Saturday, November 07, 2009

Sarah sends another message via Facebook. Hey kids, I think this one may actually be her!

Great event last night in Wisconsin! It was an honor to meet great Americans who are working so hard to remind us of life's sanctity and value. I commend this fine state for its efforts to make our nation a more welcoming place for all children.

(That sounds very Sarah Palin-y to me. It might actually be her, or else her ghostwriter has now been absorbed into the Sarah Palin hive, and her consciousness is now one with Caribou Barbie. Oh the horror!)

Let me set the record straight on the media's follow-up reports of the great event: Despite what CNN reported, decisions about not allowing cameras at the event were the prerogative of the sponsors of the event, and I, of course, respected their decision.

(Okay well I still think that, at the very least, somebody is helping her with her punctuation. She is not wrong about the sponsors forbidding cameras however. My understanding is that the organizers are going to be packaging her speech and selling it on DVD in an attempt to shear the sheep that could not show up in person. This may be to help pay for Sarah's speaking fee, but I don't know that for a fact.)

I am about to set out on my book tour, where media will no doubt join us at many spots. In the meantime, I ask our friends in the media once again: please quit making things up.

- Sarah Palin

(Well hey Sarah I heard your latest version of finding out about Trig's Down Syndrome, this time an ultrasound instead of the previously mentioned Amniocentesis, so perhaps I can ask that you "quit making things up" also. How about that? Especially since I KNOW the whole damn story is made up.)


  1. I will say it again: Amniocentesis is a HUGE NO-NO in the fundie and pro-life world. I actually got a pro-Sarah friend to FINALLY look further into SP's record - all due to her admitting she had an amnio at 12 or 13 weeks. This friend is horrified - one more convert! Palin HAD to re-write that story and change it to ultrasound.
    Too late - we have it on tape from Indiana, where she gave the "other" version.
    And one more thing scarah - healthcare reform passed the House just now. Two words: HA HA!
    Four more words: We WIN, YOU lose!

  2. Deb in WI7:54 PM

    I was so happy to see that my local news could have cared less she was here. Not big news here anymore. Of course, I'm in another area of the state, but still - not a word. Crickets.

  3. The facebook note has complete sentences and proper punctuation, including 2 colons! It's surely the ghostwriter's work.

  4. gregory8:05 PM

    Sarah: SHUT UP. Nobody (except your tea-bagging base) cares what you spew. That is all.

  5. There's enough 'salad' there to make it Sarah also too..

    "I am about to set out on my book tour, where media will no doubt join us at many spots."
    Many spots meaning Oprah and anything on Fox..

    Now Sarah sweetie when you show up on the Daily Show during "your book" tour I might take a different view of you..

    "Not gonna happen." You say?.. I know that sweetie.. Just sayin' wink wink nudge nudge..

  6. Ratfish8:11 PM

    "Quit making things up."

    You mean like the story of why you eloped- because you and Todd wanted to spare your parents the expense of a wedding instead of the truth- you were 6 weeks pregnant (see Alaska Court records with d/o/b for Track Palin- compare to wedding date of 8/29/88)

    Or the story of Troopergate? Or the bridge to nowhere? Or you supporting small governemtn and less taxes,even though you championed the largest corporate tax increase in state history?

    You mean those lies?

  7. Here's another Palin speaking engagement, one of those thousands Stapletongue keeps referring to, I'm sure:

    Palin is going to be the GOP speaker -- and Barney Frank the Dem -- at the annual Gridiron Dinner Dec. 5th.

    I wonder if someone should tell them Palin's a RINO in sheeple's clothing, a teabagging right-of-Libertarian dominionist underneath.

    Comments at were still open, which is where I first found the story, so I posted this there:

    Oh, boy, Barney Frank on the same dais as Sarah Palin!! This ought to be hilarious!!

    I wonder if Barney Frank will reprise his crack about dining room tables, this time directed at Sarah Palin?

    "On what planet do you spend most of your time? Ma'am, trying to have a conversation with you would be like trying to argue with a dining room table...."

    That would be such great theater.

    I have a feeling, though, that Sarah Palin will use this opportunity to say something mean about Jennifer Granholm, an even more attractive still-sitting never-ever-quit governor who joked last year that Sarah Palin "really set back the cause of hot governors."

  8. Anonymous9:21 PM

    "I commend this fine state for its efforts to make our nation a more welcoming place for all children."

    Is that why no strollers were allowed at your speech?

  9. Anonymous9:50 PM

    I think Chuckie is writes the crap and someone helps him with punctuations.... j/k

  10. "Is that why no strollers were allowed at your speech?"

    She is all about kid friendly props only.

    Sarah is always innocent and a great martyr. What more can you want from a player?

  11. sunnyjane10:06 PM

    Well, I wouldn't give her TOO many kudos for her English proficiency. One does NOT use "an" before a word beginning with "h", as in "an honor." It is grammatically correct to say "a honor." And, if that's uncomfortable to write or say, it is perfectly reasonable to go the way of "a real honor..." Or, flush the whole thing and say "a privilege."

    Or, in Sarah's case, SAY NOTHING!

  12. hahasara ha10:16 PM

    Video: Politicians copy Palin's sinister baby prop PR.

