Sunday, December 20, 2009

F**k John McCain!

I know that headline may seem harsh to some, and I apologize for being a little vulgar, but I attempted to write it a number of different ways and this version was the only one that felt right. I tell you what, YOU watch this video and see if you don't agree.

Did you hear this doddering old fool blame the partisan politics going on right on the President? Who the hell does he think he is bullshitting?

Obama has gone above and beyond the call of duty in an attempt to engage with the Republican Senators and has been rebuffed time and time again. In my opinion he has spent way too much time reaching out. You don't try to invite guests to your table when their stated intentions are to set it on fire.

From instigating their followers to disrupt town hall meetings, to making up lies about death panels, to yelling out "you lie" during a Presidential speech, these bastards have done nothing but try to derail ANY health care bill. And John McCain fucking knows it!

He also knows that the deep partisan split that started during the Clinton presidency, and deepened during the Bush years, is absolutely NOT the fault of President Obama. He is saying this on Fox News because it gives him credibility with the batshit crazy Teabagger movement that threatens to absorb his party. To survive politically he has to pander to the lowest common denominator, because the lunatics are now in charge of the mental hospital.

Because of Republican interference and disruption we now have a health care reform bill that will not accomplish a fraction of what we were promised it would. And still that is not enough for the Republicans. They are not satisfied that it is gutted, they need it to die.

Do you know why? Here let Senator Orrin Hatch explain it to you: Hatch asserted that the health bills, which he believes represent a "step-by-step approach to socialized medicine," will lead to Americans' dependence on Democrats for their health and other issues.

"And if they get there, of course, you're going to have a very rough time having a two-party system in this country, because almost everybody's going to say, 'All we ever were, all we ever are, all we ever hope to be depends on the Democratic Party,' " Hatch said during an interview with the conservative

Now do you see the problem? The Republicans KNOW that a health care reform bill will benefit the Democrats. Possibly even one as diluted as the one being drafted right now. And that scares the holy shit out of them! They are in a blind panic over losing their support in the coming elections.

So they are throwing up roadblocks, calling out insults, and refusing to participate in a last ditch effort to save their political futures. And John McCain knows this.

He knows EXACTLY what is happening and why. And yet he dares to blame the poisonous partisanship on a President who tried desperately to invite them to the party, so that THEY could enjoy the benefits of voting FOR something that will benefit the American people for decades to come.

But no. The GOP decided to gamble on sabotaging the bill so that it is a mere shadow of what it might have been, in the hopes that the American voter will be so disappointed in it that they decide to punish the Democrats and vote them out of office.

And here we are today. With a bill that has been so ravaged by Republican attacks and Democratic cowardice that this blatant interference and obfuscation may actually pay off. Which will leave both the Democratic party and the American people the losers, and the GOP victorious.

It is a blatant example of politics over people and it has been played ruthlessly by the Republican party and John McCain is just as guilty as any other member of the GOP.

So just in case you could not make out my headline, FUCK John McCain!


  1. Anonymous4:10 PM

    I just love a man who talks dirty.

  2. kerryann634:11 PM

    I think the headline is perfect. Don't change a thing.

  3. Anonymous4:17 PM

    I sent McShame an mail about his being a hypocrite about the I object that he claimed he had never seen done and I also sent the link for him to read . Isn't the first time for me I also e-mailed him and said he should be ashamed of himself for bringing palin on the lower 49.Never hear a word back though.He has a web site where you can email him.

  4. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Gryphen, you are at your very best when you are this passionate about your subject! So, HELL YEAH, F*ck McCain and that nag he rode in on!


  5. Anonymous4:25 PM

    I once had some regard for McCain. After Palin, and his emergence as just another GOP hack, I have lost all respect for him.

  6. Anonymous4:27 PM

    An email you can all send to him (courtesy of a friend):


    Let me refresh your memory, George W. Bush did not have one Democrat in his
    cabinet nor a registered Democrat working in his administration for his
    entire two terms. President Obama has two Republicans in his cabinet, Gates
    and LaHood. As for his White House staff, there are supposedly eight who are
    also members of GOP.

    George W. Bush did not veto one bill from 2001 to 2007, when the Democrats
    took control he vetoed 12 bills from 2007 to 2009.

