Thursday, December 24, 2009

Globe Exclusive! Sarah Palin staves off divorce after red hot Hawaiian vacation with Todd!

Um..."red hot"?


Well okay, maybe Sarah is a real tiger in bed.

In the dark.

After her children are finally asleep.

And after she has cleaned the sand out of her...well you know.

AND after she is done being pissed of at the paparazzi for taking the unflattering pictures of her.

Maybe after all of that she turns into a real Alaskan wildcat in the sack, and rocks Todd's world.

Or at least shakes the bed around a little, you know in a "red hot" kind of way

I guess it could happen. I mean stranger things HAVE happened, right? Right?

Update: If you click the title it should take you to the Globe teaser. But just in case they delete it, this is what it says:

Republican poster girl Sarah Palin has headed off divorce, pals say, with a red-hot Hawaiian vacation with her hubby Todd. GLOBE's exclusive reveals all the intimate details you won't want to miss!


  1. Anonymous11:06 AM

    No Way !! These 2 haven't knocked boots since Piper, er, I mean Willow, Bristol. Ah hell one of those kids has to be his.

  2. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Merry Christmas Gryphen

  3. Anonymous11:15 AM

    There ya go, spreading more divorce rumors. In honor of the holidays, stop makin' things up...oh, wait a minute, it's already in print.

    I'll repeat my post from the end of the last thread. Please read and save the reasons given at C4P for Dennis Zaki (and others) being removed from the book signing. (Screen shot or save a hard copy before they take it down).

    Dennis is supposed to have divulged the Palin's home address along with directions of how to get there. That information is available on the internet at several different places; it is public information.

    The other reason that Dennis, Gryphen, and Shannyn were supposed to be excluded is because they spread nasty rumors about the Palin's divorce. A lawyer thretened the bloggers, but never took action. Now, a (not-so-reliable) publication is repeating the story. So, The Globe can't come to any book signings, and once again, if the information is out there in public, nobody was revealing any big secrets.

    Thanks, Globe! and Thanks, C4P! You're making this too easy. (If you want to post something @C4P, please know that you have to register, and they will exclude any comments that are considered unfavorable. Just like a Sarah book signing).

    Also, too, if you are as lazy as I am, I just Google C4P instead of their long name. (And, I don't book mark them, either). Be careful! There is a website for swingers that will also come up. On the other hand, you never can tell who you might run into at one of the racy websites.

  4. Anonymous11:18 AM

    LOL, you're really tweaking her tinseled twit brain aren't you, Gryphen? Beware of her next tweet.

    Gryphen=suxblog/awakensminons2Cdirtysexwrdsattckonmyfamily/strikbk from realAMercanssoon.

  5. Basheert11:22 AM

    Great job Gryphen. Just keep poking the monkey with the stick. It builds character.

    Oh wait.....

    WHO goes to Hawaii looking like that? MY god she is a complete and total MESS.

  6. Anonymous11:23 AM

    She reignited passion with a Escalade and cold hard cash. As good a reason as any for staying hitched to a witch.

  7. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Had to lol. as soon as that was posted an ad for an Escalade appeared. One and the same. Black, sleek and wicked.

  8. So, she did get lei'd in Hawaii, afterall.

  9. I'm sorry, but I think this particular post is just a little mean.

    It's entirely a personal attack. Really personal. Not about Sarah's (lack of) policy or understanding. Not about her (lack of) character, lies, etc.

    It's all about what she looks like. That's mean. It's junior high mean. It's stooping to her level.

    As for the other, is that any of our business really? Don't we condemn Republicans for sticking their noses in the bedrooms of America and pontificating on the personal business of Americans? Again, stooping to an unattractive level.

    I just think this post is a bit out of line.

    But it's your blog, Gryphen. And considering the slap you and Dennis just got over being banned in Wasilla, I don't blame you if you want to push back a little.

    I just think this isn't worthy of you. It cheapens your blog.

  10. Now Now Gryphen.
    Sara is a lot prettier and younger than a lot of us even with her dimples and sags.It just happens with age.
    I think we have lots on this woman besides her celulite.
    It is kinda fun to see she isn't Little Miss Perfect

  11. I think somebody pulled The Globe article because I can't bring it up from any sources. Gryphan, can you put a copy on the blog or suggest another way to read it??

