Thursday, December 24, 2009

Another tweet from the Bitter Twitter.

c tomrrw's Healthcare Takeover vote=the sleeping giant will awaken&action will b takn by"average"Americans as lite shines on big govt growth
from TwitterBerry

Palin is nothing if not predictable lately.

She seems to stand by with a gas can in her hand and periodically pour the flammable liquid onto the fire of discontent which is continually fanned by the Republican obstructionists and Teabagger lunatics. Without a clear understanding of the complexities of the issues, all Sarah can do is don her cheerleader uniform and shake her pom poms at the low hanging fruit that watch Fox News, and actually believe it is a NEWS outlet.

For instance her reference to a "sleeping giant" MUST refer to the 20% of Americans who still identify themselves as Republicans. ("Giant" sounds so much better than "crippled midget".)

I am going to give her the benefit of the doubt and assume this "action" she speaks of are votes in 2010 against the Senators who are voting for the health care bill, and not a call to violence against our president. Of course with Sarah Palin you never know for sure.

Now as for the "average" Americans she speaks of, I am guessing those are the barely educated simpletons who still think she is the answer to all of America's woes. You know the ones who believe that Bush's broken economy is Obama's fault, and that the big government expansion just now started in 2009. The ones who also tend to look at pictures, and read her tweets, instead of reading those big scary words on the internet or in newspapers.

In my opinion the real "sleeping giant" that is being awakened are all of those millions of people who had not yet formed an opinion of Sarah Palin, one way or another, and are now learning that she embraces Gestapo techniques, has no clear understanding of science, and treats her own family like political props with little regard for their feelings. And to THAT sleeping giant I say, "Good morning, and welcome to the party."


  1. I had to read that twit at least 3 times. I honestly don't know what she means....did she expect the Senate to reject the Health Bill? Shouldn't she be baking cookies or wrapping presents?

  2. Anonymous6:54 AM

    What an idiot. She's also whining that she's NOT the biggest liar? Bahahaham yeah, right

  3. Anonymous6:58 AM

    "Action will be taken by average Americans". Sounds to me as if she is calling on her followers to wage a civil war and coup. Seems she was reading Todds AIP manual

  4. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Damn !! She is about a dumbf^*k. Those tweets are juvenile drivel.

  5. Anonymous7:07 AM

    She is calling for overthrow of the government, for civil disobedience and/or civil war!

  6. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Big government growth... is this like a samll town building an expensive sports complex and going into debt for millions?

    Sarah had no problem adding debt and growing government in Wasilla and putting the "tax" burden on her kids and others.

    Maybe she only opposes it when she does not get something for herself in the deal.

  7. Anonymous7:15 AM

    We know she is stupid, yet everyday she confirms it.

  8. I think my post was Raptured LOL!! Computer acting strange this morning and I have a little "helper" on my lap in the form of my granddaughter :)

    Lets all take a mmoment over the holidays to celebrate healthcare reform, while it is far from what most of us want, lets all keep it in perspective.
    Its taken 60 YEARS to get this first step done, and we have finally gotten it done by the hard work of many. While it is far from the single payer most of us would like, we can change and tweek it after getting something in place. Do not lose faith, keep hope in your heart...
    Now will be the time to fight for more...over the next decade we WILL be able to enact real change in the healthcare status of americans!

    Merry Christmas Gryphen, may your holiday be filled with joy and happiness.

  9. Face the Nation, Meet the Press, or shut the fuck up.

  10. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Once again Gryphen, you've nailed it.

    Thanks for all you do, and a Merry Merry Christmas to you.


  11. Anonymous7:25 AM

    SJK, brevity is the soul of wit. Happy holidays.

  12. Anonymous7:26 AM

    She is the biggest imbecile ever.

    She is now trying to refuse her title as the Biggest Liar of all time and is claiming that she didn't really mean "death panels" wen she said death panels.

    She is so effing stupid.If there really were death panels, she would have to worry that "the panel" would put her down for stupidity.

  13. SJK...well played my friend.

  14. Anonymous7:36 AM

    The "sleeping giant" crap is (IMO), using the phrase that some nitwit in PA used at a heath care town hall in the Summer. This woman then was asked onto Countdown, where Laurence O'Donnell interviewed her and quickly realized that the woman knew NOTHING about the proposed health care reform. It wasn't hard to figure it out, because she SAID that she didn't know what she was talking about!! O'Donnell seemed genuinely embarrassed for her at that point. Sarah is just as dumb.

