Hatch asserted that the health bills, which he believes represent a "step-by-step approach to socialized medicine," will lead to Americans' dependence on Democrats for their health and other issues.
"And if they get there, of course, you're going to have a very rough time having a two-party system in this country, because almost everybody's going to say, 'All we ever were, all we ever are, all we ever hope to be depends on the Democratic Party,' " Hatch said during an interview with the conservative CNSNews.com.
"That's their goal," Hatch added. "That's what keeps Democrats in power."
So the reason behind the GOP's demonization of health care reform is the fear that it will be so successful that the American people will be forever grateful to the Democrats and the Republicans will find themselves completely marginalized.
In other words their opposition is not to protect the American people, it is to protect their own political future. How much more do the people of this country need to know about this party before they turn their back on them forever?
ReplyDeleteI know this is something that should not bother me so much, but:
there.....is a place ex. There she is!!
their.....is possesive ex. Their opposition is not to protect the American people.
they're...means "they are" ex. They're stupid.
But yes, I agree with your assessment of Mr. Hatch's statement, that if the Democrats pass the health care bill, things will be better for the American people, and the Republicans will be left in the dust (where they belong for having ruined this country!)
ReplyDeleteTRUTH always has a way of seeping into the light...
ReplyDeleteOnce again I'm speechless. I don't know when I will stop believing that citizens, regardless of party, will act in a way that benefits all of us. But I'm very close.
ReplyDeleteNo surprise in what Hatch said. We've known that all along. The surprise is that he said it in the first place.
ReplyDeleteHopeless. The Republicans are hopeless.
ReplyDeleteI AM speechless.
ReplyDelete"That's their goal," Hatch added. "That's what keeps Democrats in power."
ReplyDeleteWhat's this "Keeps," nonsense.
Hatch must have a big time memory loss.
I said I was speechless ... and I am, however, Gryphen, ever since Sunday I have wanted to share a quote with you; this may be the perfect post to give this to you. (From my husband's Sunday School class which is based on the poetry and teachings of Rumi, as translated by Coleman Barks): "Envy connects deeply with the old ambition of fallen angels, who DO exist, and they have human helpers who try to destroy anyone who has loved and received wisdom from a teacher."
ReplyDelete"If I only had a brain...", The Scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz. It appears there are a helluva lot more scarecrows in the party of Rethugican_and yes, Dorothy, these scarecrows really are scary.
Hatch laid it on the line - we sure don't have to wonder what their agenda is, that's for sure.
ReplyDelete(((Gryphen))) Thanks for your blog and its range of topics. I come here first thing in the morning, then go my merry way into the day.
Palin will be held accountable for her numerous and fraudulent actions and, I dare say, it won't be a pretty picture.
The one-dimensional dunderhead, Palin, brings out the worst in the best of us and the "best" (ignorant, racist, brain-deficient, irrational, educationally and emotionally bereft of any decency...all that and more) in the worst.
%:> Lanid
I guess it is confirmed. Everyone in the GOP gets up every morning and takes a stupid pill. There is just no other explanation.
ReplyDeleteWhat a bunch of unmidigated bullsh!t! No wonder this Party is being taken over by crazies, like the queen!!!!
ReplyDeleteJust another form of fear mongering.
ReplyDeleteParty First NOT Country.
Thank you, Senator Hatch, for your sincere honesty and candor.
ReplyDeleteIs it possible??? Did I actually incur my first rebuff? I actually re-posted what I thought would have appreared here on another site (planetpov.com), never thinking for am moment, that it would be rejected here, but alas, that seems to be the case. I'm flumoxed.
ReplyDeleteI'll try again. If it does not show up, you'll know. I really have no idea why it would have been rejected. It's just a comment,along with the article.
This may be a little off topic, but I have found myself immersed in the happenings in the NY 23rd district,and would like to see what others think. Obviously this would be impossible on the Huff.
ReplyDeleteI also posted this particular piece on the “Immoral Minority”,a site I’ve come to enjoy, so I hope you will allow me that duplicity.
Here goes;
There is very good article on the “Daily Beast” by Republican radio host, John Batchelor (link below). He talks, for the most part, about the problems with the race in NY 23, and the myriad of problems related to the strident take over of the Rethuglican Party, by most specifically, the “Club for Growth” and their insertion, with gobs of money and a Trojan Horse (Hoffman), into the politics of a less than ideological district. Yes, the 23rd is staunchly Rethuglican, but No, they are not ideological purists. Hoffman is not from there, knows nothing of the districts needs, yet he has been foisted on the electorate, and with the help of interlopers like Palin, Pawlenty, and Fred Thompson the district’s fate will, if Hoffman does in fact win, be used as a template of Congressional battles yet to be waged.
It is a very enlightening article, but fails in one major respect. Batchelor does a good job pointing up the problems being created for reasonable Republicans. What he doesn’t do is come up with any solutions to, or a game plan for, the abandonment of the the “Club for Growth’s” (link below) self-serving prescriptions.
Regardless, it is still a good article, and hopefully it might provide reasonable Republicans the opportunity to see that their are some right thinkers out there, within their Party, that they may wish to align themselves with, should they not wish to take the path of the Dodo bird.
Thank You, "IM". My faith is restored.
ReplyDeleteWhen you listen in sequence to the statements of Hatch, “Bonehead” Boehner, Grassley, McConnell, and the rest of the GOP asshat chorus, their imbecilic buffoonery rings loud and clear. They are nothing more than fear mongering liars whose only goal is to defeat President Obama and the Democratic Party. The don’t give a damn if they destroy our economy in the process, so long as their corporate paymasters in the insurance and pharmaceutical industries are not inconvenienced by any of this.
ReplyDeleteThey have had zero suggestions on how to fix the problem. Hell, they have denied that there even IS a problem. They are all insurance/pharma whores whose pimps in those industries keep them well lubed with corporate lobby money.
“Ya’ dance with them what brung ya’” was a phrase I became familiar with in Texas. It is clear who brung Hatch and the rest of the GOP to the dance.