  12. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Oh me, oh my.

    I think the red hot part relates to sunburn, and the saves her marriage refers to her giving Todd a large check to stay. Just my opinion.

    I would say unfair on her looks if she didn't use them to prostiute herself for $$$ all the time. Fair game.

  13. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Oh get off it.

    Remember what she does to others. I don't know if she actually said So Samabo beat the Bitch. But it sure seems plausable as her style.

    Your telling a man whose life was threatened by her following that it is beneath him to enjoy her discomfort at getting photographed by the paparatzzi, without bodyshopping?

  14. Sorry...Gryphen, I meant.

  15. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Oh poor Sarahin 2012, please buy a real history book and read it and do some research beyond Glenn Beck, Limbaugh and Palins Facebook. Really dear, it's very sad how factually uninformed you bots are.

  16. From generally looking at her profile and the way she is wearing her hair back, she absolutely didn't have a facelift.

  17. Sharon in Florida11:45 AM

    Can't help but wonder which of her "pals" leaked that info to Globe. Probably Palin herself...can't imagine she's willing to share the spotlight with President Obama and the healthcare bill passing today or Jesus' birth tomorrow. SHE is the most important person in the world and it's been...what 2 days since she captured headlines. Plus there's the sympathy factor. If it wasn't leaked by her, then her "pals" are quaking in fear and somebody's going to get fired.

  18. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Gryphen... with this post you most likely lost your invite to Christmas dinner at the Palin's.

    Have a great Christmas anyway... and keep chipping away at Sarah's false image.

  19. lmao. I just got back from the grocery store and saw this in the check out line, and of course immediately thought of my favorite blog. Merry Xmas Gryph!

  20. Midnight Cajun11:52 AM

    Yeah, it's mean, but then, so is violating someone's constitutional rights by barring them on the basis of their political opinions from an event that's open to the public.

    And it wasn't Sarah's looks that spoiled the Hawaiian vacation, it was the royal fits she was throwing about the unflattering photos published on the site "Faded Youth."

    Merry Christmas, Gryphen; thanks for all you do!

  21. Uh oh, looks like the comments on this thread are working up to be as much fun as the Star magazine thread. Make my day, Ladies.

    Wait. Yer already doing it, Patti: ....getting lei'd in Hawaii?!?! LOL

    Is that all the troll knows how to do, cut and paste? Beyond pathetic.

  22. Sharon in Florida11:56 AM

    I just brought the Globe up. Try this link:

  23. Wait a minute... if they were having such a great time, why did they leave after 2 days?

  24. They gonna name the kid Surfboard?

    Sounds perverted to me.

    I mean if you are gonna bring your man to a remote island to try and "win him back"

    you dam sure don't want to be bringing Sir Trigg along for the ride, do you?

    Hey Todd!

    I mean...

    Have you seen Sarah lately?!

    Take a look at the above photos!

    They will cause the sales of viagra to spike, but that's about it!

    just saying!

  25. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Trust me, either her or her handlers called the rags themselves. It's not uncommon for a starlet, or a washed up old rock star, or whoever to either call (or often their publisist) and announce where they will be and when and ask if the rag can send a photog.

    These folks know that all publicity is good publicity. We're still talking about her, right?

    That's the 1 and only goal, to keep from getting forgotten.

  26. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Bi-polar women can be dynamite in the sack. Trust me on this.

  27. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Drew - Money can cloud ones judgement........

  28. Anonymous12:21 PM

    If she wasn't so damn mean and spiteful, no one would snark about her looks, as she looks great for someone who is 66, er 46.

  29. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Don't forget, this magical, red-hot, marriage saver of a vacation was only 2 days long, and that magic had to take place after staged candid photo shoots and after myriad phone calls to put out fires from selecting questionable head attire for those staged candid photo shoots, and after discovering photos had been taken of Sarah on the phone putting out the above mentioned fires. It had to take place before Sarah magnanimously decided to leave HA so that others could enjoy their vacays without the twos of desperate paparazzi who were hounding her and disrupting other people's vacations. Furthermore, it had to come between meals and diaper changes.
    It also had to take place without ever having been necessary in the first place. I mean, have you seen Todd?!? That marriage was never in trouble to begin with.

