Tuesday, December 01, 2009

The Daily Show examines the problem of refugees crossing the border of Mexico. Wait, going into which country?

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
American Refugees Seek Health Care in Mexico
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorHealth Care Crisis


  1. JPLINY6:43 AM

    Thank God for the "Daily Show". They have articulated my plans for retirement. My $$ will go much farther in Mexico than it will here. Sad.

  2. Anonymous7:04 AM

    25% of American tourist to Costa Rica go for medical or dental work.

    Dental work is 60-70% cheaper than in the US.

  3. Anonymous7:25 AM

    I totally enjoyed watching this. I have been to Progresso numerous times. If you want a truly wonderful margarita and nachos - it is the place to go. And yes we do buy our drugs across the border. One of these days I will be living down there.
    Betty - A cold texan right now looking to live a warmer life. :-)

  4. I just crossed over into Medicare, and got a notice from our insurance companies telling me what my husband's and my premiums will be for 2010.

    Per month, each of our Medicare deductions from SS are going up to $110.50, our Medicare supplemental insurance will be a total of $554, and our MedicareRx insurance will be a total of $120.

    That's nearly $900/month, just for health insurance. Add to that the actual cost of medications -- one of my husband'd meds just got moved up to a higher tier, and we have to co-pay $42 next year where we were paying $7 for the same Rx this year. He has 6 other Rx meds, and I have 4. It adds up.

    Then we have all the other expenses most homeowners do, and we have to eat...that's one reason we share the household, and expenses, with my sister and her son. We'd be living on the edge, if not for that.

    The crappy economy and the insurance companies' stranglehold is bad enough, but if Palin or any of her ilk get elected to positions where they control this country's future, I think the 4 of us might seriously consider moving -- to some other country.

  5. Anonymous8:23 AM

    My sister and husband were self-employed most of their lives, so insurance was outrageous. A dozen or so years ago, the bought a home in the Baja Peninsula and spend 8-10 months of the year there. Because of being property owners, they have fantastic medical care at very low prices.

    When stationed at Fort Bliss many years ago, we would cross the border to shop in Juarez. Although we didn't need to purchase drugs there, it was amazing to see that things like Amoxycillin was selling for about $10 for 100 pills - without a prescription needed!

  6. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Plus dental insurance is a scam..I worked for Delta for quite some time and they used to have certain times of the year where head of Delta put out to deny all crown work...I was like WTF??? Plus then Delta than screwed the workers by moving locations that was less expensive...of course they did not tell them we were being replaced but needed extra help and if we could train them...1 year later were the layoffs

  7. MacAndCheeseWiz6:28 PM

    Jon Stewart never fails, his comedic style is sheer genius!


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