It's no secret that former GOP vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin and Fox News host Glenn Beck share great respect and admiration -- so their fans can be forgiven for wondering: Is a "dream ticket" of Palin-Beck ticket is completely out of the question?
Perhaps not.
Palin initially chuckled when Newsmax broached the idea. But then she had some serious words of praise for the popular Fox personality.
"I can envision a couple of different combinations, if ever I were to be in a position to really even seriously consider running for anything in the future, and I'm not there yet," Palin tells Newsmax. "But Glenn Beck I have great respect for. He's a hoot. He gets his message across in such a clever way. And he's so bold – I have to respect that. He calls it like he sees it, and he's very, very, very effective."
Sometimes you just have to let the insanity soak in without comment.
Which is good, because I have just been rendered speechless.
I know this is off topic, but I listened to Talk of the Nation on NPR today and they had on the co-writer of George Carlin's memoir "Last Words" and he stated that George spent 10 YEARS crafting the story of his life (not 4 months, not 10 months, but 10 years!) George was only America's foremost comedian, not a politician and it took him 30 times longer than Palin to craft his life story? What does that have to say about the lack of meaningful content in Sarah's life? Sarah has been able to put pen to paper and tell her story in 4 months. She'd better get busy crafting the next chapter in her life....
ReplyDeleteGeorge also wanted to call it a "sortabiography" instead of the usual "autobiography")
I loved Carlin and saw him in concert many times and wish he would have remained with us long enough to see Palin and Beck and the antics that they put forth.
You can find a better picture of Beck, Gryphen.
ReplyDeleteThere's a bunch out there of him bawling like a baby!
Aligning big time with Beck and the teabaggers - do you realize what a small percentage of the population this is? Fringe LOONS! Yes, they are LOUD and most certainly dangerous - but small.
ReplyDeleteSmall-minded, bigoted, uneducated crazy people.
Beck and Palin, what a hoot! Both are paranoid and delusional - they belong in mental hospitals.
The Murdork Twins
ReplyDeleteOff topic as well, but please find and post Conan O'Brien's clip of SP on Oprah (from the opening of his 11/17 show). Really, really funny stuff!
ReplyDeleteSo now Palin is going around whining about the Newsweek cover being “sexist.” But, her posing for the conservative, pin-up photo in the first place isn’t sexist?
ReplyDeleteDoest Palin know that Beck is a Mormon, though? It seems like for a Dominionist like Sarah, being buddies with a "cult" member (as evangelicals think of Mormons, though I don't) would be a major no-no. Perhaps she's too ignorant that she doesn't realize this, because I don't think Beck advertises that fact about his religion on his show for fear of losing loyal viewers.
ReplyDeleteIts amazing to me how much these people hate anyone who doesn't share their preference for ignorance, creationism, anti-abortion, and apocalyptic fundamentalist Christianity.
I was shocked that Palin actually told Barbara Walters that she had turned down offers for a reality show and hosting a talk show. She actually said that she prefers to write rather than speak. Really? Why am I not buying that load of bullcrap?
Palin may have aspirations, but she has no drive. She is not crafting a national campaign like she needs to to run for a national office. She quit the governors job to make lots of money and do fluff interviews. She wants the crowds at rallys and book signings. She loves the limelight.
ReplyDeleteBut she's lazy. She wants adoring fans but does not want to work for it. I think we will continue to see her backing other candidates, but as for her own candidancy, she's not a player.
Carlins rant on Dan Quayle now seems more fitting for Sarah Palin. Too bad he isn't around because it would ne pure gold! My apologies for the language.
ReplyDeleteDid you ever notice that? How many really stupid people you run into during the day? Goddam there's a lot of stupid bastards walking around. Carry a little pad and pencil with you. You'll wind up with thirty or forty names by the end of the day. Look at it this way: Think of how stupid the average person is and then realize that half of them are stupider than that. And it doesn't take you very long to spot one of them does it? Take you about eight seconds. You'll be listening to some guy...you say..."this guy is fucking stupid!" Then...then there are some people, they're not stupid...they're full of shit. Huh? That doesn't take very long to spot either, does it? Take you about the same amount of time. You'll be listening to some guy..and saying, "well, he's fairly intelligent......ahht, he's full of shit!" Then there are some people, they're not stupid, they're not full of shit...they're fucking nuts! Dan Quayle is all three! All three! Stupid, full of shit, and fucking nuts!
She's revealing more & more of her naked ambition to be Prez with each new interview. Already thinking about different running mates? Speculators talking about a Palin/Bachmann or Palin/PreJean combination would be wrong. She'd NEVER choose a woman, let alone a better looking or younger one. Would have to be a subservient male. Toad?? Watch & wait.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Gryph. I appreciate you!
