top. The truth is they are a minority! So yes write about them, keep people aware, but too much alarmism makes us look as fringe as them.

    Also this is another reason to support education. Most people who are education. It's really important.

    I just don't think we need to sound crazy, comparing them to Nazis is as bad as them calling the Obama administration Nazis. People get afraid and they look for who to blame.

    I still like President Obama but I think he needs to stop being such a nice guy. Screw bipartisanship and ignore these nuts. I think he should have gone for single payer national health care from day 1, he should get OUT of Iraq and Afghanistan, give gays equal rights in the army and at home! These were his promises. Most Democrats will still support him but he has lost the independents.

    I am not worried about Sarah. She's too nuts and her supporters are still small. Just keep doing what you are doing Gryphen and others.

    And what's with all the nasty trolls. You guys are losers as apparently you are trying to protect Saint Sarah. Anyone who believes in her is either stupid or blind. Go do something positive. God I feel sorry for you. Your person life must suck if you get a thrill out of being an ass on blogs where people have different political beliefs.

  25. Gasman12:10 PM

    At best, the FauxNews crowd is no more than about 15% of our population. I think that we have always had about 15-20% of our population that were uninformed and easily led. I also think that the webs, internets, and cables tend to amplify the teabaggers out of all proportion to their true representation. FauxNews hypes them into a frenzy and then covers their mob antics as news.

    The teabaggers themselves are unable to maintain their level of mob activity of their high water mark during the August town hall meetings. Look at Bachmann's recent MENSA-fest for the teabaggers. It drew less than 5,000 (or a more than a million if you believe G. Gordon Liddy). The newest Freedom Works teabagger rallies are drawing in DOZENS in their stops around the country. I think that Bachmann, Dick Armey (and his army of Dick), et al., are finding that it is very difficult to keep up a full head of steam on the Crazy Train for more than a few weeks.

    The number of people self identifying as Republicans is poised to drop below 20% any day now. That is no longer a major party. The GOP very well may splinter or simply dissolve. They are increasingly becoming the angry old Southern white guy party. They are not the juggernaut of the Reagan years.

    The teabaggers are extremely stupid and hard to direct. Trying to harness their paranoia and their anger is like shoveling fleas. They simply don’t want to be told what to do by anyone of any party. Not a reliable base for any political party or any politician. If the GOP, or Palin, or any nascent conservative party sees these folks as their foot soldiers, I say, “Good luck with that.”

    These folks bear watching, but don’t get too anxious about them just yet. These folks are the Keystone Kops of politics.

  26. Snowing in Alaska12:39 PM

    Did I hit DoomsdayCentral.com by accident? My goodness there is a lot of freaking out here and not much looking back at history and or analzying political trends.

    Gasman @ 9:47 - good points. Keep up the good work everyone and be resilent, smart and tough. Chicken Little went down in history for jumping to conclusions way too fast. He should have done more homework.

    To the whack job righties, the end very much justifies their means so stop being surprised that they are are not playing by rules or ethics. They are zealots, and the more people that learn about them, the more they turn everyday America off.

  27. Anonymous12:56 PM

    I am not well schooled about how the Nazi's took over Germany, so maybe I'm being paranoid. Recently, I have heard some things that make me see comparisons between what's going on in the U.S. now and what went on in Germany before WWII. I'm starting to hear some rumblings about how Muslims should not be in the military. How they shouldn't hold positions of importance in the government. How Homeland Security should be keeping track of Muslims in the US. This sounds a little too much like what the German's started doing to the Jews. After reading "Republican Gomorah", and the op-ed by Krugman, I will admit, this scares the bejeezus out of me.

  28. Anonymous1:05 PM

    America already has a very long road to recovery after 8 years of Bush & Co. Think about how long you'll need to recover (if it's even possible) if the crazies take power after Obama. Your country isn't even a real democracy anymore - big business runs the show because they own your politicians. After watching the whole healthcare debate and all the loonies who are slowly bringing what's left of the Republican Party over to their side because that's the only way those spineless professional politicians can get re-elected, I don't have a good vibe for what's going to happen next election cycle down there. Why isn't there a strong movement on the other side? I'm a Canadian and I can't believe what's going on in your country. Good luck, liberals - you are going to need it.

  29. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Third, the military is not going to side with the teabaggers.
    Maybe not but they are awfully in bed with the right wing Christiansists.
    Read this site and be very afraid.
    The very fact that this site even has to exist should scare the freaking pants off of you.

