Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Both Keith and Rachel discuss the formation of the "Tea Party"....uh...party? You know, the "Teabagger" Party!

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Haley Barbour "People don't dislike the President because of the color of his skin. They dislike him in spite of that." Nice try Spanky.

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Even though I have a huge crush on Ana Marie Cox I have to disagree with her about the decision to stop using the term "teabagger" and instead adopt the "tea party" label.

Sorry, but I am NEVER going to leave such a delicious pun as "teabaggers" behind. Remember, when this whole thing started, it was the "teabaggers" themselves who chose embraced the name until we all started making fun of them. Only then did they actually realize that they were a national joke. But as far as I can tell, essentially the joke continues to this day.


  1. I thought they wanted to be called Guy Fawkers now. Or have they moved on to embrace the policies of the former vice-president and the Earl of Sandwich and want to be called Dick/Sandwichers?

  2. Slightly off topic, but I'd tuned in to TRMS in its later edition last night; after that a repeat of Hardball is on.

    I happened to realize during one of Chris Matthews' monologues about his own point of view -- which he couches in the form of a windy question of his guest of the moment -- that both Chris Matthews and Sarah Palin talking at the same time would be almost unbearable.

    I think the only thing that could be worse would be Chris Matthews, Sarah Palin, and Pat Buchanan talking at the same time.

  3. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Wirse still a round table discussion with the first three you mentioned plus Michelle Bachmann.

  4. Anonymous10:24 AM

    They chose the name, just like Republicans brag about being the Taliban.
    So for me Teabaggers, and RepoTaliban it is.

  5. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Teabaggin Christian Taliban Neocons.


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