Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Not to be missed Sarah Palin segments on Countdown and The Rachel Maddow Show.

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Keith does a very good job of calling Sarah out on her lies as well. There seem to be enough lies to keep almost ALL of the MSM, cable news shows, and bloggers busy for days to come.

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Now Rachel presents Nicolle Wallace's rebuttal of the lies Sarah Palin told about her. This is VERY powerful and reveals just how petty and deceptive Palin is willing to be.

If you want to really understand how important it is to keep revealing the truth about Sarah Palin and to keep her from gaining any more influence, then watch this interview with Frank Schaeffer. It may at first seem not to relate to Palin and her supporters, but believe me it does.

Is the connection becoming clearer?


  1. Anonymous6:33 AM

    This lie seems too improbable even for Sarah (comment from palingates)

    Barbara asks "How did you feel about Bristol's boyfriend, Levi Johnston

    @ about 5:40 hyper Sarah streams "That was probably only the second time that we had seen Levi in our living room having a conversation with us like that."
    VIDEO: GMA ABC Nov 17 2009

    I thought the Johnston and Palin families were friends. Levi certainly appears in the "triggy bear" pics taken in the Palin kitchen. Levi was at the HOSPITAL in April when Trig was presented to the world. Does Sarah usually invite casual by-standers to her baby birthings?

    NO WAY, s'error.

  2. President Obama, I support you6:58 AM

    I agree with Frank Shaeffer. It's time for those who support Pres. Obama to speak UP and SUPPORT HIM (as opposed to liberal whining about what has not been accomplished in not even 10 full months in office).

  3. Laura7:01 AM

    The Frank Schaeffer video is incredibly frightening. I know so many people who are very apathetic and disappointed with the political process right now. We can't afford to be apathetic. We need to support our President.

  4. I am afraid of palin. Not as her supporters suggest, because she is right about politics, it is because she too, is supported by and can motivate the right wing crazies. They believe in her. It does not matter to them that she lies, that she is corrupt as her predecessors, that she quit to make money, that she is lazy and blames others.
    They will follow and defend her to the end because she is an evangelical. She has been prayed over and ACCEPTED that blessing to protect her from witches.
    They are using their religion as a cover.
    WE all need to start standing up against this.
    This is un American. They want a religious country so they can control the message and us.
    And I think those of us who do not buy into this message should be very afraid and do our best to stand up for ourselves and for our country.

  5. Anonymous7:23 AM and Cafe Press are selling the disgusting Pray of Obama merch. I just told them it calls for the murder of the President and they will be getting a lot more attention soon.

    EVeryone should write to their customer service people today like I did.

  6. Anonymous7:25 AM

    To be fair to the liar, the triggy bear photos were not taken in a living room, it looked like a side room, office maybe?

    lyin witch

  7. Schaeffer's story is terrifying. It is no joke: they are openly calling for the assassination of the President.

  8. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Please take a moment to check out clips from David Letterman's Late Show last night. He put together a hilarious piece that is a summary of Sarah's interview. It goes something like, "Levi Levi Levi, ya betcha ya betcha ya betcha, Todd, Todd, Todd and God." It's actually funnier than that.

  9. Anonymous7:55 AM

    So, when $arah says

    "That was probably only the second time that we had seen Levi in our living room having a conversation with us like that", perhaps she was implying that the FIRST time was when news was delivered about the TriG pregnancy.

  10. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Anon @ 6:33

    That is most likely a true statement. But it lends itself more to the probability that it was out of character for the Palins to even gather in their living room for a family conversation, than to Levi's absence from any previous participation. Couldn't join in on group conversations that, otherwise, didn't take place, now could he?

  11. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Oh, Anon 7:55: GOOD ONE!! There are two stories of how the news was delivered, so to speak. Guess she keeps mixing them up, forgetting that she has to stick to the story about one of them and which story that is, the OH NO story or the giddy, waving the pee stick around story.