    I don't know Griff, the more I think about it, the more magical it becomes!

  30. Anonymous12:42 PM

    In what respect, Charlie?

    Why does anyone bring up the Secretary of State? Hillary Clinton campaigned on policies. She was not nominated, but she is now Secretary of State. Mrs. Todd Palin campaigned on being a pitbull with lipstick and "tholse who would seek to destroy us" and "pals around with terrists" and other fear mongering sentiments, that and too short skirts, an up do and some naughty monkey shoes. More money was spent on making Sarah Palin look good than on anything else in that campaign, and when she lost she quit being governor and got a bunch more plastic surgery so she could continue to play up her looks and had someone write a sappy, kitschy work of fiction for her. She's decided to become a celebrity -- her choice.
    I fail to see how Hillary Clinton, attorney, former US Senator, and current US SoS compares in any way, shape or form to Mrs. Todd Palin.
    Now if you want to compare Mrs. Todd Palin to Jessica Simpson, that might be a more valid comparison.

  31. Anonymous12:44 PM

    sarah, miss prim and proper, probably lies there like bag of sand.

  32. CrabbyPatty12:53 PM

    The only thing "Red Hot" about that vacation is probably poor Trig's skin. And maybe all that pasty Taaadd flesh. Palin evidently cared enough to get HERSELF a visor, but didn't bother to cover up that poor kid, or bring a hat or sunglasses for him - gawd only knows about sunscreen.

  33. Hillary has a fine education, an encyclopedic knowledge of policy, a perceptive mind, and she knows how to behave in public. For many, many years, she and her husband and daughter have comported themselves with dignity when the poo-flingers went after them.

    Only dictatorships "take" a country. We live in a democracy that ELECTS its leaders. There have been a few examples of banana-republic tampering with the system [*koff*FLORIDA*2000*koff], but that was not the case in 2008.

    That's the only card in your hand, $arahin2012? That you think $P "looks better"? I'll opt for "thinks better" for my Commander-in-Chief, Secretary of State, Mayor...

    Also an individual who respects our flag and doesn't toss it over furniture like a afghan, or wrap herself in it like a beach towel.

  34. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Sarah 2012
    Again who cares? What is your point? Hillary Clinton
    (a) is ~60 years old and knows it, and
    (b)does not need "good looks" to be an effective SoS, and knows that, too. She's effective at what she does because she's qualified to do it, and has a curious, thoughtful mind that takes new information and old information into consideration when making policies and decisions.
    (c) Even if anyone did care, we wouldn't know, because Hillary Clinton dresses appropriately for her job.

    For Mrs. Todd Palin, her looks are all she's ever had. She's got no policies, no curiosity, no education, no desire to learn,no ability to process new information, an infantile level of maturity, and the integrity of Tony Soprano.

    Mrs. Todd Palin and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton are not even in the same galaxy.

    Is your only defense of this woman that perhaps she has nicer thighs than the current secretary of state?

    I'm going to go check on the turkey and play with my kids now.

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays fellow IMers! Thanks for this great blog Gryphen!

  35. Anonymous1:05 PM

    The ONLY explanation that's remotely feasible to explain the phrase 'red hot hawaii vacation' is sister likes to watch..NOT participate... THAT would explain a lot of things....

  36. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Before I go --
    Hi Mrs TBb! Merry Holidays to you!

    It's pretty funny that we're back to b-b-b-but Bill Clinton got a blow job. (After 8 years of starting wars without justification, trampling the constitution, full out destruction of the economy etc, etc, etc, that's really what they want to go with?!? sigh.)


  37. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Sarahin2012, please STFU and go back to banging the plastic blow-up Sarah doll you got for Xmas.

  38. "tawd, come here and get the sand out my love machine"...

  39. Donna1:15 PM

    Mrs. TarquinBiscuitBarrel--well put.

    Obviously, the moronic Sarahin2012 is very threatened by how much of a fool his/her idol has made of herself recently. Sorry, dumb ass--the only thing she had going for her were her looks. She's not bright, not educated, not courageous, and not remotely the field-dressing, moose-cooking, mama grizzly that she persuaded children like you that she is.

