Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The trooper at the center of Sarah Palin's "Troopergate" scandal breaks his silence!

After reading passages from Palin's memoirsGoing Rogue that deal with his marriage and subsequent divorce, a "fed up" Mike Wooten, 37, who still serves as an Alaska State Trooper in Anchorage, called the book "a pack of lies."

According to Wooten, Palin and her father, Chuck Heath Sr., have "interfered with my life--and my children's lives--for at least the last five years. And it is still going on. I'm done with it."

Partially disabled from his military service, Wooten pointed out that neither Todd nor Sarah Palin, or Chuck Heath, served in the armed forces. Wooten said he was particularly "disgusted and incensed" by Palin's "insincere" dedication in Going Rogue to "our men and women in uniform."

Wooten further noted with irony that many of those who have been victimized by Palin during her political career--including former Wasilla police chief Irl Stambaugh; Monegan and himself--were all veterans. "Sarah is only about Sarah," Wooten said. "She doesn't care about the 'men and women in uniform.' It's all about advancing Sarah's career."

What have I been saying? That Palin's book is angering people so bad that they are coming out of the woodwork to call her to task. And damn this is a big one!

I will say it again, the worst thing Sarah has ever done to herself was to write this book. It will be her downfall.

To read the rest of Geoffrey Dunn's revealing post just click the title.


  1. kdusmdd5:28 PM

    OK.... Wooten is breaking his silence......WHY don't you!!!!!

  2. I wish everyone would have spoken up before now, but heck, at least their finally telling Americans what they need to know about Scarah the Snake & her crazy family.

    Thank you, Trooper Wooten.

  3. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Sweet, sweet revenge! Mr. Wooten...please take her down.

  4. Anonymous6:05 PM

    OK. What's up with all of the weird stuff on the eve of holidays? Sheesh, what a weird clan.

    On another note, after reading the entire HP post - something that's bugged me for a long time now: WTF is up with Todd's involvement in her career? I work in a corporate environment, and if any female cc'd their spouse/boyfriend/whatever - all forms of respect would be immediately thrown out the window (and before I get accused of any form of sexism - this goes both ways. It's just that I've never seen a male colleague cc their wife/girlfriend in my 15 years with the company). I questioned it when I heard about Todd in her office all the time. I questioned it after seeing the email from SP to the campaign team apologizing for being such a fuckup. Soooooooo unprofessional. But what do I expect from such a hick?

    Anyways, here's to hoping that more folks from Wasilla will feel a bit more encouraged to come and speak out about their embarrassing infamous celebrity. She needs to crawl back under her rock.

  5. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Great article by Mr. Dunn. Be sure and "buzz it up" :-) Thank you Mr. Wooten. There are many who have been cringing at her fakeness regarding the military men and women in uniform.

  6. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign6:17 PM

    Good for Mike Wooten - more power to him! I read every publicly available legal document of the disputes between the Palins and Wooten, along with the entire Troopergate report. As much as Sarah's minions and MegaMouth tried to paint a different picture "after the fact", it was very clear that all the complaints, no matter the time frame, came out of the woodwork when they decided to go after him with anything and everything.

    Half of the things they accused him of did not happen or happen as they accused. They truly are snakes in the grass and deserve no quarter. All you have to do to get the real scoop here is to read those documents.

    Go Mike!

  7. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Since last year this woman has made me so angry and I could not believe that she was getting away with saying whatever the hell she felt like saying.
    I'm glad she wrote this book, might as well have written her own obituary.
    Screw you Todd.
    Trooper Wooten, I wish you only the best. Thank you for finally speaking up.
    Oh, yes, screw you too Chuck !!A very happy Thanksgiving to ALL of Alaska, enough is enough.


  8. Anonymous6:34 PM

    What's up with Chuck Heath having never served in the military? My father served.

    Unpatriotic bastards, also, too.

  9. Be sure to read the entire article. Palin mentions (in her book-of-lies) the MANY complaints filed against the "rogue" Wooten. She FAILS to mention that all of the complaints were filed by the Palins, the Heaths, and a few of their friends.
    I sure hope Monegan will speak up too.
    Fine men, just two of many whose careers were destroyed by the loon.

  10. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Let the s*** hit the fan.