  12. Anonymous8:16 AM

    I agree. OK EVERYONE, work hard to make this Administration the BEST. That is the only way we can really discredit the Right-Wing Taliban. Quit being the silent majority. We don't have to rally, we just need to work on getting important legislation passed.

  13. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Oh. My. God. That pray for Obama slogan is scary as shit!

    I swear if I EVER ran into someone spouting that garbage (and after ascertaining that they actually know what it means), I'm afraid my normally non-violent personality would disappear and I would punch them in the nose.

    I know that's not taking the high road, but when someone speaks of wanting to assassinate MY president, all bets are off.

  14. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Everytime you feel like "slapping" Palin for her indecent remarks and divisiveness, pick up the phone and call your legislator, donate to an upward organization, or get your neighbors registered and interested in voting for smart people. Let's use our disdain in a positive way.

  15. Sarah H8:24 AM

    The Frank Schaeffer segment literally made me nauseous. I am a liberal, and also a church goer. It makes me crazy when people use the Bible as a hammer, and this goes far beyond that.

  16. Anonymous8:24 AM

    triggy bear pictures were taken in the Palin kitchen,
    something Audrey at PalinDeception has quite clearly shown.

  17. Anonymous8:27 AM

    I give Frank Schaeffer credit for calling this what it is - Christian Taliban Terrorism.

    Palin talks about "political correctness" in her interview with InsHannity. We must show the country and the world that the Christian Taliban is no less Terrorist.

  18. Anonymous8:29 AM

    I thought that people figured out that the Triggy Bear pictures came from the kitchen. Especially because some of the cabinets and woodwork remind people of a nearby sports complex.

    For a great review of "Goin Rogue" check out Thomas Frank's article in today's Wall Street Journal,

  19. Anonymous8:45 AM

    I just sent emails to cafe press and telling them how disgusting it was that they were trying to make money off of merchandise that calls for the assasination of our president. I said that I'd never buy anything from sites that would promote such hate, and that I'd be spreading the word to everyone I know. I hope they get a flood of emails from those who are against this.

  20. I agree with those who are saying now is the time to stand up and support President Obama. Those who voted for him and have Obama T-shirts, get them out and start wearing them again. Lots of these crazies who support Palin really do believe that "most people" don't like the President and that they, the anti-Obama crazies, are really in the majority.

    For that reason, I think just showing that yes, we of the actual TRUE majority are still out here, is a good thing. Let them know that we're here, we support the President, which will help to send the message that if the crazies think they can just take over without any resistance, they better think again.

    As far as these nasty bumper stickers and other over-the-top hateful expressions of "free speech", complain to the stores that sell these items. Speak up if you hear people spewing this nonsense and let them know you don't appreciate it. Don't let silence be assent.

  21. At yet all the idiots lining up in the malls for her book tour are gushing about how "honest" she is. I guess maybe God gave her that Teflon coating?

  22. Earmark Ulu Palin9:10 AM

    OK...although I'm not a symbologist, I have read the DaVinci code and suffered through the movie. I think that I may have cracked the code to Sarah's book.

    Hypothesis: It's a commonly held assumption that she wants to get the "f" out of Alaska.

    So, if you also remove the "f" from her book's title, you get "Going Rogue: An American Lie".

    It all makes sense now...

  23. SoCalWolfGal9:22 AM

    I saw Schaeffer last night on Rachel. He is right, we need to stand behind President Obama, not whine because we can't have everything we want. And yes, Democrats and Independents, he was talking to you. Our president's life is in danger. Anyone that doesn't see that is living in fantasy land. This entire situation is frightening beyond anything I have seen.

  24. Anonymous9:26 AM

    anon 7:25 AM

    The "Triggy Bear" of Sarah with Sadie, and Levi with baby was prior to May 2008 according to the time it was posted. That is the tiny baby, unlike the presented baby of April 2008 @ hospital with Heaths.