  40. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Wow, Sarahin2012 really likes this blog and our comments. Oh and by the way if you think Sarah looks better than Hilary, well all I can say is that Hilary's got the brains and that's more important than looks. You're a very shallow person if you support Sarah because of her looks.

  41. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Anon @ 1:09, I don't think he got it. I think he's frustrated, disappointed, has nothing else to do, and this is the result.
    Either that, or he did get it, but he can't get the images at the top of this post out of his head, and it's spoiling all the fun. ;-)

  42. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Or because you otherwise buy into the image--which has been so completely disproven. Yeppers, the Crunch Wrap Supreme Queen isn't quite what she was sold to be, is she?

    Hillary Clinton is very bright, a Yale law grad, exceedingly accomplished, and respected for who she is and what she has done. Only someone with the insight of a gerbil would equate someone who drifted through a plethora of colleges before finally managing to squeak out a degree in journalism to her. But of course, Sarahin2012 probably also agrees with the Witch Doctor who casts out the demons.

  43. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Anon @ 1:20,
    Why do you hate gerbils?

    trollsin2012 is having Spam for Xmas dinner!

  44. Donna1:24 PM

    Sarahin2012: who gives a s--t who'll get your vote? You obviously haven't progressed beyond being able to regurgitate 3-4 lines of "Kenyan Muslim Socialist" or "take back our country" bullshit. Unfortunately, the right to vote isn't contingent on having an IQ above 50. Fortunately, there are very few people as stupid and benighted as you are.

    Guess what? The bimbo from Wasilla will take people like you for alot of money as long as she can milk you. But that's all it's ever going to be.

  45. Anon@ 1:20PM -- very funny and well put.

    However, we really don't know if she squeaked out a degree or not, do we?

    We only have her word for it and we all know how truthful that is. Not to mention, NONE of her profs even remember her in their classes.

    I don't believe she does.

  46. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Jesse Cornish, please go do something more sensible than this. It is Christmas Eve. I am sorry you have no actual family with which to share your Spam.
    Please take your meds. You clearly have issues.

  47. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Anonymous 1:22--you're right. They are delightful little rodents.

    I do wish to express some gratitude to Sarahin2012 for his/her graphic demonstration of the sheer intellectual deficiencies of the sort of people who support Palin. Not to mention the lack of originality. Or the fact that he is so desperate for attention that he keeps coming on this blog and spewing his puerile crap.

  48. Anonymous1:33 PM

    You couldn't find your own ass to wipe it, Sarahin2012.

  49. Basheert1:35 PM

    Oh goody - Sarah2012 IS Jesse Cornish?

    What a dumb jerk. He's been banned from so many blogs he has to go with an alias.

    What a dumba**.

    BTW: She is looking r-e-a-l-l-y bad. This is what (for her) is a happy Hawaiian vacation? How much were those airtickets? And TAWD looks like a white whale.

    Pathetic. Also a complete waste of time considering how long it took to get there. Dead-fish white skin in Hawaii is pretty obvious.

  50. President Obama is not Kenyan, not Muslim, and not a Socialist. Really, is that ALL you think you've got?? Don't you have any tinsel to hang or wassail to stir up?

  51. Donna1:42 PM

    Gryphen--Sarahin2012 has long passed the point of contributing anything remotely interesting, entertaining, or worthwhile. It's just clogging comments by repeating the same juvenile lines. Any chance of sweeping up?

  52. Sarah in 2012 can't be bothered to read things like books, newspapers, or even watch the news, otherwise he/she would have seen the First Lady and daughters reading Christmas stories and poems...but I guess that Kenyan Muslim socialist meme is all you've got in the sewer you prefer to dwell in.

    Go send some more money to your washed up ageing Beauty Queen, so she and Todd can furnish that new crib....I hear the Escalade needs more DVD palyers in the headrests, also too...

  53. Not to rain on anyone's parade, but doesn't one of the colleges in Idaho acknowledge $P as a graduate? I'm almost positive I read that recently. But I don't care enough to look it up!