  30. WTF? http://community.adn.com/adn/node/145390

  31. Anonymous1:33 PM

    The bloggers and EVERYONE ELSE need to QUIT giving the crazy AK queen airtime...

    just STFU...

    if NO-ONE talks about her... she is insignificant...

    take your own advie Grypg... and look to Andrew Sullivan...

  32. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Hindsight I realize, but I wish Obama had worked on jobs, jobs jobs & ending the war before taking on health insurance. During the election there were many unemployed & soon to be unemployed out voting & unfortuantely their situations are no better than they were. Would they vote again in 2012, who knows. It has been suggested the wingnuts aren't big voters or weren't in the last election, but I bet they will be in the next. Saw on TV that Facebook has an account for whoever is Joe Lieberman's opponent in 2010. Just today they have raised over $150,000. Anyone who wants to contribute can.

  33. Aussie Blue Sky2:39 PM

    John Maynard Keynes was spot-on when he declared at the negotiations for the Treaty of Versailles that the Treaty would guarantee another war with Germany because no people could withstand the punishing aims of the Treaty - and that was waaaay before anyone ever heard of Adolf Hitler.

    Think how you would feel with inflation at 845,000,000,000%. Think how vulnerable you would be with half the country out of work. With no export market. What would be the things affecting *your* vote?

    Racism and finger-pointing have long been characteristic of US politics; these are not the things that bring first-world countries to their knees. Read these 5 paragraphs before you get your panties in a bunch about Nazis.


    'The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich' (a good read) is available free as a PDF here

    'The Economic Consequences of the Peace' by John Maynard Keynes (not just for geeks) is available free as a PDF here

  34. Gryphen, a head's up. Just saw a story in ADN that the co-authors of Frank Bailey's book have pulled out. Can you find out more?

  35. I don't like the sound of it ... it scares me that the real, true story will never be told.

  36. Hello all, It occurred to me today that we have lesser power when we post anonymously. I suggest that you post a name even though it may be a nom de plume. At least that way people can follow your thought.

    Are we such cowards that we need to hide behind the word anonymous?

    Well, here goes, I post as Livvy and as Margot ( no reason - I just got my accounts mixed up). I am Margot Woodrough and I live in St. Petersburg Florida. I am not afraid to tell the world who I am and what I know to be the truth. Maybe it's because I'm married to a pretty savy attorney or maybe it's because I know I'm right.

    Sarah Palin bring it on.
    I'm not afraid.
    I call on all of my anonymous friends to do the same. We must stop cowering behind the bushes orf anonnimity.

  37. Anon @ 9:47 AM found this quote “Evangelical Christians and Christian fundamentalism has got a huge leg-hold in the Democratic Party, and only now is America just starting to notice it.” and commented, "These people are taking over BOTH parties!"

    Yeah, they're called "stealth candidates". I'm convinced most if not all the Blue Dog Democrats are stealth candidates, or DINOs.

    Read this blog entry by Leah Burton over at her blog "God's Own Party" for further enlightenment... :)

  38. Tell 'em, Margot! I have obviously felt that way about anonymous posting for some time now!

  39. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Gryphen, I think we all have to now face unpleasant facts. I know for myself that even 6 months ago I was 'laughing off' the wing-nut right.

    Their politics, such as they are, are no longer funny.

    But we can appreciate, and use, humour in the effort to puncture the self-rightous indignation and outrageous fear-mongering of the fundo Christofacists.

    Truly, fear and love are as oil and water. If we can engage true humour, laughing in the face of pomposity and fear-mongering, we can create an alternative community of love and mutual support.

    (Yah. Old hippy...Woodstock proved something about how 500,000 can endure deprivation together, in a common spirit. Was there.)


  40. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Thank you Gasman @ 9:52. Well done!

    As I read down through these posts, I saw the following:

    ...scare the britches off of me...I'm more scared...that place of fear in myself...we are on a very dangerous slippery slide..It will be too late...once you start an avalanche...yes these people scare the s*** out of me...I'm afraid...

    But, also included in these posts--referring to those on the other side of the fence: ...their hysteria, fear, paranoia..so frighteng to these people...ignore these nuts...and ...they have nothing to fear.