    During President Obama's first week as President he went to Capitol Hill to
    meet with the GOP leadership, what did they do, they held a press conference
    saying they disagree with everything he is proposing.

    And Senator McCain, it takes two parties to be partisan, so yes maybe things
    are more partisan but that is because a majority of Americans spoke up in
    2008 and said they were tired of your party's way of thinking.

    Pull your selective memory senile head out of your ass and retire already.
    You've done enough damage for a lifetime.

  7. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Even though I'm a Democrat, I, too, once thought McCain was a decent Republican. He sure has gone to the dogs this past year.

  8. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Thank the Universe he isn't president. We have a chance to be the country we should be, only because he and xxxx are not in charge.

  9. No is not too harsh....Fuck John McCain. There's about five of those old farts I can't even listen to or look at & he, Lieberman & LIndsay are three of them. Saw him speaking about Visorgate today & I wanted to slap him. "He & Cindy & Todd & Sarah are such good friends. Why is everyone making such a fuss over a silly visor." Yea, right John, you're such a worm. I can't wait until you lose reelection & I'm pretty sure you will. Still remember the scathing Rolling Stone article on him during the election. I'd like to see it resurface. He's just like Mrs Palin he'll do anything for headlines.

  10. Anonymous4:45 PM

    He is an ass and I've written him more than once since he and Palin lost. Surprise - no response! I'd love to hear what his wife and daughter REALLY think about Palin and her family?
    He totally creeps me out when I watch him talk...I don't believe a word he says. I so hope people in AZ get rid of him this upcoming election!

  11. Irishgirl4:47 PM

    Feck McCain.
    I saw this earlier and I was disgusted.

  12. emrysa4:47 PM

    you GO gryphen! I say the same - F U JOHN MCCAIN!

    not just for this but for his other serious crime of choosing an unqualified fraud with a million skeltons in her closet to be his vp choice.

    wtf is wrong with arizona? this man should be jailed or committed.

  13. Anonymous4:48 PM

    This is the same douche bag that brought sarah palin to prominance. I'm with you - FJM!

  14. Anonymous4:59 PM

    I didn't read all the posts but I do agree with you, the appropriate language is the F word to this mean-spirited, lying old fart.

  15. I can't even believe that McCain can show his face in public after the life he has led. His life has been one big dog and pony show and he is only tolerated and re-elected because of the time he did as a POW. He's a joke on so many levels and the best article I've ever read detailing his joke of a life is from Rolling Stone. It's a long read but worth the time: Here's the link

  16. Anonymous5:05 PM

    F*ck McCain, Liebermann, and all the rest of the self-serving worthless money grubbing men and women in our House and Senate who bend over for the insurance lobby.

    Also, Loser McCain came out today and defended Ms. Palin for scribbling out his name on her hat. F*ck him again for not coming clean and telling the world he made a huge mistake picking her and what a total airhead she is.

  17. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Well as a resident of Arizona, I've nothing to add. The thirteen comments above express my feelings,also. Unfortunatly,the lousy pilot has no competition. His wife has the coins and Phx is in his pocket. He understands Palin's black-out of the visor, and as I pointed out to him, thats exactly why he lost.

  18. Gryphen: McCain has never got over the fact that a War Hero was beaten by a Black man.
    You all seen the distain he had for President Obama during the debates.
    Cindy seems to have disappeared again.
    I'll bet he would never allow her to be interviewed on the subject of Sarah.

  19. Anonymous5:13 PM

    AKPetMom....That is a great link. I read it back when it was published. If everyone read that they would be astonished at what a true loser he is. I sent it to some friends and family back when it was published and got the "Rolling Stone is a librul, biased" papaer. Even though all of it can be documented, they still dismissed it. Amazing.