    Let karma flow


  11. Anonymous6:45 PM

    @Mona 6:10- My take is the McCain campaign and his legal team were choking Alaskans during the election. Remember, too, also, the admnistration was made up of hired friends of Sarah's. There was no where to go. Most of the complaints were tossed out as "frivolous".

  12. Anonymous6:52 PM

    OMG! It's about time this guy came out and start telling the real story.

  13. Trooper Wooten - I wish you well

    Sarah started up a legal defense fund - Is there such a thing as a legal offense fund?

  14. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Fuck the Palins.

    The whole lot of them. Liars.

    Good for Trooper Wooten. He had his name dragged thru all kinds of crap last year. To this day, people still call him the guy who tasered his own kids.

    Interesting that ALL of these people are Republicans.

    And very interesting that ALL of the sudden, the leash has loosened.

    Guess who gave teh OK for Palin to be brought down, so the Republicans could be put out of their teabagging misery for 2012?

    Yeah. Not the "Obama operatives". Nope. The RNC. she's toast. It's just a matter of how ugly is it gonna get.

    Buckle up, Sister Sarah. It's gonna be a bumpy ride. Recall, if you will, McCain being smeared with "black baby" lies. That's what you're heading into, darlin'. Only they don't have to make up anything about you.

    Just a nice whisper campaign, heading your way.

  15. Anonymous8:04 PM

    As an Alaskan living day to day life, I didn't think much of our admnistration or Sarah Palin. When Troopergate was unleashed, I started paying attention because Trooper Wooten and Chief Walt Monegan were getting the shaft by Palin and her hounds for no justifiable reason. (Hope Frank Bailey is going to start talking too.)

  16. Anonymous8:06 PM

    People are wondering if a class action suit could be filed? Will Samaritan Purse money try to help Sarah, or do you think Samaritan Purse will ditch her?

  17. Anonymous8:09 PM

    It would be karma at its best, if a libel suit took all of her book proceeds and left her in debt. Isn't there a Bible scripture about the pitfalls stemming from "the love of money"...?

  18. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Do any of you know Trooper Wooten? I read this post everyday and if he (or anyone else) needs money to sue the bitch, we'll donate to all.
    In a family of 5 I'm the only one that doesn't adore her. They get all their news from FAUX and the Washington Times.

  19. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Love it. Good for Wooten.

    This made my day. Wonder how the liar will spin this little revelation?

    P.S: does anyone know if Palin's sister is as big of a nutjob as Sarah? That would explain a lot.

  20. Anonymous8:28 PM

    Until this gets picked up by CNN, I am speculative of it. I trust IM, but nothing will happen unless the major new networks do something with the news.

  21. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign8:28 PM

    If Mike can't find a great lawyer on contingency if he decides on legal action, he would get a lot of support with a little PayPal button posted somewhere. Just sayin'...

  22. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Trooper Wooten,

    Have a nice holiday and thank you for speaking up.
    Th best to you and your family.

  23. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Class action suit! Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. Anonymous8:34 PM

    ANON @ 7:23 Thank you. I like the way you think. It makes a lot of sense.
    Ol' Chuckie and co govern-not Todd have some splainng to do.
    HappyThanksgiving to all my blogger friends.


  25. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Trooper Wooten,

    I wish you well and when you decide how you are going to proceed legally, let Gryphen know where we can send some funds your way.

    Please tell her loud and clear to "Sit Down and Shut up".

  26. Anonymous8:37 PM

    It's about time and I hope others follow Trooper Wooten's lead and stop allowing Palin to say what she wants to make herself look good. I can't believe she has actually gotten away with it for this long.

  27. Anonymous8:42 PM

    @NYC girl, I also like the way you think! Your posts always make me smile:-)

    Bring on the Whisper Campaign!

    Ps Palin, you might want to remember: Do Not Bear False Witness Against Your Neighbor! Oops, too late.

  28. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Either the libel suits will wipe out "her" book
    profits OR she will have to fight them and have to be put on a witness stand. That spells CHECKMATE, Scarah!
    In the LIKELY event you do not understand the game of chess, let me put it this way:
    WE win, YOU lose!
    Scarah, you shoulda let Lynn Vincent put her name on "your" book - now, who you gonna blame?