    Posted above: scare the britches off of me...and...I'm more scared.. was posted by the same person who later admonished Anonymous commenters for being such cowards that they refuse to post with their name or a non de plume, and suggested that thoughts could be more consistently followed as a result.

    First of all, I commend Gryphen for all the courage and hard work he puts in to this blog. He's not perfect (sorry Gryphen) but at least he has the nerve to step up to the plate.

    I guess that it's just, from my point of view, this blog is a place for a meeting of minds, access to information and rational opinions and observations. I don't quite understand how one gains power by using names and/or nom de plumes. They are by-in-large meaningless--it is the content of each and every comment that must stand on its own and on its relative merit--no matter who the contributor is.

    Maybe I just think that quiet courage and subtle sign posts pointing to truth can sometimes be just as, and sometimes more, valuable to the discourse than fear voiced loudly by someone who might call him or herself, oh say, "Purple Polkadot People Bikini Eater," or something just as fun and silly.

    As to my identity? Gryphen may know, or may have figured it out...but it really doesn't matter, because I'm just one more mind and set of fingers trying to expose little Miss Wasilla and her powerful pals.


  41. Gasman9:11 PM

    Anon @ 12:56,
    I am a history geek and when you say “have heard some things that make me see comparisons between what's going on in the U.S. now and what went on in Germany before WWII” I say you are being paranoid because there is no comparison to the two situations. Not even close.

    The Weimar Republic was plagued by several attempted coups (the Kapp Putsch, the Beer Hall Putsch, and several attempted communist takeovers of several towns), assassinations, hyperinflation, general strikes, and a general discontent from the populace. The hyperinflation was so bad in Weimar Germany that when the new Rentenmark replaced the Papiermark as the anchor for Weimar currency, it was valued at 1,000,000,000,000 times the old currency. Weimar Germany saw open combat in the streets between rival militias. Imagine the Great Depression times 100 and throw in a boatload of anarchy to boot.

    You don’t have any of those things here. The extreme discontent here is confined to the idiot teabaggers. Most moderates and liberals feel pretty good about our country again. I know I do. I may kvetch that President Obama isn't liberal enough, but I am ecstatic to have somebody decent and honest replace the idiot cowboy that preceded him. No more torture. No more international bullying. No more administration we need to fear. No worries mate.

    If someone is telling you “how Muslims should not be in the military,” you should tell them they are bigoted assholes. Any attempt to label all adherents of ANY faith as bearing collective suspicion or guilt is simply bigotry. You address bigotry with scorn and outrage. Do not accept it. Challenge it as being narrow minded and anti-American.

    Fear is not productive. Fear - and a healthy dose of ignorance - is what motivates the teabaggers. Look how productive it is for them. Fear is not what we need more of right now. What we need is a sober look at what is REALLY going on in this country.

    We are picking up the pieces and cleaning up the messes left by eight years of George Bush and Dick Cheney. Most people have long since come to the realization that the present day GOP is simply not to be trusted. We are marginalizing the right wing and they don’t like it. In their moribund state, they are lashing out as fiercely as they can. They know their power is ebbing and they are pissed.

    We have a great opportunity to replace the GOP with something that is more representative of the ENTIRE nation, not just a small region. A real national party that can act as a LOYAL opposition party to the Democrats. I have voted probably 95% Democratic my entire life, but single party rule is not good for anybody. I want a strong second party to keep the Democrats honest.

    Don’t be afraid, be informed, be vigilant, be outspoken, and be active. Then you won’t need to be afraid.

  42. Mr. Krugman wrote: "with the rise of Ronald Reagan, Republican politicians began to win elections in part by catering to the passions of the angry right. Until recently, however, that catering mostly took the form of empty symbolism...But something snapped last year."

    What snapped last year was the minds of the fringe right when a man with an African-American face won the Presidency.

  43. Anonymous1:11 AM

    "Third, the military is not going to side with the teabaggers. "

    I wouldn't be so sure about that. When I left the military community there had been a noticeable shift toward hyper-conservative Christianity in the last 5-6 years we were in. More and more toward the end, when we would go to someone's home for a social occasion there were shelves full of Dobson books, Bibles in the middle of the coffee table, and open talk about evangelical Christianity. There were also plenty of religious nuts from the south in military ranks, and they have been there since my dad was serving in the 1950s.

  44. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Gasman, thank you for the response. Sometimes I need a voice of sanity and intellect to calm me down :)
    Anon @ 12:56 aka Pecan Farmer


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