Monday, November 23, 2009

RNC decides to create "loyalty oath" so super-duper conservative, that even conservative icon Ronald Reagan would fail. Whoops!

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In case you missd them here are the ten "purity resolutions". (Is that anything like "purity balls"?)

(1) We support smaller government, smaller national debt, lower deficits and lower taxes by opposing bills like Obama’s “stimulus” bill; (Oh that's bright. Do they also support smaller forest fires, but demand less firefighters, a ban on water, and a rejection of any firefighting solution that has Obama's name on it?)

(2) We support market-based health care reform and oppose Obama-style government run health care; (You know when the market is setting the price, controlling the cost, reaping billions of dollars in benefits, and gouging the customers without consequence, where is their incentive to "reform"? Morons!)

(3) We support market-based energy reforms by opposing cap and trade legislation; (See snarky response above.)

(4) We support workers’ right to secret ballot by opposing card check; (This is actually called the Employee Free Choice Act and it is designed to give the workers added protection in helping them to form a union, something that pro-business conservatives simply cannot abide.)

(5) We support legal immigration and assimilation into American society by opposing amnesty for illegal immigrants; (Math 101: Less brown people means more Republican politicians. Get it?)

(6) We support victory in Iraq and Afghanistan by supporting military-recommended troop surges; (Which is completely impossible since we do not have anywhere near the number of troops it would take to ensure a military victory. Oh I forgot, that is logic and this group is allergic to logic.)

(7) We support containment of Iran and North Korea, particularly effective action to eliminate their nuclear weapons threat; (By "containment" I think they mean to cut off all diplomatic efforts to negotiate, and to ignore them until they have developed weapons for which we can attack them. Because you know what they say. You can never have too many wars!)

(8) We support retention of the Defense of Marriage Act; (Because gay marriage makes, straight marriage seem dull and lifeless. Oh wait, I think it may be too late.)

(9) We support protecting the lives of vulnerable persons by opposing health care rationing and denial of health care and government funding of abortion; (They don't give a crap about those first two parts, they are just trying to distract anybody from noticing they are demanding more restrictions on a woman's right to choose. Ooh tricky!) and

(10) We support the right to keep and bear arms by opposing government restrictions on gun ownership. (A not very subtle message that if they do not get their way they are willing to "arm a bear". Oh wait, I might have read that part wrong!)

You know the fact that Ronald Reagan would have failed this little "purity" test kind of makes me dislike him just a little bit less.

I swear that these idiots are doing everything they can to destroy their party from within. Who could have inspired these dimwits to do something so incredibly ignorant?

Oh yeah. That's right.

Look! It is the Typhoid Mary of the Republican party!


  1. Anonymous7:34 PM

    S'error's hope for more "profiling" didn't make the list. She's just TOO conservative for RNC.

  2. Yep, Ronald Reagan WOULD have failed. He would NOT be welcome in the Republican tent these days, NO WAY!

    Reagan raised taxes occasionally in deference to some concern about deficits. The current GOP refuses to even think about thinking about raising any taxes.

    Reagan embraced immigrants and indeed granted amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants.

    Reagan was prepared to negotiate with the Soviet Union. The current GOP does not believe in meeting or negotiating with any foreign enemies.

    Reagan opposed an anti-gay initiative in California. Today's GOP regards anti-gay initiatives as a key fundraising and base-stoking tool.

    Reagan never went in for extensive and open-ended nation-building and pulled out of Lebanon after a bombing that killed many Marines. The current Republican party never retreats on anything.

    Reagan took personal responsibility for his violation go the law in Iran-Conrtra. Bush still has not taken responsiibility for the illegal authorization of torture.

    Reagan took pride in his reading and his thinking on the philosophical and economic and social arguments that forged modern conservatism and the critique of the welfare state. Today's leader of the GOP - Sarah Palin - holds up her ignorance as a badge of honor.

    Reagan signed the UN Convention on Torture. Today's GOP takes pride in violating it.

    (Note: The above was posted on another website last week. Sadly, I do not recall which one, so H/T to the author who is NOT me.)

  3. Anonymous8:46 PM

    I love it "Typhoid Mary". I hate to say this, but it sad but true. You can write anything intellectual about Serror and there won't be any impact on her. Maybe because she not smart enough to understand intellectual criticism? Well, the only way to get to her is to sink to her mantality, that of a elementary playground bully. Make fun of her bulge on her face, make fun of her herpes cold sore. This will sink her faster than anything else because she is not smart enough to keep her mouth shut. She reads these blogs and physical appearance matters to her. Hey, Serror, Grow up!! Make fun of the way she wears the same clothes everyday. She definitely doesn't have any sense of style. It really shows in her hair, hahahhaha, she doesn't even know how to take care of her feakin' wig. She must have tossed it off the bus and Gaaaawwwwwdddddd the make-up she plaques on, must have to use a trowel to take it off, if she does take it off. Bet you this gets to her more than anything else. Sounds petty, but it's true!!!!! This is what sunk her in Al-as-kaa. She couldn't take what was being said about her in the blogs. Hey, Serror, enjoying all the free gifts now??? Now that you don't have to report 'em??? hahahhaha, you Twitter quitter.

  4. MacAndCheeseWhiz9:24 PM

    Your comments made my day!

    Thanks Gryphen, You're right on all counts!

    They can come up with this drivel to push back against the discussion of the Obama Health Plan and a Public Option.

    But we have to get fired up and support Our President every way we can. He's got a hard job, and this wingnut is crossing the country inciting hate on a book tour.

  5. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Sarah's attempt at an in-flight third trimester abortion should disqualify her as well.

  6. Anonymous1:56 AM

    I saw this list yesterday night on HuffPo, and with a shudder, all that came to mind is part of a famous Mel Brooks musical number: "Don't be a dummy, be a smarty! Come and join the N--- Party!" Okay, I'm officially creeped out. WHEN DO WE START CALLING THIS LIKE IT IS????

  7. And they accusse Obama of being a Nazi/communist?
    The purity oath is a Nazi thing.
    Disagreeing or trying to undermine what the people want is a communist thing.
    No wonder they can't tell the difference between the two. They're trying like hell to combine both together.

  8. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Yesterday on a radio news report I heard that a Colorado Republican candidate had "taken" the "Loyalty Oath".

    Whoop dee do, who gives a shit. Like it really means anything, like they'll EVER uphold it or be accountable to breaking any of those "Republican Promises".

    LOL, at this point they're saying anything and everything to get the disinfranchized to support and back them. We'll see how this strategy works for them.

  9. Anonymous7:08 AM

    she talks drivel, so drivel on the high school level is the only thing she understands.

    Hey Sarah, you have incipient cankles. Hey Sarah, your face is melting. Hey Sarah Your father has a big fat beer belly. Hey, hey, hey.

    I only hope the people she has trashed, do sue her and Harper Collins.

    After all by the time Harper Collins pushes the rest of the three million or so books, Sarah should have very deep pockets.

  10. mlaiuppa9:19 AM

    Nothing like creating an "oath" that will become rapidly dated.

    Obama is in it. And when Obama's (two) term(s) of office are over? You're going to have to rewrite it for the next (Democratic) president.

    And when healthcare reform is passed and some time has passed and it's settled in (say around 2015) and there is nothing like a death panel in it, you're going to need to rewrite that too.

    Putting examples in oaths (like Iraq and Afghanistan) is a stupid and short sighted idea.

    Oh, wait.

    It's a conservative (I.E. Teabagger) loyalty oath.

    Never mind.


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