  29. Anonymous8:54 PM

    I'm also hoping that once Sherry is released to house arrest and things calm down Levi might be willing to speak up.

    I also,too hope Piper goes back to school to learn how to spell so she can write her version of Mommy Dearest.


  30. Anonymous9:35 PM

    I'll contribute to the legal fund.

  31. Anonymous9:40 PM


    You are a cute kid but will need more as time goes on. Try to avoid the drop out factory that Wasilla is famous for. You may be the only Palin to not write your book from a prison cell, a dubious family honor. What they did to you is a shame but it is the truth that can set you all free, one day. Pay your dues first.

  32. Snowing in Alaska10:09 PM

    Wooten needs to go on Rachel Maddow and / or Keith Olbermann with his side of the story. He needs to make the rounds, just like Levi.

  33. Anonymous10:13 PM

    I would like to see the whole clan exposed for what they are and no cushy deals. The only ones I have a soft spot for are Piper, Trig and Tripp.

    Trooper Wooten, you are doing the right thing and the world will be a better place for your children, the youngest Palins/Johnston and everyone.

  34. Anonymous10:13 PM

    Imagine Wooten keeping quiet all the time that the Palin family was attacking him. Remember, the judge had to admonish Todd and Sarah that the terrible things they said in front of Wooten's kids amounted to abuse.

    And, he kept silent while she was trying to get him fired, and again, when Monegan was fired. I am glad that he finally agreed to the interview.
    I hope that we hear more from him.

  35. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Anonymous @ 8:37: you're a legal illiterate:

    Do you know who Patrick Fitzgerald is? I doubt it. He's a federal prosecutor. The guy who put Tony Rezko away. HE tried to strong arm Harper Collins, who just beat down Warner Brothers in a suit.

    Check it out:

    "U.S. District Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald threatened to sue HarperCollins if it did not halt publication, pull every last copy of the book from all bookstores in the United States and admit that the book was all lies. For nearly two years HarperCollins and Peter Lance painstakingly rechecked every fact in the book. The book, with a new introduction and updated information, was just published despite Fitzgerald's many threatening letters. Fitzgerald objects to the book on personal grounds, not in his capacity as a U.S. Attorney. Fitzgerald led the counterterrorism task force in the Southern District of New York that was responsible for finding and stopping Osama bin Laden long before September 11, 2001, and that office's many mistakes are laid out in painstaking detail in the book. The Justice Department has made no attempt to censor the book, but Fitzgerald (who is used to adulation by the press) personally objected to his portrayal in the book and began sending cease and desist letters. One of the letters was faxed from the Justice Department, which Lance says was done to falsely give the impression that the Justice Department was threatening to sue HarperCollins. Lance filed a complaint with the Justice Department, asking to open an Office of Professional Responsibility investigation based on Fitzgerald's actions in trying to kill the book. Lance says that Fitzgerald improperly used government resources to intimidate and harass him and his publisher."

    Do you know how much he was given by HC.

    Not a dime.

    You know nothing about law and I'm guessing little about chess which has very little in common with libel suits.

    Tweak the Halidol and get some sleep.

  36. Anonymous10:18 PM

    What is interesting is the comment that Chuck Heath was bitterly involved in the fight against Wooten.

    And, I liked the remark about Todd sitting at a desk in Sarah's office, being copied on her government official emails. What kind of governor who do such things? The answer is Sarah Palin, who goes on a book tour dragging kids out of school, displaying a disabled child as a photo opportunity, and giving her parents an undeserved political platform.

    For that matter, what is Chuck Heath doing giving political speeches in Idaho? Is he also the voice of the T-baggers, along with Joe the Plumber, and the other non-politicians which are driving that movement so hard.

  37. Anonymous10:19 PM

    There are no less than 25 others In Alaska that $carah has trashed. Lost reputations, lost jobs, and she cares not a bit. She is the devil in disguise. Class action suit for the "Under the Bus Club?" You betcha! S.H.

  38. Anonymous10:26 PM

    The 'bots on Sarah's Facebook page are at it again:

    "Kirk Nafsinger
    Pray for Obama. Psalm 109:8" Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!"