  20. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Gryph, you are right on the mark with this. McCain may have not known right away about what a bad choice he made in choosing $P, but he certainly found out more than we know now. I'm certain your ex gov is pulling strings with him. He should just retire but he won't because they share a personality trait, the all about me and how I''m imortant trait. McCain should say less but can't shut his mouth. He's trying to say he could've done it better. But he wouldn't have. He's still a loser in the presidential sense and he's covering his ass.
    Britsy Bluebell

  21. Anonymous5:14 PM

    I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks, because he's learned a new one from the master. lying. He's now been caught twice in one week of lying, maybe that's the new definition of "mavericky"

  22. i like the headline - you are being too kind

  23. Anonymous5:23 PM

    There is something really wrong with the practice of re-electing a politician who has reached his/her 70s and still hasn't retired. These people are too busy looking backwards, instead of looking toward what is good for future generations.

    And, BTW, before anyone gets all upset that I would make such a statement, you should know that I am 62 years old and that I do love history and appreciate its value--BUT, I also clearly recognize that the future holds realities that cannot be found in history books and with the old ways of playing politics.

    The founding fathers were not old men guarding the status quo--the founding fathers were relatively young men who looked to the future.

    McCain, Palin and other Republicans and neocons who love to lie and antagonize, to stir up fear and bigotry, who think only of control and the next election (and not the welfare of their and our grandchildren and great grandchildren) will win their just reward.

    P.S. And they're not going to like that reward very much, because that "reward" will be the condemnation history.

  24. Anonymous5:26 PM

    McCain is a bitter old man. I hope he's voted out of office, time for him to go. I used to have respect for him, I no longer do.

  25. Gryph you really are being too kind.

  26. crystalwolf aka caligrl5:37 PM

    zane said...

    He's just like Mrs Palin he'll do anything for headlines.
    And $$ Zane, when Sarahpac comes out (anyday now I hear) well we should ALL check it very carefully but especially in respect to JM when something like this comes up and he doesn't call her a c****? Why? She puts $$ in his coffers so he shuts up. Hush money. As soon as she stops wait and see what he says!!!

  27. Eloquent, with brevity.

    What could be more poetic.

    Congratulations, Gryphen!

  28. Anonymous5:56 PM

    I feel sick when I think how close he and Palin came to the white house.

  29. Gryphen, if ever anyone earned the F-bomb, it's McCain, and of course that bimbo he chose as his running mate last year.

    I don't watch Fux Noise, so I had not seen that clip before--thanks for sharing it here.

  30. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Thanks for telling it like it is about John "The Bullshitter" McCain. This article, published during the campaign in Rolling Stone, should be required reading:

    He's been a nasty piece of work his entire adult life. HE'S NO HERO and never has been.

  31. Anonymous5:59 PM

    I'd be surprised if health reform makes it out of conference! So devisive.

  32. Anonymous6:11 PM

    John McCain is an idiot for introducing palin to america.
    In theory, Palin has no reason to be in the news in January, her book tour is over, she's not a politician anymore, her daughter isn't having a baby, she' not having a baby, she's already made a fuss about Letterman, death panels and climate change, why is it that I dread how she will insert herself into the news on a seemingly daily basis. How can she possibly be relevant anymore? What can she possibly have to say that anyone will listen to in the new year?

  33. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Fingers crossed that reincarnation is true.

    Imagine, if you will, John McCain kicks the bucket and about two seconds later he finds himself in the middle of...his worst nightmare. Where would that be, you ask?

    How about this: SP, in order to get more adulation from her bots, decides to publicly adopt another young-en. As she looks down at this newborn, the once John McCain looks back into his new mother's face.

    These two do deserve one another, ya know.

    P.S. Hey, John, hope you don't mind going without shoes, socks, hats and jackets.

  34. Anonymous6:22 PM

    McCain's a loser. Always was, always will be.

  35. Anonymous6:26 PM

    From a Canadian POV I think it's rather funny. I'm just starting to realize how fucked up you Americans really are in most everything you do. Your system of government is so dysfunctional now that I think it's going to destroy your country before they will see the importance of the greater good over their petty differences. Too bad for America. Good for those who would be America's future victims of war.

  36. McCain is all for self. He has a lot of nerve criticizing President Obama. We'd probably be unable to get a good night's sleep if he were POTUS with Palin as VP. They'd be antagonizing and threatening Iran, Russia, and N. Korea, big time and wouldn't waste a minute deploying troops to these countries.