    It's like a H1N1 swine flu virus spreading over the GOP. Thanks to Sarah Palin's fake baby balloon it may never end.
    She taught her peers the power of baby poop, prop?

  13. Anonymous10:47 PM

    She was well aware of the sponsor wanting to record her "words" to sell... If they got the rules right, what did they make up- her "organization" or should we say Meglemouth could have easily provided clarification prior to the speech, but then she wouldn't have been able to come back and hit on the media again. She let the "sponsor" rules hide out there until she could use it against the media to her advantage - remember she is the one that said - she will plow thru every open door... What a dumb broad... It will be very intersting to see what version of her pregrancy she puts in her book...

  14. ICstraightsSEAK11:17 PM

    Scarah: You are a liar, cheat and thief and basically an ugly person inside and out.

    You will be exposed for "making stuff up". You are a mental case & a bad mother. I feel sorry for your children. The day you "retire" cannot come soon enough.

  15. Anonymous2:27 AM

    and dropping bombs on sleeping people honors the 'sanctity of life' how?

  16. Anonymous4:21 AM

    Bet her new book says ultrasound as Ms Vincent probably had to educate Palin on the subject matter. Sarah is such a bag of lies!

  17. Is it me or has there never been a "politician" with such an incredibly thin skin? I really think that the reason for this Facebook post was to pull the "quit makin things up" schtick again. Pathetic, small person. Can you imagine her as President (shiver)? Her press secretary would be more important to her than the Sec of State. Forget daily briefings, it would be more like the daily rundown of who has pissed off the Pres. and some bitchy comebacks. Facebook wars with various world leaders!

  18. Anonymous6:01 AM

    Not meaning at all to take up for Sarah, but the stroller prohibition may have been a fire marshall thing. Still, that "Stop Making Things Up" is a classic. Makes me want to show up at a book signing wearing it on a t-shirt, except Sarah wouldn't 'get it.'

  19. MaineMom6:43 AM

    Kajo, thanks for the tip about the Gridiron Dinner matchup. Having spent my career (pre-motherhood) working on Capitol Hill, I can tell you that Barney Frank is by far the sharpest Member of Congress I have ever known. And that is sharp as in brilliant as well as sharp of tongue. He can be brutal in ways that will take $arah and her followers days to figure out. In fact, it won't surprise me in the least if Sarah suddenly discovers she has a conflict for this event.

  20. Anonymous7:27 AM

    She says, "I am about to set out on my book tour, where media will no doubt join us at many spots."

    She's pretty cocky in thinking that they'll be there. It may turn out they're fed up with her bashing them, and collaborate to stay home. This woman has an enormous ego. But second-guessing with the press comes with the territory. If she wants positive exposure, she's got to take the good with the bad; she can't have it both ways.

  21. Sarah is so predictable she's become boring. She is so woefully uninformed she must rely on shock value for attention. Problem is when that's all you have, people expect it and no longer care enough to rise to the bait. I admit the upcoming interviews with Oprah and Barbara do shock me. Does she realllly think she can bluster and bluff her way through them? Surely she must know Oprah and Barbara are successful BECAUSE they are skilled at knowing what questions to ask and more important, HOW to ask them. How in the world will Sarah be able to defend herself against her OWN words??? She will rue the day she committed words to paper. I heard that someone has known something about her for a while and was patiently waiting for undeniable proof so she couldnt wiggle out of it. Supposedly they now have it. They said they werent interested in "scandal", they wanted criminal charges. I have no idea what it is they found. It must be horrid to live a life of lies. How can one find any kind of joy or peace when they must constantly try to outrun their own words and actions?

  22. L.A. in S.F.10:26 AM

    Then if you truly know, you need to tell us, finally. Someone asked what the end game is and I have to agree with that question. Are you working on a book? An article? What is it? Your sources are talking to you knowing full well that you write a blog. So are they giving you the info on "deep background" so that you can, what, write more cryptic blogs? Or because they know you are pulling together a bigger article? They sure aren't talking to you for fun. Think of it this way: the NYT's wouldn't publish an article and say they knew for six months but only once the WaPo published it did they feel their readers would believe them. That's ludicrous and you could have stopped a lot of fruitless conjecture a long time ago. I will keep coming here, but I gotta tell you that all of these blogs look reactionary to everything she does and says. And there's gonna be a lot more of it in the next few weeks. So it kind of is a win for her. I hate to say it. And despite what PG or anyone else protests, all of the photos and all of the conjecture is strongly suggestive evidence, but it's not proof. If you've got proof, I can't imagine what door you're waiting to open a crack in order to show it. Best of luck. Oh, and FWIW: I'll say again that T2 looks nothing like Levi. But T1 does.

  23. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Palin is the biggest egomaniac I have ever seen. And every time the media picks up her Facebook posts as news, she thinks she is important. Are they reporting anyone else's Facebook ramblings? Of course not.I have an idea. Let's have a Palin-free week starting tonight. I promise not to google her name, not to click on a CNN story about her, and not to mention her name to anyone. Seven days...we can do it! And if we do that, maybe we can go even longer, and by the time we look up, her book will be in the gutter where it, and she, belong.


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