Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Liz Smith weighs in on the Levi Johnston career path.

Let’s talk here about Levi Johnston and then, possibly, we can forget about him for 2010. I was amused reading the gay columnist Michael Musto’s interview with Sarah Palin’s almost-son-in-law. Here, Levi displayed uncommon good sense in refusing to discuss the details of his romance with Palin’s daughter, Bristol. He said: "I’m not gonna get into that. That’s too personal."

But Levi got in another shot across the bow of the ex-governor of Alaska, saying he actually voted for her in the last election: "At the time, she was gonna be my mother-in-law, and everything was good. I knew some things but I was gonna marry her daughter. I wouldn’t vote for her again – I’ll tell you that. She puts on a big front. She’s a big backstabber. She said things to me and things behind my back. And the truth really comes out now!"

Now we have seen almost all that Levi has to offer. The Playgirl photos of him escaped onto the Internet and there he is, nude, if not in the mood.

He doesn’t look all that confident after deciding against frontal nudity. So there’s only "backal" nudity.

Levi is an attractive young man. But he comes off with a "dumb-as-a-stump" affect. For those girls who desire an Erica Jong-type zipless you-know-what, that might be appealing. But I fear this is it for Levi.

Perhaps Sarah Palin is sincere in saying she’ll welcome him back into the fold. (It would be better to have him, in the words of LBJ, "pissing out of the tent instead of pissing into the tent!" She does need him to shut up about her. Maybe he’ll go back to Alaska, return to school or get a real job.

But ongoing celebrity? Hmmm, for some wannabes the limelight is a big lemon that can never be made into lemonade.

A couple of things worth discussing here.

For one I agree with Ms. Smith that Levi shows some class by refusing to discuss the intimate details of his relationship with Bristol. That is both gentlemanly and mature of him. (It is worth noting that this his level of maturity FAR exceeds that of his almost mother-in-law.)

However I do not fault Levi for not revealing his schlong to the leering masses. I know he disappointed his many gay and cougar fans, but it was the right choice. (Besides everybody up here knows that Alaskan men are hung like water buffalo and there is no sense in making men in other states feel inadequate. I am just saying.)

As for being dumb, well I would not say that Levi is dumb. I would say that he is still unsophisticated and essentially very shy at heart. Remember he did not have much time to prepare before he was thrust into the spotlight. It chose him, not the other way around. However if you were lost in the Alaska wilderness with Levi you would suddenly be very appreciative of his expertise.

The LBJ reference is interesting as well. Yeah I bet that Sarah would MUCH rather have Levi "pissing out of the tent, rather than into it". However Sarah packed up her damn tent and left Levi standing here without his son, AND with a very full bladder. So I think her chances of being on the receiving end of a "golden shower" are pretty damn good!

Not only that, but there are a number of other Palin "under the bus" alumni getting ready to empty THEIR bladders as well. Gee I hope she likes water sports! (Too far?)

And while I am on the subject of Levi and his career, I would like to make another point.

People have been very critical of his lawyer and manager, saying that they have turned Levi into a celebrity and taken away his chances for a regular life. But let me remind you that there are people who would very much like to keep Levi from talking about what he knows concerning Sarah Palin. Very dangerous people, who might be more than willing to do harm to some punk kid in Wasilla. But they will find it much harder to touch a guy standing in a perpetual spotlight.

How many seconds do you think it would take the media to be all over Wasilla if anything happened to Levi or his family? And how long before they were able to identify the strangers in town, discover who had sent them, and what they were trying to do?

Remember things are not always as they appear.


  1. Anonymous8:53 AM

    I prowl the anti-palin sites hungry for hope. Anything that points to justice and truth, finally. Today I hold onto this bit o' wisdom, Gryphen, from you.

    How many seconds do you think it would take the media to be all over Wasilla if anything happened to Levi or his family? And how long before they were able to identify the strangers in town, discover who had sent them, and what they were trying to do?

    Great point! And this is something a smartypants like Liz would never understand. Tank, Rex, and Levi are playing for Levi's, his mother's and sister's lives. That changes everything. Publicity can be another way of keeping the boogiewomen and men away. Thanks for making my day.

  2. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Interesting to think of the Limelight as protection for Levi.

    And he needs money to match what they will give Bristol, so he can help pay for his kid (s) so the judge will know that he can support Tripp.