  15. Anonymous7:37 AM

    "average"Americans know u r a loser&quittr&idiot liar who types inane twits&we R sick of u(&ur hateful "fans" 2)

  16. Anonymous7:46 AM

    I never thought I would miss Joe the Plumber, so there could be some intelligent, conservative commentary on current affairs.

  17. 7:23 AM Anonymous and VV, I'm gonna quit my day job and go join the cast of Seinfeld!

  18. To All IM'ers and the G-man, Merry Christmas, Happy Hannakkuah, Happy Kwanza and any other holidays that involve culture, food and drink!

  19. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Can she yop herself in 2010?

    Oh, you betcha!

  20. Anonymous8:08 AM

    More pictures of the Queen in her Tournament of Roses jacket signing books for her Palindrones.

    or Left hand side Alaska Blogs, under Journal.

  21. Has anyone Really not formed an opinion on SP yet? I doubt it. Those who like her will always like her and believe nothing else and those who don't,just don't and never will. There isn't anyone left for her to 'win over'.

    I woke up this morning to the conservative websites going ballistic over health care, like they somehow expected that the Senate wouldn't get the votes they needed.

    It's not a done deal yet. The right is gearing up for a January to rival August, starting with a march on Washington DC on 20 Jaunary, the day of the State of the Union address. Many conservative, wingnuts are calling for either civil war or a war on Government.

    We can enjoy the holidays, recharge our inner batteries, but the fight isn't won yet and it will continue into 2010 and then 2012.

  22. Anonymous8:17 AM

    MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS.. In rereading that tweet, that was sent last night, I dont' think she expected the bill to pass. Opps, another misspeak on her part. I do think she writes this way because it is so vague and then she cannot be held accountable for what she has said. Nobody really knows what she has said!!

    Anyway, glad we got something, now the work begins!! Love to you all, Pam from White Christmas and blue skies Colorado

  23. Anonymous8:21 AM

    I wonder if Karl Rove's thumbs are cramped from all this supposed Palin Twittering? Seems she's always Johnny-on-the-Spot with an inane fourth-grade-level comment (custom made for her base) that the MSM has to pay attention to. JMHO.

  24. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Hey, I'm an "average American" who wanted health care reform with a strong public option so who is she talking about when she says "average"?

  25. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Not that the plastic surgury queen would know or understand where her juvenial word salad originates, here it is for us to enjoy. Happy Holidays folks!
    - Isoroku Yamamoto is credited with saying, after the attack on Pearl Harbor, "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."

  26. Anonymous8:35 AM

    You should do a new post to Maureen Dowd's great column today about McCain. Would be a great "F**K You John McCain", part 2 :-)

  27. Anonymous8:36 AM

    So Sarah, have a question for you? Why did you ban "average" Americans from your book signing in Wasilla? The only "average" people you're talking about is your base and not the rest of us.

    Another question, so if you're so "average" how come you're getting so much plastic surgery? Not happy with your "average" looks are we?

  28. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Lila said....

    This is from a commenter on Frontiersman --

    "I was there wrote on Dec 23, 2009 2:19 PM:

    'I went to the book signing. I am definitely NOT a fan of Sarah but I will say that the police didn't check everyone's IDs. They actually didn't show up until around 10:00. Granted, I did not see the police escort anyone out, as there wasn't any commotion, but I wouldn't doubt that it happened. There were signs on the door, however, instructing anyone from the media to report to the front office to have their credentials checked. And Sarah's mother went around to be sure that all of the petitions that were there were things Sarah agrees with.'

    In other words, the LaRoche petition that had a picture of Obama with a Hitler mustache passed Sarah's mom's inspection as something "Sarah agrees with".

    Not really a surprise, but disturbing nonetheless.

  29. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Washington DC on 20 Jaunary.........

    While the wingnuts pray for people to die, we can all pray for an ice storm pound them on the 20th. Then at least they'll have a good use for their teabags!

  30. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn8:53 AM

    Anon @8:46--

    Yes. Lots of ice. Tons of it. Meteorite sized. Huge chunks. A storm that starts while they're gathered there with their "Palin-approved" Obama as Hitler signs. Classic KARMA!!

  31. Ripley8:59 AM

    Gryph! Did you read the blog entry on your sidebar labeled "journal" from Wasillaalaskaby300"??? He says that the press was only banned from the upper level, not the entire complex!!! Methinks you have some complainin' to do!

