However they DID discover Sarah Palin's total disregard for the truth.
Just minutes before the candidates shook hands on stage in St. Louis, Palin collected her thoughts in a room as she was joined by three top McCain advisers and her longtime Alaska aide Kris Perry. "Be still in the presence of the Lord!" Perry called out, as Palin bowed her head and prayed.
Palin would give her own version of this event several months later in a speech at a Republican Party dinner in Alaska. "So, I'm looking around for somebody to pray with. I just need maybe a little help, maybe a little extra," she said. "And the McCain campaign, love 'em, you know-there are a lot of people around me, but nobody I could find that I wanted to hold hands with and pray."
The remark drew laughter at the dinner but consternation among some former campaign aides, especially the ones who recalled that she had, in fact, deemed them worthy enough companions with whom to pray. On the surface, Palin's remark seemed like a harmless, humorous aside. But to some of the staffers who had spent two months of their lives working around the clock to try to get her elected, it was hurtful. The comment marked a turning point for several campaign operatives who had defended her up to that point but began to wonder about her willingness to exploit their relationship for political gain. "I was initially upset. I think a lot of people were," said one former senior aide who still speaks frequently to other staffers who continued to support Palin through difficult times. "I think that somebody in the group spoke up and said, 'It's not directed at us.'" Still, the aide wondered how the comment could have been allowed to run wild in the news cycle without any clarification from Palin. "Why are people letting her go out and give speeches like this? And why are people not getting ahead of this when she says something like this?"
"Be still in the presence of the Lord!" Knowing Kris Perry's total idolatry of Sarah Palin I could not help wondering if she was talking about the "Lord" they were bowing their heads to, or the one about to mount the stage and debate Joe Biden.
Of course the thing that most Alaskans know about Sarah Palin is that she lies easily, and often. Here Andrew Sullivan lists twelve of the most famous ones. However I can think of at least that many more just off of the top of my head.
This book sounds like it might just make it to my Sarah Palin reading list. It sounds like they did some very thorough research. Yet it also seems that they missed the biggest scandal perpetrated by Sarah Palin on the American people. That makes me wonder just how many people on the campaign even knew?
(Click the title to read more of this excerpt.)
Update: Did you ever want to get a look at the speech Sarah Palin wanted to deliver before McCain's concession speech? Well the Daily Beast has both her concession speech and, if God had a sense of humor, her victory speech.
If they had bothered to vet her properly they would have known what she was like. I had more of an investigation to get a security clearance than she did to be VP! The people I was to work for asked my neighbors, friends, fellow workers, bosses, etc. all about me and my character. Luckily for me I don't lie so I got the clearance easily.
ReplyDeleteThose staffers have no one but themselves to blame for being used by Ms. Quitipants.
The thing is, she will lie about anything. Even stupid things like this. And it seems that the only point in this lie was to disparage the McCain campaign people as "not Christian enough" or just cold. By the way, I'm quite sure that everyone from the McCain campaign who was at the debate was PRAYING like they'd never prayed before. After all, their candidate is a total no-nothing. They had PLENTY to pray about.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, to me she is a borderline pathological liar. WHY does no one from the McCain campaign come out swinging at her? I know about the code of campaign workers, that they don't talk smack. Well, Palin isn't following it, folks (she's a maverick, after all) and she's not even telling the truth. Hey, what's the worst that can happen, you'll get a Facebook scolding? Oooooooh!
P & I have just ordered the book...if nothing else it should give us a few laughs.
ReplyDeleteI would hazzard a guess and say that very few people knew unless they were close to Dobson. But that's just my guess. BTW Dobson will retire in February. It would seem that now that the money is running out so is he......
"Be still in the presence of the Lord!" Knowing Kris Perry's total idolatry of Sarah Palin I could not help wondering if she was talking about the "Lord" they were bowing there head to, or the one about to mount the stage and debate Joe Biden.
ReplyDeleteerrr,,,,uhhhhmmmm........I hate to be the one to point this out to you, but that should be, "they were bowing THEIR head to, or the one about to mount the stage and debate Joe Biden.
Thanks Anonymous 6:16.
ReplyDeleteApparently I am having some difficulty with "there, their, and they're" today. Not my first mistake today.
Gryphen, if you're going to give a nod to Andrew Sullivan's listing the number of lies told by Sarah Palin, you ought to link to this updated list -- updated up to last July, anyway.
ReplyDeleteSince July, Palin's added to that list (death panels!), so I wouldn't be surprised if what you know are added, the list numbers 50 or more.
The GOP vetted Sonia S more than the queen quitter...!I shuddered when I read that acceptance speech of hers and then Thanked God that they lost! Yes there is a God.
ReplyDeleteNow whomever has whatever on her needs to gather the tribes and speak out and stop her...if one of those people wins the election today her and her minions will claim it was b/c of her the American Liar! Time to stop her and show America what she really is....a snake in the grass!
Sarah Palin: An American LIAR!!!
@Kathleen, Dobson bowing out? That's great news. Only....who is going to take over for him? I'm getting scared just speculating about that...
ReplyDeletebe still in the presence of the lord???
ReplyDeleteI am so fortunate that I do know know any people like this. this is lunacy. I might know some crazies, but they're not religious nuts, thank the forces.
evolution sure is slow. you'd like to think that after 2000 years we'd be beyond this stuff. I read that quote and I am transported back in time, when the earth was flat and was the center of the universe...
"I just don't want to go back to Alaska"
ReplyDeleteEvery blogger should report this story and have this quote as the headline!!!
that's how much she really loves you, Alaska!!!!
f-ing FRAUD!!!
I think you are right Gryphen, I may just have to add this book to my library. "The clash between the McCain and Palin camps became so heated , we reveal, that McCain's aides literally turned the lights out on Palin when she retook the stage later that night to take pictures with her family, fearing that she would give the concession speech after all". Senator John McCain, you are a disgrace to the U.S. Senate and the country in that you still defend this mentally unbalanced woman as being able to "fire up the base" and say that she has a place in the GOP. I hope the people of Arizona have the good sense to get you out of politics for good.
ReplyDeleteI can't imagine ANY politician being so uninformed as to believe that the candidate for VP gets to make a concession speech.
ReplyDeleteWhat a complete moron!
According to the book, a $90 pair of socks was purchased for Palin’s low-maintenance father, Chuck Heath.
A comment on The Mudflats from someone who has a manuscript of this book says the authors do their best to explain, defend, and excuse all of the quitter's bad behavior and ignorance.
ReplyDeleteNow, if they had testimonies from the aids SP told to charge purchases for her and her family on their personal credit cards, and then try to get reimbursed by the RNC, I would be more willing to look at or buy this book.
Yes, I am still wanting to know the complete story of her RNC wardrobe. Who on earth authorized the purchase of silk underwear for Todd? I KNOW they didn't get THAT purchased returned!
It sounds like this book attempts to defend SP's ignorance and greed, but you know, if she was the christian lady she pretends to be, there would be nothing to defend.