  3. Anonymous9:06 AM

    "the gay columnist Michael Musto’s interview"
    At this point I stop reading Liz Smith's words, because I start wondering if she pre-fixes everyone's profession with their sexual orientation. Does she say the straight plumber so-n-so, the gay pianist x, the straight Republican Senator y, etc.? Does Ms. Smith expect any rational reader to take her seriously? Whatever agenda Ms. Smith may have she can not hope to forward it with such pathetic writing. She can only incite the already hateful.

    Will try to read Gryphen's comments because I have come in a small way to feel concern for Levi.

  4. Forever Anonymous9:09 AM

    Levi, stay strong, you are doing just fine. The paid negative reviews are to be expected.

  5. Anonymous9:20 AM

    I've never thought of Levi as stupid, nor as receiving bad advice. I agree that in his own milieu, out in the woods, he's probably knowledgeable and skilled. He may not be academic, but his mother said he has a learning disability, and people with learning disabilities are often quite intelligent; they just process information differently.

    I hadn't particularly thought that he was in danger- which is odd, because I certainly agree that Sarah could be dangerous and she has those extremist Christianist followers of hers who are definitely bugnuts- but I did think that keeping himself in the limelight is going to provide a bigger audience for when he does speak out.


  6. lilly9:20 AM

    Hurrah for Liz.

    As they say, what is the guy supposed to do to support himself and his family. Be a target at the Target Store?

    Smart to realize he could easily be picked off without this protective shield of celebrity.

    A reality show about Alaska, with people working in Alaska to produce it. Great for Levi, great for Alaska, great for Alaskans.

    And if his book can make a dent in Palins Teflon shield with her nutcake followers? Well, don't depend on that.

    Most of us are on to her.

  7. Anonymous9:23 AM

    True that. Levi never asked to be dragged around the national stage as another of SP's living props, and now he is making the best choices he can at this time, in these circumstances.

    Let's recall that two very classy sites were shut down because of threats against the persons and families of the site founders. (I am referring to Audrey and Morgan.)

    I have read some nasty comments that included physical violence on the "other" sites against Levi, and he is wise to keep his distance from SP and a good friend at his side.

    I would also like to say that as much as I tire of SP and her never-ending greed and dishonesty, I have never wished her physical harm.

    I think she belongs behind bars, where she will no doubt run her grifter schemes on the other inmates.

    If we were to have a quantum leap forward in social services, she would be under a brain scanning device to try and see what the heck is going on there. She is her own worst enemy.

  8. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Sarah's quote of the day-

    Divorce, Todd!! No way! Have you seen my water buffalo!

  9. I hope Tank is teaching Levi to develop a thick skin (if he doesn't already have one). Last night, Jay Leno closed his show with a big photo of Levi (from Playgirl shoot) and a nasty comment-something like "World's Biggest asshole"-not sure if I have the comment exactly right, but it was something like that.
    Well, when Liz Smith and Jay Leno are paying attention to you, it is actually good news.
    It is when they ignore you that it is bad news.
    For every Liz and Jay, there are hundreds of citizens rooting for Levi - we who understand that he is just doing what he has to and taking care of his family. Stand proud Levi!
    My advice: Don't respond in the negative - kill them with kindness - gets them every time!

  10. ICstraightsSEAK10:23 AM

    Thanks for the post G: We need to keep sticking up for Levi. I have met so many "kids" like him in Alaska. They are not dumb, they just don't give a shit about all the nonsense. A man of few words will be taken more seriously in the long run, especially when our X-GINO can't seem to STFU!!!

  11. Anonymous10:50 AM

    I completely and wholeheartedly agree with everything you have said, Gryphen. And especially with that last part, about how Levi's being in the public eye - regardless if it's for tabloid shows or reality shows or photo shoots - is the SAFEST PLACE FOR HIM TO BE. And his team knows that - God bless them for having that wisdom. People are naive if they don't understand that very, very powerful and potentially dangerous people will be deterred from taking any ill-advised action to try and intimidate him, precisely BECAUSE he is now becoming well-known. You stay there, Levi. (Btw, an Alaskan reality show with Levi and Tank Jones could be rather entertaining, right?) And I also agree, this young man is the farthest thing from dumb. Still waters run deep, I always say. Is Liz Smith a Repub? Wouldn't surprise me.