  32. Ripley9:01 AM

    " from abovementioned blog entry re: media access: "The sports arena is a public building, but her party had rented space on the second level for her to sign her books. They were calling that a private area. No photographers were being allowed in the private area.

    Al could shoot all he wanted down on the main floor where people stood in line by the hundreds, but he could not go up to the second level to photograph Palin."

  33. Anonymous9:03 AM

    I think the "sleeping giant" is from Glenn Beck. The chick that disrupted the townhall and was then interviewed by Lawerence O'Donnell was a Glenn Beck 9/12 organizer. She conveniently omitted this information when she was interviewed, with something like, I'm just an ordinary mom who want's my country back.

  34. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Wonderful post, the "Bitter Twitter" name for Ms. Palin. I am an "Average American" and a Patriot who loves my country. I guess she forgot to count me? I'm so happy the health care bill has passed Merry Christmas!

  35. honestyinGov9:06 AM

    Yes.. all of her tweets, twits and verbal diarrhea don't make ANY sense but they don't have to.Anytime you read some of the sea of urine comments to responses she has they just make stuff up anyway. It is a ' fantasyland '
    ( anything goes ) and they turn and twist the words to mean what THEY want the story to say. It NEVER has to make sense. We shouldn't try to make sense of it either.

    BTW:This is such a very SMALL ' detail ', but it goes to the point of the way her brain works.... or DOESN"T.
    lite-4 letters
    light-ONLY 5 letters ( AND the proper spelling)

    She shortened various other words in the tweet.She couldn't find ONE ....other letter in a word to change so the word 'light ' would be spelled correctly....? Really..?
    Tawd better not send her to Walmart ever to buy ' Lite-bulbs '... she will look all day and never find them.
    She will be looking for ions.

    She is one Dim 'Lite'-bulb.

  36. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Lila said...

    Just added this comment at Frontiersman:

    "Sarah had dozens of book signing events in recent weeks. Press were allowed in for brief photo-ops at many of these signings, and there were no reports of individiual members of the press being banned at other sigings. But certainly not all press who attended other events were supportive.

    Why was it only in Alaska that Sarah had the audacity to ban the press?

    Or was this an 'only in Wasilla' thing?

    Is this why she did not have a "public" signing in Anchorage -- she couldn't be sure of being able to ban individuals?"

    You think????

  37. Anonymous9:16 AM

    I think blundertwit just thinks, as Queen of her imaginary world, that she should, and can, ban whoever she wants from where ever she wants.

    Truth is, she surrounds herself with only those who love her so she can stay in her imaginary world and ignore the 80% of the GLOBE that hates her, or sees her only as an entertainment figure to laugh at and mock.

    Put her back on the national stage and watch her weep. Bwaaaaaaa... everyone's so mean to me! She bans people 'cause shes no barrchuda or maverick, she's a big fat wimp.

    Giant ice balls for DC! Teabag that!

  38. (OT) Gryphen, thank you for your entertaining blog that I look forward to reading every day. Have a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year.

  39. Anonymous9:35 AM

    It's so obvious to me that she is a "lite weight" (couldn't resist the "lite"). Nothing is ever her fault, every one is mean to her, all criticism is sexist... Do you think the majority of voters think she is able to govern a great nation like the U.S.? I know some of the media is beginning to call her out as the unqualified fool she is, but why am I still reading things about her like she's relevant??

  40. Ah Gryphen, you are in good form today!
    And SJK ("Face the Nation, Meet the Press or shut the fuck up") and CR46 ("my post was Raptured") you have also made my day.

    Thanks to Gryphen and all who comment for reminding me about what's important and how to fight for it—

    And also thank to you for making me laugh--because that is vital for continuing the struggle.

    Here's a toast to happiness, equality and justice for all humans! We took a step today; we'll take another tomorrow . . .

  41. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Yup, Sarah Bitter Twitter Quitter belives that if she lives in her safe and comfy COCOON WORLD that she can continue raking in the $$$$. One interview on Meet the Press would do her in. She would need to take her Facebook writer with her to get through all of the talking points. What a joke.

    Gryphen.....thank you and all the bloggers for all you do to expose this woman to America and the world. Sherlock

  42. Anonymous10:05 AM

    In the spirit of giving, and the real reason for the season, I give you all Sarah Palins least favorite Sarah Carols.