  39. Anonymous10:29 PM


    It doesn't matter if you say something for the 100th time; that just serves to show the stupidity of the first 99 times you said it.

    Do you have any idea how many investigative journalists were looking at Wooten last year?

    He had an exclusive interview with CNN last year. The alleged problems with Palin and his kids go back, he says, five years. Do you think he and Palin had some sort of agreement where he could start talking about it in November of 2009?

    He had his shot with the Washington Post.

    Maybe you, given your impressive lawyering skills, can print this for your choir and explain exactly how this will establish Wooten as a reliable witness in any action against Palin, which would be mediated by HC:

    Seriously, does it ever bother you that you are screwing the people who read your stuff by giving them such a distorted image of reality?

  40. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Wooten is just jealous of the old man's boobs

  41. sunnyjane10:44 PM

    A "class action" suit is NOT the way to go. Each one of these folks should file a separate defamation suit against her so that she would have so many law suit against her that she couldn't keep up or afford for a lawyer to defend every one of them.

    Put the pressure on her. Just remember: you need verifable proof that her lies have in some way "ruined" you life. Just being pissed is not enough.

    The other way, and I think the best way, is to just get the truth out there as soon as possible. And that means everybody who is sure she has lied.

    Even better, if all these people would agree to join together and let 60 Minutes do an expose on her, THAT would get more attention than any book or law suit.

    Go, Mr. Wooten! And, I encourage the rest of you folks to do the same. Good luck -- we're on your side!

  42. Anonymous11:02 PM

    OT, but see Politico. John McCain is doubling down on Sarah Palin. The attacks on Sister Sarah from the left have been "vicious." She will play a major role in American politics whether the New York Times likes it or not. He is "very proud" of her.

    Yep, doubling down, hoping the iceberg doesn't break. I want to know what McCain knew and when. Oh yeah, I also want to know why he was so reckless when he was in the military and crashed so many planes.

  43. Anonymous11:10 PM

    Two more comments re John McCain's comments on Politico about being upset about the "vicious" and personal attacks on Palin.

    What about the vicious and personal attacks on Wooten by Ms. Palin? Oops that must be different.

    And while we are talking about vicious, wasn't John McCain the one who made that ugly joke about Chelsea Clinton's appearance?

    Hey, Johnny boy, what's good for the goose is good for the gander. Especially when she faked a pregnancy? When exactly did you find out about the faked pregnancy?

    Yeah, I know it's rich. (And exactly how many homes did Cindy McCain's money buy you, Johnny boy?)

  44. Anonymous11:41 PM

    so Gryphen when are you going to tell us you knew all this and would have said somthing but you are loyal to your sources

  45. Anonymous12:03 AM

    Anon 9:40 and NYCgirl:

    Hilarious! Both posts are too funny, but sadly true at the same time.

  46. Come on people. She's out of the state, I can't think of a better time!

  47. Anonymous2:22 AM

    Sarah... is Mike invited to Thanksgiving dinner at Aunt Katie's too?

    How long will it take for Sarah to say, "Mike doesn't have anyting on me"

    Mike... good luck and thank you for deciding to speak about Sarah. I hope you know all the details about housegate.

  48. Anonymous2:29 AM

    GO MIKE!!! We're ALL with you!! Take that revolting b***h and her band of nimrods DOWN!!

  49. Tzu said, "You must know when to fight, and when not to fight."
    Luckily Sarah never learned that lesson. She keeps picking fights with people she considers weaker than her only to get her ass handed to her.

  50. sunnyjane4:52 AM

    I can't wait for the movie: "The Rise and Fall of the Holy-Roller Palin"

  51. Anonymous4:54 AM

    It is so classic that neither Todd, Sarah or Chucklehead served in the military, yet they drape themselves in the flag (in her case, literally). Just like Cheney and so many other hawks who didn't have the guts to serve, and hide behind their constant hawkish babble. Most of those who actually serve(d) in war know that war is horrible, and shouldn't be taken lightly.

  52. Anonymous5:30 AM

    OK, I feel like an idiot - I had no idea Rupert Murdoch controlled Harper Collins...where have I been? Just read this, from quite a few years back:

    HarperCollins is one of Murdoch's media tentacles...

    This item was from today's Publishers' Weekly e-newsletter:

    Harper's Conservative Expansion?