  54. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Looks like Gryphen is cleaning up the Spam spill on isle 9.
    Thanks, Gryphen!
    A pathetic argument that gets shot down followed by infantile, angry, non-sequitor spamming is one of Jesse's MOs. Tomorrow or the next day, he'll return with cries of "shame on you for being so rude to Mrs. Palin -- all you want to do is tear her down -- how unliberal of you!!" to finish off the MO. He'll probably do that using 20 different screen names. He really does need a job or family or source of inspiration and some intensive psychotherapy.

  55. s'arah 2012, kiss my Kenyan, Muslim, Socialist ass. and get the sand out while yer down there.

  56. "He really does need a job or family or source of inspiration and some intensive psychotherapy."

    Amen to that! On the other hand, I don't think we have enough psychotherapists to deal with all the raving lunatics who follow her...

  57. I've tried to be a polite ...

    but honey, you are one fucked up asshole!

  58. Anonymous1:54 PM

    hrh, it lists her as an alum. Alum can mean she attended, or that she graduated. The ADN has an article from 1988 when she took a job as sports caster introducing her. The article is carefully worded to say she is a graduate of Wasilla High, and attended U of Idaho. It does not say she's a graduate of U of I, or that she earned a bachelor's in journalism of communications or whatever it is she claims nowadays, as one would expect from a description of her education credentials. Bree did a great post a while back on her higher ed history, and about the same time, Young Turks did a little something, and there were a couple of dKos diaries exploring the issue. I don't think anyone has ever confirmed that she is a graduate, not even U of I. If memory serves, the best they said was that her education records were private.
    You'd think for her first real world job, sheor her boss would be touting her bachelors if she actually had one. Given the wording of that article right after her last semester or quarter of attendance at U of I, I'd say her highest earned degree is a high school diploma.
    Really, this issue needs a full post again.

  59. Stoopids for Sarah!1:57 PM

    Stoopids for Sarah 2012!

    We love Sarah and we don't care if you don't too!
    We don't mind if she quits we need someone like that in the WH!
    Making money at book signings and not being a governor is very American!
    We are so proud of our Twit Messenger and Faceless poster!
    She's just like one of us with not that much smarts and very white flabby thighs!

  60. c'mon2:00 PM

    "Palin Supporter" is just another way to say White Racist Bigot.

  61. I lied. Pursuant to questions of $P graduating from college (any college!), curiosity got me and I went looking. It was North Idaho College in 1987. She is being honored (WARNING: Have barf bag at the ready.) as Distinguished Alumni of the Year! (Shouldn't that be "Alumna"?) All the other schools and when she attended are mentioned, also, too.

    How odd that someone pursuing a journalism degree never wrote for the school paper or worked at the school tv station. Guess she had her sights set a lot higher.

  62. Anonymous2:15 PM

    The death grip on the Crackberry is pathetic. Leave the damn thing in the hotel room!!!

  63. Forever Anonymous2:20 PM

    Merry Chritsmas to all.

  64. Donna2:25 PM

    Thank you, Gryphen for cleaning up after Sarahin2012. And thank you for your well-written and very enjoyable blog. You are a big part in exposing the charlatan that is Sarah Palin.

  65. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Ah, the troll is back. Yes, like a bratty little kid repeating the same stupid insults. Sarahin2012/Jesse Cornish is to be pitied, of course. But in the meantime, it would be great to continue to just delete his inanity. What a sad pathetic person. And what a telling commentary on the sort of losers who are attracted to Sarah Palin.

  66. Yep---I believe also too, that is Jesse Cornish in drag.


  67. Anonymous2:45 PM

    She totally set that up. she had someone she knows talk to the Globe about the divorce just to stay in the limelight. She's truly pathetic.

  68. slightly OT...My friends friends father sold life insurance in the 50-60's. He'd go to a professional wrestling event, get license plates and have a friend who was a cop run the plates, and get names and addresses. Then the father would go sell 'em insurance figuring if the were pro wrestling fans, they'd buy anything. He did quite well from what I understand!

    palinbots are these folks today.

  69. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Remember when Sarah said she would never leave Todd, just look at him or something like that. Did it occur to her that he could leave her.