    The night before botox
    Santa (drill me) Baby
    Oh Come all ye Unfaithful
    Todds Nuts Roasting on an Open Fire
    The Twelve Lies of Sarahmas
    The First Face Lift
    Grownup Twitter list

    Merry Christmas, All!

  43. Stoopids for Sarah10:08 AM

    Stoopids for Sarah 2012!

    We love Sarah and we don't care if you don't too!
    We don't mind if she quits we need someone like that in the WH!
    Making money at book signings and not being a governor is very American!
    We are very blessed that Sarah wants to take money from us!
    We are so proud of our Twit Messenger and Faceless poster!
    She's just like one of us with not that much smarts and very white flabby thighs!

  44. Wow, Gryphen, you got your very own post at the Sea of Pee...

  45. typical sea of pee stuff. not an original fart in their repertoire. just the same old fart over and over.

  46. Sarah Palin Saves Her Marriage:

  47. Anonymous10:26 AM

    I think that Sarah will finally find her place in politics. There is a polical group of crazies who are just waiting for her.

    I am thinking of the Tea Party Patriots (formerly known as tea baggers until they looked it up in the Urban Dictonary). They are planning a national strike on January 20, 2010 (to coincide with the year anniversary of Obama being sworn in as president, and at the time when he will give the state of the union speech.

    What is their case? They are against big business-- the corporations who support the left and send messages to the left with their advertising dollars. How do we know who they are? Well, they advertise on CNN and/or MSNBC.

    What is their mission? (I told you this was a group made for Sarah). These big corporations have a socialist agenda; they are for socialism.
    Let's just think about that for a moment. What big business is advocating take over of their company and having it run either by the government or by the workers themselves instead of the management that is in place now?

    Well, it makes as much sense as a pro-life group supporting the death penalty, and supporting wars which kill innocent people who never attacked us. It makes as much sense as blackening out someone's name on a visor to remain incognito. It makes as much sense as using lies to say that you are not the biggest political liar of 2009.

    On a completely different topic, I would like to wish everyone, especially Gryphen, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year. I have enjoyed everyone's comments and contributions, and I especially appreciate all of the thoughtful, humorous, intelligent, well written posts by Gryphen.

    Thanks, too, also, for attempting to cover the book signing. In excluding you, the Drama Queen guaranteed more coverage than if she had just let you come in, take a few pictures and leave. She sure knows how to attract attention, even if sometimes it is the wrong kind of attention.

  48. Can't wait for the sleeping giant to awaken and sit directly on Sarah Palin's ugly face.

    May 2010 bring Sarah the much needed disgrace she deserves.

  49. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Great post. REally great.

  50. Anonymous10:38 AM

    omg,i8sp alot!

  51. Gryphen, have you seen this?!

  52. I am afraid that you all have this wrong in assuming that she is talking about you when she thumb types "average" American. When Sarah tweeted, in her haste to abbreviate, she left out a critical word - below - as in below average American. That is what the quotation marks stand for. It is code for who her real base is.

    After all, she is continuously railing against the elite which, by definition, would be the above average. She also excludes people who live in cities as being part of her real America, which I believe is the majority of the population. And bloggers, even rural Alaskan bloggers, are not part of her real America. Now that she has whittled America to this minority she is determined to reduce it even to an even smaller rump by administrating purity of thought guidelines. In other words, all her actions are about eliminating not just the above average but the average American to get to her real America.

    This is where the death panel rhetoric comes in. When she says that they, the government, will kill the unproductive - something that was never in the bill or on anyone's mind but Sarah's - she is talking to the insecurity of people who feel they are below average. Not being bright or popular or good looking is not the most fun experience in the world. Without proper care and support from others, it can be a life filled with constant humiliation. The arena that this comes out the most is in school, which is where most people get the most contact with the government. Since the government makes you go to school they are linked to being the persecutor. What Palin is doing is threatening her base that we, the elite and the average, intend to judge them for their self perceived inadequacies and deny them health care which will keep them alive. She is scaring them to fleece them for money and have their undivided devotion.

    Trig is more than a prop; he is a metaphor.

  53. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Dear Gryphen and Friends of Gryphen,

    1. Go directly to C4P and grab a screen shot of their reason that Dennis Zaki (and other bloggers) were removed from the book signing. Print out a hard copy, also, too. Save it as evidence in case they decide to take it down.

    2. The reason that is given for excluding Dennis (and some of his friends) is that Dennis revealed the address of Sarah's private residence and had the nerve (I wish I could underline it) the nerve to give directions there. That was considered dangerous harrassment.