    Tucked into an announcement about a number of e-book division
    promotions at Harper is word of "a new role" for Perfectbound editor
    Sean Abbott, who will now serve as senior editor for HarperCollins
    General Books and acquire titles that "focus on works by
    conservative writers and thinkers." The company
    says he recently signed up Mary Lefkowitz's
    History Lesson, described as "a memoir of the cultural wars."

  53. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Murdoch bought Harper Collins in 1989.

  54. Anonymous5:38 AM

    Perhaps we should start a "Pray for Sarah. Psalm 109:8". That would freak out the palinbots.

  55. MCCAIN is looking after his own survival. he's got the toughest reelection yet.

    so, being the REPUG he is, he does not want offend the PALIBAN.

    he's one sorry-ass man! he will go down in history as a joke for unleashing the PATHOGEN that is SP on the nation.

  56. McCain is shaking in his Loeb shoes over his teabagging primary challenger and he wants to make sure that the Queen of the Teabaggers doesn't endorse him.

    It really is that simple.

  57. So, did the Clinton campaign go to the homes of Al Gore's daughter's boyfriends to scrub computers and set up shop in the house to deter journalists?

    Oh, so it is not usual procedure? Why hasn't the press wondered about THAT one?

  58. Anonymous5:51 AM

    This Wooten thing clearly has some people nervous. You always know when something has hit a nerve, gotten under their skin. The abusive comments start appearing....

  59. Anonymous5:59 AM

    Love the trolls trying to say this is Gryphen's imagination.

    Yoo hoo, trollies, did you read it? Did you click the title? It's written by a well respected author. It's part of his book on Palin. It's in the HuffPo right now.

    Capiche, Little Morons?

  60. Anonymous6:05 AM

    Lot'sa folks, threatening to spill the goods. But the silence is deafening.

  61. @Anon at 8:37

    Your legal knowledge is, well, let's just say limited, OK?

    Your legal illiteracy starts with your directly quoting a source without a link. A violation of copyright law, my dear.

    But of course you'd omit the citation because the quoted passage is from an interview with the author of the book you're extolling.

    Oh well, even taking the author's version of the facts as true, this alone would separate it from the Wooten case:

    For nearly two years HarperCollins and Peter Lance painstakingly rechecked every fact in the book.

    From reports to date, nothing in Palin's book was fact-checked by anybody.

    Nor is Wooten in a position even remotely comparable to Fitzgerald. And yes, I read the Branchflower report and know the details of Palin's persecution of Wooten and her multiple violations of Alaska law.

    Nice try though. Sarah Palin has, to quote Scripture, sown the wind and shall reap the whirlwind.

    To continue with Hosea: (s)he hath no standing grain; the blade shall yield no meal; if so be it yield, strangers shall swallow it up."

    I prophesy dark days ahead for sister Sarah. I just hope they include the help she needs.

  62. Anonymous6:12 AM

    "P.S: does anyone know if Palin's sister is as big of a nutjob as Sarah? That would explain a lot," asked Anon. Don't know, but Lorenzo Benet's Trailblazer made an exceedingly brief remark that Molly performs "the lion's share" (Benet's words) of child care when $P isn't around.

    Great timing for breaking this story too. There's going to be a lot of table-pounding and gravy-spilling in certain Heath/Palin households this year...

    Mrs. Tarquin Biscuitbarrel

  63. A judge ordered the palins to stop harrasing Wooten. Its "on the record"

  64. An Anchorage judge three years ago warned Sarah Palin and members of her family to stop "disparaging" the reputation of Alaska State Trooper Michael Wooten, who at the time was undergoing a bitter separation and divorce from Palin's sister Molly.

    Allegations that Palin, her husband Todd, and at least one top gubernatorial aide continued to vilify Wooten—after Palin became Alaska's governor and pressured state police officials to take action against him—are at the center of "Troopergate," a political and ethical controversy which has embroiled Palin's administration and is currently the subject of an official inquiry by a special investigator hired by the state legislature.

  65. Don't forget McCain brought his thugs to Alaska to deal with Troopergate. McCain played a major role in Troopergate, I think that's one reason he's not speaking up.

