Saturday, November 07, 2009

Today is a vital day for Health Care Reform.

President Barack Obama is traveling to Capitol Hill on Saturday to try to close the sale on his signature health care overhaul, facing a make-or-break vote in the House certain to be seen as a test of his presidency.

Obama scheduled a late-morning visit with House Democrats convening a rare Saturday session on legislation to remake the U.S. health care system, extending coverage to tens of millions now uninsured and banning insurance company practices such as denial of coverage based on pre-existing medical problems.

I was hoping to have a fairly relaxing Saturday, but now I will probably be glued to the TV watching for this vote.

My gut tells me we are very close. After the circus put on by Michelle Bachman, and many others in the GOP yesterday, you would think that the American people would be slowly backing away from supporting them. But who knows, people are just so damn uneducated these days.

And besides I think it is pretty clear that these wingnuts would still be fighting health care reform even if EVERY American wanted it. They are completely divorced from reality at this point.

I think that this cartoon pretty much sums up the Republican position.

Yes America THAT is the attitude of the people who are fighting to keep you from receiving quality health care in this country. Aren't you glad you voted Republican? And for those who stayed home on election day, don't you wish you had it to do over again?

Just keep that in mind for 2010.


  1. "My guy" Baird released a statement that he is voting no due to not having a CBO report back. AGHHHHHHH. I am leaving messages and e-mailing, but I am so disappointed. He is a good man, but on this he is wrong. It must progress forward. My bright red newspaper is positively gleeful this morning.

    I just listened to the Cant and Boner give their statements on MSNBC. They are SO noble and caring...NOT. I want to puke.

  2. WakeUpAmerica10:27 AM

    No Congressional member should be allowed to vote if they have received money from health care insurers or pharmaceutical companies. Yeah, it's that simple.

  3. Amen To Wake Up America's plan ! These politicians feed on healthcare donations and it decides their vote policy . We must remember to decide our vote policy in favor of those who vote the way we the people would like them to vote ! " REMEMBER THIS IN 2010 " Vote them out of office .

  4. Deb in WI12:12 PM

    Are you watching this? The Republican's are being so disrespectful to all the Congresswomen!! They yell through all the ladies' time to speak, and they can't even be heard. Object, object, blah blah. What morons! I hope this is posted all over the MSM how disrespectful they are.

    Who said southern men were gentelmen?

  5. Deb in WI12:26 PM

    Just to add: What's the bummer about this bill is that because the "majority" wants Republicans to vote yes, they watered down what could have been a great bill, shoved a bunch of Republican cr-ap loopholes, and I bet they don't get any Rebublican votes anyway. So what's the point of all that?

    Anyone see "Sicko"? It made me cry. Very interesting. Go rent it!

  6. Deb in Wi12:27 PM

    oops -- gentlemen --I didn't spell check. duh

  7. Anonymous12:46 PM

    The whole thing boils down to this : If the Republicans let this through,.... they know it is the END of their party and any credibility they have left. NOT because it is wrong,... it is not, it is right to reform Health Care. But because it is not their idea,... not their party doing this. This is about POWER,.... not Health Care.

    Plus, you have it right when you say people don't know how to think for themselves these days. They've been told too many times about how "patriotic" it is or isn't, and how these idiots are the only ones that know.

  8. Anonymous5:25 PM

    kill the bill

  9. Wake up Americans..........


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It just goes directly to their thighs.