  12. SoCalWolfGal11:12 AM

    I do not think Levi is dumb. As you so rightly pointed out Gryphen, he is not sophisticated at this point in his young life, but then there are very few of us who are. I have said before, I do think he has a kind heart which is something $P will never have. I have grown very fond of Levi and wish him nothing but the best. My sincere hope is that he is smart enough to stay the hell away from Sarah Palin, file for joint custody of his son and get on with his life. His manager and lawyer have done a good job I think. Their main job is to keep him out of harm's way. I am sure there are many people close to the Quitter Queen who would happily do him real harm. And I still think Bristol is a complete idiot.

  13. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Is Palin into Golden Showers?

  14. Anonymous11:36 AM

    First of all a blind man knows Michael Musto is gay. So is Liz Smith. No secret at all. Who cares ?
    I, like many of you really care about Levi & his family. Thank God for Rex & Tank. The Johnston's need to feel that they are not alone. I've been watching Levi on TV since his Tyra appearance. You can really see how much he is growing up and getting comfortable in his skin. He looks a lot more comfortable than when he was up on that stage at the RNC.
    Did Chuck or Todd (or God ) whatever he is being called lately ever reach out to Levi and be kind to him ?
    Has Todd taught him how to fix a roof ?
    Tank has befriended Levi and the love shows. Levi showing his body, good for him. If he looked like John McCain there would be a problem.
    Sarah is riding hard on her fading looks, why can't Levi benefit from his good looks.
    I know that I am rambling, thanks for listening.
    To all those up in Alaska that have looked out for Levi, Sherry & Mercede I would like to say thank you.
    That Palin tribe is toxic. Levi has never said a bad word about Bristol.
    I hope one day when his bank account is big enough he goes and gets his girl and his son(s) and they live happily ever after. F-Sarah. I wont to see her go down, by the media,then the proper authorities. IRS, FBI, EPA, Boy Scouts.....just bring her down.

    NYC girl

  15. Anonymous11:36 AM

    I think that Levi is quite the gentleman not to discuss his relationship with Bristol. But this makes me wonder about a couple of reasons why he may need to take the high road.

    Anything that he said publicly about Bristol that defamed her could bring those same lawsuit threats that Sarah's lawyer casually tosses around. Speaking badly about Bristol could harm his standing in a custody hearing regard Tripp.

    And then there is Trig. Some people speculate that Levi and Bristol were Trig's birth parents, and that Sarah initially faked a pregnancy to cover for Bristol. Sarah and Todd's adoption of Trig provided better opportunities for the DS child in terms of health care, and freeing young, unwed teens from major responsibilities.

    However, if you are one of those who believe in the above conjecture, then Bristol and Levi may have a confidentiality agreement, meaning that if and when they gave up their parental rights to Trig (hey, Gryphen, it this when he was Tripp first or Trip?), they agreed never to make public any of the details. Levi's tender kiss of Trig at the convention always looked paternal, more loving than a guy who show to his's girl friend's "younger brother."

    Maybe Levi is being a gentleman, and maybe he just can't talk.

  16. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Someone is giving Levi very good advice (although, I suspect he's actually acting as a respectful human being) not to talk poorly about Bristol or to discuss their past or current relationship.

    He looks mature and even sweet. Sarah Palin looks like the vindictive a-hole she is.

  17. Anonymous12:04 PM

    I will forever rememer the "Golden Shower" reference. Sarah better buy a good raincoat. I think Levi will eventually come out on top. I admire him for protecting Bristol & hope that someday she will appreciate that. Good work G.

  18. "However if you were lost in the Alaska wilderness with Levi you would suddenly be very appreciative of his expertise."
    When I was in my mid fifties I went commercial salmon fishing on the B.C. Alaska border, Taku river..

    I was "in the wilderness".. I worked with a few of these "boys" from Alaska and Northern B.C. on the Canadian side of the border..

    These 'lads' were invaluable to keeping this old fart alive among the grizzly bears, fast flowing glacial rivers etc..

    Nothing but respect from me Levi..

  19. Anonymous12:09 PM

    I don't really get why there are so many stories about Levi. Is it because you have access to him? Because he's not saying anything interesting (anything that you're willing to quote, anyway)and not really DOING anything interesting. I guess I'll just be skipping over the stories about him from now on, which means I'll be skipping a big chunk of your site.