    Mike Wooten until you spoke up I knew very little about you and yes I did think you were probably a wife beating, child abusing thug. Thank you for coming forward. You know what she is doing to your family, just think what she & her crazy dad could do to this country. She really must be stopped. She is destroying peoples lives & she will destroy this country if she gets the chance. Why don't you just step on over to Rex Butler's office, I think he knows the drill. Go Team Wooten.

  66. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Re: the comment comparing Trooper Wooten to Patrick Fitzgerald. Fitzgerald may have written cease-and-desist letters, but the Lance book had been carefully fact-checked for two years prior to publication. Fitzgerald may not have liked how he was portrayed, but Harper Collins went forward and published... because the facts were true and the author is entitled to his conclusions, and public figures have to accept that their public standing means it is more difficult to prove libel.

    Trooper Wooten is not a public figure; his name is in the public domain only because a political figure targeted him and has apparently been lying about him. Harper Collins obviously did no fact-checking on her book- or all the lies would have been corrected. I suspect it was easier and cheaper to get Sarah to sign a contract she hadn't read which contained a liability clause. They can make a fast profit without the risk of litigation.

    I suspect Sarah is squarely on the hook for any lawsuits that come her way with regards to the book. I doubt there will be many; Sarah's reputation now is that she's such a liar, it might be difficult to demonstrate that one's reputation had been damaged by a known liar's statement. And lawsuits are not easy on anybody involved.

    I'd love to see litigation, but I'd settle for Wooten to be on public platforms, being interviewed, announcing what a liar Sarah is. Then if it bothered her, she could go after him. Her lawyer might be too smart to allow that to happen, though.

    I still think the best option for getting Sarah into a courtroom is through Levi's custody suit. Sarah shouldn't have to be there, but if Levi's contention is that Bristol is acting under Sarah's direction- and it seems to be- Sarah may find herself in court whether she likes it or not.

    Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. I hope Aunt Katie's turkey is dry. Why yes, I AM twelve. You just noticed?


  67. Anonymous7:27 AM

    The reason Todd was co-governing is because, Sarah can't do a job by herself. When they got rid of Todd, governin' got too hard for the Quitter. Read the books on her, she quit the TV gig because it was too hard, she quit the commission job because the hours were too long. This woman does not like to work. She wants to prance on stage and hear people chant her name.

  68. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Anon @ 10:29

    Are you a comedian? Do you lean toward the numbskull side? Or do you just prefer not to think, yourself, and hope that none of the rest of us do?

    ...first of all, providing a link to Kristol's Weekly Standard is an insult to anyone who cares to do a little clear thinking.

    ...secondly, a Memorandum, the body of which is nothing more than hearsay, is, in the real world of America's legal system, nothing more than a joke.

    Either you are definitely attempting to screw with truth and the rest of us, or your eyesight stops somewhere near the end of your own nose..."The Weekly Standard," talk about a distorted image of reality! Geez!

  69. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Goes to show how much Sarah loves her "family". She disparages the father of her sister's two biological children in a book. How does that make those children feel? What about Grandpa? Doesn't he figure out that interfering with Mr. Wooten, that this is going to emotionally damage his grandchildren? What a cruel and unforgiving family this is.

  70. phoebes in santa fe10:21 AM

    Is it any surprise that the "Kirk Nafsinger" who was praying for Obama's death is from RURAL IDAHO?

    According to ""

  71. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Someone asked about Molly. Both Molly and Sally raise Sarah's children. Willow spends a lot of time (often overnights) with Molly and Molly is the one who takes care of Piper. If Molly can't be around, then it's Sally and then it's Chuck. If Todd's around and not too busy with the hanger/Sarah's office/Bristol and Tripp's apartment/Track's apartment monstrosity of a building they're constructing on the shores of Lake Lucille (hey, thanks all you hard workin' Americans who parted with $ to send to Sarah any number of ways - her trust fund, her PAC, her book, just in envelopes. You've made life extremely wonderful for the Palin clan), then Todd sometimes will help out.

    Sarah almost never is seen in Wasilla with her children. Well, Sarah is almost never seen in Wasilla period.

    She has a mighty low opinion in Wasilla by anyone who bothers to inform themselves.