    The Palins also had Keith Johnston over with the Tripp2 baby. After Keith spoke up in support of both Sarah and Levi over the No Slope job, Keith went silent. His connections with the hockey rink and hockey for kids for years have been scrubbed. Why? That is how the Palins and Johnstons became friends I thought. Yes, there is the Track and Johnstons hockey years. Strange Levi is suddenly almost a stranger.

    The comment Sarah made about Levi was totally wacked and no one seems to pick up on it much.

    I may be wrong but it looks like the "living room" and the "kitchen" are open. One could say they are separate or one could include them together without delineating. I don't know how Sarah refers to the space. Everything else she says is confusing.

    It does seem she said it is the second time they had a conversation with Levi like that. Like about a Bristol pregnancy.

  25. Anonymous9:27 AM

    I have to say that, if Sarah hated Nicole Wallace from the beginning,it was because Nicole is an attractive woman. That's the same reason she's so angry at Katie Couric.

  26. Palin has always used her sexuality to advance herself. The Abu Gharib fall "guy", former US Army Brigadier General Janis L. Karpinski sums up Sarah Palin succinctly:
    There is something almost sinister in Palin's attempts to seduce the voting public. She has a "come hither" look all of the time, and dares anyone, men or women, but especially men, to approach her or challenge her....

    She uses her sexuality, and men's vulnerability, to intimidate them and expose their weaknesses...

    She encourages men and women to be drawn first to the sexuality and beauty of a woman before making a decision about her credibility, intelligence and leadership.

  27. Gryphen thank you for posting those video clips. I don't own a TV, so these programs aren't easily available to me. grammy

  28. Anonymous10:14 AM

    What Schaeffer is saying is urgent. The creepy products are protected by free speech and religion. But it must be yelled out loud what they are masking by using religion in this way. This is not the only way they are calling for an over throw and another assassination. When loons are riled they often miss targets and kill a few more innocent by standers.

    Contact the merchandisers and anyone that promotes that. Contact those that monitor hate and Homeland Security et al.

    Why is Keith Johnston getting scrubbed now? He was pro-Palins. It is alarming he does not stand up for his son now. Why did he stop? Does anyone know about this bully from the Valley? Why do they remove comments about this? Why can't anyone talk?

    Were Keith and Brad a few of the friends that helped Todd on week ends to build the first Lake Lucille house? Both are in the old hockey clique and there has been a great effort to scrub them. It is what Sarah tries to hide that needs to come to light. Toxic secrets are what we need to get to.
    Sarah Palin: "That was probably only the second time that we had seen Levi in our living room having a conversation with us like that."
    Please, Wasilla and Palmer, be brave and help your native son with the truth. We all know Levi was not a casual visitor.

  29. Anonymous10:31 AM

    The best thing we can do for our country and our president is to keep an eye on him, and hold him accountable to his campaign promimises. If we just get behind the guy, and blindly follow him, we may as well just join the Reich-publican Party.

    Obama will be an OK president all by himself, but if we make him, he'll be a better president.


    a liberal whiner

  30. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Andrew Sullivan is taking the day off to go through Going Rouge. He feels it is his civic duty.

    Well every bit of brain power is needed to deconstruct and find out what this woman has lied about and stuff it down her throat.

    McCain is a jerk, so is Murdock. McCain diminished by Palin, Murdock powerful, but total irresponsible jerks nonetheless.

    To have published this pack of lies is unforgivable and should be a day of shame in the world of publishing.

  31. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Has anybody else noticed that Sarah Palin fits the religious rights definition of the anti-Christ much more closely than Obama, or anybody else does at the moment.

    And shouldn't the religious center of this country use that and other points to begin to push back against the RepoTaliban.
    I started using that term as soon as, I think it was, Sessions, used it because I knew he was just parroting what his leadership was saying.
    The Republicans are the bin Ladins of American and the religious right are their terrorists.

  32. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Sarah Palin: "That was probably only the second time that we had seen Levi in our living room having a conversation with us like that."

    Take her by her word - she actually is honest in this clip! It WAS only the second time they saw him having a conversation like that - THE FIRST TIME was before T1 was born...

