Sunday, December 20, 2009

Wonderful speech about gay marriage delivered in New York by Senator Diane Savino.

I don't believe I have ever heard the issue defined anymore clearly than this.

(H/T to longtime reader Roger.)


  1. Oh, my God! What a beautifully made statement! I know some gay couples who represent not just "sex," but love, committment and respect for each other. If ONLY those of who who are heterosexual couples represented these same things, this country would be a LOT better off.

  2. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Kudos to Sen. Savino and ditto sunnyjane

  3. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Senator Savino... come to Texas, my dear. We need more folks like you!

  4. Anonymous4:36 PM

    someone should alert andrew sullivan to this...

  5. MacAndCheeseWiz7:35 PM

    Thanks for sharing this clip! The Senator most eloquently stated the truth. The ones who make a mockery of marriage run the gamut from the pillars of society to the common people.

    The people who have to fight tooth and nail for what should be a given, are those who are most willing to put in the hard work to make their relationships and marriages thrive.

    I wish more people felt the way she does.

  6. Jenny Hanniver5:43 AM

    Thanks so much, Senator! I'm a 73-year-old Straight woman, a mother and grandmother, with lots of wonderful Gay and Lesbian friends--thanks to my Unitarian Universalst church being a "welcoming church" to all people. I'm also a military veteran. A Lesbian friend in one of my vets' antiwar groups sent this to me. It's long past time to ensure full LGBT civil rights in every aspect of our culture and put an end to the hypocritical Don't Ask, Don't Tell in the military!


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