Gryphen and all, Please see today's St. Petersburg Times. Front page article on Palin that glosses over everything. Please read and act. I am.
ReplyDeleteHow would you like to listen to those two screaming idiots on the campaign trail?
ReplyDeleteI never saw Carlin in person, but I watched his stand up act on TV many times, beginning with my early favorite, The Hippy Dippy Weatherman. Another comic who would roll over in his grave if he could see Beck and Palin is Bill Hicks. Anyone who is not familiar with this gem from Houston/Austin should check out his CD's. The leading person who might object to this post, Gryphen, is Michele Bachmann. The Palin/Bachmann ticket might be even a little crazier.
ReplyDeleteGryphen.. feel sorry that you had to buy and read the book.
ReplyDeleteWhy did Alaska Report stop showing rumor of pregnant underage daughter (??) and Todd living in Palmer?
That would be "bold" in code-speak, right? (eye roll)
ReplyDeleteI'm calling this a ghostobiography. I love that she said (about her own book, like she had just read it for the first time) that it was "well written" and "articulate."
Thud. (my head hitting the desk)
... momentarily speechless,maybe... but never thoughtless... there is the difference!
ReplyDeleteYAY!!! That would be just the best thing.
ReplyDeleteBarak Obama has 2012 sewn up if the other choice is Palin/Beck!!
oh yes please god let this be her crack
Someone posted this info on the previous thread and I want to repeat it--I've been a bit freaked out since I watched Frank Schaeffer (sp?) on Rachel's show last night. If you go to msnbc, I'm sure the segment is there by now. It's a MUST watch, and extremely frightening--based on the Xtian Fundie's powerful hate for Obama, and trying to push their theocratic agenda. I trust that what this man is saying is 100% true, and Rachel looked truly shocked and dismayed. PLEASE pass this around, as (of course), I haven't seen it mentioned on HuffPo, or any other outlet I've searched this am. Perhaps Gryph could post the video also if it exists? We have to keep vigilant aginst this unreal garbage, and if anyone sees any of the mentioned bumperstickers on a car, it couldn't hurt to alert the authorities if at all possible. I KNOW I will! h/t to original poster--many thanks!!
ReplyDeleteThe above mentioned video IS on Rachel's website, under the latest postings, titled The Right's Reckless Rhetoric.
ReplyDeleteOh please, please let that be the ticket.....
ReplyDeleteWell she would need someone who would make her look more presidential...Beck's about the only person who could pull that off...
ReplyDeleteYou may be speechless, but are you surprised that Sarah's insanity melds into Becks's and vis versa?
ReplyDeleteIt would almost be worth it to see the international reaction. But if they pulled a Dubhya 2000 and cheated their way in...
They both want apocalypse...
Your next to the last sentence is hilarious and spot on. I love to read your blog with my morning coffee. It always starts my day off with a guffaw.
ReplyDeleteSarah could start the BullCrap Party!
ReplyDeleteJust a word to the wise among us:
ReplyDeleteGlenn would have to arm wrestle Liz Cheney for the honor of running for office with little Miss Wassillier. Surely, no one seriously believes that when Liz Cheney made mention of a Cheney on the 2012 ticket, a few days ago, that she meant a rerun of Richard Cranium Cheney, do they? She has clearly been trying to position her next generation, neocon little self for months, now.
Since Sarah echoed Dick's "dithering" statement in her recent interview, it is obvious that she is a card carrying member of the neocon fan club--and William Kristol has obviously been drooling over her since he dined on halibut cheeks during the summer of 2007.
Let's see, we had eight years of hyper-religious, addle-brained GWB sitting in the oval office with Dick Cheney's hand up his... ahem ...back. Since that scenario fooled the foolish for all those years, doesn't it make sense that they would use the same play, or a variation thereof, again?
Picture, if you can stomach it, hyper-religious, addle-brained SLP sitting in the oval office with Liz Cheney's hand up her...ahem...back. That scenario would certainly dazzle the most foolish of the most foolish--and, from what I've seen this morning, many of these folks live in or near Grand Rapids.
My hope is that a whole bunch of them get a close-up look at her and whatever that is that is festering on her lip.
P.S. @5:54 of BW interview in previous post:
BW: Levi has said that you called Trig the retarded baby...
SP: (Turns her head away from BW, the questioner)...and that's not true (blink, blink, blink).
Gryphen, check out Andrew Sullivan's latest post.
ReplyDeleteHe is suspending posting until he gets to the bottom of Palin's lies (and I mean the big one).
The blinking is annoying as hell... If these two get together our ears will bleed....Someone throw water on her- maybe she'll melt