  33. Anonymous11:27 AM

    @liberal whiner - Obama needs us to roll up our sleeves, not "hold him accountable." Geez. I'm with Armchair Jane. I'm going to start wearing my Obama shirt again.

  34. The Frank Schaeffer interview should be required listening for everyone.

    How can the emotional ties to SP be broken? That's something we desperately need to figure out.

  35. Anon @ 11:27--Yes! We are fools if we think that the change we want can be brought about without the work of The People. JFK's statement "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country" is as relevant today as ever. WE are the ones who can bring about change.

    I say we dedicate our energy to helping make that change on the local level and by letting our elected officials know that we are paying attention.

  36. I'm not sure if anyone else has received a reply from CafePress, but I wanted to share mine.

    From Margene H. a Content Usage Associate:

    "Thank you for contacting!

    As you may know, provides an automated service to a rich and vibrant community of individuals across the globe who differ in their views about what is considered offensive. All product images and ideas used in connection with the Service have been provided to by users and do not reflect the opinions of While we don?t endorse any particular position, we respect the right of individuals to express their own opinions. Thank you for bringing this content to our attention."

    My reply to her stated that this is not a matter of freedom of expression. These are dangerous and illegal threats against our president thinly veiled by religion. I think it is unfortunate that their company doesn't take this more seriously. There is a store called CrusaderPatriot that uses CafePress to sell their merchandise, including the "Pray for Obama" gear.

    Maybe enough public pressure will change their minds.

  37. Anonymous4:46 PM

    I also emailed cafepress and I received an email saying that the items were being removed from their site and an apology for them being there. I went back to check and the bumper stickers were not there. It said, Item Unavailable in it's place. Hopefully, some of our emails brought at least a little pressure.

  38. MacAndCheeseWhiz10:12 PM

    Frank's video was absolutely disturbing. And I agree with the people who say we need to support our President in every way we can. Write letters, make calls, organize for America- a few dollars DOES add up.
    And McCain owes the World an apology for opening this pandorra's box in the first place.

    Thanks, Gryphen and the Alaska Blogs for all you've done!

  39. FYI about Bristol's pregnancy and who knew. I was visited by Heather Bruce (Sarah's older sisiter) 1 week before McCain came a knockin. After accuseing me of destroying their family with my lies and hate, Heather lied and denied that Bristol was pregnant. I saw her pregnant, so I knew the truth. They really thought they could decieve the whole country. That is a family of liars and pathetic souls.

  40. Anonymous11:10 AM

    I sent an email to CafePress yesterday saying how disgusting it was that they were selling hate-mongering, violent Psalm 109 crap. Their response is included below. Gross how some people can justify making a buck. I quickly replied to them my displeasure.

    I hope everyone here and elsewhere floods their inbox with protests.

    Their message:

    Thank you for contacting!

    Cafepress looks at content on a case by case basis, and makes decisions about what content is permissible based on our content usage policy.

    Anti-presidential gear has been a mainstay at Cafepress since we were founded in 1999 and has become a key component of political discourse. Our site has become a cultural barometer of public opinion and as such designs often come into question. In managing our content we are trying to protect self expression, while making sure we are not advocating violence.

    We initially pulled the Psalm 109:8 content from our products today because broader media dialog indicated that these designs potentially suggested violence towards the president. Based on current public discourse and further review of the actual content, we have determined that it is fair political commentary and we are in the process of reinstating this merchandise. As with all of our content, these designs will continue to be reviewed and if at any time their meaning is construed as advocating violence we will revisit our decision.

  41. Anonymous5:33 AM

    how about using the Pslm 108 against these people? As they pray for the destruction of Obama,we shou;d pray that their own words be turned on them.

  42. Anonymous3:32 AM

    Gryphen, all this stuff you are blogging abt SP is mind blogging!!!! She is such a media whore almost with the same intensity as Carrie Prejean! Unbelieveable!

  43. Anonymous3:35 AM

    Someone please get Bishop Thomas Murthee to exorcise the "lying spirit" out of SP!


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