  70. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Why have so many people referred to the big lie that will be revealed in 2010? Is there really something? Did I miss something?

  71. Donna2:49 PM

    Did it occur to her that he might remain married to her but dally with women who are more attractive and pleasant?

    And sjk--you are exactly right.

  72. Seriously, and with no due respect 2012, yer a fuckwad. go suck the sand out of sarahs snatch.

    And happy Festivus for the rest of us.

  73. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Dayum, sjk, the thought of getting anywhere near her rotting privates just made me want to upchuck. Though 2012 should give it a go.

  74. Anonymous2:59 PM

    sjk--I am falling over laughing. Sometimes when you deal with someone so undeniably stupid, you just have to call a fuckwad a fuckwad. As for your additional suggestion, since Sarahin2012 doubtless has no teeth (having lost his few to poor dental hygiene), he'd probably aspirate. But I'm picturing this character right out of Deliverance ("ain't he got a purty mouth?") hissing through a mouthful of grit "Muthlim thothialith."

  75. Donna, Maybe they have a "dynamic" marriage?

    And except for when I am wrong, I am always right! big lol.

    Nite all, off to the best outdoor live music Christmas eve venue in the USA. 73 degrees right now. Sorry to all you chilly folks up north. Crank up the fireplace and hug the ones you love.

    Time to dust off those rusty strings one more time, gonna make 'em shine...

  76. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Anon 2:59:

    That's some funny stuff.

  77. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Jethhe Cornith ith Tharahin2012. Lithping thwoo the thand in Tharah's thnath and thlobbering over the cottath theethe on her thighth.

  78. Anonymous3:11 PM

    I wonder what Toad is getting his girlfriend for Christmas with S'error's book $$$ ?

  79. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Nice write up Gryphen...I laughed so much..

  80. Wel well well, she must not be too bad in bed, she did get knocked up at least five times that we know of.
    I was one of those Italian girls who got pregnant while on birth control. Each and every time!
    But of course, I always knew I was pregnant and always showed. With each child, I got a big belly, quicker. My Doc told me that happens to everyone who has more than one pregnancy. Yous stomach muscles have already been stretched to the max, so it doesn't take much with each preganacy to get bigger faster.
    That's one major reason why I believe Palin did NOT give birth to Trigg. Her kids, at the very least, would have noticed. And 'getting porky' is fat, not pregnant.
    So I have always been a believer that $arah lied and continues to do so about her non-preganacy.
    I cannot wait for Levi's book to come out. I sure hope that he tells everything. I mean everything. It's time for the liar to be exposed.

  81. "You know Spider2012, you're a fuckin' mumbling stuttering little fuck. You know that? "

    paraphrased from Goodfellas.

    Now I gotta go. Peace!

  82. G-man, set a character limit if possible. and i mean # of characters, as opposed to the character of the poster. 2012 is killing my buzz as I wait to head out.

  83. Sharon in Florida3:36 PM

    I'm kind of new on Sarahin2012 jerking off in between Copy & Paste?

  84. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Gryphen--any way to just block the idiot? Obviously, you're dealing with someone who's mentally ill and malicious. While we can all feel compassion, there's no reason to tolerate it.

  85. How does one have a 'Red hot' vacation with spouse - accompanied by a toddler and 9 year old?

    And even if they hired a babysitter for an evening - how did Todd get the Blackberry away from her long enough to - uh - well, you know :)

  86. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Gryph, I'm a fan of this blog, but this post it too much, and the comments are disgusting. The sight of Palin turns my stomach, but it is because of her personality and behavior, not her physical attributes. The sexual and nasty comments both in your blog post and the comments makes me sad. This has gone too far.

  87. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Gryphen-I think some of the comments on this blog are getting a little on the raunchy side, maybe carrying it a little to far.

  88. So, all it takes to mend a fraying marriage is two days in Hawaii with one's spouse and two children?

    Who knew?

  89. crystalwolf aka caligrl6:59 PM

    Oh you guys are making me LMAO! Especially sjk and those after her/him...!
    Merry Christmas to you all, Even the trolls, Happy Winter solstice!
    And I hope by this year we will be watching the part from Oz, "hi ho the wicked witch is dead!"
    And the faceless OZ on facebook exposed....!!!And Dorothy clicks the red shoes...and goes directly to not pass go....!!!!!
    Merry Christmas/Solstice ya'll!!!!!