    OT--Feingold is now blaming the loss of the PO on Obama instead of the spineless dems in the Senate. The Senate has a leader and a majority whip. It is their job to get the dems in line for votes. Feingold seems to forget what happened when the Clintons wrote the last failed hc bill and interfered too much in Congress. Feingold knew more about Lieberman, B. Nelson, Landrieu, Baucus, and the conservadems than the president did. They work with them everyday and have for years. If anyone could have persuaded them, it should have been Feingold and the other dems. Feingold is behaving as if the president is head of the executive and legislative branches, and as if the president didn't have anything else to do except help them get their job done. So, F_ck Feingold, too, for not doing his job. They knew Snake Liebermann was an azz. Reid thought Liebermann was onboard because he had told Reid that he was, but became a traitor in the end out of spite. Now I understand why the president insisted that Congress draft the bill. He got blamed for the loss of the PO anyway, even though he's no longer a member of the Senate and the dems in the Senate have the spines of jellyfish. I'm disgusted. Feingold didn't have to say anything. He could have worked on re-inserting the PO in Conference Committee, and Liebermann would reject it AGAIN, and no PO anyway. I don't know who he's trying to influence, but I'm not one of them after watching them cave repeatedly in crafting the Senate bill.

    What pisses me off most is the fact that even in 2009 you can't pay any republican or conservative any sum of money to say ANYTHING bad about Reagan, and he's been dead and buried for years.

  37. Oh, Anon!6:17pm you are too, too devinely wicked!! I love it, and just the karma McCain deserves! If there is someone who I despise more than Palin it McCain, because it is his fault this woman has been released as a pox on the whole world. Gryphen, my friend, in this case the F Bomb is more than appropriate. In the words of that Southern Belle, Scarlett O'Hara, "I can't think of anything bad enough to call them"!

  38. Anonymous6:55 PM

    SoCalWolfGal @ 6:38:

    Why, thank ya very much! I first thought of having J McC finding himself as an orphan in the middle of the Gobi Desert--then I remembered SP. Probably about the same thing, I suppose. lol Either way, it is deserved, divinely wicked, or not.

    Anon @ 6:17

  39. Anne in NC6:56 PM

    Gryphen, you are right on target with your wording to McCain! How dare McCain blame Obama and his lack of "bipartisanship"?! Obama has repeatedly tried to include the GOP in everything and their only answer is "NO". It is time for McCain to retire and remove himself from public service. It was certainly no service to this public to introduce Sarah Palin to the nation. She's the G*d damn gift that never stops giving! What will her next try be for attention? Who will she blame next for whatever is wrong in her life? I'm just waiting for the word that she's "quit Todd". That would be so appropriate for the "Quitter Queen".

  40. One thing that is consistent with republicans is that when they get on their high horse and bitch and moan about the democrats, it is always about something that they themselves are guilty of. I don't care what it is. They are always just repeating the very things they did, except they are projecting it onto the Democrats.

    Fuck all republicans and their brain-dead followers.

  41. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Whatever McCain may have done with his life, his SOLE legacy will be a few lines in the history books about how close the United States came to a sociopath for a president via the selection of Sarah Palin for running mate.

    The minute McCain said "I'll take Palin", he lost the right to be listened to by anyone of intelligence. All his wife's money can't buy him respect.

    Thanks for the post, Gryphen. It needed to be said.

  42. First time posting here. I have read your blog from time to time. Keep up fighting the good fight.

    It is interesting to see that John "5 Planes Crashed" McCain is now a comedian.

  43. Anonymous8:04 PM

    McCain said that visorgate was nothing because he is running against a Repug teabagger in his next primary. He probably felt that he 'had' to appeal to that faction of the party. But if at some point $arah backs or speaks well of his opponent, it will be interesting to see whether he continues to speak glowingly of her then. In fact, with his visorgate message ('it's no big deal, all Obama's fault'), he may in fact be indirectly pleading with $arah to NOT do such a thing. Doesn't he know by now that $arah will do whatever pleases her at the moment?

  44. MacAndCheeseWiz8:10 PM

    Fuck John McCain is short, sweet, and to the point. Why parse words? And it's simple enough that Republicans and Teabaggers alike will know exactly what the subject is.