  20. Anonymous12:12 PM

    You readers probably don't know how many violent lunatics live here

  21. Anonymous12:25 PM

    9:09 AM ~ Right on. Levi, you are doing just fine. Liz is old school and was fed a certain meme that belongs with the dinosaurs. Stay in the light and stay safe.

  22. I guess we should start the "Leave Levi Alone Club." Hey, he's just a kid & doing his best. His mom's in jail probably thanks to the Palin Family, he can't see his kid because they don't want him to, he probably can't easily get a job because they would interfere, Todd has some scary ass relatives & Chuck Heath is an asshole. Let's just say this is not an easy situation. He needs money, fast money & nude photos might do it. Living in Wasilla would not be my dream locale. When Quitty arrived on the scene they showed a bar with locals in it & they scared the shit out of me. These are tough people who would not care if you disappeared.

    OT but I was in the drug store & on my way out & saw the headlines on one on those rag mags..." Sarah Palin is hearbrokenj over Todd's affair"...anyone??? What's up? Could it be? I'm sorry but if true I may open the champagne.

  23. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Excellent point about the spotlight providing Levi protection.

    I also really hope Levi does do an Alaskan reality show as Tank said on Shannyn Moore's tv program. The more I see of Levi the more I like him. And I think that would allow the rest of America to do the same and eliminate some of the negative impressions that are out there.

  24. Anonymous12:54 PM

    If Levi knows something damaging about Sarah Palin and doesn't want to talk, fine. That's his right. But I don't get the argument that he's in danger from people who don't want him to talk. If that's the case, the only way he'll ever be safe is to get the information out and remove any incentive to hurt him. And what could he know that Mercede doesn't also know? You don't see her going around with a bodyguard. Frankly, the "Levi is in mortal danger" stuff makes absolutely no sense to me. I think it's just fear mongering.

  25. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Liz Smith is 112 years old, and I am firmly on Team Levi!

    Pat in Texas

  26. Anonymous1:13 PM

    “Besides everybody up here knows that Alaskan men are hung like water buffalo and there is no sense in making men in other states feel inadequate.”


    The above quote is my all-time favorite of your one-liners. And, judging from what calls into Shannyn’s radio show, it describes the Alaskan, white male profoundly (a generalization of course, there are always exceptions).

    --Also, too, Alaskan men lead the nation in knowing that when a woman says “no,” she really means yes.

    --Alaskan men know that by living in the most socialist state in America, that only makes them more independent, more self-sufficient, and more deserving of the right to strut around like roosters with their chests puffed out--proving that English poet John Donne was wrong when he said, "No man is an island.” Because, of course, every Alaskan man knows that “A real man is an island,” just as long as every man, woman, and child who pays taxes in the other 49 states keeps subsidizing his Constitutional Rights to be a rugged, self-reliant individual, that don’t need no damn government interfering in his life, by returning to him $1.84 for every $1.00 he pays in Federal Income Taxes.

    --Alaskan men have keenly honed intellects. They all seem to be able to recite “their” opinions, word for word, from Fox News talking points.

  27. Anon 12:12
    "Your readers don't know how many violent lunatics live here"
    Kinda thought so.

    @NYC girl

    FREE PIPER (The hardest working Palin except for Trig)

  28. Well yes Alaskan men are famously proud of their individuality and sense of self-reliance. That is true.

    But when we love, we love ferociously. When we kiss, we kiss most passionately. And when we hold our lovers in our arms there is no warmer or safer place a woman could hope to be.

    We don't have a magazine named after us just because we are good listeners you know.

    But nice try at cutting us down to size, though I think you are going to need a bigger tool to do the job.

  29. I missed ET last night. They were supposed to show Levi's Thanksgiving and also the gathering in Washington state.

    I hope you find the video!

  30. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Not trying to fear monger - truly, that's not my thing. I am just being realistic when I point out that there are honestly some scary people who publicly support Sarah Palin, and also who back her from behind the scenes. It's just a fact. If Levi were simply Joe Private Citizen going about his business up in Alaska, it would be far easier for someone to approach him and intimidate him without anyone knowing about it, as they apparently did to so many others up there who know things but aren't telling...so far.

  31. Anonymous3:13 PM

    lol...nice try yourself!

  32. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Palin is desperate to keep Levi's mouth shut and capable of great evil. Levi is smart to have a bodyguard and stay in the public eye. Just like Bitney said, Palin is a sociopath. All eyes will be on Scarah if anything should "accidentally" happen to Levi or a member of his family.