    But that's the whole point - Sarah appeals ONLY to non-thinking, non-questioning Americans. Sarah appeals to people who feel so insecure and overlooked in life. She is their voice and their face. That's where her appeal lies. She's taken victimization to an entirely new level.

  72. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Shall we wish Krik a Happy Thanksgiving by turning him into to SS?

  73. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Didn't McCaine say that Sarah was his soulmate?
    Both chase the $.

  74. Go Trooper Wooten and others, now is the time to bring that wicked witch to her knees! Otherwise, she will continue to steam roll everyone that gets in her way. She needs to be stopped now! Along with that joker of a father, old blow hard fart. Pray for Sarah, Psalms 109.8.

  75. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Folks I think more stories and research should come ouy about (Toad) Tood. He is the puppet master that has been flying under the radar. I think someone should go to court and make those emails come out. Sarah knows or dosent remember ( she tell so many lies ) But those emails will surly sink her ship just like the written words in her manisfesto. Then the MSM can crawl all over her and Toad and put them where the belong.

  76. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Good for Troooper Wooten- He has every right to expose what he knows as true. Sarah can't handle the truth. Rip away at her lies and speak up!

    Mc Cain (The man who handpicked Sarah) is a total tool, that's why he's flip-flopping in public with Sarah,

    I'm sure she winked, batted her eyelashes at him, youbetcha!, and foisted her heaving God given busoms in his face to make him sit down and shut up.

  77. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Iliterate @ 6:07

    Here's a source citing Fitzgerald's intent to bring suit against Harper Collins.

    He didn't collect a dime.

    As to your doesnt-pass-the-laugh-test allegation of that I violated copyright law by publishing the material I did, you only have demonstrated you are clueless in these matters.

    Are you familiar with "Fair Use Doctrine"? (That's rhetorical. Of course, you're not or you couldn't make such a asinine allegation.

    Essentially it limits the degree and circumstances the owner of copyrighted material has over such material. It is codified in
    Secs 107 through 118 of title 17 of the U.S. Code which addresses copyright law.

    Section 107 contains a list of the various purposes for which the reproduction of a particular work may be considered fair, such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Section 107 also sets out four factors to be considered in determining whether or not a particular use is fair:

    There are numerous situations which permit "fair use" and a four-pronged test to determine whether the copyrighted material can be reproduced as fair use.

    If you're so inclined you can pull up the U.S. Code and see these criteria for yourself.

    The U.S. Copyright office has stated:

    "The 1961 Report of the Register of Copyrights on the General Revision of the U.S. Copyright Law cites examples of activities that courts have regarded as fair use: “quotation of excerpts in a review or criticism for purposes of illustration or comment; quotation of short passages in a scholarly or technical work, for illustration or clarification of the author’s observations; use in a parody of some of the content of the work parodied; summary of an address or article, with brief quotations, in a news report; reproduction by a library of a portion of a work to replace part of a damaged copy; reproduction by a teacher or student of a small part of a work to illustrate a lesson; reproduction of a work in legislative or judicial proceedings or reports; INCIDENTAL AND FORTUITOUS reproduction, in a newsreel or broadcast, of a work located in the scene of an event being reported.”

    You also have it wrong in suggesting accreditation or acknowledgement
    supersedes permission in those case where "fair use" is not lawful.

    Furthermore, your assertion that Palin's book was not fact checked by Harper Collins is almost incomprehensibly obtuse.

    That is NOT the way Brian Murray runs things over there.

    I do agree with you, however, that Wooten is in a position even remotely
    similar to Fitzgerald's.

    Fitzgerald is a federal prosecutor with a sterling reputation as a federal prosecutor who prosecuted Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman and 11 others charged in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.

    Wooten is a lightweight with a history of malfeasance on the job, a man who admitted to experimenting with a taser on his kid, and who is pissed off that Palin is not supporting the troops.

    And the stooges on this board think he and other minnows like Levi Johnston are going to bankrupt Palin with defamation suits.

    The astonishing element of your ignorance, nurtured by Gryphen, is that hundreds of professional investigators and lawyers have turned over every rock in Alaska looking for the dirt that will bury her and their payoff: she's now being considered a possible presidential candidate in 2012 and some (even progressives in the U.K.) think if Obama doesn't right the ship in the next year, she could beat him in a general election.