    3. The other claims had to do with Gryphen, Zaki and Shannyn repeating rumors of an investigation and/or divorce rumors. How dare they!

    4. Sarah and Todd's address and phone number are on the internet. I will not name the websites, but in three different places, I can access either Sarah or Todd's home address and phone number. With that address, Google Maps will gladly tell me how to get there. Dennis was not divulging any information that is not readily available on the internet.

    5. The lawyer already issued his threatening letters to the bloggers, and since he took no further action, there was no "there" there. If the lawyer didn't have a case against a blogger who repeated a rumor, an policeman had no cause to remove the person.

    6. Did we ever determine if the police were on or off duty? (Even if they were on active duty, I am guessing that the official Wasilla response will be off-duty).

    7. Be sure to save the C4P reason for the removal of the bloggers! Because it is so flawed, it only helps their case. ACLU has helped other people ejected from events by police where that is not their function.

  54. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Virginia Voter, how can I post a comment on C4P?

  55. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Sarah, your supporters, with an IQ of 45 are not "average".

  56. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Seriously Gryphen, you should do what anon @
    10:42 said. You have a good case against her and not only that but it would draw attention to all her other wickedness. The woman is a coward and I'm sure she doesn't want that kind of negative press. Don't let her get a free pass on this one.

  57. Palin has to be given credit for being a true conservative because she's all criticism and no solutions. If she were ever POTUS, her subordinates would be making all of the decisions. Work on policy? That's too hard! Read history to use as a guide to avoid making the same mistakes in the future? That's too much work! Take pictures and be fawned over by the press? You betcha!

  58. January 20, 2010 -- The first iced tea demonstration.

  59. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Um, that "sleeping giant" that Sarah Palin refers to--is that Rodan or Godzilla? I just would like some clarification so I know whether this threat is coming from the sea or sky.

    Oh she encouraging civil unrest and possibly violence to be committed by her blind followers? How responsible of her! And how positively Christmaslike. Peace.

  60. I wonder what kind of health insurance Trigg has.
    Both his parents are unemployed.
    He should not be covered by palin's insurance, since he is a grandson not an immediate family member.
    Actually how does palin have health insurance?
    Didn't Todd quit his job too? She is not working, so how is Trigg insured for all his special needs?
    Does he get socialist state insurance due to his special needs?
    Does palin pay for her own insurance? She can't understand the need for health insurance for all?
    Did her parents turn down Medicare?
    I really think she needs to discuss the bill instead of tweeting.
    Most Americans wanted this bill.
    She is a lame, nasty, vindictive coward.

    On a brighter note,Merry Christmas to all.
    I hope this year brings some common sense to palin and the tea baggers!

  61. Love and joy to everyone here...

    dianedp asks some really wonderful questions, all of which I'd love to see answered. Not that I will, at least without one hell of a fight on the part of the Bitter Twitter Quitter Half-a-Gov. Clearly $P can't stand losing even a shred of the limelight to 1) the passing of the health care bill, arguably the most important piece of legislation to pass in my lifetime, or to 2) Xmas.

    As the author (and Christian) Anne Lamott might have said, such warped demi-thinking might "make Jesus want to drink gin out of the cat dish."

  62. Oh, and here's an opponent of health care reform, named Bunny, who is so distraught that the legislation passed that she has taken down her Xmas tree and lights:

  63. Ratfish6:22 PM

    Perhaps she forgot about the huge growth in big STATE government during her abbreviated tenure as governor.

    Her budgets for hardworking Alaskans increased by 35% in her first two years.

    If she

  64. MacAndCheeseWiz9:11 PM

    Until the ex runner up beauty pageant participant, public official who quit a job she took an oath to complete, failed VP pick for GOP John McCain, and certified and verified liar comes up with a believable alternative health plan bill, anything she tweets or puts on facebook should be taken at face value.

    She can't "dumb down" for her followers, because they stand for nothing, and she can't "smarten up" because she's too dysfunctional to put in the effort, so what does that leave for her? Fox News and the religious right.

    She's too shallow and thin skinned for politics. Even Newt Gingrich, as crazy as he is, sounds like he makes more sense than her.

    Case in point, this little utube rant- (barf bag alert)

    Merry Christmas, Happy Channukah, and whatever you celebrate, may your homes be filled with love, laughter, and hope!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.