    O/T -- please go read the latest post at Palingates. Scarah has taken aim at them via her Facebook page regarding their exposure of her "luxury jet tour" and babygate coverage.

  33. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Yeah Gryphen...things are not always what they seem.

    You imply that women are safe in the loving arms of an Alaskan man. But is that really true? Doesn't Alaska rate very high in the rape statistics? I'm just saying!

  34. Forever Anonymous3:42 PM

    Gryph you want me to scold you, don't you?

  35. Anonymous4:21 PM

    I'm going to get blasted for this but Alaska's rape and incest statistics (and also suicide statistics) are somewhat skewed by accepted societal standards in some of our rural communities.

    Some of these incidents are fueled by alcohol and drug consumption, yet there are groups that live here that do not live by the rules measured out by the "christian yardstick".

    Rape and incest are not seen as moral crimes in some of our rural communities, yet are treated as such by the state law enforcement agencies.

    I am not agreeing with these actions...just want to inform the outside readers how some people in Alaska think and live. Yes, many still live at odds with the accepted behaviour of their modern Christian counterparts and don't feel they are doing anything wrong.

  36. Anonymous5:20 PM

    If there are places in Alaska where rape and incest are not seen as moral crimes, then how are they skewing the statistics-- I assume if they're not seen as crimes, then they're not being reported. If they ARE being reported, then obviously some of the people involved DO see them as crimes, so the societal standards are not as "accepted" as it might seem.

  37. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Levi, stay strong and true to yourself and you will have a happy life with lots of friends. You're off to a good start!

  38. MacAndCheeseWiz6:15 PM

    Levi is doing his best with the resouces he has, and yes, he's smart to have a body guard and lawyer on his side.

    I've watched Levi grow into his skin, and I must say, Sherry did a fine job at raising him. His manners regarding Bristol and his son are to be applauded, he's a role model in that respect for teen dads everywhere. You don't learn that overnight or in the course of months, it takes years.

  39. Anonymous8:04 PM

    9:23 Anon: The line about her running her grifter schemes on her fellow inmates is hilarious. Thanks for that!

  40. hey gryphen, please read this:


    -i know this "even a FAN sees what's happening in palin's worldview" will be preaching to the choir, but it's well articulated and i think you'd find it a worthy read.

  41. Anonymous8:27 AM

    "People have been very critical of his lawyer and manager, saying that they have turned Levi into a celebrity and taken away his chances for a regular life. But let me remind you that there are people who would very much like to keep Levi from talking about what he knows concerning Sarah Palin. Very dangerous people, who might be more than willing to do harm to some punk kid in Wasilla. But they will find it much harder to touch a guy standing in a perpetual spotlight."

    I am and have been one of those people. Maybe things operate differently in the city than they do in small town Alaska. I have posted very critically of Rex, he is so far failing Levi.

    This is where I would feel that Rex is almost taking advantage of Levi. Why has Levi needed a lawyer when Levi hasn't really done anything of significant legal importance? Being an attorney, typically aren't waiting hand and foot on clients nor are there when nothing happens. Maybe the Alaska BAR says otherwise, but possible ethical issues arise if Rex is milking Levi for his naivety and money. Just looking out for Levi.

    Also, from a PR standpoint, messages that come directly from the source without the filter of an attorney have more staying power than "The Attorney Representing Levi Johnston." Would rather see him say the stuff he has, then lawyer up. Since he is not saying anything or really isn't a focal part of the media (although he probably needed an agent for the Playgirl thing and an attorney is a good medium for that..applaud).

    As for the bodyguard, just why? You are talking about Alaska...this isn't the south side of Chicago, or south central LA. Levi is paying these gentlemen for what? The money could be spent elsewhere or saved up.

    Maybe I am looking at this too harshly. Levi just needs to build credibility and an image. A kid from Alaska dragging around a lawyer and a bodyguard cannot be taken seriously. But an adult who makes his own decisions and not afraid to walk around with those protections can be. Alaska and Palins are not the mafia. Levi is the key to take them down. Levi is marginalized by these two people holding back as a person, public figure, and financially. Sorry for again another critical look at them, Levi isn't really gaining ground in the Lower 48 because no one can take him serious. Maybe in Alaska, but not down here. Like in sports, can't fire the players, so you fire the management. His managers are failing him, so get rid of the clowns and start over Levi. Do it by yourself.


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