    President Obama has handled himself rather well, all things considered. How can there be bipartisanship when the Republicans can't come up with a comprehensive health plan bill of their own? Their site has the Democratic version.

    John McCain should pick a house, sit down, and write a comprehensive plan of his own, because you know, he CARES about us Americans.

  45. SO .. I am STILL WAITING for John McCain to put country first, and tell President Obama how to catch Bin Laden!

    HE said he knew how!
    He wants bi-partisanship!
    HE loves his country!

    SO COME ON JOHN ............. do TELL .. or where you lying?

  46. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Well said.

    I am tired-oh, so tired-of the party of Nooooo. They and the people who support them do not give a dam* about their fellow man. Or are too blind to see that we are NOT all equal in this country. Particularly on the subject of health care. How dare McShame give a concession speech about the country coming together and then blame Congress' failures on President Obama. Our POTUS hasn't done everything that I wanted. I do not worship him. He is a man who has struggled to meet these Bozos at the center (in fact, stepping over the line a bit too often for my taste). However, I will continue to support him because at least he has a brain, and with everything that he has on his plate (put there by the last Administration mind you) it is a miracle that he isn't running across the White House lawn with his head exploding.

    I have e-mailed our "fine" Republican Senator repeatedly over the HC bill and continue to receive a bunch of blather about tort reform back from her. No suggestions on what she would rather see.

    Drop the F-bomb on all of them I say!

  47. Gasman8:56 PM

    John McCain was willing to take a chance that Sarah Palin -SARAH PALIN! - might actually become president. McCain obviously doesn't give a fat rat's ass about our country. He is a partisan hack who cares only for power. He is still more concerned with GOP control than he is the vitality of this country. He is no patriot and can go straight to hell as far as I am concerned.

    Fuck John McCain.

  48. Was going to write something else. The thought just crossed my mind, imagine $arah's reaction if John dies in the next three years. OMG she'll come totally unglued.

    I'm in AZ and want him defeated. Throw in Kyl too, they need to go, go, go.

  49. I guess old Numb Nuts and Brittle Babe are having the Palins down to Sedona for Christmas, eh? Seems natural for such "close" friends.

    Hey, John: did you get the message that your former running mate just got Liar of the Year award? Just makes you proud as peaches, doesn't it?

    Now you can boast that you pal around with fools, liars and hypocrites. Good for you!

  50. Well, if the Republicans had delivered any kind of health care bill during the Bush years spearheaded by the Republican party, they might have had a chance of winning, even with McCain/Palin. But they didn't. And now they have to see that no one gets anything because they won't get credit for it. (Not that if it passes, they won't claim credit.)

    Even if health care dies, they are a dead party. Because we will blame them for obstructing healthcare. I already blame them for destroying the bill even if it does pass.

    And yes, McCain is an a$$ as are Nelson, Reid, Lieberman and every single Republican.

    I'm Italian. I have a long memory. I don't forget and I don't forgive. Yes, I am vindictive. I do retaliate. I will punish them with my votes and with my contributions. I'll give money to anyone who runs against these bozos and boots them out of office.

  51. I think old Cindy would rather drink poison than ever have to socialize with the Palins again. Give her the old Budweiser mafia anyday. As I recall her dad did jail time for corruption. McCain's first wife worked for the Reagan administration & she was in a horrific accident while McCain was a POW, but word on the street was he was not nearly as noble as he's led you to believe her was & sang like a bird to the Vietgong. The "beoved Reagans" would have little to do with him after his treatment of his first wife. All part of the Rolling Stone article. Gryphen you might what to pull it up & print parts of it. Keep fighting the good fight.

  52. Gryph, Right on Point!

    AKPetMom - Thank you for the link, great piece!
    I can't even believe that McCain can show his face in public after the life he has led. ... It's a long read but worth the time: Here's the link

  53. Here is another link I found on John McCain and the POW subcommittee
    Especially those of Sydney Schanberg.
    Check out the links from commenter Liberella,Production Assistant


  55. It can't be said too many times, Fuck John McCain for unleashing Sarah Palin, the Wicked Witch of Wasilla on the rest of the country. She is a plague and a cancer, and she will take you and the rest of the Republican party down with her in 2010.