    Here's an idea. Instead of trying to run Palin into a ditch, maybe you should try to stop Obama from going ass over head into an abyss.

  78. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Aunt Katie's turkey was a Quiznos sandwich.

  79. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Sink SS Mc Cain. He crashed and burned like 5 Navy planes. Dad & Granddad got him off. Keating 5, C McCain charity drug theft, all fixed and gets off. Screw his legacy.

  80. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Well said, 7:10.

    If Wooten had anything, he'd have sold his story to the Enquirer by now. Lawsuit? That will be the day.

  81. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Anonymous @ 7:09.

    "Trooper Wooten is not a public figure".

    He doesn't have to be. As articulated in New York Times Co. v. Sullivan if he seeks the spotlight (as has Levi Johnston) he can be considered a "limited public figure." And given the penchant the left has for making private citizens public figures in their hunting of Palin he would likely
    be considered so but this is all academic.

    The last thing this guy wants is to have all of his employment records as a trooper brought to light. Exactly what kind of damages would you think this guy would be awarded?

    You people are really pitiful. Wooten was interviewed by CNN, MSNBC,
    The New York Times, and Time Magazine. Now he suddenly has something he's going to come clean with.

    It's your life. Live it in a delusion if you choose.

  82. Anonymous9:46 AM

    For those who need "citation":

    "[Limited] public figures have thrust themselves to the forefront of particular public controversies in order to influence the resolution of the issues involved...they invite attention and comment.

    A public controversy must exist before the publication of the defamatory material.

    The plaintiff must voluntarily enter the controversy for the purpose of resolving the public issue.

    The Plaintiff must assume a significant role in the efforts to resolve the controversy.

    GERTZ V WELCH (1974)

  83. Anonymous10:36 AM

    sjk from the belly of the plane, etal:

    Think you are on the right track. An Alaskan judge signed an Order pertaining to the behavior of members of the Heath/Palin clan relative to officer Wooten some time ago.

    Even if there is no cause against SP for libel, it seems very possible that she is, at least, in Contempt of that Court Order.

    Either way, it doesn't smell good for her.

    BTW, Anon @ 10:25
    You must be another one of the "Prosperity xians who are so busy thinking in terms of dollars that they lose all their sense. Not everything in this world is sold and measured by money, Anon @ 10:25.

    P.S. 10:25, Please note: Posted comments follow this order: Name, post, time. You obviously meant for your comment to be in support of Anon @ 6:58, not 7:10--and even then, you must have been meaning 7:01, instead of 7:10. (Unless you were sending kudos to McCain for screwing up Aunt Katie's turkey sandwich). Having trouble keeping the details straight?--SP must be rubbing off on you.

    And, Anon @ 6:58: Since you have no way of knowing exactly what was lying beneath each and every rock, you'll just have to wait and see, with the rest of us.

    P.S. Here's an idea. Instead of trying to defend Palin's lying and lack of ethics, maybe you should take a glance at the calendar and contemplate this simple truth:

    It will take any wise person more than ten months to fill in a hole that a dumb ass spent ninety-six months digging. You could grab a shovel and help, or you can continue trying to dig yourself and those you are trying to defend a deeper hole.

  84. Anonymous11:56 AM

    There sure are a lot of legal eagles coming out of the woodwork on this one. A few nerves twinging, it seems.

    Hope you are billing someone for your hours.
    Hmmm. I have a question. Does your hourly rate go up since it is a holiday weekend? Or are you still only Associates and left to do the dirty work while the Partners are off enjoying their turkey?

  85. From Andrew Sullivan today:

    "You also wonder whether any fact-checking was done at HarperCollins. Well: you don't have to wonder. They had no fact-checkers at Harper Collins when they marketed my book (I had to hire two of my own). A random blog, I'd wager, has more factual reliability than a book published by Jonathan Burnham and edited by Adam Bellow. Yes: Adam Bellow. Editing Sarah Palin. What a stunning emblem that is of so much."

    Wind, meet Whirlwind. And pass the popcorn!

    Palin's meltdown won't be quick, but it will be spectacular. She will be her own undoing, whether those who've been harmed by her, and they are many, take legal action or not.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.