  90. Anonymous8:34 PM

    sjk is da bomb!

    and 2012 is or has the value of a day-old fart. Too bad I am too late to read all that shi'te.

    Palin ain't doing no nalin' lately... which explains her nasty bitterness.

    signed me -


  91. MacAndCheeseWiz9:30 PM

    She once said "Have you seen Todd?" in reference to the domestic intranquility in her home. The question, after this imbicillic article, should be "Todd, have YOU seen Sarah?" They seem like a "lights off" type of couple, but seriously, look at them thighs!

    Merry Christmas everyone... gotta go put some cottage cheese on a Dr Atkins bar, you know, to feed the reigndeer!

  92. As a former corporate employee, there were a few occassions when someone's degree was questioned. I initiated an inquiry once, when an employee was just too stupid to have the education he claimed. It was fairly simple for Human Resources to check the person's credentials. I recall several other employees who were terminated for falsificaton - lying on the employment req or in their resume, specifically about schools attended and degrees earned.

    I have no idea how this check would have been performed, but it happened a few times. So, any Human Resource pros among the readers? How can we verify the twitting, quitting, grifting, liar's degree?

  93. Irishgirl11:20 PM

    I wouldn't want those thighs wrapped around me....just saying.

    Happy Christmas Gryphen.

  94. FEDUP!!!12:41 AM

    'Red hot' ... I guess she did not finish her sentence - it should have bee 'red hot hide' - because that is the only thing they got from two days in the sun w/o sunscreen!

    How can it have been a 'red hot' vacation - unless they do it as fast as fish or mosquitoes! I mean: Piper was in their room, and Trig also, too... And then they hightailed it outta there as fast as you can say REALLY?!

  95. Anonymous10:13 PM

    I believe the photos on the beach were very much staged.. She was very aware of the camera watching them.

    She didn't think beyond the beach - the worst pictures were taken by a pool. She didn't see that lens coming... Now, the running pic - she probably told the desk to call the paparazzi so they could get that one to counter the blog comments. She hadn't looked at her inner thigh straight on in the mirror and didn't realize how her botched whatever procedure showed up so much.

    But, those boobs (running pic) - I haven't seen them that big in any other picture - oh wait, the picture at the yankee game with Rudy - I thought it might be the camera angle, but now I think she has one "really" padded bra and she wears it when she wants to balance the big bumpit on top with her chest...

  96. Anonymous5:44 AM

    I blame Wasilla and McCain for this womans rise.

    Looking at her fan base, I can see why.

    I want her out of the political limelight before the 2010 elections. Hopefully McCain will lose. The old s.o.b. deserves nothing from this country but scorn. He wasn't a hero and coasted along just as $P does on big lies and in his case, his father the Admiral.

  97. lilly7:29 AM

    Went to my local quick check for coffee, and noticed a pile of Star Magazines with all the unflattering shots without makeup, including the nasty one of $arah the former quitee Governor. When I went back a hour later for one of their burgers, all that issue had vanished. Still other magazines on display.

    People do enjoy seeing those professionaly made up beauties seen in the raw without their makeup.

    I think for the hell of it, I'll get some mascara and blush and see what it does. 3/4 of those women did not look like natural beauties. Though some looked fine without any makeup or help from hairdressers. $arah was not one of them. She needs a bumpit, or a wig, and a lot of makeup.

    If a some oozing faked charm, a out of the ordinary background (even if mostly malarky) and a loads of makeup can make a female into a political contender, maybe those females who also have brains can change the political landscape for the better.

    The talent that $arah seems to have in spades is a shrewd eye on making a dollar and an eye for any opportunity. Look how she has made herself unavailable for anyone but her doting Faux News pals and her cult following.

    What she has done is show that sex appeal (with the brass to lie) sells in politics as well as in the movies, or advertising.

  98. I prefer to be 'Anon' on this post9:27 PM

    When Sarah was breastfeeding Willow her boobs are so big it was freakish. She could breastfeed them while they laid in her lap. I kid you not.


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