    So John keep going on TV and telling the world ho much you love the deranged psychopath you chose to be your running tried to pull the biggest political hoax in US history, and fortunately it blew up in your face, asshole.

    Go drink some prune juice with a few Viagra pills so you can pork that bag of bones wifey of yours...

  56. Any party the continually votes 100% party line is an obstructionist party.
    republicans have done this from Clinton and continue to do so now.
    republicans have no soul,no independent thinkers, they are moral cowards, afraid of the religious right and their fellow republicans.
    I laugh when they accuse the Democrats as socialists, they act more like Nazi's, no thoughts among them, acting en mass under the order of their leader.
    They will have much to answer for now and in the future.

  57. ""And if they get there, of course, you're going to have a very rough time having a two-party system in this country, because almost every body's going to say, 'All we ever were, all we ever are, all we ever hope to be depends on the Democratic Party,' " Hatch said during an interview with the conservative"

    And with this kind of thinking, the rethugs are the ones to blame for the watered down bill. Hopefully, there are enough voters that see this. That they see if only the rethugs had worked with the Administration, they would have had a better shot of getting elected. When the GOP opposes everything that is good for America, people will understand that they are NOT Country First.
    I'm also very disappointed in this bill. But hold out some hope, because it still has to go back to the House, into how many (?) conferences, back to the Senate, etc. And hopefully, they'll not re-elect the obstructionist Democrats, get rid of a whole lot of far right rethugs and the bill will improve. Like Mudflats said, and I can't quote the exact words, think of it as a seed, where it can be turned into a beautiful blossom before it's all said and done. (that was my understanding. Not enough coffee in me to go back and cut and paste. Too early in the A.M.)

  58. SunnyJane, you said this,

    "Now you can boast that you pal around with fools, liars and hypocrites. Good for you!"

    You are soooo right.They are two of a kind. And they both prove it more and more daily.

    Way to go.

  59. I guess I'm not the only one yelling at my television set when I hear about John McCain, and his criticisms of the health care bill, and of our current President. I am just glad that JM is not the POTUS.

    He's an old fart, and his 15 minutes of fame are almost over.

  60. I was just thinking I don't think there is a single one of us bloggers that if elected to represent our constituents would do what this band of assholes has done. People are hungry, dying, losing their houses, jobs etc. to show so little empathy is just astounding to me. Even if I were a conservative I would be angry & appalled by their actions. I don't know how they can live with themselves & look at each other. It is so arrogant & meanspirited. I guess this is one of the things that go awry in a democracy when you no longer have the publics' interest at heart.

  61. Good Hevens...Republican Tom Coburn (OK) got on the Senate floor & said a prayer that hopefully someone would not be able to cast their vote, referring to Robert Byrd who is 92 & in bad health & the weather in Washington is terrible. This god that these folks had concocted is certainly partisan & evil & apparently doesn't give a s*** about the rest of us. Jesus. This is disgraceful & the American pulbic should not accept this behavior. They are pandering to the racist ignorant population & telling them is ok to wish people dead.

  62. Here's the excerpt you're talking about, Bones AK:

    "Although McCain stresses in his memoir that he married Cindy three months after divorcing Carol, he was still legally married to his first wife when he and Cindy were issued a marriage license from the state of Arizona. The divorce was finalized on April 2nd, 1980. McCain's second marriage — rung in at the Arizona Biltmore with Gary Hart as a groomsman — was consummated only six weeks later, on May 17th. The union gave McCain access to great wealth: Cindy, whose father was the exclusive distributor for Budweiser in the Phoenix area, is now worth an estimated $100 million.

    McCain's friends were blindsided by the divorce. The Reagans — with whom the couple had frequently dined and even accompanied on New Year's holidays — never forgave him. By the time McCain became a self-proclaimed "foot soldier in the Reagan Revolution" two years later, he and the Gipper had little more than ideology to bind them. Nancy took Carol under her wing, giving her a job in the White House and treating McCain with a frosty formality that was evident even on the day last March when she endorsed his candidacy. "Ronnie and I always waited until everything was decided and then we endorsed," she said. "Well, obviously, this is the nominee of the party.""

