Saturday, November 07, 2009

Watch the immature middle school tactics used by GOP to harrass and silence the female speakers on the House floor. A shameful performance

If I had voted for one of these assholes I would be dialing their Congressional office and demanding that they conduct themselves in a civilized manner while representing me and my district.

I hope the Republican voters are taking a good long look at the people representing them in Congress.

Update: Don't forget that Orrin Hatch already admitted the REAL reason that the Republicans are against this bill. "And if they get there, of course, you're going to have a very rough time having a two-party system in this country, because almost everybody's going to say, 'All we ever were, all we ever are, all we ever hope to be depends on the Democratic Party.' "

It has NOTHING to do with helping Americans, and EVERYTHING to do with retaining power.


  1. SME13112:40 PM

    You are MUCH too generous. This is more like a 5 year old than a middle school child. It is pathetic.

  2. You know I hate to disagree, but I worked with five year olds and they are actually pretty respectful and empathetic with each other.

    On the other hand I have noticed that when children get to be in six grade, and then on into middle school, there is a whole new flavor of immaturity that presents itself and seems to be expressed by openly harassing and teasing other kids that are not in their clique.

    Well anyhow, what I think we can agree on is that THESE morons look bad compared to ANY group of children.

  3. Deb in WI12:50 PM

    Horrible display of behavior. But then again, they are Republicans. They aren't mature and can't follow the rules.

  4. Anonymous1:02 PM

    I commend all of the Democrats for their remarkable self-restraint; I would have been hard-pressed not to march over and punch those jerks in the face.

  5. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Oh believe me, I wrote to my sorry-assed excuse of a Repugnant representitive as soon as I heard about his vote.

  6. Anonymous1:23 PM

    How do we find out who was disrupting? Can you give us a list?

  7. Anonymous1:24 PM

    What more can be said?

    They proved this week that they know nothing about Constitution. Today they prove they are ingorant of Parliamentary Procedure and that they have no respect for the peoples' house or the people of this nation.

    Fortunately, there is such a thing as the Congressional Record. Generations from now--their and our grandchildren and great grandchildren will be able to read about their behavior and ignorance. And when they do, their analysis will most likely be even more critical than ours is today.

    One thing that these men, who are obviously overdosing on testasterone, don't seem to comprehend is that--while they stand there wrapped in their warm blanket of health insurance and squawk like so many guinea fowl against healthcare, today--they will be long gone in a few years and it will be their own grandchildren who bare the consequences of their little drama.

    I say: Let them! Take down in writing every name, every word and every disruption so that their grandchildren and great grandchildren, and so on, and so forth, will be ashamed to even mention their names--or that they ever even existed before them.

    And to the womean who stood up against these Neanderthals in the peoples' house--may their names and portraits be displayed in the Halls of Congress as those who by their courage, words and deed crushed the arrogant ignorance of these fools.

  8. Anonymous1:24 PM

    WTF? I can't believe I was seeing what I was seeing. It truly is middle school behavior. What a bunch of sorry asses the Rethugs are.

  9. Anonymous1:25 PM

    I don't understand how these Republicans get away with this! In normal meetings that adhere to specific 'rules' - the chair would immediately call the person 'out of order' and if the disgraceful behavior were to continue, the chair would have 'that' person escorted out of the room by the 'sergeant at arms' (i.e. security These folks are an absolute disgrace and I cannot believe they think they represent their constituents!

  10. Good grief. It seems that every day they slip farther and farther to their lowest common denominator.

  11. nswfm CA1:47 PM

    Bill of Wasilla, they have sunk below the common denominator. Look at Lois Capps' Wikipedia page, I can't cut and paste here. She's a nurse and a teacher from before being elected to Congress.

  12. Anonymous1:51 PM

    These old farts have been bought by the insurance companies & lobbyists....I just can't believe old men behave like this. Don't they have wives, children & grandchildren. They had better keep them away from the TV sets. Who are they representing....themselves. I don't know how they sleep at night. It's disgusting.

  13. SME1312:06 PM

    You make a valid point about middle schoolers regressing as they reach that age. My apologies to all 5 year olds.

    We really need to get them all out of office and start fresh. They have not been for the people in a very long time.

  14. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Can this behavior be the result of too much Viagra?

  15. I suggest that we all do what I've been doing for quite a while now: preserve the evidence. I've been saving as much as I can to document how bad for America's survival as a democracy some of the republicans in Congress are. I plan to use it in 2010, 2016, and every chance I get after that, whenever they come up for re-election.

  16. I dont think the right has as yet understood, that one does not wish to piss off a pacifist. These people are pushing buttons with no idea of where it will stop.

  17. I just watched that video.
    All I can say is UN-EFFING-BELIEVABLE!

  18. I was just going to point out what Anonymous @ 1:25 already did...that surely at some point in the proceedings the Chairman would be entitled to call the Sergeant At Arms to remove the rabble rousers.

    Shame on them! (but it's pretty obvious from their behavior the past 6 months they feel no shame)

  19. SoCalWolfGal4:50 PM

    Can these people become any more despicable in their behaviour? The ignorance and hatred that is rampant in this country, and encouraged by the likes of Faux News, and ignored by the GOP is simply beyond my comprension.

  20. crystalwolf aka caligrl4:53 PM

    Ever since PO was elected I have noticed a horrific lack of decorum by these "Representatives" of the people.
    I Thank Sarah Palin for this her disregardful rallies and ability to attract the lower dregs of 'merkia to her rallies.
    Bachmann et all...need to be censured and I mean dems need to grow a pair especially after the Joe willson incident.
    That is why these idiots continue to act in this piss poor way.

  21. I've been posting pretty much the same message.The GOP is self serving,wallowing in Health providers money and arrogant enough to ignore their voter base ! vote them out,or better yet as someone else posted if they receive money from Drug Co's, health care providers or related industries they should not have a vote on any related legislature It is a clear conflict of interest if not corruption.

  22. I'm a Canadian and have been watching the debate on CSPAN all day.. Yes I know "My name is Oklad and I am a politiholic."

    I got to see just how obstructionist the Repubs are in your country..

    Every time a Republican was speaking I got the eerie feeling that I was watching Fox News and not Cspan..

    Good luck guys. You deserve REAL health care..

  23. Anonymous7:14 PM

    It passed! With 2 votes to spare - and one of them a Republican!

  24. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Well, the bill just passed. I can hear the whining and crying from the Pharmaceutical CEOs and insurance bigwigs already. The GOP can just join right in to their chorus of self-pity, accompanied by the world's tiniest violin.

  25. Gasman8:49 PM

    The Republican Party is made up entirely of sniveling pissants. I REALLY hope that come next year's elections that the folly of these sexist pig shitheads is replayed time and time again on ads run by their Democratic opponents.

    Why would anyone with a functioning frontal lobe willingly be a Republican?

  26. Anonymous9:13 PM

    I'm surprised that none of the ladies looked over at the Neanderthals and said:

    I know your mama raised you better than that!

  27. Anonymous7:37 AM

    I watched this and immediately got pissed off. These so-called representatives have brought dishonor and shame upon their positions and their constituents.

    They need to be LITERALLY physically thrown out on their asses!

  28. I called his office (Monday morning); think I will also send an email.


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