    It's an excellent article. I read it last year and copied it into a Word document so I could print it out for my husband, who hates to read anything on the computer.

  63. Anonymous6:00 AM

    Zane - They haven't had the public's interest at heart for a long time. They don't have the country's interest at heart. They are merely there for themselves.

    We need term limits for offices, but more than that, we need term limits on politicans. We don't need professional proliticans, we need people who willing to leave their jobs, serve this country and then return to their jobs.

    Professional politicans have ruined this country.

  64. Anonymous6:01 AM

    Sorry if this was posted. It's a sickening example of what the PartyOfNo has become:

    From Youtube:
    Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL), called out Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) on the United States Senate floor for asking that the American people pray that a US Senator not be able to make it to the late night/early morning vote on health care reform. Despite Durbin's request that Coburn come out the Senate floor to explain his comments, the cowardly Senator from Oklahoma went into hiding.

  65. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Oh...and FUCK JOHN McCAIN also too.

  66. Anonymous6:10 AM

    The Rolling Stone article on McCain is jawdropping. He is a spoiled brat, always was, and still is.

    His attitude toward women is just lovely too.

    If had not been flying where he was NOT supposed to, he would not have been captured and there would be NO career. If her were not a POW everyone would know he is a POS.

  67. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Ummm? McCain is right and not for the reasons you would think. Obama hasn't been working with the Republicans, outside of Coburn. Honestly why should he? We have 60 in the Senate (59 for the nitpickers) and a majority in the House. As a matter of policy, Obama has no obligation to work with Republicans. As a matter of PR, then maybe.

    We have majorities in both chambers and have the executive. Any projection at Republicans stopping this is just water under the bridge. They aren't stopping us at all. They can't stop health care, they can't stop cap and trade. The only ones holding us back is our own.

    And what the hell is going on with comments? Seriously people, calm the hell down. This site is going to hell in a handbasket fast. Half the comments are practically underreadable, inaccurate, or just hate-filled. And honestly, I think we are better than that. Don't sink to the level the Republicans. Also, some less bold commentors aren't going give their view reading some of the responses. I only post because I don't give a crap if someone disagrees with me. :P Just calm the F%$$#% down.

    I think I am being rather cautious since I don't see 2010 as being a good year for us. We will probably hold a small majority in the house and lose 2-3 Senate seats--those being a big deal as they take away the filibuster. I see the writing on the wall.

  68. Anonymous6:42 AM

    After all the F Bombs could we please move on.

  69. Thanks for the excerpt Sunnyjane. It would be nice to harp on this & hopefully Keith or Rachel will pick it up & run with it. His ex lives in Virginia & has had a million surgeries & still has plenty of pain. I believe she is on some disability & won't come out & say negative things about McCain. Ross Perot also helped McCain out after he returned from Vietnam as he did many POW's . He has publically said negative things about him & does not like him. He was a disgrace to his family, his father was some sort of a big deal at West Point I believe & he's a disgrace to this country. Fuck you John McCain.

  70. You nailed that one, Gryphen! I'm so sick of McCain and Palin, what can we do to get them to stfu and get outta sight? We have enough problems in this country and they certainly aren't helping solve any of them. Oh yeah, they have money in their pockets so they can run their flappy jaws. They are both toxic, we don't need them.

  71. You should have worked the C-word in there somewhere--isn't that one of McCain's favorites? *wink*

  72. Anonymous7:36 AM

    ummm Anon 6:42.......I could and should say the obvious.

  73. John has NO integrity nor any honor!

  74. If what we have is an example of the two party system, then why do we need one? If anyone killed the Republican was the Republicans. Credit where credit is due.

    Let's see the Independents rise up. And a few years down the road maybe the Green party can overshadow the Democrats. I'm not so pleased with their lack of discipline or a back bone.

    Who needs a two party system if your choices are fascist or feckless?

  75. Who needs a two party system if your choices are fascist or feckless?

  76. Anonymous5:03 PM

    I certainly agree with the majority of you on this topic, but wow, stay classy folks! Rational venting is one thing, but some of you have seemed to have gone down the rabbit hole where the Palin crowd resides and spews their nonsense!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.